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Timestamp 8/30/2023 10:10:00

NAME Almira S. Pagaduan

1. Executive secretaries have In this situation where someone asks for a private information, as
access to confidential information an Executive Secretary that has the access to confidential
and you need to make sure that situation and understands the importance of discretion, I will
they understand the importance of explain to him/her the process. I will tell him/her to do the proper
discretion. How would you deal way of getting such information like sending formal inquiries to the
with a person asking you to right unit/department concern. On this way, we practice the right
divulge private information that process and follow what is in the rules of the agency.
the supervisor told you?

2. Explain the importance of In maintaining accurate and organized records as one of the roles
maintaining accurate and of an Administrative Staff in the Administrative Unit, handling
organized records in an sensitive or confidential information while managing records and
administrative role. How would documents is a very important task to do. Having this task
you handle sensitive or accomplished will keep the records of the employees of the
confidential information while agency secured thus employees have the reason to trust the
managing records and agency and will give us a bank of related information that must be
documents? kept only in the agency and you who manages to record, file and
sort this kind of confidential documents. Achieving this task
makes you an effective and efficient employee or as an
Administrative Staff in the Administrative Unit.

3. How you prioritize and manage In prioritizing and managing multitasking from tasks and requests
multiple tasks and requests from of different divisions within the organization, we must know how to
different divisions within the categorize this task according to its urgency and importance.
organization? What strategies Having your timetable will keep you in your focus on what to do
would you employ to ensure first, how to do it effectively and how to meet the deadline of the
effective communication within the said tasks or requests. Learning is a continuous process thus,
office and with external applying strategies from your previous work that is related to the
stakeholders? given task can be used and learning new things from your
workmates can be included too. We must learn on how to analyze
and put ourselves from the situations that we face in doing or
accomplishing this said tasks and requests. In accomplishing this,
we must not forget to apply the right code of ethics as a
government employee so that we can do this effectively and in
line with the humanity.
4. Describe the process you In tracking and retrieving important documents efficiently, an
would follow to track and retrieve Administrative Staff must always have their documented tracking
important documents efficiently? process where in we must record all the documents that will be
passed on us same with the documents that we will be passing to
other employees of the agency. We must document all the
incoming and outgoing documents with the important details for
us to have an effective recording of all documents. This will give
the Admin Staff an easier way on how to deliver documents which
were asked by employees that can be a help in accomplishing the
goals or projects of the agency.
5. How would you handle phone In handling phone calls and inquiries from both internal and
calls and inquiries from both external stakeholders we must always act professionally and
internal and external stakeholders effectively. We let them feel the hospitable way of communicating
professionally and effectively? with them. We must give them the right information they needed
and always be polite when talking to them. Giving respect to
whom you talk on the phone is a big impact in working in the
government. We must not set boundaries on the level or rank of
whom you are talking to. We must serve them equally so that
their trust with the agency won’t vanish.

6. How do you plan and organize Organizing daily task to ensure that we meet deadlines and
your daily tasks to ensure you priorities must be practice all the time and must be a routinary
meet deadlines and priorities? task for an Admins Staff. As an Admin Staff, we must always
What tools or techniques do you check the set deadlines so that we know on how to manage
use to manage these tasks various task given to us. We must be innovative in working in the
efficiently? office like using applications on the computer that can help us
make the task easier, working in a neat and organized workplace
where you can work quietly and comfortably. Having an organized
file also will be a big help because this can lessen your time in
finding documents that are needed. Applying these techniques
can save you from too much thinking on how to meet the
deadlines and doing extra actions that were not necessary in
accomplishing your daily tasks.

7. How would you handle a In handling a situation where there's a break down in office
situation where there's a break equipment or technology, we must not let the operation of the
down in office equipment or office stop. For us to complete an urgent work, we must
technology, and urgent work outsource or use our creativity. In this situation, camaraderie in
needs to be completed? the office can be applied where in you need to work together,
asking for help with co-employees is healthy just make sure you
are doing your responsibilities. We must flexible in a way that we
must not just rely on this specific thing but incase of emergency,
there is a way you know how to do it that can help achieve the
said task to be done.
8. Give examples of how you Coordinating with different departments or teams in the
would facilitate coordination organization is one of the duties of an Admin Staff. One example
among different departments or of this is a call for an important meeting by the Head of the
teams within the organization. Agency, to facilitate this kind of situation, we must apply the right
process on how to give notification on each department or team in
the office like giving office memorandum with complete details.
Following up on some important pending documents by
communicating with them politely and in friendly manner.
Reminding them of the previous assigned task to them and the
deadlines. We must always make sure that we give the respect to
our co employees all the time and be professional in connecting to
9. How would you handle Handling situations where there are conflicting demands from
situations where there are various stakeholders needs patience. We must make sure that
conflicting demands from various we don’t upset them by just saying no to them but we must show
stakeholders? them that we are doing something to help them, that we put effort
on how we can help them and let them feel that we extend our
help for them to satisfy what they are asking for. Even if the
situation is hard to handle, we must not forget that we are working
to serve people and to help them with their demands, we can
always think of a solution that can help them and not a reason not
to help them. Let’s put ourselves to their shoes so that we can
also understand where their demands are coming from.

10. Describe a challenging A challenging situation I had faced in a previous administrative

situation you've faced in a role is that I need to submit an urgent report while assisting a
previous administrative role and Senior in a project, a live-in training outside the office. We must
how did you resolve it? not only focus on a task that are assigned to us but we are also
given extra task that we must accomplish aside from the main
task. Luckily, I always bring may laptop with me when I travel and
this answered my problem. I always back up my files in a flash
drive and this one saved me from not submitting that important
report because I’m in field. So while facilitating the training, I did
multi-tasking in a way that while conducting the training, I also do
the reports they are asking because of my laptop and may back
up files on a flash drive. I made sure that I managed my time well
in doing multi task and finishing each task correctly and
effectively. With that, I managed to submit the needed report on
time because I applied my flexibility while assisting in facilitating a

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