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Timestamp 8/30/2023 9:32:29

NAME Rosemarie Vizcarra Laxina

1. Executive secretaries have access to As an executive secretary, I represent not only the office I
confidential information and you need to am working in but also myself with a credible personality.
make sure that they understand the Therefore, I should know when to disclose certain or
importance of discretion. How would you private information to someone else or any other
deal with a person asking you to divulge supervisor. But if a directive did not come directly from my
private information that the supervisor told boss to disclose as such then I will not do it.
2. Explain the importance of maintaining The importance of maintaining accurate and organized
accurate and organized records in an records is like keeping these records in a safe place to
administrative role. How would you handle maintain the data accuracy and privacy of each document
sensitive or confidential information while and record.
managing records and documents?

Handling sensitive or confidential information is the same

as "what you see, what you hear, leave it here". In this
case, whatever information that I have read must be kept
within me only, unless there is a directive to dish out
needed information, then let it be.
3. How you prioritize and manage multiple Prioritizing and managing multiple tasks and requests from
tasks and requests from different divisions different divisions within the organization needs a lot of
within the organization? What strategies concentration and time management (knowing which is the
would you employ to ensure effective first priority to be solved).
communication within the office and with
external stakeholders? During this kind of situation, it is important for me to apply
the character of diligence. Diligence goes hand-in-hand
with concentration and with a certain goal to achieve within
a certain hour, day, week, etc. Therefore, it is important to
check which requests from these divisions need to be
settled first (the ones that most need to be solved), then
make sure that the requests must be addressed first and
continue to the next priority until I can address them to the
least priority.
4. Describe the process you would follow to Tracking a certain document and retrieving it is a process.
track and retrieve important documents I need to use a certain logbook or application to check on
efficiently? "who" received it, "what" time, and "when" that person
received the document.
5. How would you handle phone calls and In handling phone calls and inquiries from both internal
inquiries from both internal and external and external stakeholders professionally and effectively
stakeholders professionally and effectively? are:
1. be alert
2. voice must be "welcoming" which means making them
feel that you are there to help.
3. be attentive to what they are telling me, so that I would
be able to address their concern properly.
4. maintain a "welcoming" voice no matter what the
situation is.
5. appreciate their time and effort in calling.

6. How do you plan and organize your daily In planning and organizing my daily tasks to ensure I meet
tasks to ensure you meet deadlines and my deadline, I usually write a note into my
priorities? What tools or techniques do you workstation/laptop/reminders.
use to manage these tasks efficiently? In this case, I usually write the "most" task/work that needs
to be addressed immediately and able to submit it on time.
Then it follows the next to be solved and goes on. Once I
am done with a certain task, I usually put a remark on it
such as done with the date and time.

7. How would you handle a situation where It is important for me to be resourceful and look for an
there's a break down in office equipment or alternative way to finish the urgent work. As for the office
technology, and urgent work needs to be equipment, I will ask for the help of the right person who
completed? could help us fix it.

8. Give examples of how you would Coordination for me is asking for the necessary data that
facilitate coordination among different needs to be shared in informing the other staff or teams
departments or teams within the within the organization
9. How would you handle situations where Handling situations that involve more than one side of
there are conflicting demands from various demands, usually causes conflicts. It is important to listen.
stakeholders? I will let them explain or share their demands one at a time
so that I would be able to check on the situation and be
able to make a solution to those conflicts.

10. Describe a challenging situation you've The most challenging situation that I have faced in my
faced in a previous administrative role and previous administrative role was doing a certain
how did you resolve it? directive/task from one of my colleagues and explaining
the instruction that came from our immediate supervisor.
In this case, there was a miscommunication and a conflict
in instruction (explained) to me.
Talking and asking questions to clarify certain things is
really important. Therefore, I was able to give the output
they were asking for on time by clarifying certain
instructions from both of them.

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