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The standard form of O.J.T is On-The –Job-Training. O.J.T is the way of gaining experience
for being able to work on the field. It is also known as the process of applying theoretical
knowledge on the field. I had got 12 months as the O.J.T time and sent to different site
consultancy as the location for O.J.T.
On-The-Job training is an important topic of human resources management. In antiquity,
the work performed by most people did not rely on abstract thinking. There are both
advantages and disadvantages to O.J.T
O.J.T is the essential class for every technical students which helps them to adjust
comfortably on practical field after theoretical class. This one-year O.J.T class is the greatest
opportunity for us. Being part of ward office, I learned much more about road construction
procedure, estimate, supervision work and many more. There’s difference on the efficiency
of work in theoretically and practically about which we are clear after this O.J.T .
O.J.T aims on developing self-working capability on each technical students. Technical
students are supposed to be called as technical because here’s it’s necessary to be good on
both theory and practical. After being on site, I observed the procedures of RCC pavement
construction. We were introduced to local names of the different tools. O.J.T helps us to
coordinate with supervisor and co-workers. Hence, O.J.T is very important . It would be
more effective if the responsible parties become more active and make some strict rules
and regulations.
O.J.T is really important for every students in every field. This training has helped all
students for identifying the machineries as well as learning the procedures of construction.
The requirement of manpower in developing country like ours is very high. Civil engineers
are the constructor and have a lead role on development of country. So, for the rapid
development of a country, it is necessary to develop not only manpower in limited time.
Therefore, the technical classes in school life as well as college life and utilizing leisure time
after Board Exam of class 10, 11, 12 in O.J.T is beneficial for both country and to individual
people. Thus, the necessity and importance of O.J.T is very high.

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