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Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition

Continuing Airworthiness Part

Management Procedures 01

1.9.8 Work Package Policy

The Technical Planning section is responsible for the preparation of the Work Order (WO) required
per maintenance check, repair or overhaul for planned and unforeseen maintenance activities. In
addition, they should communicate with the approved maintenance organizations for the
accomplishment of the maintenance check.

The work package index should include the scheduled ADs, CMP tasks, JAV special work
requirements (repair, modification, etc…) and any additional maintenance work that would fall due
before the next scheduled maintenance of same nature.

The Technical Planning section should control each work package by issuing a W O
(JAV/CAMO/031), including the check number, date, index and other check contents such as
additional tasks maintenance work prior the dispatch of aircraft to maintenance and this W O
should be signed and provided back to JAV representative prior the issuance of CRS,(where each
task within the WO will have its own cover Page briefly describing the requirements of the task
indicating the category of the work i.e. critical ,Independent, and any special approval related to the

In case the work package includes any work related to Engine Replacement on any of JAV
Aircraft; the CAMO Manager shall within one week inform CARC of such change; so CARC would
be able to updates their records.

It is the responsibility of JAV Head of Quality to ensure all contracted AMO has an appropriate
system effectively monitor and control the critical tasks as required by Part M.402.

- Critical Maintenance Task means a maintenance task that involves the assembly or any
disturbance of a system or any part on an aircraft, engine that, if an error occurred during its
performance, could directly endanger the flight safety.

- For ETOPS approved Aircraft; when preparing the Work Package, a special attention shall
be made in coordination with the service engineering department to minimize scheduled or
unscheduled maintenance during the same maintenance visit on more than one parallel or
similar ETOPS-significant system. Minimization can be accomplished by staggering
maintenance tasks, performing and/or supervising maintenance by a different technician, or
verifying maintenance correction actions prior to the aircraft entering an ETOPS threshold

In case any maintenance activity (ADs, mandatory SBs, tasks...) required to be accomplished
while the Aircraft during operation, work package must be issued and submitted to the contracted
AMO in order to be accomplished before their due time.

The Technical Planning section will also review the closed work package after each maintenance
check, and confirm that all required maintenance activities within the aircraft check package have
been performed.

Issue: 06 Rev: 00 Page 67 of 122

Date: Dec 2020 Date: Dec 2020

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