Poptropica English Islands 3 Video Photocopiables

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Philippa McFarland
1 Nature
1 Watch. Then unscramble and write.

wNe dlaZaen nCaaad het AUS

1 Aoraki/Mount Cook 2 Banff National Park 3 The National Park

National Park is is in . in Washington DC
in . is in .

2 Watch. Then write and circle.

Lincoln memorial Washington monument Jefferson memorial

1 2 3

3 Watch. Then read and write True or False.

1 The highest mountain in New Zealand has two names. True

2 Banff National Park is the highest national park in Canada.

3 You can see bison and hot pools in the Grand Canyon National Park.

4 Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon are in the USA.

Poptropica English Islands Level 3 Video Photocopiables PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2019
2 Me
1 Watch. Circle and write.

l l a b y
w a

a o

l o

k a

a g

b u r
r a k a

1 2

3 4

2 Watch. Read and write the animals from Activity 1. Circle.

This is a kangaroo . They can can’t run, but

they can can’t jump.

This is a . They can can’t run and

they can can’t jump, but they can can’t climb.

This is a . They can can’t run. They
can can’t jump and they can can’t climb, but
they can can’t fly.

Poptropica English Islands Level 3 Video Photocopiables PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2019
3 Pets
1 Watch. Look and tick (✓) the animals you see. Write.

rabbits parrot bats fox dog cat

1 2 3


4 5 6

2 Watch. Read and write the correct animal.

kitten macaw rabbits

1 This animal is a type of parrot. macaw

2 This animal is injured and needs medicine from the vets.

3 All of these animals lived on a farm.

4 This animal now lives in a wildlife shelter.

5 These animals didn’t have the food or water they needed.

3 Watch. Listen and complete the answers.

1 Why are wildlife shelters important?
They take care of sick and injured animals .

2 What does the cat at the animal shelter need?

It needs .

3 What happens to the cats and kittens when they are better?
People can .

4 What did the animal shelter give to the rabbits?

It gave them .

Poptropica English Islands Level 3 Video Photocopiables PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2019
4 Home
1 Watch. Read, write and match.

armchair bed fireplace television lamp bedroom living room

1 The armchair

are in the .

2 The ,


are in the .

2 Watch. Count and write.

1 2 3

doors windows walls

3 Watch. Read and complete.

logs log cabins trees in front of

1 The logs are in front of the houses.

2 There are a lot of in the USA and Canada.

3 People use to make the logs.

4 They use to make the cabins.

Poptropica English Islands Level 3 Video Photocopiables PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2019
5 Clothes
1 Watch. Then look and write.

uniform primary school school bus forest school

1 2 3 4

primary school

2 Write and colour.

skirt trousers jumper trousers shirt

These children are wearing a school

uniform. The boy is wearing grey
(1) trousers , a white
(2) and a blue
(3) . The girl isn’t
wearing (4) . She’s
wearing a grey (5) .

3 Watch again and match.

1 In the UK, children go to a elementary school.
2 In the US, children go to b at half past eight.

3 In the UK, children c at 3 o’clock, a quarter past three

or half past three.
4 In the US, children
d wear a uniform.
5 In the UK, school usually starts
e at 3 o’clock or half past three.
6 In the US, school usually starts f primary school.
7 In the UK, school finishes g at 9 o’clock.
8 In the US, school finishes h don’t always wear a uniform.

Poptropica English Islands Level 3 Video Photocopiables PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2019
6 Sports
1 Watch. Then look and write.

batter wooden bat pitcher glove ball pitch

1 wooden bat

2 Watch. Then read and match.

New Zealand Cuba Australia

baseball cricket

Pakistan India

South Africa Japan

3 Watch. Then read and write cricket or baseball.

1 People play this sport on a pitch called a diamond. baseball

2 You score points by running up and down the pitch.

3 You use a wooden bat, a ball and a glove to play this sport.

4 You use a wooden bat and a ball to play this sport.

5 There are batters and bowlers in this sport.

6 There are batters and pitchers in this sport.

Poptropica English Islands Level 3 Video Photocopiables PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2019
7 Food
1 Watch. Then write and match.

pavlova beef burgers and French fries a

fish and chips

1 In the UK, a lot of people eat


2 In the US, a lot of people eat


3 In Australia, a lot of people eat

2 Watch and circle.

You make scones with:

a b c d e

You eat scones with:

f g h i

3 Watch and write.

fruit biscuit eggs meringue sugar cream

In a pavlova, there is (1) meringue . This is like a

(2) . You make it with (3) and

(4) . Then there is lots of (5) .

Finally, there is (6) .

Poptropica English Islands Level 3 Video Photocopiables PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2019
8 Things we do
1 Watch. Tick (✓) the things Jack does in his free time.

1 chat online 8 read science books

2 dance 9 sleep

3 meet friends 10 watch TV

4 play badminton

5 play football

6 play the flute

7 read comics

2 Watch. Then read and write True or False.

1 Dan watches TV. True

2 Dan likes detective films.
3 He doesn’t play computer games.
4 He listens to music at the weekend.
5 He plays baseball for the school team.
6 His team wins every game.

3 Watch. Look and complete. What do Jack and Dan both do

in their free time?

watch TV read books talk to friends play sports listen to music

Jack Dan

Poptropica English Islands Level 3 Video Photocopiables PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2019
Teaching notes and Answer Key
Culture video worksheets are designed to accompany the culture videos you can find in the Active Teach.
You can use them at any point in the unit, preferrably with the Wider World and CLIL lessons.

• Play the video once from the beginning to the end without pausing, for general comprehension.
• Then distribute the worksheets and ask students to watch the video again and do the tasks. You can
play the video once for each of the tasks, unless you can see that your students can do Activity 3 from
memory and only watch again to check.
• The procedure for the video worksheets is the same for all units.

Unit 1 Unit 5

1 1 New Zealand 2 Canada 3 the USA 1 1 primary school 2 school bus

3 forest school 4 uniform
2 1 Washington monument 1st
2 Jefferson memorial 3rd 2 1 trousers 2 shirt 3 jumper
3 Lincoln memorial 16th 4 trousers 5 skirt

3 1 True 2 False 3 False 4 True 3 1f 2a 3d 4h 5g 6b 7c 8e

Unit 2 Unit 6

1 1 kangaroo 2 wallaby 3 koala 1 1 wooden bat 2 ball 3 glove 4 pitch

4 kookaburra 5 batter 6 pitcher

2 1 kangaroo, can’t, can 2 baseball: Japan, Cuba

2 koala, can’t, can’t, can cricket: Australia, New Zealand, South Africa,
3 kookaburra, can’t, can’t, can’t, can Pakistan, India

Unit 3 3 1 baseball 2 cricket 3 baseball 4 cricket

5 cricket 6 baseball
1 1 cat ✓ 2 bats 3 parrot ✓ 4 dog
5 rabbits ✓ 6 fox ✓ Unit 7

2 1 macaw 2 kitten 3 rabbits 4 macaw 1 1 fish and chips, c

5 rabbits 2 beef burgers and French fries, a
3 pavlova, b
3 1 sick and injured animals
2 somewhere to sleep 2 a c d g i
3 choose them as pets
3 1 meringue 2 biscuit 3 eggs
4 food to eat and water to drink
4 sugar 5 cream 6 fruit
Unit 4
Unit 8
1 1 armchair, fireplace, living room
1 chat online, meet friends, play football, read
2 bed, lamp, television, bedroom
science books, watch TV
2 1 doors: 1 2 windows: 2 3 walls: 4
2 1 True 2 True 3 False 4 False 5 True 6 False
3 1 in front of 2 log cabins 3 trees 4 logs
3 Jack: watch TV, read books, talk to friends,
play sports
Dan: watch TV, talk to friends, play sports,
listen to music
Both: watch TV, talk to friends, play sports
Poptropica English Islands Level 3 Video Photocopiables PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2019
Pearson Educación, S.A.
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© Pearson Educación, S.A. 2019
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First published 2019
EAN: 8435085122712
Set in Frutiger 13pt, Daytona 12pt and Escolar 21/23pt
Illustrators: Patricia Flores Buil, Inés Burgos Pía and José Antonio Rubio
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