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CLC 12 - Final Capstone Proposal and Reflection

Name: Hayoon Park

Topic: Market Research and Website Creation of Korean Product
Focus Area: Product Creation Focus
Inquiry Question: How can innovative approaches in marketing/promotion through
implementation of cultural influence affect the community’s cultural
awareness? What are the methods of doing that?
Presentation Method: PowerPoint and Website featuring
Presentation Time & Date: January 16th, 2:45 to 3:05

1) Capstone Project Summary:

In the box below, please type out a 200 – 300-word summary highlighting the key points and
information that you plan to present during your Capstone Project presentation.

For my capstone, I was initially thinking of holding up sales of Korean products to bring awareness to the
school community and learn about business administration. But this idea came from what I have already
experienced in grade 9 marketing class. So, I have decided to create something new, something that I have
not experienced before. I also had a question and doubt that doing sales strongly bring the awareness.
Then, I decided to do market research around our community by doing a survey, and from then, I can
determine and analyze the general interest that the people have. So, after I did the market research, I
thought of creating a website or a blog that introduces different Korean tangible goods. Major reason of
choosing to make a website is because I believe that a website would be easy to target a broad scale of
people in our community as it can be accessed anywhere at any time. So, I did my research on how to
make a blog. Through investigating and exploring various different sources, I found the one that suits the
best for me.

2) Core Competencies:
In the boxes below, explain how your project or the work we’ve done in CLC 12 Class demonstrates
your abilities and skills from each section of the Core Competencies. (You must choose at least two
points from each skill area of the core competencies.) *This was also done in your Capstone Draft
Proposal, so if the skills and abilities still apply and have not changed, then you can copy and paste
your answers in the Final Capstone Proposal*

Core Competency: How you demonstrate it in Capstone Project:

Personal Awareness & 1. I understand learning takes patience and time.
Throughout my 11 years of school, I was exposed to variety of different
learnings and education. By now in my 12th year, I perceive that learning
takes patience and time due to several reasons, but mainly two
components, skill development, and failure and resilience. Sometimes,
learning requires skills to be involved. For examples, if you are beginning
to learn a new instrument or mastering a new language, you will need
time to build your skills, and your body and mentality to get used to the
skills so you can fully own it. Or for instance of studying, you need to
adapt a skill/method that can regulate yourself to study for a topic, quiz,
or a test. Perhaps it could be reviews before bed, study aid, etc. Failure
and resilience are also an aspect that makes learning take patience.
Learning often involves making mistakes and encountering setbacks.
Overcoming these challenges and continuing to learn from them requires
patience and the willingness to persist despite setbacks. These are the
reasons that supported me to perceive that learning needs patience and
2. I understand my decisions and actions can affect me.
How I understood that my decisions and actions can affect me is through
the awareness of consequences that follow my choices. The
consequences often have effects on me positively or negatively of
neither. The awareness and experiences of consequences allows me to
make informed decisions, take responsibility for your actions, and adapt
my behavior based on the outcomes. Which evinces that every action
and decision that I choose to do will result in shaping my ideology by the
outcomes. In the start of my English 11 course, I chose to procrastinate
my homework and spend time with my friends as I thought it’d be more
valuable to have memories. But, as the time went by and more
assignments were assigned, the homework that I procrastinated created
a snowball effect, which made all the other assignments harder to finish
on time. Also, procrastinating became much easier to commit after that

Social Responsibility 1. I am aware of my community and environment and work

independently and collaboratively for the benefit of others.
I consistently balance independent initiatives with collaborative efforts
to better the lives of others. One example of my independent work is my
regular involvement in local environmental clean-up volunteers hosted
by a school organization, Envision, where I took my initiative to organize
and execute clean-up drives to benefit the environment and the
community to become cleaner and more sustainable.

2. I have positive peer and intergenerational relationships. Social

Throughout my years in secondary, I have consistently shown empathy
and inclusivity by actively connecting and building relationships with
peers and friends, even mentoring them about the problems and issues
they face in times. One of the examples was the case of my friend who
was going through emotional trauma due to breaking up with her
boyfriend. I suggested her ways that she could overcome, and eventually
after time, she was able to get over with her trauma and returned to her
original emotional state. Also, my dedication to intergenerational
connections is evident through my respects towards the elders and
seniors in all places. As I have ethnic identity that highly values
Confucianism, I generally show great respects and honors towards

Critical Thinking 1. I can assess my progress.

For Chemistry 11 course from last year, I proactively sought feedback
from peers and the teacher, using this input to make necessary
improvements. Also, I maintained a detailed notes on what aspects of
the course I need to study more to lead up to a preparation for the final
exam. I consistently reflected on the assignments and tests for my
personal growth, which allows my progress in the course build greater
progress. This reflective practice allowed me to evaluate personal goals,
recognize areas where I have excelled, and acknowledge the room to
improve. All my commitment to self-assessment undoubtedly
contributed to my continuous growth.
2. I can analyze and make defensible judgements, draw conclusions,
and consider a variety of perspectives.
For a Mock Trial from Law 12 last year, as a role of foreperson of jury, I
exhibited exceptional critical thinking skills by presenting deliberation
from the member of jury considering multiple viewpoints including both
the prosecuting and defensing sides. During the conversation within jury,
I was able to appeal my analysis on the case and my idea of verdict
considering verity of perspectives. At the end, I could draw a consensus
within the members of jury, then deliberate it to the Judge. This shows a
great ability to make judgements, draw conclusions, and consider a
variety of perspectives.

Creative Thinking 1. I can use the environment around me, including others, and my
unconscious mind to generate new ideas.
I demonstrate remarkable ability to harness the environment, engage
with others, and tap into my unconscious mind to generate innovative
ideas. During a recent group brainstorming session for Chemical Switch
Lab in Chemistry 12, I skillfully incorporated diverse perspectives from
my team members, then introduced an ingenious idea based on the data
we learned from the lessons. This also showcases a talent for idea
generation that consistently pushes boundaries and inspires fresh
2. I can persevere and understand that failure can be productive.
In Pre-Calculus 12 from last year, despite initial difficulty with complex
equations, I persisted, finding help from my peers and practicing until I
mastered the materials. This perseverance not only led to improved
grades but also honed my problem-solving skills. My perseverance could
only exist because I had failures. In the beginning of the course, I
struggled hard on the tests. However, because I had resilience and
understanding of the learning process, I was able to convert my failure to
an incentive to improve, which demonstrates that failure can be

Communication 1. I can work with other students to plan, inquire, and solve
For a group project in Computer Programming 11/12 from last year, I
was able to take the initiative to lead the planning phase, coordinating
meet ups and setting clear objectives. During the meet ups, I encouraged
the members to open a discussion and ensure that everyone’s ideas and
voices are implemented to our project. During the time where there was
conflict within the group, I was able to stand neutral and help
negotiating to come up to a consensus. This demonstrates my ability to
work with others.
2. I can reflect on the processes of learning and share what I have
I can possess a strong capacity for self-awareness and effective
knowledge sharing. For a novel study from English 11, I performed a
thoughtful reflection piece that not only delved into my personal growth
but also provided fresh insights into the book's themes, enriching class
discussions. I was able to connect and convey my emotions to the plot
and the themes enabling the learning to be reflective to myself, leading
to valuable sharing.

Personal & Cultural Identity 1. I can define myself in terms of my relationship to others and to
the world.
I likely excel in building meaningful connections and empathizing with
diverse perspectives through club and organization activities. Within
clubs and organizations, I perform great relationships between the
members in diverse ways. I also ensure to build relationship to the world
by contributing to multicultural experiences or by actively participating in
community service initiatives. As it is important to refine our self-
definition from internal influences, I believe that it is also important to
perceive external influences to refine our identity of a community, while
ensuring that our self-definition remains authentic. Balance is
significantly important in most times.
2. I understand what is important to me.
As I am an immigrant from another nation, I have different cultural and
ethnical background. Once I was new to Canada, I was very shy and felt
ashamed of my different ideology. However, after years, I learned that
my ideology is not something to hide from people, for it identifies who I
am. From then, I was able to not solely rely on external influences but
find my personal values. This instance enabled me to classify what is
important to me and what is not. Although our ideology keep change
over time and influences, I am firmly sure on what the important things
are to me now.

3) Presentation preparation:
In the boxes below, answer the following questions: What will you require from your teacher, what will
you need to bring and what still needs to be completed between now and your Capstone presentation
a) What will you require from your teacher in order to do your Capstone presentation? (Ex: Laptop,
table, poster paper, projector, etc…)

I will be presenting in PowerPoint, so I will need a laptop to show the PowerPoint slide on the class TV.

b) What will you need to bring in order to do your Capstone presentation?

Perhaps the physical copy of an infographic/poster I used for the market research. I may be bringing some
products to feature and showcase.

c) What still needs to be completed between now and your Capstone presentation day?

Between now and my Capstone presentation day, I need to complete the PowerPoint, perhaps do some last
edits to the website that I created, prepare what and how to speak in the presentation, and other minor
touches to the Capstone.

4) References and explanation of sources:

Please paste all your current list of sources along with a brief explanation of what you used them for in
your research. All these sources should also be listed on your website on your References page.

Literature Research Review – Attached as a separate document. This was done in the beginning of the
capstone to build general research and understating of the topic.

Reference for the market research survey

URLs for the video guide:

Video Guides for Website/Blog Creation

URLs of video guides:
Final Capstone Project Reflection Questions
(Please give specific detailed answers.)

1. In the process of completing your Capstone Project, what did you learn about your subject? What did
you learn about your skill set? What did you learn about yourself?

Throughout the completion of my capstone project, I delved into the intricate cultural backgrounds
associated with diverse products. It signified my proficiency and skills in gathering, selecting,
evaluating, and analyzing evidence for validity. Recognizing that these skills are potent catalysts for
project progression, I understood how my analytical capabilities could significantly contribute to
success. This realization not only fortified my confidence in navigating cultural intricacies but also
highlighted the pivotal role of evidence-based decision making in achieving meaningful progressions.

2. How is your project relevant to you? How is it relevant to the school? How is it relevant to the
The Project is relevant to me in the sense that I am creating a project that is related to my culture and
its products. Also, I always had some interesting in marketing and promotional project as they are big
aspects of business industry, which I am looking forward to work in. It relates to the community
because bringing the awareness of diverse culture is a huge aspect in cultural international wellbeing
of a community. It is great to share the opportunity to be introduced to diversity in an educational area
such as school.

3. What impact did your Capstone have on you?

Personally, Capstone caused a huge impact on my mindset. In the beginning, I treated capstone as
something to just get over with, like any other school assignment/project. However, Capstone was
more than what I initially expected. At first, Capstone felt overwhelming because I couldn’t find my
interest and didn’t know how to complete what by the deadline. But when I started to face the
overwhelming barriers and attempt to climb over them, I started to see the way through, and capstone
felt like it was worth more than just a project. As I dove in deeper to the project, it inspired me to
embark on new ideas and passions. By the midpoint of my capstone, it converted from a project to an
exciting journey. Before, I was only afraid of the challenges I face, but once I switched up my mindset, I
wasn’t afraid of anything and rather just built a new path to overcome the challenge and generate new
perspectives to the project. Capstone not only gave me lessons and built skill sets, but it impacted my
personality and mindset.

4. What aspects of your project are you most proud of?

One thing I am most proud of about my capstone project is turning to a new idea of creating a website.
The reason for this idea came out was because I had a thought that just holding up a sale would not be
a good idea to approach to a broad scale of people. As my initial purpose of this project was to bring
awareness of Korean tangible goods, I thought of making a website/blog that features the tangible
goods, so that a broad scale of people can access it.

5. What was a difficulty you encountered while researching your Capstone project? How were you able to
overcome those obstacles?
One difficulty that I encountered was losing the motivation to work. As I put myself more into the
project, and kept telling myself that I could do it, the more it became fun. I overcame the obstacle by
committing to face the challenge. In essence, the key lay in fostering a resilient mindset, where
challenges were viewed not as roadblocks, but as steppingstones towards personal and project-related
development. This shift in perspective played a crucial role in rekindling my passion for the work at
hand, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and rewarding experience.

6. What is the one thing you would have changed about your project if you could?
I am very proud of how I came so far with my capstone. But if I could start over from the beginning, I
would like to try making a project about stock investment. Doing research about stocks, mutual fund,
etc. and actually running a stock simulation and see the process of profiting off from the investments.

7. What advice would you offer to future Capstone students to help them with their Capstone journey?

I would advise them to not consider capstone as just a project you need to complete to graduate. I
would tell them to consider it as like a journey, and don’t worry about failure, because there can be
failure in capstone and only success. Have passion for your topic and just go with it. There may be
challenges and barriers, but there are greater returns and a feeling of accomplishments in overcoming.

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