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International Journal of Fatigue 140 (2020) 105775

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Fatigue behavior of composite laminates with automated fiber placement T

induced defects- a review
Pierre L. Chevaliera, , Christos Kassapogloub, Zafer Gürdalc

Columbia SC, 29208, USA
TU Delft, Netherlands
Columbia SC, 29208, USA


Keywords: Numerical and experimental studies have been conducted to try to quantify the influence of Automated Fiber
AFP Placement (AFP) induced manufacturing defects on the quasi-static behavior of composite parts ranging, on the
Composite building block approach, from coupons to sub-structural parts. In more recent studies, researchers started to
Defects conduct the same investigations for fatigue load cases with the purpose of determining the influence of defects
on damage initiation and propagation mechanisms. This document will present a review of both experimental
and numerical studies conducted so far on the influence of AFP defects on laminate response and failure
characteristics during fatigue loading. In the first section, a brief introduction of the types of AFP manufacturing
defects identified will be presented before focusing on publications related to the influence of the aforemen-
tioned defects on the quasi-static behavior of composite laminates. Following, in the second section, we propose
to detail the numerical investigations on the fatigue behavior of composite laminates. Then, the third section will
present a combined experimental and numerical investigation of the influence of the manufacturing defects
presented in the first section on the fatigue behavior studied in detail in the second section. Finally, the fourth
section is dedicated to a comparison of the time cost associated with numerical and experimental approach.

1. Influence of AFP induced defects on Quasi-static response of can, however, highlight the need of a fifth category: Disposition. This
composite laminates category would, once the consequences of the defect on the part per-
formance are understood, deal with further treatment of the defect or
In Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) manufacturing, both the shape the part; i.e., continue using the part, cosmetic repair, temporary repair,
complexity and manufacturing processing parameters have a significant structural repair, or rejection (remove and replace defective part). The
influence on defects occurrence rate and severity. Based on manu- researchers identified fourteen types of defects: Gap/Overlap, Pucker,
facturing experience, most commonly encountered defect types have Wrinkle, Bridging, Boundary Coverage, Angle Deviation, Fold, Twist,
been identified and studied by Harik et al.[1] using four different Wandering Tow, Loose Tow, Missing Tow, Splice, Position Error and
perspectives: Anticipation, Existence, Significance, and Progression of Foreign Object. A schematic for each defect type is presented in Fig. 1.
defects. In the context of Ref. [1], Anticipation refers to the capacity of Recently, following the increased use of AFP manufacturing, ex-
predicting defects occurrence based on process parameters values. The tensive quasi-static testing on composite laminates containing defects
Existence perspective focuses on describing the detectable aspect of was conducted [2–11]. Mainly three types of the previously identified
defects from an inspection point of view and provides guidance on in- defect types were tested: gap, overlap and wrinkle. Two main reasons
spection protocol needed based on the defect type: visual, semi-auto- can explain the authors’ choice to focus on these specific types. First,
mated or automated. The Significance perspective investigates the those three types of defects are the most commonly encountered types
consequence of a defect on part performance. Finally, the Progression with AFP manufacturing. Gaps and overlaps frequently occur between
perspective aims at describing the potential evolution of the defect tows and courses in conventional laminates and on the part boundaries.
under service loads. This allows for a better understanding of the origin They also are unavoidable in steered-laminates [12–15]. Wrinkles, on
of defects depending on their nature and also gives a first estimation of the other hand, generally occur in variable-stiffness laminates due to
what can be expected for their influence on a laminate’s response. We the difference of length between the outer and the inner tows path [16].

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P.L. Chevalier).
Received 12 April 2020; Received in revised form 4 June 2020; Accepted 8 June 2020
Available online 30 June 2020
0142-1123/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P.L. Chevalier, et al. International Journal of Fatigue 140 (2020) 105775

Fig. 1. Defects' schematics from [1].

They can also be observed in conventional laminates with complex

geometries. Secondly, the above-mentioned defect types can also be
encountered within other manufacturing techniques. The formation of
defects such as distortion, fiber waviness, and non-uniform fiber vo-
lume fraction were observed and studied for Resin Transfer Molding
(RTM) techniques [17,18]. This justifies the interest in understanding
their influence on composite laminates response and failure char-
acteristics. Another important factor when it comes to understanding
the influence of defects on a laminate response is the type of loading
applied. Researchers are, to the greatest extent, focusing on tensile
failure [3,6,12,19] and compressive failure [2,7,10,20] of composites.
The influence of several AFP induced defect types on the quasi-static
response of laminates has been experimentally observed by Croft et al.
[3]. They include lamina level (tension, compression and in-plane
shear) tests on unidirectional laminates, and laminate level tests (Open-
Hole Tension (OHT) and Open-Hole Compression (OHC)) on quasi-
isotropic laminates. The results are summarized qualitatively in Fig. 2. Fig. 2. Quasi-static test results from [3].
It appears that the simplest defect types (one gap or one overlap) have a
little to no influence on the strength of unidirectional tensile specimens. concentration generated by the hole was overshadowing any influence
This can be explained by a better consolidation of defective plies in a the defect might have had. On the other hand, OHC specimens dis-
unidirectional laminate during the cure cycle. A similar observation played a high sensitivity to the introduction of a defect either within the
was made for compressive specimens where the only defect of influence length or the width of the laminate. Defects along the specimen’s length
seems to be the overlap with an improvement of the compressive improved the global compressive strength by facilitating the creation of
strength by 7%. However, this is mainly due to thickness change of the delamination around the hole which alleviates the local stress con-
laminate. OHT specimens showed that the influence of the stress centration. However, defects along the laminate width, in the stress

P.L. Chevalier, et al. International Journal of Fatigue 140 (2020) 105775

0.03in as the test results illustrate. Laminates containing 0.1in Lap/Gap

are indeed showing a slightly higher failure strain to Baseline failure
strain ratio than laminates containing 0.03 in defects.
In both previously mentioned publications, overlaps are generated
by introducing a 90° strip of material in the laminate. This allows for a
thickness build-up without considerably modifying the laminate stiff-
ness. This is one of the three techniques identified and studied by Wang
et al. [11]. The strip technique was employed by Mukhopadhyay et al.
[6,7] to generate out-of-plane ply waviness, or wrinkle, in the adjacent
layers. The severity of the created defect can therefore be controlled by
the thickness and the position of the added strips. However, this tech-
nique presents the inconvenience of slightly modifying the defect type
Fig. 3. Compression Gap specimen from [3]. in the sense that it requires introduction of a piece of material where a
natural defect would not have one. A post-cure fiber waviness gener-
ated by this technique is presented in the micrograph in Fig. 6. Similarly
concentration area, lead to a strength reduction.
to Sawicki and Minguet [2], the authors noticed that not only does the
To summarize, it is observed that defects have a higher influence on
defect influence the laminate tensile and compressive strength but,
what Croft et al. [3] call laminate level test (OHT and OHC) than they
depending on its severity, it can also modify the failure mechanism.
do on what they qualify as lamina level test (tension, compression and
Tensile and compressive failure strength for different wrinkle severities
in-plane shear coupons). However, that observation is based on a
are presented in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. As previously stated, a
comparison of results between unidirectional laminate used for lamina
severity threshold above which the defect severity has no meaningful
level test coupons and quasi-isotropic laminates used for laminate level
influence on the material properties was observed in compressive test.
tests. Hence, the conclusion comparing the test results from different
Such phenomenon was not observed with tensile tests for which the
scale levels may not be appropriate. This sensitivity of OHT and OHC
strength was reduced by 4% in the less severe configuration and up to
laminates to defects is probably due to different phenomena interacting
23% in the worst case. Additionally, tensile specimens containing the
between plies of different orientations. Additionally, out-of-plane ply
two most serious defects also demonstrated a small load drop long
waviness generated by a defect on its adjacent layers have a significant
before final failure of the laminate. That drop was associated with the
influence on shear and compressive strengths. Yet, as can be seen on
initiation of matrix cracks and delamination between 45° and 90° layers
micrographs of defective specimens, out-of-plane layers waviness in
in the vicinity of the waviness. That observation comes as a confirma-
unidirectional laminates (see Fig. 3) is less severe than the one observed
tion of the previous conclusion that defects mainly act as damage in-
in quasi-isotropic laminates (see Fig. 4). A situation that, when it affects
itiation zones.
0° layers, can lead to a significant reduction a compressive strength by
The experimental work presented in the previously mentioned ar-
facilitating the creation of kink-band zones. This conclusion is in
ticles illustrates the large variety of parameters, such as defect type,
agreement with Sawicki and Minguet’s finding [2]. The authors indeed
location, their size and number, fiber orientation of the layer with a
found that by introducing a combination of a gap and an overlap in all
defect, the stacking sequence of the laminate, and local stress state
90° layers, the out-of-plane ply waviness generated in adjacent 0° layers
associated with the applied loads, which can influence the effect of
led to a premature failure in compression in both un-notched laminates
defect in composite laminates. Therefore, the number of possible
and OHC. It is also worth mentioning that a defect width threshold was
combinations can be very large and performing experiments to address
identified. Defects wider than 0.03 in had no meaningful additional
the effect of defects for all the parameters would be prohibitively ex-
influence of the material properties [2]. A similar conclusion was drawn
pensive. One can choose from two options: creating a well thought-
regarding the insensitivity of the laminate properties with respect to the
through Design of Experiment or developing a generic computational
number of defects introduced in the laminate. No significant degrada-
tool capable to represent as many configurations as possible. Both can
tion of the material properties was observed when more than one defect
help reduce the number of experimental testing necessary to under-
was introduced in the laminate. Those two observations combined
stand the influence of defect on a broader scale. That observation is the
emphasize the fact that defects are mainly acting as local stress con-
reason that has led authors to develop finite element models for gaps/
centrations. Therefore, they have a more significant influence on load
overlaps [8,9,21] or other defect types such as wrinkles [6,7]. In ad-
level of damage initiation than on damage propagation as they tend to
dition, switching from an experimentally governed study of the influ-
trigger delamination earlier in the vicinity of stress concentrations.
ence of AFP induced defects towards a numerical modelling solution
OHC test results from Sawicki and Minguet [2] are presented in Fig. 5.
opens the possibility to scale-up towards test on elements, details, sub-
The earlier mentioned threshold value above which the defect width
component or components of the building block approach presented in
has no additional influence on the laminate failure corresponds to
Fig. 9.
The following will present the most commonly used geometric re-
presentation of AFP induced defects using the finite element method. In
most cases, it is observed that the authors decided to base their model
on a semi-empirical representation of the defect geometry. A para-
metrized model is generally designed from observation of micrographs
of composite laminates containing representative defects. For example,
geometry and dimensions of the model developed by Mukhopadhyay
et al. [6,7] are based on measurements made on micrographs of de-
fective laminates containing wrinkles generated by the introduction of a
90° strip of material between two adjacent layers. A cosine function was
selected to approximate the shape of the wavy ply. That approximation
was combined with a linearly decreasing variable that is used to model
the subsequent layer’s waviness magnitude by progressively reducing it
until it reaches zero at the laminate top surface. It must be noted that a
Fig. 4. OHC Gap Specimen from [3]. flat top surface implicitly implies the use of hard tooling as identified by

P.L. Chevalier, et al. International Journal of Fatigue 140 (2020) 105775

Fig. 5. OHC test results from [2].

Fig. 6. Out-of-plane fiber waviness [6].

Fig. 9. Building block approach [22].

defects severity through the misalignment angle of the first wavy ply. A
Fig. 7. Influence of wrinkle severity on Tensile failure strength [6].
numerical value of the defect severity was obtained with the model
developed in the form of a through-the-thickness deviation angle which
was then compared to measurement made on micrographs as shown in
Fig. 6.
A similar modelling procedure was proposed by Li et al. [9] on gaps
and overlaps. At first, a generic representation of gaps and overlaps was
characterized. This skeleton of defects’ model was respectively divided
into four and two different regions for gaps and overlaps, respectively,
as shown in Fig. 10. For gaps, a region of minimum thickness, con-
stituted only of resin, forms the center of the defect. Going towards the
edge of the original gap, a resin pocket of length Rgap serves as a
transition between the thin resin rich area and a somewhat thicker
region formed by the resin flow from the thickest section of the ply.
Overlaps, on the other hand, only exhibit two distinct regions. One
being the overlapping region of constant thickness and the second being
the transition area. In both cases the thickness transition between the
nominal and the defective regions is approximated by a cosine function.
The parameters of the defect skeleton are measured from micrographs
of reference specimens containing 2 mm long gaps and overlaps. Re-
presenting the thickness variation with a cosine function is a common
approximation shared by Mukhopadhyay [6,7], Li et al. [9] as well as
Fig. 8. Influence of wrinkle severity on Compressive failure strength [7]. Davidson and Waas [23] who used that shape as a resin-insert to gen-
erate out-of-plane waviness in thick laminates tested in compression. In
a second step, Li et al. [9] created a tool which takes the stacking se-
Lan et al. [4]. In order to model the geometry computationally, through quence and a list of defect types and their location as an input to
the thickness locations of nodes in a 3D finite element mesh of a pristine generate a 3D finite element model with cohesive elements at the plies
specimen are then modified to match with the analytical model by interfaces. In addition, to address the issue observed with structural
using a MATLAB script. The script also introduces cohesive elements at mesh elements, a special unit cell mesh was developed in order to
the plies’ interface to capture delamination. An interesting note on that capture damage propagation in off-axis plies. The cell includes areas
modelling approach is the fact that it allows for an easy classification of

P.L. Chevalier, et al. International Journal of Fatigue 140 (2020) 105775

Fig. 10. Skeleton of gaps/overlaps models [9].

that can potentially experience transverse splitting along the fiber di- thickness (overlaps) to smaller laminate thickness areas (gaps). Ferreira
rections of the laminate stacking sequence. Additionally, in the case of et al. [24] proposed an intermediate solution where the global geo-
unconventional laminates, the unit cell’s aspect ratio can be modified to metry of the laminate remains straight, which allows the use of straight
capture elements splitting in directions others than the conventional finite elements. The fiber orientation was, however, modified through
zero, ninety- and forty-five-degree angles. the definition of material properties. The geometric aspect of the defect
Once the geometric aspect of the defective laminate has been cov- presented in [6,7,9] is therefore neglected but this approach allows for
ered, the remaining part of the model consists of representing the in- a faster tool that can more easily be parametrized.
fluence of the defect on the material properties and their degradation. As mentioned in the introduction of this section, numerical models
As it was the case for the geometrical representation, modelling of can be used to study large scale components. Wilden et al. [25] con-
material property degradation has significantly overlapping features ducted an extensive manufacturing program to assess the costs and risks
from one publication to the other. However, several degrees of ap- of two manufacturing solutions for large subcomponents. Such as 7′ by
proximation can be identified. In their work, Marouene et al. [8] stu- 10′ panels with windows close-outs among others. Even though closely
died the influence of gaps and overlaps on OHC tests by changing the monitored, evaluation of the influence of band and tow gap/lap (pre-
defect location and orientation relatively to the hole (see Fig. 11). In sented in Fig. 12) on the part performance was not conducted even
this case, a first order approximation was proposed by the authors in though FE models had been developed [26]. Due to the financial and
which gaps were modeled by changing the material properties to an time costs of manufacturing large scale subcomponents, experimental
isotropic material representing the mechanical properties of resin. It tests are usually limited in number. However, a parametrized numerical
was assumed that the laminate thickness was not locally modified by representation of the tested configuration offers the possibility to con-
the defect. Overlaps, on the other hand, were modelled by considering vert the recurrent costs of building parts into a non-recurrent building
only a local thickness variation due to the introduction of an additional cost of developing the model. Validation data is still necessary to ensure
tow but the material properties were kept similar to the nominal ply. the model accuracy is acceptable and a more in-depth investigation can
On a more detailed level, Li et al. [9] proposed to locally modify the thereafter be conducted.
Young’s modulus in the fibers direction (E11) based on the fiber volume At a lower scale than in NASA’s reports presented above, Cairns
fraction variation caused by the flow of resin from high to low pressure et al. [27] studied the influence of inhomogeneities on the strain field
zones. In other words, based on the resin flow from bigger laminate and the damage progression in notched specimens. A local

Fig. 11. Various configurations of gaps/overlaps in OHC specimens [8].

P.L. Chevalier, et al. International Journal of Fatigue 140 (2020) 105775

Fig. 12. Band and tow gap/lap definition [25].

Fig. 13. Notched specimen containing inhomogeneities [27].

representation of the notch and inhomogeneities is presented in Fig. 13. drawn on the influence of defects on notched laminates. It is indeed
A global/local finite element model was developed. The global model observed that, depending on the defect type and its relative position
was used to capture the influence of the notch and the displacement with respect to the stress concentration, a reduction or an amplification
field at the boundary with the local model was used as a boundary of the static strength may be expected. However, it is worth noticing
condition. Similarly to Marouene [8], local representations of in- that the variations in strength were significantly higher on notched
homogeneities such as gaps and overlaps represented by the darkened laminates under compression than on unnotched specimens.
areas in Fig. 13 were modeled by a resin region or a double thickness
region, respectively. A moderate influence on the strain field was ob- 2. Modelling fatigue behavior of composite laminates
served, even for a critical case of a grid distribution combined by a
severe modification of material properties as described previously. The next logical step after studying the influence of defects on the
However, a potentially high influence on damage progression was ob- quasi-static response of laminate is to focus on fatigue. However, before
served as larger damage zones were identified through dye-enhanced presenting the work conducted on the influence of AFP defect on the
radiographies. These damage regions were associated with splitting and fatigue behavior, a review of experimental and numerical investigations
delaminations. on pristine composite laminates’ fatigue life is beneficial. Composite
To conclude the discussion on the influence of AFP induced defects materials, due to their inhomogeneity and anisotropy, combine trans-
on composite laminates’ quasi-static behavior, the following main as- verse matrix cracks, delamination, fiber–matrix interface failure and
pects can be noted. The first logical step of unidirectional coupon other types of damages that can grow at different rates and eventually
configurations in tension has shown little to no influence on composite coalesce. Therefore, damage mechanisms in composite materials sub-
laminates static strength of simple defects such as gaps and overlaps. ject to cyclic loading are considerably more complex than in isotropic
This observation comes with no surprise since it only consists of adding material where a single crack progression occurs. The vast amount of
or removing a really small portion of the cross-sectional area. In addi- publications focusing on metals fatigue behavior demonstrate the
tion, the consolidation during the curing process of unidirectional la- complexity to be expected for composite material fatigue modelling. To
minates is not affected as much as it is in other laminates. Defects in a fully capture the fatigue behavior of composite laminates, various re-
non-unidirectional laminate can indeed result in the creation of out-of- searchers have developed several modelling techniques either based on
plane waviness of load carrying plies as shown in the work conducted experimental results or understanding of failure mechanisms to imple-
by Sawicki and Minguet [2]. On the other hand, specimens tested in ment appropriate failure criteria. The modelling solutions can be clas-
compression displayed a much higher sensitivity to defects. The most sified into three categories [28]: fatigue life models, residual strength/
plausible cause being that compressive tests are known for being highly stiffness models, and progressive fatigue damage models. Each of them
affected by geometrical imperfections. As micrographs of cross-sections will be presented in detail in the following.
of defective laminates showed, defects in a layer act as a source of out-
of-plane geometrical imperfections. This contributes to the formation of
2.1. Fatigue life models
kink-bands during compression tests. Hence the substantial difference
observed on compressive static strength. Finally, from the previously
One of the three modelling techniques developed for composite
mentioned articles, it can be observed that no global conclusion can be
laminates fatigue behavior is the fatigue life model. This technique

P.L. Chevalier, et al. International Journal of Fatigue 140 (2020) 105775

relies on S-N curves or Goodman diagrams to identify the ultimate

strength of a laminate as a function of the number of cycles. It is one of
the simplest models as it does not require a micromechanical under-
standing of failure modes. The model relies on an extensive amount of
experimental testing since S-N curves depend on a large number of
parameters such as the laminate stacking sequence, the stress ratio R,
the load condition (tension, compression, shear, etc.) and the material
properties. Therefore, the models falling in that category are focusing
on a specific subset of configurations to reduce the amount of testing
In their work, Hashin and Rotem [29] identified two major failure
mechanisms from the observation of quasi-static tests conducted on
unidirectional laminates: fiber failure and matrix failure for which a
crack propagates in the matrix in the direction of fibers. This in-
formation was used later on to design a quadratic failure criterion
presented in Eq. (1) where A, T , , AU , TU , and U are the axial trans-
verse and shear stress and the axial, transverse and shear ultimate
strengths, respectively, determined in a previous step.
A = A,
( )
+ = 1.
The first equality of Eq. (1) is the fiber failure criterion and the
second equality is the matrix failure criterion. The model provided re-
Fig. 14. Correlation of the strain energy density W calculated with the ex-
sults in good agreement with experimental results. However, it must be perimental data.
emphasized that the fatigue life models, as they rely on extensive ex-
perimental results, have to be restricted to a specific subset of config-
urations of cycle stress ratio (R), frequency and stacking sequence. As a agreement, this model is inconvenient, as it was already the case for the
matter of fact, even the authors emphasize the fact that one cannot one presented by Hashin and Rotem [29], since it is dependent on ex-
expect the failure criteria presented above to be used as a way to down perimental data. Indeed, in this model updated values of κ, α and C are
select a stacking sequence based on desired fatigue properties. It must needed depending on the material used, the fibers orientation and the
rather be seen as a tool to control the fatigue characteristics once the stress ratio.
stacking sequence has been selected. In their work, Wu and Yao [32] proposed a damage model based on
Ellyin and El-Kadi [30] also proposed a fatigue life model based on the observation that the evolution of damage during fatigue testing of
experimental data. However, their failure criterion was based on the composite laminates is non-linear. The damage evolution history is
strain energy density used as a damage function. In a previous work presented on Fig. 15 as identified by Reifsnider et al.[33]. Initially, the
[31], Ellyin came to the conclusion that the total energy input can be damage occurrence rate is relatively high since it only consists of non-
related to the laminate fatigue life by a power of the form presented in interacting matrix cracks occurring in off-axis plies. Past a certain
Eq. (2) where κ, α and C are materials constants obtained experimen- threshold of matrix crack density, or critical crack density, the damage
tally, and W t and Nf are the total energy and the number of cycles to phenomenon will transition towards delamination and some fiber
failure, respectively. breakage will occur at the tip of matrix cracks due to the stress con-
centration they cause. During those two steps, a stress redistribution
W t = N f + C. (2) occurs where the load that can no longer be supported by the damaged
plies and is progressively transferred to the other plies. Eventually, the
Since the authors were focusing on in-plane stress state, an analy-
combination of the statistical distribution of fibers strength and the
tical expression of the strain energy in the case of uniaxial loading can
critical crack density state lead to breakage of the weakest fibers as the
be obtained in the following form, Eq. (3):
load carrying capability of the fibers can no longer be transferred by the
W = S¯11 x
2(1 Rx ) 2 (3)
where S̄11 is the first term of the compliance matrix and Rx is the stress
ratio for a unidirectional loading in the longitudinal direc-
tion × defined as:
Rx = max .
x (4)
By combining equations (2) and (3) and by assuming a value of zero
for C, a relation between the laminate fatigue life and the applied stress
state can be expressed as follows:
S¯11 x
= Nf .
2(1 Rx ) 2 (5)
A comparison between the model presented above and experimental
results from Hashin and Rotem [29] was then conducted by the authors
and a good match with experimental data was observed as can be seen
on Fig. 14. Even if the experimental and numerical results are in good Fig. 15. Fatigue damage evolution in composite laminates from [33].

P.L. Chevalier, et al. International Journal of Fatigue 140 (2020) 105775

matrix around them. This leads to a stress redistribution across the la- This way, the state of the structure can be related directly with the most
minate until final failure is reached. Generally, both the first and last important quantity, the strength. This also makes for a simple failure
step of the process present a high damage evolution rate in comparison condition or criterion: In an S-N curve scenario, when the applied stress
to in-between cycling period. equals the residual strength, failure occurs. Although it is relatively
To take that observation in consideration, Wu and Yao [32] pro- easy to understand and implement, residual strength models present
posed a non-linear expression of the damage variable in the form pre- two major drawbacks. The first being that the tested specimen will be
sented in Eq. (6): destroyed in the process when industrial applications are more likely to
be looking for a non-destructive testing technique. Secondly, this
E0 E (n ) n method requires a significant amount of experimental testing. The re-
D (n) = =1 1 .
E0 Efs Nf (6) sidual strength is indeed dependent on the number of cycles applied but
also on the laminate stacking sequence, the stress ratio R = min/ max or
In this expression, E0 is the initial Young’s modulus, Efs is the the loading spectrum. In addition, it is not straightforward to evaluate
Young’s modulus at failure, E (n) is the residual Young’s modulus after n the residual strength of a specimen directly. This can significantly in-
cycles, Nf is the laminate fatigue life, and A and B are experimental crease the cost of testing in the case of complex design or for specimens
parameters. The authors then decided to make the assumption that the in high categories of the building block approach. A potential solution is
damage evolution rates for any given normalized life are the same to monitor a critical parameter whose evolution can be related to that of
which allows for a simplified expression of the constants A and B as the residual strength through coupon test. Another potential way
shown in Eq. (7) in which p, q and k are constants, and ult is the ul- around the difficulty with models based on residual strength was pro-
timate strength in tension, posed in the form of residual stiffness models, which are based on the
A = pB + q, degradation of a material property that can easily be measured without
logNf damaging the specimen. The stiffness degradation as a function of the
B=k . number of cycles applied is present in Fig. 16 from the work of Hwang
(1 R) max
and Han [40]. The laminate residual stiffness or fatigue modulus is
The above model is then verified against experimental data gath- equal to the slope of the line joining the origin 0 to the point n’ where n'
ered from other publications where constant amplitude loading tests is the number of cycles applied.
were conducted on laminate with different stacking sequences and The above representation of the fatigue modulus is the starting point
under a range of stress ratios R. To evaluate the damage evolution with of Hwang and Han’s model definition [40]. The authors first assumed a
the above model, the authors had to model the S-N curve with the linear relationship between the applied stress and the resultant strain
following Eq. (8), where a, b and m are experimental parameters, through the fatigue modulus. Then they assumed that the fatigue
modulus degradation rate follows a power law as presented in Eq. (9),
where A and c are material constants and F0 and Ff are the initial fa-
S=1+m e 1 . tigue modulus and the fatigue modulus at failure, respectively. The
(8) initial fatigue modulus is assumed to be the static Young’s modulusE0 .
Finally by applying a strain based failure criterion for which the la-
A good agreement of the model with experimental results was ob- minate final failure is assumed to happen when the fatigue resultant
served. However, even if the results were satisfying, this work em- strain equates the static failure strain, the authors obtain an expression
phasizes once more the fact that fatigue life models are relying on a for the laminate fatigue life as presented in Eq. (10),
significant number of experimental tests and make use of several whereB = F0/ A, r = a/ u with u is the ultimate strength and a is the
parameters, typically obtained through fitting experimental data. In applied stress;
this particular case [32], no less than thirteen sets of experimental data
were necessary to demonstrate the model validity in various config- F (n) = F (0) Anc , (9)
uration of stacking sequences, load configuration and stress ratio R.
Nf = [B (1 r )]1/ c . (10)
2.2. Residual strength/stiffness models
The use of degradation of material properties such as stiffness and

As mentioned previously, damages in composite laminates under

fatigue loading are complex and therefore a phenomenological under-
standing of damage initiation and propagation may be overlooked.
However, it is a well-known fact that damages, as the number of applied
cycles increases, will influence the material properties of the laminate.
Keeping track of this material properties degradations can provide a
good estimation of the fatigue state of the laminate. Several authors
[34–41] proposed models based either on stiffness or strength de-
gradation. The latter having the advantage of explicitly influencing the
failure criteria since residual strength-based models use a slightly
modified conventional quasi-static failure criterion. The slight mod-
ification being that the material strength is no longer equal to the static
strength but is dependent on the number of cycles already applied to
the laminate. In other words, the material properties are progressively
degraded as the number of cycles increases. During the loading process
of multidirectional laminates, one can indeed observe the creation of
matrix cracks oriented within the fiber direction in transverse and off-
axis plies. The laminate can therefore be considered as a laminate with
reduced material properties in every cycle for which a modified failure
criterion can be applied. Consequently, this can be seen as considering a
different failure criterion for every cycle of the laminate fatigue life. Fig. 16. Fatigue modulus degradation as a function of n from [40].

P.L. Chevalier, et al. International Journal of Fatigue 140 (2020) 105775

strength based on damage occurrences in composite laminate was also G23 =

developed and applied to Finite Element Analysis (FEA), as it is pre- 2(1 + 23) (15)
sented by Lian and Yao [39]. In their work, the authors proposed to use
The coefficients not mentioned in Table 1 are evaluated by as-
a set of three failure criteria modified to take the residual strength in
suming that the material still follows Maxwell-Betti’s reciprocity rela-
place of nominal strength as it is the case in criteria used for quasi-static
tions after it fails in one direction [equations (16) to (18)]:
tests. Each criterion is used to capture the occurrence of one of the three
identified modes of failure: longitudinal fatigue failure (fiber breakage), 12
= 21
matrix fatigue failure and in-plane shear fatigue failure. A stiffness E11 E22 (16)
degradation rule is then proposed. This rule is to be applied to each of 13 31
the three principal axes and is presented in Eq. (11). In the following, = ,
E11 E33 (17)
E(n) is the residual stiffness after n cycles, E0 is the initial stiffness, Efs is
the stiffness at failure or, in other words, a critical stiffness and u, v and 23
= 32
a are experimental parameters, E22 E33 (18)
The abovementioned model was then compared with experimental
() ()
u v
n n
E (n ) Efs Nf Nf results for six different stacking sequences subject to a tension–tension
=1 1 .
E0 E0 1+a fatigue stress with a stress ratio R = 0. The six stacking sequence
(11) were: [90]8 , [0]8 , [0/90/90/0]s , [45/ 45/45/ 45]S , [45/02/ 45]S
and[45/90/ 45/0]S . With the exception of the quasi-isotropic laminate,
As they also intended to introduce a strength reduction rule, the all the simulation data match well with the experimental data. The
authors proposed a way around the non-repeatability of the process mean fatigue life estimations were in good agreement with the ob-
used to identify the residual strength. It is indeed necessary to break the servation made during testing. The only major difference observed
specimen during the test, which precludes from getting the properties between the model and the experiments was that, by introducing a
reduction in the two remaining principal axes. However, the observa- random material properties distribution to model an “as-manufactured”
tion that both stiffness and strength degradation are caused by the same laminate containing imperfections, a larger scatter in numerical results
manifestation of damage led the authors to propose to relate the two was observed. As for the quasi-isotropic laminate, the model proposed
damage function by a power law presented in Eq. (12), where w is an only matched with the reality of experiments for high stress ratio where
experimental parameter. That relation, when combined with Eq. (11) the fatigue life is relatively short. For low stress ratio, delaminations
provides an expression for the residual strength as presented in Eq. were observed in the early stage of experimentation but the model does
(13), where S0 is the initial strength and Sf is the strength at failure: not include delamination. Hence the discrepancy between simulation
DS = DEw , (12) and experimental results.
Even though stiffness based models are attractive because it is easy

() ()
u v w
n to monitor the stiffness of a structure or specimen and estimate the
S (n) = S0 (S0 S )
Nf Nf
. remaining life, they suffer from the fact that, over most of the fatigue
1+a life, except at the very beginning and very end, the stiffness degradation
(13) is very gradual. This is illustrated by the work conducted by Simonds
The rules of gradual degradation of material properties presented et al [43] who identified three stages in the residual stiffness de-
above intend to model the degradation of the laminate that occurs gradation of composite laminates under fatigue as shown in Fig. 17. A
during the loading cycles before any failure arises. That progressive degradation of 5 to 15% during both stage I and stage II were observed
degradation of the material is depicted in the aforementioned failure but stage I is limited to roughly 15% of the fatigue life when stage II
criteria. After a certain amount of cycles, some finite elements will spans over 60 to 70% of the specimen fatigue life. Thus, it is not known
activate those failure criteria but that does not necessarily mean the if a measured stiffness reduction is related to fatigue or to the relatively
final failure of the laminate. Therefore, in a similar manner that it is large experimental scatter fatigue tests have.
done for progressive damage analyses, a strength and stiffness discount In his work, Kassapoglou [36] proposed a strength reduction model
method are proposed by the authors. It consists of locally and suddenly based on the initial assumption that the residual strength is the solution
reducing the material properties depending on the type of failure me- of a first order linear differential equation. This equation was solved
chanism triggered. A summary of the sudden degradations is presented with the following boundary conditions: the residual strength is equal
in Table 1 where a superscript r denotes a residual variable and a su- to the static strength when no cycles have been applied, the residual
perscript 0 refers to initial properties. Given the difficulty to obtain strength at the end of the penultimate cycle is equal to the maximum
experimental values for 23 and G23, the authors proposed to use applied stress in the cycle, and the residual strength converges to the
Christensen’s work [42] to evaluate their value [equations (14) and endurance limit. This results in the expression of the residual strength
(15)], in which c is a discount factor taken equal to the small value of presented in Eq. (19). In these equations S(n) is the residual strength
0.05 since it cannot be equal to zero to avoid computational issues (see after n cycles, Sfs is the static strength and E is the endurance limit. The
Table 2). endurance limit is the applied stress level below which no fatigue
failure is observed regardless of the number of cycles applied.

23 =
12 (1 E22
12 E
11 ), E
Nf 1

1 12 (14) S (n) = E + (Sfs E) .

Sfs E (19)

Table 1 By assuming that the endurance limit to be equal to zero, that only
Sudden properties degradation rules from [39]. one type of damage occurs during the fatigue life of the laminate, and
that the static strength can be modelled by a two-parameter Weibull
Failure mode E11 E22 E33 12 13 G12 G13
distribution, the author demonstrated that the residual strength also
Fiber failure 0
cE11 0
cE22 0
cE33 c 0
12 c 0
cG12 0
cG13 follows a two-parameters Weibull distribution with parameters that are
Matrix failure r
E11 0
E33 0
0.6G12 0
G13 related to those of the static strength. From that distribution, an ex-
In-plane shear failure r
E11 0
E33 0
G13 pression of the number of cycles-to-failure is determined based on Eq.

P.L. Chevalier, et al. International Journal of Fatigue 140 (2020) 105775

Table 2
Residual strength prediction comparison.

from fatigue tests since the expression of the S-N curve presented above
only relies on the Weibull distribution parameters of the static strength.
“The comparison of the analytical predictions of the model to test re-
sults taken from the literature showed that the accuracy of the model
ranged from poor to excellent depending on the loading case” [36]. The
main explanation being the initial assumption that only one type of
damage occurs during the laminate fatigue life. This is not an issue for
relatively simple stacking sequences and loading conditions but can be
of significant influence when a more complex situation is studied. An
improved technique capable of taking into consideration several da-
mage types is proposed in the last part of the author’s work. The pro-
mising results of the initial model and the possibility to evaluate both
the residual strength and laminates fatigue life only from data on static
strength are encouraging signs that the proposed framework of im-
provement will provide an efficient tool. Alternatively, Kassapoglou
Fig. 17. Typical normalized tension–compression stiffness versus life [43].
[44] proposed and compared to the previously presented non-linear
residual strength degradation law, a linear model based on the as-
1 sumption that the residual strength takes the functional form presented
Nf = .
ln(1 p) (20) in Eq. (23):
In Eq. (21) Nf is the number of cycles-to-failure for a stress , and p
S (n) = Sfs + g ( , n, Nf ). (23)
is the probability that the strength of the given specimen is less than .
This value has been proven by the author to be independent from the
The expressions of the residual strength after n1 and n2 cycles for a
number of cycles n under the assumption of a unique type of damage.
constant applied stress lead to the conclusion that g is a solution of
This means that p is equal to its value for the static strength population.
Cauchy’s functional equation (Eq. (24)). That observation combined
By assuming that p takes a sufficiently small value, an expression of the
with the boundary condition mentioned previously yield a linear rela-
stress required for the laminate to fail at Nf cycles is obtained, Eq. (21),
tion between the residual strength and the number of cycle n as pre-
sented in Eq. (25):
= 1
Nf (21) g (n2) g (n1) = g (n2 n1), (24)
Eq. (21) is a function of the two Weibull parameters of the static
strength distribution: the shape parameter and the scale parameter.
S (n ) n
While Eq. (21) describes the entire population of fatigue specimens, in =1 1 · .
Sfs Sfs Nf 1 (25)
order to apply it to individual specimens, beta must be changed to the
static strength of the specimen in question. Or, referring to the “mean”
specimen, beta is replaced by the mean of the static strength distribu- The author then compared the results of the linear model to those of
tion. A corrected expression for the S-N curve is presented in Eq. (22), the non-linear model (continuous line and dashed line respectively in
where Xm is the mean of the static strength distribution. Figs. 18 and 19) for different load ratios R. It can be observed that the
higher the load ratio is, the more the two models agree. In fact, the
Xm author points out that for load ratios higher than 65% it is virtually
= 1
Nf (22) impossible to distinguish the two curves. This is particularly interesting
as, from a designer point of view, aiming for a higher load ratio is a
Equations (20)–(22) are valid for a stress ratio R = 0. For any other must-go to ensure an efficient weight to load carrying capability. In
stress ratio, they are modified [36] to account for the effect of load addition, the linear model can provide an estimation of the laminate
cycle not returning to zero and for differences between tension and residual strength degradation which, in an engineering sense, can be
compression part of the cycle. Contrary to all the models presented in satisfactory, allowing for the definition of a maintenance inspection
this section, the work proposed by Kassapoglou [36] presents the sig- schedule.
nificant advantage of not requiring expensive and time consuming data

P.L. Chevalier, et al. International Journal of Fatigue 140 (2020) 105775

Fig. 18. / fs = 0.2 [44].

Fig. 20. Flowchart of a progressive damage model [50].

the failure analysis and the selected failure criterion, and a gradual
material properties degradation law, which correlates strength and
stiffness degradation to the number of load cycles applied.
The above mentioned residual strength and stiffness degradation
laws developed by Shokrieh and Lessard [56,57] are presented in
equations (26) and (27) respectively. The fatigue life model is presented
in (28). Where S (n , , ) and E (n, , ) are the residual strength and
stiffness respectively. Sfs and Efs are the static strength and stiffness,
Fig. 19. / fs = 0.5 [44]. respectively, and n is the number of cycles applied, is maximum
amplitude of the applied stress, f is the average strain to failure, Nf is
2.3. Progressive fatigue damage models the fatigue life, and = min is the load ratio. Finally, , , , , f andu
are experimental curve fitting parameters obtained by testing a uni-
As underlined in the previous sections on fatigue life and residual directional ply under uniaxial fatigue and quasi-static load as presented
strength/stiffness models, modelling capabilities used in these methods by the authors in [59,60].
heavily rely on empirical data. However, it is the authors’ belief that 1
modelling capabilities should serve as a cost reduction (monetary and log(n) log(0.25)
S (n , , ) = 1 ·(Sfs )+ ,
time) tool in providing numerical, parametric, and reliable simulation log(Nf ) log(0.25)
capabilities for structures, components, and sub-components of the
testing building blocks. The design space for the selection of elementary 1

coupons of the building block approach is already significant and going log(n) log(0.25)
E (n , , ) = 1 · Efs + ,
higher up the building block towards structural parts significantly in- log(Nf ) log(0.25) f f (27)
creases the dimension of the design spaces available during the selec-
tion process. This observation combined with the need of experimental ln(a/ f )
data is a serious limiting factor to the use of fatigue life and residual u= = A + B·log (Nf ).
ln[(1 q)·(c + q)] (28)
strength/stiffness models which has led to the development of
Progressive Damage Analysis (PDA) models by numerous authors A comparison of experimental results to numerical simulation for
[45,46,55–57,47–54]. PDA models were initially designed for capturing fatigue test of pin and bolt loaded cross-ply[04 /904 ]s , angle-ply
the initiation and propagation of damages in parts tested under quasi- [+ 454 / 454 ]s and quasi-isotropic [0/ ±45/90]s laminates where con-
static loading. They rely on three governing components: stress ana- ducted by the authors [56]. The PFDA model results for bolt and pin
lysis, failure analysis, and material properties degradation laws. For loaded cross-ply laminates were in good agreement with experiments.
more information on the state-of-the-art PDA modelling techniques, the They slightly over-estimated the laminate fatigue life but were still
interested reader should refer to Dávila et al.’s extensive review of within the scatter range of the experimental results. A similar ob-
analysis methods for progressive damage in composite structures [58]. servation was made for angle-ply laminates. The comparison with the
In their work, Shokrieh and Lessard [56,57] proposed an adaptation quasi-isotropic laminates was conducted based on experimental data
of the abovementioned PDA model towards what they called a Pro- extracted from the publication of other authors. The pin loaded con-
gressive Fatigue Damage Analysis (PFDA) model. A similar concept was figuration yielded satisfactory results, but the bolt loaded model highly
proposed by Eliopoulos et al. [53,54]. Shokrieh and Lessard proposed a over-estimated the fatigue life. The main explanation is provided by
comparison of a traditional progressive damage method’s flowchart to Shokrieh and Lessard as being a disagreement in the definition of the
the flowchart of a progressive fatigue damage model as presented in final failure criterion. It must, however, be noted that, even if experi-
Figs. 20 and 21, respectively. As shown, the three-governing compo- mental and numerical results generally are in good agreement, equa-
nents of a PDA model mentioned above are still represented, and the tions (26)–(28) showing the expressions of the residual strength, the
main differences resides in the material properties degradation laws. In residual stiffness and the fatigue life Nf are still relying on an experi-
PFDA a distinction is made between sudden material properties de- mental program that, even though limited to unidirectional laminates,
gradation, which is associated with the failure modes captured through remains nonetheless extensive if not deterrent.
Other proposed models such as the Progressive failure simulation

P.L. Chevalier, et al. International Journal of Fatigue 140 (2020) 105775

Fig. 21. Flowchart of a progressive fatigue damage model [50].

element until fracture at the point T. In the case of fatigue, if max < c ,
without modification of the cohesive law, no damage will ever be
captured as the AEF portion in Fig. 23 (a) is never reached. A fatigue
damage factor d f is therefore included to progressively reduce the
stiffness of the cohesive bond up-until the element reaches failure.
Failure in the fatigue case corresponds to a displacement f (at point F).

2.4. Theory versus experiments

Alternative ways of determining the residual strength exist. For

instance, Whitney [61] proposed a statistical model for the residual
strength for which the static strength is assumed to follow a two-
parameter lognormal distribution and the residual strength to follow a
three-parameter power law. Parameters that must be determined ex-
perimentally through tension–tension and tension–compression fatigue
tests. S-N curves generated with this model for constant amplitude fa-
tigue testing agreed well with experimental data. However, since de-
lamination was not taken into account, the residual strength distribu-
tion is less encouraging. Whitney’s intuition that not taking
delamination into account to estimate the residual strength of a lami-
nate tested under fatigue is the reason for that lack of accuracy is
supported by Highsmith and Reifsnider’s [62] investigation on the load
Fig. 22. Fatigue simulation algorithm [51].
distribution that follows damage occurrence during fatigue loading.
Whitney’s and Highsmith and Reifsnider’s investigations were
developed by Iarve et al. [51] or the mixed-mode cohesive model guided by the belief that strength and stiffness reduction can be at-
presented by Dávila [55] are introducing a cohesive zone model as the tributed to two main phenomena: the strength/stiffness reduction of
fatigue simulation algorithm flowchart presented in Fig. 22 indicates. each individual components and the load redistribution that follows a
Dávila’s proposed law for fatigue cohesive elements [55] is presented in damage occurrence. The latter being considered by Highsmith and
Fig. 23. The initial base of the fatigue model is similar to the bilinear Reifsnider to be the main driving factor. To capture that load redis-
law used in quasi-static models. The first portion, from O to E, corre- tribution, perturbations in interferometric fringes obtained with a
sponds to an un-damaged state for which the maximum applied stress Moiré interferometer are observed. The authors identified, for a cross-
max remains below the critical stress c that would lead to the de- ply laminate[0/902 ]s , a first stage in the development of the
gradation of material properties in the cohesive zone. The second Characteristic Damage State (CDS), as mentioned earlier in this section,
portion, from E to T, is the progressive degradation of the cohesive which consists of transverse cracks in the center plies. This was

P.L. Chevalier, et al. International Journal of Fatigue 140 (2020) 105775

Fig. 23. Fatigue cohesive law [55].

followed by splitting in the zero-degree plies. Then, at the intersection 3. Influence of AFP induced defects on composite laminates’
of transverse cracks and longitudinal splitting, internal delamination fatigue life
occurred and grew. According to the authors’ findings, both long-
itudinal splitting and delamination were associated with a noticeable In section I, a summary of the studies conducted on the influence of
drop in the laminate stiffness. AFP induced defects on the quasi-static behavior of composite lami-
These observations of the damage chronology are consistent with nates was presented. It was concluded that, depending on the defect
the detailed classification of damage development under three phases type, the load configuration, the stacking sequence of the laminate, and
as presented by Reifsnider et al. [63]. Even though material and the relative position of the defects with respect to stress concentration
stacking sequence dependent, the results reported by the authors give a inducers such as a hole, defects can provoke a reduction or an increase
broad idea of the damage phenomena, and their interactions, to be in strength. In addition, the need for a generic modelling tool capable of
expected under tension–tension fatigue testing. And, to some extent, for representing the broad variety of configurations was highlighted. In
compression-compression loading tests. The following was identified section II, the focus was shifted on the fatigue response of laminates.
for a tension–tension loading case: The first phase mainly consists of The three main FE modelling techniques, fatigue life, residual strength/
matrix cracks development in off-axis plies resulting in local load re- stiffness, and progressive fatigue damage models, were presented along
distribution in adjacent plies. This was associated, for the laminates with their drawbacks and advantages. In this section, research efforts
studied by the authors, to an average 10% loss of stiffness. A high de- conducted to understand and model the combined influence of manu-
velopment of damage site was observed while the damage occurrence facturing defects and cyclic loading will be presented. At first, results
rate progressively reduced before transitioning to the second phase from experimental oriented publications will be presented, followed by
which presents a more constant damage occurrence rate. During the description of numerical modelling solutions.
second phase, described as “a period of coupling and growth” by the
authors, local delamination and debonding occur due to the develop- 3.1. Experimental investigations
ment of interlaminar tensile normal stress and interlaminar shear stress
at crack tips. The creation of local delamination implies that, locally, no As it was the case for the study of the influence of manufacturing
lateral motion constraint between off-axis plies and zero-degree plies defects on the quasi-static behavior of composite laminates, the influ-
exist. Therefore, the zero-degree plies are locally returning to a uniaxial ence of the aforementioned defects on the fatigue life and chronology of
loading condition. Finally, during phase three, a sharp increase in the damage initiation and propagation in composite laminate was in-
damage occurrence rate is noticed near the end of life of the laminate. vestigated experimentally in [69–78]. It is the author’s belief that some
The main damage phenomenon is the development of the delamina- of the conclusions drawn from studies from non-AFP defects that are
tions mentioned earlier, the connection of cracks in a stair-step like geometrically similar to those encountered with AFP operations can
pattern through fiber debonding zones and fiber fractures. Fiber frac- provide insightful information of damage initiation and propagation.
tures were already observed during phase two, but the occurrence rate Therefore, some of the references introduced in this section will not
drastically increases. They initially develop near the specimen surfaces directly relate to AFP but to other manufacturing processes such as
before moving in the laminate in the vicinity of matrix crack regions. hand layup and resin infusion.
Under compression-compression, the main damage mode identified A significant research effort was directed to understanding the in-
is delamination which initiated from the exterior surfaces before fluence of out-of-plane fiber waviness, or wrinkle on fatigue response
moving in the laminate at locations of high interlaminar stresses. [70,73,74,78]. This emphasis on wrinkle is motivated by several fac-
Interestingly, in their study on thick and notched laminates under tors. First, as shown by Sawicki and Minguet [2], out-of-plane waviness
compression-compression fatigue test, Black and Stinchcomb [64] no- has the potential of significantly affecting the quasi-static mechanical
ticed a wear-in phenomenon resulting in an increase of the residual behavior of a laminate and therefore can potentially be of high im-
strength of laminates subjected to low to medium load ratios. The portance in fatigue as well. The second reason is that out-of-plane
strength increase was attributed to the development of damage in the waviness is a defect type shared between different manufacturing
stress concentration area that helped mitigate the stress concentration. techniques such as AFP [79], vacuum infusion [74], or Resin Transfer
An observation that is in line with the situations observed in ten- Molding (RTM) [73]. As a consequence, there are as many manu-
sion–tension fatigue test of notched laminates ([65–67]) and was also facturing techniques and specimens’ configuration as studies. For in-
identified by Marouene [8] on the quasi-static response of open-hole stance, Wang et al.’s approach [70] relies on two ply drops surrounding
specimens under compression. A review of the theories developed for two middle plies as presented in Fig. 24. The defect severity / , where
evaluating the residual strength of composite laminates after fatigue is the amplitude and is the wavelength, can be controlled by ad-
loading can be found in the work conducted by Philippidis et al. [68]. justing the length of the gap created between the two discontinued

P.L. Chevalier, et al. International Journal of Fatigue 140 (2020) 105775

Fig. 24. Out-of-plane waviness using ply drops [70].

plies. Another common approach consists of including a circular object

such as a rod [74], wires combined with strips of unidirectional ma-
terial [78], or polymer rods [73] to induce a waviness in the sur-
rounding layers.
Each method presents advantages and drawbacks. For instance, the
use of ply drops proposed by Wang et al. [70] allows for an easy, re-
peatable, and consistent control of the defect severity by simply mod-
ifying the gap length. However, for the configuration presented on the
Fig. 26. Copper wires to create waviness [80].
left in Fig. 24, the ply drop implies the abrupt termination of load
carrying plies. Such ply-drops are not a concern when polymer rods are
used as presented by Hörrmann et al. [73] in Fig. 25. The defect se-
verity is then controlled through the distance c between the two rods in
the fiber direction and the radius r of the introduced rods. The authors
[73], however, warn the reader about the fact that “the distance c be-
tween the locations of the outer layers undulations is not constant for
the high pressure RTM process”. It must also be noted that the polymer
rods introduced have, according to the numerical model for quasi-static
Fig. 27. Insertion of unidirectional strips [80].
testing created by the authors, different mechanical properties. Such a
difference, as small as it might be, could be the source of an imperfect
bounding process between the rod and the resin rich region sur- / = 0.22 where is the wavelength and is the amplitude of the
rounding it, leading to premature crack initiations. The use of copper defect. In comparison, Mukhopadhyay et al. [7] observed a 28% re-
wires and unidirectional strips of material as proposed by Adams [80] duction of the compression strength of quasi-isotropic laminates con-
and presented in Figs. 26 and 27 offer a similar solution for thermo- taining multiple wrinkles of a severity / = 0.06. Finally, and even if
plastic material as the control parameters for the defect severity are the the configuration studied is slightly different from coupons, the work
wires' radii and their relative placement. conducted by Leong et al. [74] on sandwich laminates with a wrinkle
Regardless of the manufacturing technique employed to generate on the face sheet confirms the significant influence of wrinkles on the
the defect, the authors first proceeded by quantifying the influence of static compression strength.
the imperfection on the quasi-static strength of the laminate or struc- One of the main interests of conducting quasi-static tests on speci-
ture. Given the geometry of the defect, all authors focused on the quasi- mens containing wrinkle is to compare the failure modes observed in
static compressive strength and on Compression-Compression or static and fatigue loading. If a similar trend of damage type, initiation,
Tension-Compression fatigue. Hörmann et al. [73] determined a and propagation is observed this could help reduce the need for ex-
quadratic correlation between the defect severity and the static com- pensive and time-consuming experimental testing. All the authors of the
pression strength as illustrated in Fig. 28. A reduced compressive abovementioned publications have concluded that the same trend of
strength of 33% to 50% of the pristine configuration was identified with failure can be observed in specimens tested under Tension-
a critical value obtained for = 45° for unidirectional laminates of six Compression, Compression-Compression and static compression. It also
layers. For this configuration, the defect severity can be evaluated at appears that, independently of the defect severity, the fracture lines

Fig. 25. Use of polymer rods to create wrinkles. (a) schematic, (b) micrograph [73].

P.L. Chevalier, et al. International Journal of Fatigue 140 (2020) 105775

Regardless of the load ratio and the frequency of loading employed

by the authors, experimental results from Hörmann et al. [73], Leong
et al. [74], and Adams et al. [78] all highlight the high influence of
wrinkles on the fatigue life and the fatigue endurance of the laminates
with defects. A reduction of nearly 50% of the endurance load for la-
minate with an angle deviation of = 45° is illustrated in the work of
Hörmann in Fig. 31 (b). In addition, the experimental fatigue life data
points were projected with a slope k on the vertical line representing
the endurance life in Fig. 31 (a). The presented data was obtained for
specimens tested in Tension-Compression (T-C) with a load ratio
R = 1 and a frequency f = 10Hz . The same work is presented for
Compression-Compression test with a load ratio of R = 100 in Fig. 31
(c) and Fig. 31 (d) for the projected endurance limit and the influence of
the deviation angle on the endurance load respectively. In the four sub-
figures of Fig. 31, ¯ refers to the normalized stress. It must also be noted
that the stress levels in Fig. 31 are all normalized by the static com-
pression strength. Similarly, Adams et al. reported a reduction of a
Fig. 28. Normalized static compression strength as a function of the deviation decade and a half in fatigue life of specimens containing what the au-
angle [73]. thors qualified as a moderate wrinkle. The experimental results for a
load ratio of R = 10 (Compression-Compression) and a frequency of
f = 5Hz are reported in Fig. 32. A reduction of the endurance limit from
75% of the static strength to 45% of the static strength was identified. It
is, however, interesting to note the highest scatter of the results for
specimens containing a defect due to the disparity in the geometry of
the defects post-cure. In addition, the location of the final failure in the
specimen was reported and all but one specimen from the control group
failed in the grip section while all but one of the specimens containing a
moderate wrinkle failed next to the waviness. Despite the absence of
Fig. 29. Angle of damage propagation in specimen containing a wrinkle [78]. standard test method for specimens containing manufacturing defects,
ASTM D6484 on Open Hole Compressive Strength of Polymer Matrix
follow a preferred path that goes through the inflection points of the Composite Laminates [82] sets a reference for coupons containing a
wrinkle as presented in Fig. 29 by Adams et al. [78]. stress concentration such as defects. Even though the ASTM standards
In addition, Hörmann et al. [73] identified two ranges of defect recommendation would indicate that the failure mode observed for
severity that result in different chronologies of damage initiation and reference specimens is not acceptable, one can at least notice that the
propagation. For a defect with a low value of the angle presented in introduction of a moderate waviness was sufficient to force the final
Fig. 25 ( [0°, 20°]), there is no sign of damage propagation and the failure back into the gauge section, near the wrinkle. Finally, Leong
final failure is limited to two fracture lines connecting the point of et al. [74] also concluded on a detrimental influence of wrinkles on the
highest misalignment and the resin rich regions as presented in Fig. 30 fatigue strength of laminate. The observed fatigue strength of laminates
(a). On the other hand, wrinkles of high severity ( [20°, 65°]) first with defects was only of 33% of the reference elements as presented in
exhibited early signs of damage in the form of matrix cracks in the resin Fig. 33. It must, however, also be mentioned that the data for the re-
rich regions, which then led to delamination between the top layer and ference specimen correspond to Tension-Tension test conducted at a
the four inner plies. Local buckling of the outer layers followed the load ratio of R = 0.1 as the scatter of the results for the pristine beams
delamination presented in Fig. 30 (b). The final failure mechanism under a fully reversed loading (R = -1) was too high. This nonetheless
occurred in the form of kink bands in the inner layers (c). provides good indication of the influence of wrinkles on fatigue life as,
Finally, to come to a full understanding of the influence of wrinkle according to Leong et al. [74], this “indicate[s] that the S–N relations for
on the fatigue behavior of composite laminates, the influence of such GFRP material loaded at R = -1 and R = 0.1 are almost identical for
defects on the fatigue life and the endurance limit were examined. N > 105”.
Similarly to what was identified of the influence of wrinkles on the Wrinkles are not the only type of defect for which the influence on
static compression strength, Hörmann et al. [73] established a quad- the fatigue behavior of composite laminates was studied. Gaps [69],
ratic correlation, Eq. (29), between the fatigue life of the specimens and voids [71], folds [75,76], or delamination [77] were also considered. As
the angle of deviation presented in Fig. 25. In the equation c1 and c2 for the publications presented above, the influence of the defect of in-
are constants obtained by fitting the experimental data using a least terest is first assessed under static loading. For instance, in the work
square method. In addition, the relation between the number of cycles conducted by Colombo et al. [77], the creation of a delamination by
and the applied cyclic load is assumed to follow a Basquin law as introducing a Teflon tape in a non-crimp glass-fiber laminate produced
presented in Eq. (30), where Ne , max , max, e,and k are the endurance by vacuum infusion led to no reduction of the ultimate tensile strength
life, the maximum load applied in the cycle, the maximum load for of a [± 45]10 laminate. However, the Tension-Tension fatigue behavior,
which Ne cycles can be withstood, and a constant, respectively. It is as presented in Fig. 34 is significantly influenced as the slope of the
important to emphasize here that, unlike some metal alloys, the ex- linear interpolation of the S-N curve presents a reduction of 36%. It
istence of an endurance limit in composites has not been established must, however, be noted that the confidence interval of 95% for la-
and there are indications that for some layups and loading situations it minates containing a delamination is significantly wider than for pris-
may not exist [81] tine specimens. Interestingly, the authors employed an infrared (IR)
camera on static and stepwise loading to capture the variation of
max , e = c1 + c2·( 45°) 2 . (29) temperature on the surface layer of S specimens (pristine) and T spe-
cimens (with delamination) as the change in the slope of the tem-
N /Ne = ( max / max , e )
(30) perature increase could be associated with the fatigue limit. A similar
use of IR camera was proposed by Elsherbini et al. [69]. The objective

P.L. Chevalier, et al. International Journal of Fatigue 140 (2020) 105775

Fig. 30. Failure modes of specimens with

wrinkle for (a) low value of (b and c) high
value of [73].

Fig. 31. (a) Calculated endurance limit for T-C, (b)

correlation of T-C endurance limit and , (c)
Calculated endurance limit for C-C, and (d) corre-
lation of C-C endurance limit and [73].

was to determine the stress level below which the introduction of a gap change. In the previously mentioned stacking sequences, the plies with
in a unidirectional [0]9, a cross-ply [90/0/90/0/0̄]s , or a four-angles la- a bar are not repeated through the symmetry.
minate [90/45/ 45/0/0̄]s does not influence the fatigue life. This was The results obtained by Elsherbini et al. [69] for cross-ply and four-
attained by determining the stress level at which the slope of the linear angles laminates are presented in Fig. 35. CP-R and CP-D refer to re-
approximation of the variation of temperature as a function of the ference and defective cross-ply specimens respectively when FA-R and
maximum stress level during the fatigue test displayed an abrupt FA-D refer to reference and defective four-angles ply specimens. By

P.L. Chevalier, et al. International Journal of Fatigue 140 (2020) 105775

Fig. 34. Influence of delamination on Tension-Tension fatigue (S = Pristine

specimens, T = Specimen with defect).

Fig. 32. S-N curves for C-C fatigue test(R = 10, f = 5 Hz) [78].
degradation were all negatively affected by the introduction of voids
(see Fig. 37).
extrapolating the trend of the linear approximation of the data pre-
sented in Fig. 35, it can be observed that, in contradiction to most of the
results presented in the previous publication, the static tensile strength 3.2. Numerical studies
of laminates containing a gap is significantly reduced compared to the
static strength of pristine laminates. This behavior could be linked to The experimental work presented in the previous paragraphs illus-
the fact that the defect introduced in the laminates by Elsherbini et al. trates that the multiplicity of defect configurations already highlighted
[69] is actually a cut-and-restart of fibers in the 0° plies. This is a more in section I is now combined with the fatigue load related parameters
severe configuration than the natural gaps occurring during AFP man- such as the load frequency f, the load ratio R = min/ max , and the ratio
ufacturing as the fibers in the load carrying plies present a severe dis- between the maximum cyclic load max and the ultimate static strength.
continuity, leading to a stress redistribution potentially more severe at The need for a comprehensive numerical and parametric FE re-
high stress levels than at low fatigue stress level. The precision achieved presentation as developed by the authors of [79,83–85] is therefore
by using IR camera is extremely promising as the fatigue limit estimated heightened. However, due to the complexity and the computational
with this method for the three most common types of stacking sequence cost of such models, a limited amount of research has been conducted in
yielded a result with less than 10% error with an average reduction of that field. The following section will present the Progressive Fatigue
the required experimental time of 99.8% as can be observed in Fig. 36. Damage Models applied to the study of the influence of defects.
The conclusion observed by Elsherbini et al. [69] that introducing a The work conducted by Elsherbini et al. [86] on the development of
defect has a higher influence on low-cycle fatigue life than it does on a Fatigue Progressive Damage Model (FPDM) for the gap configuration
high-cycle has also been observed in other configurations. In the case of presented in the previous section on experimental work relies on the
Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding (VARTM) of glass-fiber flowchart presented in Fig. 40. The model was validated against ex-
[0/902 ]s and [0/452 /0/ 452 ]s laminates with modified process para- perimental results by comparing S-N curves for a unidirectional [0]9
meters to cut down on the production time, voids are created. The in- laminate as presented in Fig. 41. This model falls in the category of
fluence of the voids density on the life to crack initiation, as shown in residual strength/stiffness presented in section II. It relies on a sudden
Fig. 38, display a similar trend to the influence of the gap studied by degradation captured by Hashin’s criterion combined with the max-
Elsherbini. The higher the void area fraction Av and higher the applied imum stress criterion. In addition, a gradual degradation scheme that
loads were, the higher the reduction in life to crack initiation was. The associates the number of cycles that are applied with the residual
crack growth rate, the crack density evolution, and the stiffness strength and stiffness was used. The gradual degradation model used by
Elsherbini et al. [86] is based on a model of Shokrieh et al. [50]

Fig. 33. Left:S-N curves for sandwich beam with wrinkle (R = −1) and pristine (R = 0.1) Right: Close-up [74].

P.L. Chevalier, et al. International Journal of Fatigue 140 (2020) 105775

Fig. 35. S-N curves for (a) cross-ply and (b) four-angles laminates [69].

Fig. 36. Comparison of fatigue limit estimation with Wohler and IR methods [69].

Fig. 39. Sudden degradation rules [86].

following a conventional ply discount method as presented in Fig. 39 to

reduce the load carrying capability in a specific direction. The proposed
model was a good match with the experimental data even though a
slight over prediction of the fatigue life was observed. The results of the
model confirm that the introduction of a defect has an influence on the
fatigue life at any applied level of stress. It can, however, be observed
Fig. 37. Influence of void content on the life to crack initiation of that the reduction in fatigue life is higher in the case of low-cycle fa-
[0/452 /0/ 452 ]s [71]. tigue. Hence a higher sensibility of composite laminate to voids when
tested in low-cycle fatigue.
Similarly, the model proposed by Mukhopadhyay et al. [79] pro-
posed to capture the initiation and progression of damage in a laminate
tested in Tension-Tension fatigue with a load ratio R = 0.1 and a fre-
quency f = 3 Hz. This was accomplished by introducing two sets of
cohesive elements. The cohesive elements employed followed a con-
ventional bilinear traction-separation law which was combined with an
additional damage variable associated with cyclic degradation. A first
set of cohesive elements is introduced between each layer to capture the
delamination and a second set is introduced within each layer, with the
exception of zero-degree plies, to capture matrix cracks. In addition,
two common issues with cohesive elements were treated: the difficulty
to capture damage initiation in the case of low load level in the absence
of stress concentration, as it is the case in pristine specimens, and the
computational cost of using tie constraints between the conventional
layers and the cohesive layers. The former was addressed by introdu-
cing a strength reduction model which relies on the number on elapsed
Fig. 38. Influence of void content on the life to crack initiation of [0/902 ]s [71]. cycles n and is presented in Eq. (31). Imax, fat , II , fat , aSNI , and aSNII are the

modified mode I and mode II strengths and their corresponding slopes,

presented in section II. The combination of failure index was selected respectively. This proposed model for the strength degradation is based
because of the high degree of conservativeness of the fatigue life esti- on the previous work of May and Hallet [87] for a load ratio R = 0.1.
mation when solely based on Hashin’s criterion. Depending on the The strength reduction scheme was only employed to compensate for
failure mode identified, a set of material properties was reduced by the absence of static damage in specimens tested under low load or
specimens which did not exhibit stress concentration that would have

P.L. Chevalier, et al. International Journal of Fatigue 140 (2020) 105775

Fig. 42. Fatigue cohesive law [79].

Fig. 43. Modified cohesive law with strength reduction [79].

max max
I , fat = I ·(1 aSNI · log (n))
max max
Fig. 40. Flowchart of Fatigue Progressive Damage Model [86]. II , fat = II ·(1 aSNII ·log (n)) (31)

The second inconvenience of cohesive elements regarding the need

to use fiber-oriented mesh which in turn implies the use of tie con-
straints between the cohesive layer and the conventional plies was
tackled by introducing a new mesh pattern capable of capturing matrix
cracks in all four conventional directions. An example of such element’s
geometry is presented in Fig. 44. As a side note, it is also interesting to
note that by applying a non-unitarian aspect ratio, this unit cell can be
used for non-conventional ply orientations.
The final tool employed to reduce the computational cost of running
a fatigue model is the use of a “cycle-jump” technique which consists of
an initialization phase during which the load is progressively increased
from zero to the maximum load of the cycle. Then the load is held
constant at this maximum value and the elapsed time is correlated with
a fixed number of cycles. This is summarized in Fig. 45. This technique
allows to define a testing frequency sufficiently high to speed-up the
Fig. 41. Validation of FPDM for a unidirectional [0]9 laminate [86]. analysis process therefore reducing the computational cost.

served as initiation points. Looking at the fatigue cohesive law em-

ployed in Fig. 42, this assumption equates to the fact that the maximum
applied stress will never be equal to the combined modes load threshold
and therefore, no cohesive element will ever reach the second part of bi-
linear law during which the damage develops Applying the strength
reduction scheme based on the number of applied cycle results in an
interfacial strength reducing with the number of applied cycles. How-
ever, since the critical energy release rate is a material property that
remains unchanged and is equal to the area under the curve of the bi-
linear law, the displacement to failure increases accordingly. This is
reflected in the bilinear cohesive law presented in Fig. 43.
Fig. 44. Unit cell for capturing cracks in every conventional direction [79].

P.L. Chevalier, et al. International Journal of Fatigue 140 (2020) 105775

Fig. 45. Cycle-jump approach [79]. Fig. 49. S-N curves for wrinkle specimens [79].

damage and delamination. Overall, it can be noted that introducing the

wrinkle has led the main damage region to shift from the free edges of
the pristine specimens towards the region with a defect in the wrinkle
specimens. This is also reflected in the fatigue life estimation presented
in Figs. 48 and 49 where a reduction approximating one order of
magnitude for a given stress level was observed between the pristine
and wrinkle specimens. A result that is coherent with the works pre-
sented before on the influence of wrinkles. It is interesting to note that
the model, even though solutions were implemented to tackle tradi-
tional issues encountered by pristine specimens, presents a better cor-
relation with the experimental data for specimens containing a stress
concentration (wrinkle) compared to the pristine ones.
Fig. 46. Comparison of CT-scan (top) and numerical results (bottom) for a
pristine specimen [79].
4. A comparison of experimental and numerical cost of testing
composite laminates

One of the major problems associated with both experimental and

numerical studies is the cost they incur. This was alluded to several
times in the previous sections and, in the case of numerical models, it
was implied that sometimes the resulting accuracy may not justify the
computational cost. In order to put things in perspective, both experi-
mental and computational cost are briefly discussed in this section.
The vast majority of numerical studies has focused on relatively
simple coupons, that is, the lowest level of the building block approach
in Fig. 9. Despite the progress made by simulation at that level of
complexity, the accuracy is still not there, especially for OHC or com-
pression after impact coupons. And given the prohibitive time it takes
Fig. 47. Comparison of CT-scan (top) and numerical results (bottom) for a to do one of these simulations, often on the order of days in powerful
wrinkle specimen [79].
laptops, there is a concern about when and if these methods will be
extended to higher levels of the building block pyramid. It is at these
higher levels, in particular the sub-component and the component level,
where the biggest pay-off is and not at the coupon level. Rousseau [88]
demonstrated this by showing that the cost of the coupon level is no
more than 20% of the total cost of the pyramid. Even reducing this in
half, would be a small improvement compared to reductions of the cost
in other levels of the pyramid as shown in Fig. 50.
This discussion is not meant to imply that simulation is not useful.
Often, it is the only way to go because it gives valuable insight in
material and structural behavior not easily obtained by tests. It only
points to much greater pay-off if accurate and low-cost simulation of
more complex specimens in the building block pyramid is made pos-
sible. While the actual values of the cost of the different levels shown in
Fig. 50 change from program to program, the type of material used and
its maturity (for example if it has been partially or completely quali-
Fig. 48. S-N curves for pristine specimens [79].
fied/certified before) and the size of the application, the percentages
are quite accurate. Therefore, developing efficient and accurate simu-
Experimental results in the form of CT-scans of failed pristine lation methods which can easily be scaled to the higher levels of the
(Fig. 46) and wrinkle (Fig. 47) specimens were compared with results building block pyramid will have a much bigger payoff.
provided by the experimental model on the global location and type of But even at the coupon level, the efficiency of existing methods and

P.L. Chevalier, et al. International Journal of Fatigue 140 (2020) 105775

laboratory fabricating the specimens, the curve shown in Fig. 51 is quite

representative. It is based on standard practices for hand layup assisted
with laser projections, automated templates, and NC machines for
cutting, trimming and drilling. To avoid infringing on proprietary data,
which are not available anyway, the cost calculations for this curve
were based on very accurate cost models [89].
As can be seen from Fig. 51, if the cost of simulation is less than
approximately 5.5 hrs per specimen, it is better to simulate all 18
specimens than test them. For lower numbers of replicates, some tests
must be performed after all to help anchor the average and spot-check
or validate the simulation. Hence, the number at which it pays off to do
the simulation instead of the test increases to 6–9 hrs per simulation. At
the other extreme, if the cost per simulation is more than 29 h, which is
the case for some of the more challenging coupon problems when
super-computers are not available, it makes no sense to do the simu-
Fig. 50. Relative cost of different portions of the building block tests. lations. Even at 9 hrs per simulation it makes little sense (see inter-
section of the 9 hr line with the test line) to do the simulation unless one
wishes to use only two specimens. This is not meant to imply that si-
mulation is not needed even at the level of the simpler coupons. It only
points to the fact that, in many cases, we are far from being able to
replace actual tests with simulation even at this relatively simple level.
The need, therefore, for accurate but efficient simulation methods
which can also be used at higher levels of the building block pyramid is
urgent. And the work reviewed in the previous sections should also be
considered from this point of view. Simply relying on the increase of
computer power to solve this problem, especially when it comes to fiber
placed or fiber steered curved laminates with defects, means that we
may have to wait for quite some time before the conclusions of Fig. 51
turn in favor of simulation.

5. Conclusions

In this paper a summary of the work conducted on the influence of

AFP-induced defects on the quasi-static behavior of composite lami-
Fig. 51. Comparison of cost of testing to test simulation. nates was presented. At first, a list of potential defect types was in-
troduced. Then the focus was shifted towards experimental testing and
their ability to be used in industry, must be examined carefully. One of numerical analysis conducted in order to understand to which extent
the major advantages of numerical simulation of coupons is their use and how manufacturing defects are influencing the damage mechan-
for virtual testing. Given that a design must account for, among other isms and the failure load of specimens under various loading config-
things, material scatter, statistically meaningful conservative values, urations such as tension, compression and in-plane shear. The main
the so-called B- or A-Basis are needed. For B-Basis values (corre- take away was that manufacturing defects can occur in many config-
sponding to the 10th percentile of a population) at least 18 specimens urations, with various shapes and dimensions, and that there is no
are needed from three different batches per property, per environment. general rule to describe their influence. However, it was globally ob-
This allows accurate quantification of experimental scatter. Obviously, served that defects have a limited to non-existent influence on simple
being able to test only a fraction of these specimens and simulate the tension, compression and in-plane shear test of un-notched unidirec-
others by changing some of the properties to account for fiber volume tional laminates. Whereas tests on notched specimens such Open Hole
variation, ply misorientation, stiffness variation etc. and create the coupons and tests on more industrially representative stacking se-
entire population closely matching the scatter (standard deviation) of quences containing multiple orientations seem to be slightly more af-
the property of interest would be a great achievement and progress has fected by defects. In a second part of the document, a summary of
been made in that direction. Unfortunately, the cost is still prohibitive modelling techniques for the fatigue behavior or composite laminates
for anything other than the simplest of coupons and in many cases, was presented. The contributions presented were divided into three
manufacturing and testing the coupons would be faster and at lower categories: fatigue life models, residual strength/stiffness, and pro-
cost. A comparison of coupon simulation to actual fabrication and gressive damage models. The first group relies heavily on experimental
testing is shown in Fig. 51. data in the form of S-N curves to determine fitting parameters but
The × axis of Fig. 51 shows the number of replicates. Assuming a B- presents the advantage of not requiring any knowledge of the damage
Basis value is of interest, the maximum value in that axis is 18. Different mechanism at play during the test. The last category of modelling ap-
(blue) lines are shown for the number of hours it would take to simulate proach on the contrary requires to identify and select potential modes
the different number of replicates as a function of the time it takes per of failure to implement appropriate failure criteria. The main advantage
specimen. As already mentioned, 3–7 days (72–168 hrs.) are not un- of progressive damage model is that they do not necessitate a lot of
common. The cost of testing is shown in Fig. 51 as a black line. Note experimental data however, their main drawback is the computational
that the line is not straight because as the number of the replicates cost associated with a single analysis. The residual strength/stiffness
increases, the cost per replicate decreases because set-up times for models are, in a way, an intermediate between the two other techniques
different process steps are eliminated and economies of scale are rea- presented. Finally, the third section of this document has focused on the
lized. While the cost of testing shown in Fig. 51 would change with the combination of the two first by presenting the experimental and nu-
type of specimen, the manufacturing method and the specific factory or merical work conducted on the influence of manufacturing defects on
the fatigue response of composite laminates. The conclusion is that the

P.L. Chevalier, et al. International Journal of Fatigue 140 (2020) 105775

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