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English oral

- We are here today to discuss the following topic…

- Lets start by discussing…..
- Would you like to share your view on…

Allow me to collect my toughts for a moment… / Let’s think about that for a moment

- I couldn’t agree more
- I think you have a very interesting point there
- I fully agree with your comment

- I see where youre coming from, however
- Interesting point, could you elaborate on….
- I take your point, however

- Could you elaborate on that?
- I wonder if you could give me an example of that?
- Could you explain the part about… one more time
- Could you give me an example of that please?


Today I will hold a small presentation about..

Explain the subject shortly…

Nowadays it its more important.


Betrek het op jezelf:

In my personal experience….. I also experienced this and this… Because of this I

understand that there….

Give you opinion on it if you agree or disagree

Give 2 points in favor

And 1 point against.
What is important when designing a website could be….
- Making sure it has a professional layout, in addition it should be easily accessible
for any type of guest.
- Furthermore, it is of importance that
- However, there are limitations to building a website as it is costly / expensive.
- Nowadays, there are multiple / plenty of website. OTA’s will be used even more
than perhaps a

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