Holiday Geo Package 2o23

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1. The wheat production in united kingdom between 2014 and 2018 (‘000 tones’)

Year Wheat (‘000 tones’)

2014 16606
2015 16444
2016 14383
2017 14837
2018 14086

a) Draw a simple line graph to portray the information in the table.

b) Outline the advantages and disadvantages of using the method above.
c) Comment on the production of wheat in UK between 2014 and 2018
d) Explain the contribution of arable farming to the economy of developed countries?

2. The export of crude of (000’ barrels per day) by selected countries between 2013 and 2017.

Country 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

USA 3621 4175 4738 5261 6343
Algeria 1196 1205 1247 1209 1202
Nigeria 2216 2169 2132 1755 1830
Angola 1701 16339 1747 1724 1593

a) Draw a comparative line graph to represent the exports of crude oil by selected countries between
2013 and 2017.
b) Outline the merits and demerits of using the above method.
c) Comment on the exports of crude oil by selected countries between 2013 and 2017.
d) Account for high petroleum exports in either USA or Nigeria.

3. The livestock numbers (‘000s) in Uganda between 2001 and 2005.

Livestock 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Cattle 6144 6328 6519 65567 6770
Goats 6620 6852 7092 7566 7800
Sheep 1108 1141 1175 1552 1600
pigs 1644 1710 1778 1940 2000

a) Draw a compound line graph to show the information contained in the table.
b) Explain the demerits of using the statistical method in (a) above.
c) Describe the trend for livestock numbers in Uganda between 2001 and 2005.
d) Account for the trend described in(c) above.
e) Explain the role of livestock farming in the economy of developing countries?
4. The production of electricity by China between 2010 and 2017 (terawatt-hours)

Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Electricity 4207.2 4713.0 4987.6 5431.6 5649.6 5814.6 6133.2 6495.1

a) Draw a divergent line graph to show the information given in the table.
b) Why is the method used in (a) above suitable?
c) Comment on China’s electricity production between 2010 and 2017.
d) Identify any four Hydroelectricity dams in China.
e) Why is the production of electricity on the increase in China?

5. The changes in forest cover for selected countries in Africa between 1990 and 2010.

Forest area as a %age of the total land area

Country 1990 2000 2010
Cameroon 51.4 46.8 42.1
Zambia 70.0 68.8 66.5
Swaziland 27.4 30.1 32.7
DR Congo 70.7 69.4 68.0
Nigeria 18.9 14.4 9.9
Gabon 85.4 85.4 85.4

a) Calculate the percentage change in forest cover for each country between 1990 and 2010.
b) Draw a bar graph to show the percentage area under forest cover for the selected African countries
in 2010.
i. Identify the country with the highest forest destruction.
ii. Explain the causes of the high rate of forest destruction in the country identified in © (i)
d) Outline the effects of forest cover destruction in Africa.

6. The percentage of workers in European Economic Community involved in various sectors of employment
for 1960 and 1982.

Sector Agriculture Industry Services

1960 1982 1960 1982 1960 1982

EEC 19% 8% 41% 36% 40% 56%

a) Draw a comparative bar graph to show the information in the table above.
b) Identify any trends illustrated in the graph.
c) Account for the trends of workers employed in each sector in EEC between 1960 and
7. Livestock numbers in South Africa in 2002 and 2003 (in millions).

LIVESTOCK 2002 2003
Cattle 13635 15538
Sheep 29034 28780
Pigs 1570 1400
Goats 6694 7603

a) Draw a compound bar graph to represent the information in the table.

b) Using the table and graph drawn, comment on the livestock numbers in South Africa
or Argentina.
c) Explain the problems faced by the livestock industry in either South Africa or

8. The export value of merchandise goods for selected countries in West Africa in 2011 (in millions
of dollars).

Country Export value

Benin 1354
Burkina Faso 2400
Ghana 11283
Guinea 2414
Mali 2538
Nigeria 32800
Cote d’ Ivo ire 11793
Niger 1053
Togo 1293
Senegal 2640

a) Draw a divergence bar graph to represent the information given in the table above.
b) Why is the method used above suitable?
c) Identify the major three importers of merchandise goods from Africa.
d) Examine the role of export trade in the economy of any one country in the table.

9. The mean monthly temperature and rainfall of Jerusalem.

Month J F M A M J J A S O N D
Temp0c 8.9 9.4 12.8 16.7 20.6 22.2 23.9 33.9 22.8 21.1 16.7 11.1
Rainfall 132 132 135 27 2.5 0 0 0 0 12.7 71.1 86.4
a) Draw a circular graph to portray the information in the table above.
b) State the merits and demerits of the statistical method used in (a) above.
c) Describe the climatic characteristics of Jerusalem as shown in the table and graph.
10. The population statistics of country X

Age % males % females

0-4 7.8 6.6
5-9 6.3 6.1
10-14 6.0 5.9
15-19 5.6 5.6
20-24 4.5 4.6
25-29 3.8 4.0
30-34 3.2 3.3
35-39 2.5 2.8
40-44 2.3 2.4
45-49 2.0 2.1
50-54 1.5 1.9
55-59 1.3 1.3
60-64 1.1 1.1
65-69 1.0 1.0
70-74 0.5 0.6
75-79 0.3 0.4
80-84 0.2 0.2
85+ 0.1 0.1

a) Draw a population pyramid to represent the population structure of country X.

b) Describe the characteristics of population structure of country X.
c) Giving reasons for your answer name any one country with su8ch a population
d) Examine the problems faced by countries with such a population structure.

11. Production of vehicles by selected countries.


Commercial 1896 241 2052 409 242 750
Passenger 8222 2862 2055 1816 1832 280

a) Draw a comparative pie-charts to illustrate the information given in the table above.
b) What are the merits and demerits of using the statistical method in (a) above.
c) Outline other modes of transport used in selected countries.
d) Account for the poor transport infrastructure in sub-Saharan Africa.
12. The table shows road and railway transport network in selected African countries (2000-2005).

Country Total road network (km) Total railway network (km)

DRC 153,497 3641
Zambia 91440 1273
Ghana 47787 977
Cameroon 50000 974
Nigeria 193200 3528
Botswana 24455 888

a) Draw a combined divided semi-circles to represent the information given in the table
b) Identify the country with the;
i. Shortest road network
ii. Longest railway network
c) Account for the development if railway transport in the country identified in ( c) (ii)


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