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Recruitment and selection are two different stages in the hiring process.

Recruitment is the process of sourcing, attracting, and identifying candidates for

open positions. The goal of recruitment is to gather as many suitable candidates
for the role as possible. Broadly speaking, there are two types of recruitment:
external recruitment and internal recruitment 1.
External recruitment involves searching for candidates from outside of the
organization, while internal recruitment involves looking for candidates who
already work for the organization in a different role 1.
Selection is the process of assessing candidates’ qualities, expertise, and
experience to narrow down the pool of applicants until you’re left with the best
person for the role.
This process usually involves conducting interviews and using various tests and
assessments to evaluate each candidate 2.
The recruitment and selection process involves six main steps: creating a job
description, advertising the role, screening candidates, conducting interviews,
carrying out tests and assessments, and selecting the successful candidate 1.
An effective recruitment and selection process allows companies to source,
attract, and identify the best candidates for every open role, which can help to
reduce attrition, increase productivity, and even improve the company’s bottom
line 1

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