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Document Number: EDS 07-4055

Version: 2.0
Date: 03/10/2022


EDS 07-4055



Network(s): EPN, LPN, SPN

This document provides guidelines for the design of buildings accommodating

Summary: indoor rated switchgear panels and associated ancillary equipment used for
customer connection schemes.

Author: Stephen Tucker Date: 03/10/2022

Approver: Paul Williams Date: 10/10/2022

This document forms part of the Company's Integrated Business System and its requirements are mandatory throughout UK
Power Networks. Departure from these requirements may only be taken with the written approval of the Director of Asset
Management. If you have any queries about this document please contact the author or owner of the current version.

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Customer Switchrooms for Indoor Switchgear Panels Document Number: EDS 07-4055
Version: 2.0
Date: 03/10/2022

Revision Record

Version 2.0 Review Date 10/10/2027

Date 03/10/2022 Author Stephen Tucker
Reason for update: Clarification on the use of GRP enclosures.
What has changed:
GRP enclosures of any type are no longer permitted for any type of building housing switchgear,
protection and control equipment (Section 1).
Version 1.0 Review Date 23/03/2027
Date 04/03/2021 Author Arias, Uriel
New standard for the design of buildings housing indoor rated switchgear panels for customer
connections. Supersedes EDS 07-0020 and EDS 07-0021.

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Customer Switchrooms for Indoor Switchgear Panels Document Number: EDS 07-4055
Version: 2.0
Date: 03/10/2022


1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 5
2 Scope ....................................................................................................................... 5
3 Glossary and Abbreviations ................................................................................... 6
4 Mandatory Requirements........................................................................................ 7
5 Pre-design Requirements ....................................................................................... 7
5.1 Location..................................................................................................................... 7
5.2 Land Rights and Planning Permission ....................................................................... 8
5.3 Switchroom Dimensions ............................................................................................ 8
5.4 Records ..................................................................................................................... 9
6 Design Functionality ............................................................................................. 10
6.1 General ................................................................................................................... 10
6.2 Personnel Access and Escape ................................................................................ 12
6.3 Equipment Delivery ................................................................................................. 12
6.4 Design Loads .......................................................................................................... 14
6.5 Fire Resistance and Risk Mitigation ......................................................................... 14
6.6 Cables and Ducts .................................................................................................... 15
6.7 Overpressure Design............................................................................................... 15
6.8 Electrical Equipment ................................................................................................ 16
6.9 Building and Electrical Services ............................................................................... 16
6.10 Earthing ................................................................................................................... 16
6.11 Signs and Labels ..................................................................................................... 17
6.12 Existing Sites ........................................................................................................... 17
7 Building Configuration .......................................................................................... 17
7.1 General ................................................................................................................... 17
7.2 Switchroom ............................................................................................................. 18
7.3 Corridors, Platforms and Stairs ................................................................................ 18
8 Switchgear Supports and Cable Connections .................................................... 18
8.1 General ................................................................................................................... 18
8.2 Cable Trench ........................................................................................................... 19
8.3 Elevated Switchrooms with Open Air Ground Level Cable Room ............................ 19
8.4 Switchroom with Basement ..................................................................................... 19
9 External Works ...................................................................................................... 20
9.1 Access Road ........................................................................................................... 20
9.2 Underground Services ............................................................................................. 21
9.3 Drainage.................................................................................................................. 21

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Customer Switchrooms for Indoor Switchgear Panels Document Number: EDS 07-4055
Version: 2.0
Date: 03/10/2022

9.4 Landscaping around Standalone Buildings .............................................................. 22

10 Materials................................................................................................................. 22
10.1 General ................................................................................................................... 22
10.2 Concrete for Foundations ........................................................................................ 22
10.3 Standalone Switchroom Roof .................................................................................. 22
10.4 External Walls ......................................................................................................... 23
10.5 Internal Party Walls ................................................................................................. 23
10.6 Finishes ................................................................................................................... 24
10.7 Doors ...................................................................................................................... 24
10.8 Floors ...................................................................................................................... 25
10.9 Steelwork ................................................................................................................ 25
10.10 Pressure Relief Vents .............................................................................................. 26
11 References ............................................................................................................. 26
11.1 UK Power Networks Standards ............................................................................... 26
11.2 National and International Standards ....................................................................... 27
Appendix A – List of Drawings ........................................................................................ 28


Figure 6-1 – Plan of Standard Delivery Lorry ...................................................................... 13

Figure 9-1 – Short-term Access Road Minimum Specification ............................................. 20
Figure 9-2 – Permanent Access Road Minimum Specification ............................................ 20


Table 5-1 – Wall Thickness ................................................................................................... 9

Table 6-1 – Generic Requirements for Customer Switchrooms ........................................... 11
Table 9-1 – Access Road Specification ............................................................................... 21
Table 9-2 – CBR vs Subgrade Depth .................................................................................. 21

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Customer Switchrooms for Indoor Switchgear Panels Document Number: EDS 07-4055
Version: 2.0
Date: 03/10/2022

1 Introduction
This standard details the minimum requirements for buildings constructed to accommodate
switchgear panels not rated for outdoor use, for customer demand and distributed generation
schemes. This standard and the associated drawings have been produced as a reference for
civil and structural designers aiming to complete site specific drawings and details.

UK Power Networks approves the use of electrical equipment from various manufacturers,
each with their own requirements. Provided that the equipment to be installed is one of the
approved types, the guidelines given in this standard and associated drawings can be adapted
to suit the equipment specific requirements.

Requirements imposed by local authorities and other stakeholders may dictate deviations; in
all cases, it is essential that the guidance outlined in this standard is followed as reasonably
as practicable.

All works designed for adoption by UK Power Networks shall have written approval prior to
construction. UK Power Networks reserves the right to request Category Check Certificates
as defined by BS 5975, for designs and calculations where a considerable degree of
interpretation of loading of soil’s information is required; where unusual designs are proposed
or where significant departures from standards, novel methods of analysis or considerable
exercise of engineering judgement are involved.

Where the term ‘shall’ is used in this document it means the requirement is mandatory. The
term ‘should’ is used to express a recommendation. The term ‘may’ is used to express

The switchgear, and any associated protection and control equipment, required for customer
demand and generation connections shall be housed in either a UK Power Networks or a
customer owned and maintained building, with a proven 40-year lifespan and low-
maintenance for the whole lifecycle of the asset. GRP enclosures of any type are not
permitted. The buildings shall be designed in accordance with EDS 07-4050.

2 Scope
This standard applies to the design of buildings associated with customer demand and
distributed generation schemes built in UK Power Networks geographical footprint,
accommodating from 11kV to 33kV approved indoor switchgear panels and the associated
ancillary equipment.

Refer to EDS 07-3102 for the civil design requirements for secondary substations utilising
outdoor rated RMU and distribution transformers.

Refer to EDS 07-4000 for the civil design requirements for 33/11kV substations and above,
where UK Power Networks will adopt and/or be responsible for the maintenance and repair of
the building and civil assets.

Customer buildings with switchboards comprising more than seven panels shall be built in
accordance with EDS 07-4050, where a separate control and protection room is required for
operational safety.

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Customer Switchrooms for Indoor Switchgear Panels Document Number: EDS 07-4055
Version: 2.0
Date: 03/10/2022

3 Glossary and Abbreviations

Term Definition

ANM Active Network Management

CBR California Bearing Ratio
Confined Space Type A A confined space accessed via a stairway and with an emergency
escape route that is straight and quick.
Vertical access/egress is not permitted (e.g. ladders or steep steps).
Injured casualty recovery crews do not require confined space training to
be able to access during an emergency.
CDM Construction (Design Management) Regulations
DNO Distribution Network Operator
DTp Type 1 Well graded granular material, consisting of:
• Primary aggregate (limestone or granite); or
• Recycled aggregate; or
• The combination of the primary and recycled aggregate.
ENATS Energy Networks Association Technical Standard
GRP Glass Reinforced Plastic
LVAC Low Voltage Alternating Current
RTU Remote Terminal Unit
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SHW Specification of Highway Works
Tee Connection A point of connection that has a single connection to the existing network
UK Power Networks UK Power Networks (Operations) Ltd consists of three electricity
distribution networks:
• Eastern Power Networks plc (EPN).
• London Power Network plc (LPN).
• South Eastern Power Networks plc (SPN).
U-Value Measure for thermal conductivity of a material
6F5 Selected granular material, coarse grading (capping) to SHW Series 600.
Typically used for capping sub formations prior to laying DTp1 material.

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Customer Switchrooms for Indoor Switchgear Panels Document Number: EDS 07-4055
Version: 2.0
Date: 03/10/2022

4 Mandatory Requirements
The mandatory requirements defined in Section 4 of EDS 07-4000 are applicable to the design
and construction of customer buildings and shall be read in conjunction with this document.
Before defining the construction details of a project, a site risk assessment shall be carried in
accordance with EDS 07-1109. The recommendations of the risk assessment shall determine
the security rating for the building fabric, doors and blast vents.
When considering the location and construction details of a building, it is essential to consider
the ecological impact and the sustainability of the design.

5 Pre-design Requirements
5.1 Location
The location of customer buildings shall be approved before construction starts using the
following guidelines:

• At or near the electrical load centre of the network.

• At ground level.
• Provided with safe and adequate 24 hour access from the public highway for operational
personnel and vehicles. Access from road junctions and major roads shall be avoided.
• Positioned such that obstruction is not caused with the doors open (e.g. over the public
• Not adjacent to third party escape routes, which can be compromised by a failure of the
equipment in the customer switchroom.
• Not venting the blast overpressure into loading bays, undercrofts or underground car
• Away from livestock, horses or locations where footwear is not worn (e.g. outdoor
swimming pools, showers etc.).
• For distributed generation schemes, the building shall be located externally to the
customer’s generation compound and served via a dedicated access way. Refer to Section
9.1 for minimum access road requirements.

5.1.1 Distributed Generation Connection

A customer building for generation connection shall be freestanding and should preferably by
located at a boundary of the generation compound. A direct vehicular access shall be

5.1.2 Demand Connection

A customer building for demand connection should preferably be standalone with direct
access to the road leading to the site; semi-detached buildings, adjoined to a customer’s
switchroom, but not integral to a larger building, fall in this category, providing that access is
not restricted.
If no other alternative is viable, a ground level facility that is integral to a larger building may
be acceptable providing that there is adequate and unrestricted access whilst the increased
risks associated with fire and security are dealt with.
Basement, first floor level and above designs should not be considered for reasons of
maintaining safety and control over operation. Where every alternative has been explored and
a ground level switchroom is not feasible, a basement location may be considered with the
agreement of the UK Power Networks Connections Design Manager or Network Planning

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Customer Switchrooms for Indoor Switchgear Panels Document Number: EDS 07-4055
Version: 2.0
Date: 03/10/2022

Providing that the corresponding approvals are in place, the following situations may justify a
basement location:

• Listed buildings where planning restrictions preclude access at ground floor level (it should
be noted that some listed buildings can be adapted to enable a ground level substation).
• Locations where the customer cannot obtain safe and secure ground level space due to
evident reasons.

Loss of commercial/residential space at ground floor is not considered a valid justification.

New network facilities at basement level shall be accessed via a dedicated stairway and
designed in line with confined space Type A as defined in Section 3.

5.2 Land Rights and Planning Permission

As and when required, all land rights shall be secured in accordance with the latest UK Power
Networks Property and Consents Acquisition Policy CON 08 111.

Appropriate planning permission is required in all instances where a customer switchroom is

to be established.

Where a customer connection or installation is made on land owned by a third party or the
switchroom will form part of the wider distribution network, it is the responsibility of the
customer to obtain planning permission prior to the commencement of any construction works.
A copy of the approval shall be provided prior to the detail design being agreed. Land rights
are not required for sites and cables that do not form part of the distribution network, e.g. tee
connections on land owned by the customer, provided they can be disconnected without
interfering with other network operations.

5.3 Switchroom Dimensions

The size of the customer switchroom shall be determined by the type of switchgear inside the
room and the mandatory escape and operational clearances. To calculate the area required
for the switchroom, the following formulae shall be applied.

Le = LB + 2(Cmin + Wth) + Z (1)

De = DPanel + Cmin + Cop + 2Wth (2)

A = Le x De x 10-6 (3)


Le: external length of the room in millimetres.

LB: length of the switchboard based on number of panels required (to be advised by the
electrical designer). For both end panels allow an extra width of 75mm, corresponding to the
panel side covers.

Cmin = 750mm, the minimum clearance required for personnel to escape.

Wth: wall thickness. See Table 5-1 for the wall thickness relative to the building fabric making
up the switchroom enclosure.

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Customer Switchrooms for Indoor Switchgear Panels Document Number: EDS 07-4055
Version: 2.0
Date: 03/10/2022

Table 5-1 – Wall Thickness

Building Fabric Switchroom Type Wth Location

Cavity wall and metal cladding roof Standalone ground 282.5mm External walls
Fully enclosed metal cladding (walls Standalone ground 105mm External walls
and roof) level & elevated
Brick wall (solid) Integral & Basement 215mm Party walls
Reinforced concrete Integral & Basement 200mm Party walls
Insulated steel building envelop Standalone, ground 150mm External walls
level & elevated (manufacturer
to confirm)

Z: operational and access allowance. Z is 1500mm, except for switchrooms with internal
access to the basement, where Z shall be increased to 1650mm.
De: external depth of the room in millimetres.
DPanel: average depth of the panels in the switchboard. To be advised by switchgear
Cop: operational clearance required in front of the switchgear, this is DPanel + 200mm unless a
larger clearance is specified by the switchgear manufacturer.
A: area required for the switchroom measured from the external faces of the walls in square
The operational height of the switchroom is relative to the type of switchgear as described in
Section 7.1. Note that subject to the roof shape, e.g. mono-pitch or duo-pitch, the total height
of the switchroom may be taller than the operational height needed to move the equipment
For example, the calculation below is for a ground level switchroom for 3No 33kV bottom-entry
switchgear panels. Each panel is 1600mm deep, 2400mm high and 600mm wide; they are
housed in a duo-pitched enclosure with a building fabric made of brick and block cavity walls;
the minimum room size is calculated as follows:
Z = 1650mm, as 33kV bottom entry switchgear requires basement.
LB = (3 x 600) +2(75) = 1950mm
Le = 1950 + 2(750 + 282.5) + 1650 = 5665mm (1)
De = 1600 + 750 + (1600+200) + 2(282.5) = 4715mm (2)
A = 5668 x 4715 x 10-6 = 26.71m2 (3)
Volume = 3,150 x 27.71 = 84.14m3
Operational Headroom = 2400 + 750 = 3150mm
5.4 Records

All decisions and risk assessments completed at the pre-design stage shall be retained with
the project file for reference and made available throughout the project.

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Customer Switchrooms for Indoor Switchgear Panels Document Number: EDS 07-4055
Version: 2.0
Date: 03/10/2022

6 Design Functionality
6.1 General

The function of a customer switchroom is to accommodate the equipment specified in the

electrical design, in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and UK Power
Networks access and operational requirements. At the initial stages of the design, it is
important to obtain the approved switchgear drawings and specifications from manufacturers
and also to confirm the number of panels and ancillary equipment.

The building arrangements shown in the standard drawings, listed in Appendix A, are an
indicative guidance that constitutes the minimum basis for the building design. It is assumed
that a civil/structural designer will progress detail design drawings and specifications, adapting
the guidance given in this document to project specific requirements and site conditions. The
summary of the basic characteristics of a customer switchroom is outlined in Table 6-1.
Subject to site conditions further specifications should be introduced.

Customer owned equipment shall not be installed in the areas accommodating equipment
owned by, or to be adopted by UK Power Networks, with the exception of the cables
connecting to the customer’s installation. Customer buildings shall be designed solely for the
use of UK Power Networks personnel and equipment, with no access for the customer (this
includes interconnecting doors to the customer’s switchroom).

Joint switchrooms with shared ownership switchboards and bus-section metering are not
permitted. The only exceptions are specified in EDS 08-1101. For further information on the
supply arrangements refer to EDS 08-3100 and EDS 08-4100.

Where load growth is anticipated by the customer, space for additional switchgear panels shall
be allowed for.

Further to the compulsory flood risk assessment to be carried out, switchrooms located below
the water table level or susceptible to flooding due to surface water shall have the switchgear
panels raised 25mm higher than the door threshold.

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Customer Switchrooms for Indoor Switchgear Panels Document Number: EDS 07-4055
Version: 2.0
Date: 03/10/2022

Table 6-1 – Generic Requirements for Customer Switchrooms

Detail Minimum Specification

UK Power Networks adopted or maintained buildings: 40 years.
Lifespan Customer owned and maintained buildings: duration of the connection agreement
plus 5 years, provided that the decommissioning of the building is planned in the
Security LPCB LPS 1175 B3 minimum. Site risk assessment and Company Security to
Rating confirm if a higher rating is required.
Standalone buildings: 60 minutes minimum.
Fire Rating Integral rooms with direct access from the street: 90 minutes.
Basement and internal integral rooms with no access from the street: 240 minutes.

Subject to Maximum Cable Bending Radius (Rmax):

Cable trench • If Rmax < 850mm. Provide a maximum 1050mm deep cable trench.
or Basement • If Rmax > 850mm, a 2100mm high basement is required with suitable access
and ventilation to prevent hazards associated with confined spaces.
Roof: 0.25 W/m2K.
Walls: 0.43 W/m2K.
conductivity Floor: 0.43 W/m2K.
(u-values) Note: Only required for standalone switchrooms and external walls of integral switchrooms;
internal walls and roof slabs at integral and basement switchrooms have no thermal
conductivity requirement.
60% maximum inside the switchroom.
Temperature 5oC to 25oC.
Minimum clearance for escape: 750mm.
Clearances Minimum operational clearance in front of the switchboard: depth of the panel +
Maximum travel distance: 9000mm.
Escape Route
Minimum number of exit routes from the building: 2.
Customer switchrooms with less than seven switchgear panels are permitted to
have the control equipment in the same room. Larger switchboard arrangements
Building shall follow EDS 07-4050, where the control and protection equipment is placed in
Layout an adjacent and fire compartmentalised room.
Customer owned equipment shall not be installed in the areas accommodating
equipment owned by, or to be adopted by UK Power Networks.
11kV or 33kV approved switchgear panels to latest revision of EAS 03-0000a.
Subject to project specific requirements, the typical equipment in a customer
Control and
switchroom may be: an 110V DC battery system with charger; a customer
interface box; a fibre optic panel, a SCADA/RTU cabinet including a 48V battery
with charger and ANM kit for DG schemes.
Minimum building services required: distribution board, LED lights, emergency
lights, power sockets, cabling, tray and trunking, heaters, dehumidifiers and
pressure relief panels.

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Customer Switchrooms for Indoor Switchgear Panels Document Number: EDS 07-4055
Version: 2.0
Date: 03/10/2022

Detail Minimum Specification

Earthing tape, earth bar-12 way, earth rods. Integral sites will use an earthing
Earthing system connected to a steel mesh cast into a concrete wearing screed on top of
the structural concrete.
A filing cabinet (600x600x500mm), a wall key cabinet (1000x1000x100mm) and a
folding table (1000x750mm).
Type 1 (D01), double door for switchgear access with optional hinged overhead
transom. Panic bar on active leaf connected to top and bottom security bolts.
Suitable to receive UK Power Networks standard locking system.
Doors Type 2 (D02), single door for secondary access and escape. Panic bar connected
to top and bottom security bolts. Suitable to receive UK Power Networks standard
locking system.
Note: A third door type may be required for designs where the metering is integral to the
building instead of being housed in a standalone standard GRP cabinet.
The straightness tolerance of switchgear support beams shall be 1mm over 1
metre channel length or maximum 2mm referred to the entire mounting length.

6.2 Personnel Access and Escape

Doors and gates shall be fitted with the UK Power Networks standard locks supplied and
installed prior to energisation. Door furniture shall be capable of easily changing the barrel to
accommodate approved door locks. Refer to EAS 07-0000a for approved locking systems.
Where access to UK Power Networks exclusive areas is via a shared external boundary gate,
an approved dual locking system shall be installed. Coded access, electronic fobs or swipe
cards are not permitted.
Customer switchrooms shall be designed with a primary point of entry. A secondary entry way
should be provided for emergency access, through a door fitted with an outside access device
and panic bar. Any other single door shall open from the inside only with panic bar. Personnel
doors shall have a minimum clear opening of 750mm wide by 2050mm high.
After energisation, access into the switchroom is only permitted to competent personnel
holding authorisations under the company’s Distribution Safety Rules. This will not include the
customer’s staff.
6.3 Equipment Delivery
All designs shall make allowance for handling facilities for equipment off-loading, positioning
and maintenance. Future replacement as well as initial equipment installation shall be
considered as part of the design. If a fault develops it will be necessary to exchange the
equipment safely, quickly and with the minimum disruption to the site. Details of the equipment
replacement strategy will form part of the legal agreement of rights.

6.3.1 Access Way for Lorries

Along the access way used by the lorry delivering the switchgear panels, a minimum
headroom of 4700mm shall be kept all the way.

See Section 9 for minimum requirements of the access road and external works, applicable
predominantly to distributed generation connection schemes.

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Customer Switchrooms for Indoor Switchgear Panels Document Number: EDS 07-4055
Version: 2.0
Date: 03/10/2022

6.3.2 Drop off Zone

The equipment drop zone shall be no more than 10m away from the switchroom double door.

At the drop zone area, the minimum clear headroom from ground level to the top of the delivery
vehicle’s crane arm for off-loading and manoeuvring is 6500mm; if lifting equipment over
fences or other type of obstacle, an allowance for the additional height of the obstruction shall
also be taken into account.

Allowance shall be made for a standard lorry to park as close as possible to the building double
door or access hatch. The area required for a lorry to drop off the switchgear panels is shown
in Figure 6-1.

Figure 6-1 – Plan of Standard Delivery Lorry

6.3.3 Equipment Delivery Route

Doors and openings on the delivery route shall have a clear opening to accommodate the
largest section of plant expected to pass along that route.

The switchgear shall be replaced via the switchroom swinging double doors; the height of the
doors shall allow for the passing of switchgear panels moved on rollers. The clear headroom
requirement shall be confirmed by the manufacturer; typically, the height of the equipment
plus 500mm should allow to move safely the switchgear panels.

Access for plant movement through corridors shall be a 1500mm wide. Reduced and specific
pinch points are acceptable providing that absolute minimum clear width is no less than
1250mm. Bending corridors shall have corners of no less of 2000x2000mm to allow the panels
to be rotated. The minimum clear dimensions for moving of equipment, shall be maintained at
all times after energisation and shall not be compromised by the future installation of pipework,
tray-work, fixed furniture or similar.

Where the drop off zone is away from the double doors, the equipment can be manual-handled
up to its final position. The route for this shall no less than 10m long, flat and level or laid to
nominal falls only, and as straight as possible. Routes that involve the manual manoeuvring
of equipment shall be avoided. The entire equipment access route shall be capable of
sustaining the load of the heaviest piece of equipment.

Lifting beams and trolleys shall be provided where required to negotiate changes of level on
access routes. Provision shall be made for access to inspect lifting beams and crane rails in
accordance with the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER).

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Customer Switchrooms for Indoor Switchgear Panels Document Number: EDS 07-4055
Version: 2.0
Date: 03/10/2022

6.4 Design Loads

Floor loads shall be in accordance with BS EN 1991-1-1 and BS EN 1991-1-7. Equipment

suppliers shall provide the weight and size of the equipment specific to the project, including
dismantled transportation mass.

As a guidance for preliminary design, the mass of a 33kV switchgear panel could be up to
2000kg, whereas for an 11kV switch panel it is about 1000kg. The floor areas bearing the
switchgear panels, including corridors, shall be designed to support the weight and size of the
panel such that equipment can be manoeuvred into the final position in addition to a 5kN/m2
imposed floor load throughout.

For overpressure design refer to Section 6.7. The design load for the roof and walls shall be
no less than 5kN/m2 unless an overpressure release system is in place.

Customer switchrooms shall be checked for load combinations including wind and snow to BS
EN 1990.

6.5 Fire Resistance and Risk Mitigation

Customer switchrooms shall use non-combustible materials to Class A1 to BS EN 13501-1 or

better; external and internal wall surfaces, roof, doors and pressure relief vents shall be rated
minimum to 60 minutes fire resistance to BS 476-22 or BS EN 1634-1 or equivalent. Integral
switchrooms with direct access from the street shall have a building fabric with a minimum fire
resistance of 90 minutes whereas integral and basement switchrooms, which are fully internal
at a larger building, shall have a building fabric with a 240 minutes fire resistance.

The fire risk assessment shall confirm the rating required for the building fabric. The fire
resistance requirement established shall include the ducts passing between rooms (if any)
and overpressure venting routes, such that the spread of fire is prevented into third party

Unless otherwise specified in the fire risk assessment, portable fire-extinguishers are not
required in customer switchrooms.

In the event that the Local or Fire Authorities require the fitting of an automatic fire suppression
system, where part of the system is in the switchroom, it shall be:

• Suitable for high voltage electrical hazards.

• Fitted with external lockable isolation adjacent to the switchroom main entry door.
• Designed by a fire suppression system specialist.
• Approved by the UK Power Networks.

Refer to EDS 07-4060 for details of fire detection and alarm systems. For guidance on
assessment of fire risk assessment operational sites refer to EDS 07-0116.

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Customer Switchrooms for Indoor Switchgear Panels Document Number: EDS 07-4055
Version: 2.0
Date: 03/10/2022

6.6 Cables and Ducts

Cables shall be installed in accordance with ECS 02-0019. Cable entry points shall have
approved plastic walled ducts to suit cable size and number. Cable routes shall be located to
avoid the undermining of the sub-base to the site roads when excavated.

All cables and unused ducts passing through external walls shall be use an approved duct
seal system to EAS 02-0000a, to prevent water ingress into the building. The sealing
arrangement shall enable the cables to be installed and the cable entries resealed. Sealing of
all ducts with or without cables shall be carried out prior to commissioning. It is important to
select the duct seal system according to the shape of the conductor going through each duct.

A heavy-duty water-resistant duct seal system shall be considered at locations where flood
risk, high water table or hydrostatic pressures could compromise the water-tightness of the
building (e.g. Roxtec system, or similar).

To prevent water leaking into the building, the use of bare stranded conductors through ducts
is not permitted. At the interface between the concrete and cable ducts, a hydrophilic and/or
cast-in water bars/puddle flange shall be used.

Where cables pass through or under a switchroom (e.g. integral buildings), steel ducts shall
be provided in lieu of the standard plastic duct. Galvanised ducts are not acceptable as the
galvanising can leave the ducts with an abrasive finish internally. Steel ducts shall be as
specified in ECS 02-0019.

In order to avoid potential induction currents all three phases of a circuit shall be
accommodated within a single steel duct.

All cable holes and ducts shall be free of obstructions, protruding nails, rough sharp edges or
lips which could damage cables during the installation works.

6.7 Overpressure Design

BS EN 61936-1, Sub-clause, states that the building design “shall take into account
the expected mechanical loading and internal pressure caused by an arc fault”. Sites with UK
Power Networks equipment in, shall be designed to demonstrate compliance to this

The building shall be designed such that a loss of a wall or part of the structure does not result
in building collapse or collapse of parts of the structures above the substation. This becomes
a critical check to carry out for integral and below ground sites, where structural members of
third party property may be at risk.

A notional internal blast incident, generated by an electrical arc fault, requires the building
structure to be designed to retain integrity under a 5kN/m2 ultimate lateral load. Materials shall
be considered at ultimate strength. Pressure relief shall be considered in accordance with
EDS 07-4080.

For existing buildings where the strength of the walls or roof is compromised or unknown and
the use of pressure relief panels does not give confidence to control the risk of partial/total
collapse of the building, the arc fault overpressure shall be discharged via a fire rated steel
duct starting at the switchboard and discharging into an open and safe area, thus preventing
the building fabric from exposure to overpressure.

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6.8 Electrical Equipment

Equipment at customer sites may include switchgear, auxiliary panels, SCADA and relay
panels, ANM kit, 48V and 110V batteries and battery chargers. The switchboard is comprised
of circuit breakers and/or bus-sections.

Batteries and chargers are supported on the floor, while the rest of the ancillary equipment
should be wall-mounted.

Access requirements to the back of the switchgear shall be confirmed with the manufacturer.

Subject to the layout of the escape routes, the clearances to the switch panels may be reduced
to no less than 100mm, providing that operational access is not needed. Otherwise, the
minimum 750mm escape clearance shall be allowed in all directions.

6.9 Building and Electrical Services

Equipment for indoor use is susceptible to the attack of corrosion when condensation occurs;
corrosion over sensitive metallic contacts can lead to malfunctioning of the equipment. On the
other hand, temperatures above the recommended manufacturer’s limit will reduce the
lifespan of the batteries. The specification of the ventilation system will be relative to the site
conditions and it is subject to the volume of the room, the heat losses of the equipment and
the temperature range that the equipment is designed for. The options to achieve adequate
room conditions can be one or the combination of the following options:

• Heating and de-humidification system. Minimum 2No heaters and 2No de-humidifiers per
switchroom, actual numbers to be confirmed by designer as they these are subject to the
free volume in the room.
• Heating and cooling controlled by an external heat pump.
• Motor activated ventilation louvres opening when the temperature inside the room reaches
25oC degrees; for standalone buildings only.
• Air conditioning unit, as the last resort.

The selected system shall start automatically with the alarms linked to the SCADA system.

An auxiliary generator socket located externally shall be provided with a manual change-over
switch in case of a loss of LV supply.

Building and electrical services shall be designed in accordance with EDS 07-4060 and EDS
07-1119, respectively.

6.10 Earthing

All substation earthing designs shall be approved by UK Power Networks before construction.

All earthing passing though ducts that require sealing shall be solid, sheathed, and not bare

The earthing system for a 33kV switchroom shall be designed in accordance with EDS 06-
0013 and constructed in accordance with ECS 06-0022. The earthing system for an 11kV
switchroom shall be designed in accordance with EDS 06-0014 and constructed in accordance
with ECS 06-0023.

EDS 06-0012 includes supporting data for the standard building designs listed in Appendix A.

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6.11 Signs and Labels

For the specification of the substation signs and labels refer to EDS 09-0019.

6.12 Existing Sites

Every effort shall be made to update existing sites to the current engineering standard,
however it is appreciated that this is not always practical in cases where a slight modification
to the electrical arrangement can offer an acceptable connection to a costumer.

Schemes intending for the continued use of existing civil and electrical assets shall be
assessed for their long-term suitability. Safety shall not be compromised in any case.

7 Building Configuration
7.1 General

Customer buildings shall provide a robust, window-less, vandal-resistant and stable

environment for the switchgear and ensure that the equipment is not damaged by any
environmental cause such as condensation, dust or other agents.
Any opening through the building fabric shall have a minimum LPCB LPS 1175 B3 (or
equivalent); the security rating shall be confirmed according to the location’s crime history and
the criticality of the substation.
High moisture levels caused by seepage can result in pooling or standing water, which can
contribute to the corrosion of contacts in the switchgear leading to operational malfunction.
For this reason, areas susceptible to high relative humidity, such as basements and cable
trenches shall be designed to prevent the ingress of ground water.
The switchgear type and the number of panels will dictate the length of the room. The room
dimensions and the number of cable entry openings shall suit the manufacturer’s switchgear
recommendation; it is noted that the manufacturer clearances around live equipment can be
smaller than the minimum operational clearance requirements defined in EDS 07-4000. The
greater of these requirements shall be used for the building setting out.
For typical switchgear configurations, 33kV switchrooms should have an effective floor to
ceiling height of 3150mm, this may be increased to suit the switchgear if required (e.g. cable
top entry connections); 11kV switchrooms should have an effective headroom of 2650mm for
panel with bottom cable entries, while 2800mm is required when using panel with top cable
entries. At sites where fire deflectors have been specified attached to the switch panels, the
headroom requirement shall be increased accordingly.
An escape door shall be provided at the back of the switchboard; more escape doors may be
required according to the shape and size of each room. For limitations on travel distances
refer to EDS 07-4000. The maximum distance from any point of the switchroom to the nearest
escape door shall not exceed 9000mm, if this is exceeded or the layout of the room prevents
clear and direct access to a door then an additional escape door will be required. Additional
escape doors may also be specified at the designer’s discretion if the substation is of an
unusual shape.
Following recommendation from UK Power Networks Company Security, the selection of the
building type and fabric should reflect site conditions, electrical requirements, durability and
building efficiency. Table 5-1 shows the different types of building fabric approved for use in
customer switchrooms.

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7.2 Switchroom

For general location and configuration details refer to Section 5.1.

For standalone switchrooms, the building fabric shall have no less than 60 minutes fire

Party walls, separating the switchroom from third party property (commercial or residential
areas), shall be made of non-combustible, 90 minutes fire resistant materials, providing that
direct access from the street is available for the Fire Brigade. When specifying walls, roofs
and floor configurations, the overpressure resistance of the building fabric shall be considered
as per EDS 07-4080.

Switchrooms with no direct access from the street, shall have a building fabric of 240 minutes
fire resistance. This can be achieved with 215mm thick brick walls or 270mm thick reinforced
concrete walls. Roofs and floors shall be reinforced concrete slabs of 200mm minimum

Internal party walls are not required to have thermal insulation rating, only fire resistance is
required. The fire rating of external walls shall be minimum 60 minutes, greater fire ratings
should be specified where thus determined by the fire risk assessment.

7.3 Corridors, Platforms and Stairs

Personnel corridors leading to the switchroom from a third party property, shall have a
minimum width of 900mm unless they are part of the equipment delivery route.

Internal and external stair rises, goings and pitches should be dimensioned in accordance with
BS 5395-1, Table 1, Stair Category A. Internal stairs shall have a maximum rise of 190mm,
and a minimum going of 250 mm. Stairs shall include non-slip nosing and toe-plate/kick-plate
in accordance with BS EN 14122.

Balustrades shall be constructed of non-combustible 50mm GRP diameter tube and consist
of handrail, mid-rail and uprights at centres not exceeding 1000mm.

Uprights shall be fixed to staircase string. Rough edges shall be removed.

8 Switchgear Supports and Cable Connections

8.1 General

In all instances, the following considerations shall be taken into account:

• The switchgear manufacturer’s installation instructions shall be consulted to confirm the

required tolerances for level, line gradient and flatness for fixing the switchgear. The
straightness tolerance of the foundation channel should be limited to 1mm per metre of
channel length.
• All steelwork shall be connected to the earthing system as per ECS 06-0022.
• Cable cleating shall be considered within the frame design, together with possible effects
of Eddy currents.
• The cable entry configurations into the switchgear will determine the space requirements
for the room below the switchgear.

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8.2 Cable Trench

A cable trench is typically required for 11kV customer buildings located at ground level,
providing that the HV cable’s bending radius of 850mm or less. Cable trenches shall be formed
from reinforced concrete of sufficient density and water tightness to prevent dampness on the
internal surfaces. Cable trench walls formed with brick or blocks are not permitted. The
maximum depth of a cable trench shall be 1050mm with a minimum width of 800mm.
Provision for safe working space and access shall be made for equipment with cable entries
requiring access to the underside of the panels.
At sites where the water table is known to be high, the cable trench shall have a sump, with
direct access from the floor level, to allow a sump pump to be dropped.
The trench shall be have approved closed-top GRP covers supported by galvanised mild steel
or GRP angles. Covers shall be sized to be individually lifted without binding against adjacent
The individual weight of the GRP cover shall be limited to a maximum that can be lifted safely
by two operatives. The covers located at either end of the cable trench shall have slots at each
end to facilitate removal using a lifting key, as recommended by the manufacturer.
8.3 Elevated Switchrooms with Open Air Ground Level Cable Room

For elevated building designs, the space under the operational enclosed area will be above
ground and open to the elements. The underside of the building shall be sealed against the
ingress of moisture and dust with a non-combustible thermal insulating material. The ground
level cable room shall be secured with an open steel mesh and provided with access gates
diametrically opposite to each other.
8.4 Switchroom with Basement

Schemes requiring HV cables with a bending radius greater than 850mm, when located at
ground level, require a full cable basement in lieu of a cable trench. Cable basements shall
comply with the following minimum requirements:

• Cable entries and bending radii dictate the basement headroom, which shall not be less
than 2100mm.
• Basements shall be designed as water excluding structures.
• Access to the cable basement shall be via a permanent staircase. Safe access into the
cable trench shall be assessed, including allowance for a handrail or access steps; access
to the underside of the switchgear should be such that awkward working positions are
prevented when live cables are in place.
• Where reasonably practicable, basement access/egress shall be via external doors.
• Cable basements shall be assessed for compliance with Type A confined space.
• External basement walls shall have cable ducts cast in at suitable positions for external
circuits and sealed with expanding stopper.
• Basement soffit shall have holes/openings suitable for the cable connections necessary
for the switchgear.
• Unistrut sections shall be fixed into the soffit and basement walls to facilitate cable support
• Floor covers shall be fixed with clips, following the manufacturer recommendation.
• The covers above the staircase shall have an individual weight of 18kg maximum. These
covers shall have a 100x30mm hand-hole at each end to facilitate lifting.

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Rooms with live equipment shall be designed to Grade 3: dry environment, with relative
humidity less than 60%. Other areas to Grade 2: no water penetration but moisture vapour is
tolerable. Basement waterproofing shall meet requirements of BS 8102.

9 External Works
9.1 Access Road

To deliver large items of equipment, a low-loader lorry with a hydraulic mounted crane is used.
The weight of the fully loaded vehicle can be up to 32 tonnes. The road shall be checked to
accept this weight along its length with an adequate turning bay if access is provided in one
direction only. The roadway giving access to the switchroom shall be capable of sustaining
the axle weight of a lorry whilst undertaking unloading activities and as such should be
essentially levelled, (gradient shall be no steeper than 1:10) and with room enough to deploy

The plant access route should not be via a ‘traffic sensitive’ area likely to cause difficulties if
equipment needs to be replaced. Equipment shall be off-loaded as close to the double door
as possible, to minimise the need for manual handling. Access to replace faulty equipment
shall be maintained at all times.

In rural locations, the use of suitable waste instead of virgin raw materials is permitted, as long
as the material is certificated inert content. The European Waste Catalogue, lists the waste
types that can be used and sets out specific quantity limits for specific uses. The sub-base
strata suitability shall be confirmed at design stage. The minimum specifications for unmade
unbound access roads, for temporary or permanent access ways are shown in Figure 9-1 and
in Figure 9-2, respectively.

Figure 9-1 – Short-term Access Road Minimum Specification

Figure 9-2 – Permanent Access Road Minimum Specification

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The depth of the construction varies according to the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of the
substrata. Following a ground check, assuming that the minimum CBR found is 3%, the
minimum requirements for unmade unbound access roads are summarised in Table 9-1:

Table 9-1 – Access Road Specification

Detail Temporary Access Road Permanent Access Road

Excavation 150mm minimum, subject to expected 410mm minimum, subject to

Depth* vehicles loads passing on expected vehicles loads passing on
Road Width Subject to expected vehicles to pass Subject to expected vehicles to pass
on. on.
3500mm for standard vehicle access. 3500mm for standard vehicle access.
4500mm for major plant installation, 4500mm for major plant installation,
removal or replacement. removal or replacement.
Filling Material Certified DTP Type 1 material on 1000 6F5 material placed, compacted and
gauge geo-membrane rolled to create the roadway sub-
base layer placed on 1000 gauge
Finished Compacted and rolled to an even Compacted and rolled to an even
Surface surface finish and a 1% gradient from surface finish and a 1% gradient from
one side to the other. one side to the other.

Subgrade depth varies depending on the CBR value of the substrata in accordance with Table
9-2. Substrates with a CBR of less than 2% require stabilisation and reinforcement prior to the
road being constructed.

Table 9-2 – CBR vs Subgrade Depth

CBR Thickness

2% 370mm
4% 240mm
5% 200mm

9.2 Underground Services

UK Power Networks areas shall be designed such that sprinkler systems, water, gas, drainage
or third party service cables, pipes and heating/ventilation ducts do not cross through or below.

Due to the range of services located within a site, e.g. drainage, cables, earth mat, building
services and multicores, it is imperative that the setting out of all underground services is
recorded as installed.

Where possible, services should be routed away from areas that may be used for heavy
equipment delivery. If this is not possible, suitable protection shall be provided.

9.3 Drainage

Pumps shall be provided at below ground locations where flooding is likely, for instance
basements or cable trenches. The pumps shall draw water from grated sumps and discharge
through into rainwater gullies. Pumps are specified in EDS 07-4060.

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9.4 Landscaping around Standalone Buildings

A 600mm wide pedestrian footpath consisting of paving slabs shall be laid between all doors.

Areas to receive 600x600x50mm paving slabs shall be prepared with a sand-cement bed of
50mm minimum overall thickness on compacted DTp Type 1 clean graded stone sub-base.

Reinforced concrete landing slabs of 200mm minimum thickness shall be placed in front of all
doors and staircases on compacted DTp type 1. The thickness of the compacted granular
material shall be specified subjected to the condition of the natural ground (e.g. two layers of
150mm each). Landing pads shall suit the door-sets width plus the length taken by handrails.

10 Materials
10.1 General

This section provides details of the typical construction materials used in customer buildings.
The standard drawings listed in Appendix A show construction details and building materials;
however, it is acknowledged that the specification of certain building elements may be dictated
by third parties at special locations.

10.2 Concrete for Foundations

Structural concrete for foundations shall be designed to the latest version of BS EN 206, BS
8500-1 and BS 8500-2, considering chemical and sulphate class. The specification for the
reinforced concrete foundation should consider the following:

• Ground contaminants to be removed, local soft spots to be excavated and brought up to

formation level with a designated GEN1 mix.
• Structural concrete to be poured on 50mm GEN1 mix concrete blinding, on 1200 gauge
polyethylene slip membrane, on compacted DTp1 type material.
• Sulphate resistance cement combination to BS EN197-1.
• RC32/40 designated concrete with 20mm aggregate with concrete combinations CEMIVB-
V, IIIA or IIIB using fly ash or GGBS additions replacing more than 36% Portland cement.
• Nominal 40mm concrete cover to rebar. 50mm to bottom face in contact with blinding.
75mm where in direct contact to soil.
• 25mm chamfers to all sharp external edges above ground level.
• Fair face finish to exposed concrete.
• Finished smooth and level within +/-4mm over 5000mm.
• Ribbed bar reinforcing to BS 4449, strength grade B500B. Steel fabric reinforcement
square mesh to BS 4483.
• Reinforcing bars to allow for continuity of the earthing system. The reinforcement design
to specify the bars and type of bonding needed to achieve continuity throughout the
concrete work.

10.3 Standalone Switchroom Roof

The roof construction shall be insulated, with a u-value of 0.25 W/m2K. The roof shall be
designed to prevent debris, following a disruptive failure of a switchgear panel, from entering
a publicly accessible area. The details of roof construction shall be designed for approval by
the Local Planning Authority and/or building control.

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A switchroom shall have insulated metal cladding panels (e.g. Kingspan KS1000 RW roofing
system or similar approved) to form the roof, supported on purlins and a steel structure. The
roof shape shall allow for adequate drainage through rain down pipes; typically, a metal clad
roof of insulated profiled colour coated cladding, composite or built-up, at a nominal pitch of
10 degrees will be acceptable.

Flat roofs should only be used when extending an existing flat roof or when stipulated by Local
Authority planning requirements.

10.4 External Walls

Walls shall be designed to match fire and security ratings of doors. Above ground external
walls shall be designed for thermal insulation with a u-value of 0.43 W/ m2K. Typical wall types
for switch house buildings:

• Cavity wall with 100mm internal skin of dense smooth faced paint grade blocks of
compressive strength 7N/mm2; with 80mm cavity with 30mm of insulation; and 102.5mm
facing brick external skin to suit architectural requirements.
• Composite walls: metal cladding, steel insulated. Thermal properties should be achieved
with the use of high performance infill.

External below ground walls shall be reinforced concrete and designed to withstand lateral
earth pressures and overpressure.

Rails or other fixings shall be provided internally to facilitate the installation of heating, lighting
and other wall mounted units. Where practicable, all walls shall be suitable to allow the secure
fixing of wall mounted equipment and associated cabling.

Alternative construction types may be considered providing that the correct environment is
established to ensure that the equipment installed is not damaged or put at risk in any way by
environmental conditions.

For modular buildings, the security rating of the enclosure shall certified to LPCB LPS 1175
B3 or equivalent as a minimum for the full enclosure.

10.5 Internal Party Walls

The section applies when specifying walls for integral and basement substations and refers to
party wall internal to the larger building. Subject to fire compartmentalization requirements,
internal walls can be made of one of following options:
• 215mm fully bonded brickwork, frogged (e.g. Flettons or similar), English bond with neat
struck joints, fair face inside.
• 215mm brickwork (class 4) calcium silicate/sandlime smooth faced solid bricks in oatmeal
or light colour, secured to concrete sections with ties and cast in/surface mounted
channels and to be finished with a fair face and lightly pressed bucket handle joint.
• 230mm minimum reinforced concrete with 50mm cover to rebar.
• Single sided heavy duty fire panel (Durasteel or similar approved) on galvanised steel

Engineering or perforated bricks, neither hollow blocks are not acceptable because of reduced
carrying capacity for wall mounted equipment.

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10.6 Finishes

At integral and basement switchrooms:

• Internal walls to receive two coats of vinyl silk emulsion, colour magnolia.
• Ceilings to receive two coats of white vinyl matt emulsion finish.
• Floor shall be painted with water miscible epoxy floor paint, in accordance with paint
manufacturer recommendations.

Internal walls and exposed concrete surfaces shall be treated as described above at
freestanding brick-built switchrooms.

10.7 Doors

Minimum security rating shall meet LPCB LPS 1175 B3, unless otherwise specified UK Power
Networks Company Security. Minimum fire rating 60min, but this can be increased according
to the fire risk assessment.

Made of mild steel and powder coated. Standard security door cores shall be minimum 45mm
thick flush double pan construction formed from 1.2 nominal thickness zinc coated steel sheet
to BS EN 10152. Resin impregnated core material shall be provided and the whole
construction riveted, glued and welded as required to give adequate rigidity and performance.
Polyester powder coat to match local door colour schemes.

Appropriate ironmongery including panic push bar escape door furniture to BS EN 1125 to suit
application and test certification. It is acceptable to have the passive leaf secured with tower
bolts, top and bottom, and kept normally closed. Alternatively, a wider active leave with push
bar and narrow passive leaf is permitted.

Main and secondary access doors shall be fitted with external access door furniture and fitted
with the UK Power Networks standard locking system.

When door stays are deemed necessary, these shall be fitted at the head of the leaf and shall
be capable of holding the door open at 90 degrees (minimum). The fire risk assessment shall
be referred to confirm whether a self-closing systems is required instead.

A security strip shall be provided to the leading edge of the doors to mask the gap between
the pairs of the door or between the door and the frame.

External doors shall be fitted with suitable weather seal strip.

Doors leading to internal corridors may have a 500x500mm 60min fire resistant glazed vision
panel, centrally located at 1300mm from bottom to floor.

Intumescent strips and cold smoke seals shall be provided around the doorframe.

Sliding folding doors shall be electrically operated with mechanical means to open them in the
event of a power failure.

Every door shall have and ID plate affixed stating the traceable ID reference, fire rating,
security rating, blast rating (if required), date manufacture, date of installation, manufacturer
name and contact. Signs should be bonded with at approved double-sided heavy-duty tape
unless otherwise specified.

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Transom panels above the doors may be required to accommodate taller equipment.

Single doors shall open outwards to allow escape.

Doors opening onto a wall shall be fitted with doorstops.

Connection to the substation earthing system in accordance with EDS 06-0013.

10.8 Floors

The rooms of the switch house have very close level tolerances to suit requirements of plant
installation. A maximum gap of 2mm under a 2m straight edge laid anywhere on the floor is
the level tolerance across the switch house floor.
To suit cable routes, floors and walls shall have holes formed with non-metallic linings. Cast-
in steel or ductile iron formers are not be acceptable.
At standalone switchrooms, where openings in the floor are to remain open for future switch
panels, these are shall be covered with a GRP solid cover or steel chequer plate panel with
lifting openings, supported on a galvanised steel frame.
Where appropriate, all switchgear should be secured to a steel frame over an opening in the
switchroom floor. The steel frame shall be designed to accommodate the weight, size, cable
and fixing layout and number of the switching panels as advised by the electrical engineer.
In the absence of external flood barriers to protect the switchroom, the floor level should be at
least 300mm above the design flood level for the surrounding area, guidance from the
Environment Agency shall be sought. At flood prone zones, the maximum height that the floor
can be is 2100mm above ground level and the design shall follow the specification for the
elevated switchroom with an open ground floor room.
At integral and basement sites, the flood resilience of the building shall be confirmed,
especially the flood risk due to a water mains burst, for rooms located below ground level.
At elevated sites, the thermal insulation of the underside of building shall be 0.35W/m2K u-
Deflection check for the floor cover panels UDL 2.0kN/m2.
10.9 Steelwork

The structural steel design life shall be 40 years.

BS EN 1090 makes compulsory to supply fabricated structural steelwork or aluminium to site
to conform to the standard and to carry the CE mark. Only firms that are CE marked with a
specific ‘Execution Class’, as defined in BS EN 1090-1 shall be used. For switchroom projects,
the execution class is ‘buildings in general’.
S235 or S355 steel with a corrosion allowance of 1.5mm.
Refer to the Galvanizers Association Corrosion Map for confirmation of the galvanizing
thickness required.
Bituminous water resistant coating applied to galvanised steel to 300, above ground level
(screw piles top hat connections, baseplates and columns). Coating applied upon completion
of cable installation.
All exposed structural steel work shall be protected with 1 hour fire resistant intumescent paint.

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10.10 Pressure Relief Vents

Pressure relief vents shall be an approved item listed on EDS 07-0000a. All panels shall be
fitted with a security grille.

Standard overall sizes available are 420x420x120mm, 620x620x120mm, 820x820x120mm,


11 References
11.1 UK Power Networks Standards

CON 08 111 Property and Consents Acquisition Policy

EAS 02-0000a Materials List – Cables and Joints
EAS 03-0000a Materials List - Switchgear
EAS 07-0000a Materials List – Civils and Substations
ECS 02-0019 Installation of Underground Cables LV to 132kV
EDS 06-0012 Earthing Design Criteria, Data and Calculations
EDS 06-0013 Grid and Primary Substation Earthing Design
EDS 06-0014 Secondary Substation Earthing Design
ECS 06-0022 Grid and Primary Earthing Design and Construction
ECS 06-0023 Secondary Distribution Network Design and Construction
EDS 07-0116 Fire Protection Standard for Operational Sites
EDS 07-1109 Security Requirements for Operational Sites
EDS 07-1119 Substation Electrical Services
EDS 07-3102 Secondary Substation Civil Design Standard
EDS 07-4000 Grid and Primary Substation Civil Design
EDS 07-4050 Grid and Primary Switch House Buildings
EDS 07-4060 Grid and Primary Substation Building Services
EDS 07-4080 Overpressure in Substations
EDS 08-1101 Inset Networks
EDS 08-3100 HV Customer Demand and Generation Supplies
EDS 08-4100 EHV Customer Demand and Generation Supplies
EDS 09-0019 Safety Sign and Identification Labelling of Equipment

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11.2 National and International Standards

Construction (Design and Management) Regulations

Loss Prevention Certification Board LPS 1175
Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order.
BS 476-22 Fire tests on building materials and structures. Method for determination of the
fire resistance of non-loadbearing elements of construction

BS 5395-1 Stairs, ladders and walkways – Design Code of Practice

BS 5975 Code of practice for temporary works procedures and the permissible stress
design of falsework
BS 8102 Code of practice for protection of below ground structures against water from
the ground
BS 8500-1 Concrete. Complementary British Standard to BS EN 206 - Method of
specifying and guidance for the specifier
BS 8500-2 Concrete. Complementary British Standard to BS EN 206 - Specification for
constituent materials and concrete
BS EN197-1 Cement - Portland-composite cement CEM II/C-M and Composite cement CEM
BS EN 206 Concrete. Specification, performance, production and conformity
BS EN 1090-1 Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures
BS EN 1125 Building hardware. Panic exit devices operated by a horizontal bar, for use on
escape routes. Requirements and test methods
BS EN 1634-1 Fire resistance and smoke control tests for door and shutter assemblies,
openable windows and elements of building hardware. Fire resistance test for
door and shutter assemblies and openable windows
BS EN 1990 Eurocode. Basis of structural design
BS EN 1991-1-1 Eurocode 1. Actions on structures. General actions. Densities, self-weight,
imposed loads for buildings
BS EN 1991-1-7 Eurocode 1. Actions on structures. General actions. Accidental actions
BS 4449 Steel for the reinforcement of concrete. Weldable reinforcing steel. Bar, coil and
decoiled product. Specification
BS 4483 Steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete. Specification

BS EN 10152 Electrolytically zinc coated cold rolled steel flat products for cold forming.
Technical delivery conditions
BS EN 12825 Raised access floors
BS EN 13501-1 Fire classification of construction products and building elements. Classification
using data from reaction to fire tests
BS EN 14122 Safety of machinery. Permanent means of access to machinery. Choice of
fixed means and general requirements of access
BS EN 61936-1 Power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c. Common rules
LOLER Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations

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Appendix A – List of Drawings

Drawing Title Revision

EDS 07-4055.01 33kV Brick-Built Customer Switchroom A

EDS 07-4055.02 33kV Integral Customer Switchroom A
EDS 07-4055.03 33kV Elevated Customer Switchroom A
EDS 07-4055.04 33kV Metal-Clad Customer Switchroom A
EDS 07-4055.05 33kV Modular Customer Switchroom A
EDS 07-4055.11 11kV Brick-Built Customer Switchroom A
EDS 07-4055.12 11kV Integral Customer Switchroom A
EDS 07-4055.13 11kV Elevated Customer Switchroom A
EDS 07-4055.14 11kV Metal-Clad Customer Switchroom A
EDS 07-4055.15 11kV Modular Customer Switchroom A
EDS 07-4055.16 11kV Basement Customer Switchroom A
EDS 07-4055.20 Satellite Dish Base and Supporting Structure A

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