Week 1:: Write Simple Programs Using Printf, Scanf Aim: To Write A Simple C Programs Using Printf, Scanf

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Week 1: Write simple programs using printf(), scanf()

Aim: To write a simple c programs using printf(), scanf()

Step 1: Start
Step 2: Declare variables num1, num2 and sum.
Step 3: Read values for num1, num2.
Step 4: Add num1 and num2 and assign the result to a variable sum.
Step 5: Display sum
Step 6: Stop

// C program to add two numbers

#include <stdio.h>

int main()

int A, B, sum = 0; // Ask user to enter the two numbers

printf("Enter two numbers A and B : \n"); // Read two numbers from the user || A = 2, B = 3

scanf("%d%d", &A, &B); // Calculate the addition of A and B // using '+' operator

sum = A + B; // Print the sum

printf("Sum of A and B is: %d", sum);

return 0;


Enter two numbers A and B


The given program executed successfully
Week 2: (i).Sum and average of 3 numbers
Aim: To write a c program to find the Sum and average of 3 numbers

Step 1: Start
Step 2: Declare variables num 1, num2, num 3 and sum , average.
Step 3: Read values num1, num 2, num 3
Step 4: Add num 1, num 2, num 3 and assign the result to sum.
sum←num1+num2 +num3
Average ← sum/3
Step 5: Display sum and average
Step 6: Stop

Flow Chart:

int main( )
int a,b,c;
int sum,average;
printf("Enter any three integers: ");
scanf("%d%d %d",&a,&b,&c);
sum = a+b+c;
printf("Sum and average of three integers: %d %d",sum,average);
return 0;

SAMPLE INPUT: Enter any three integers:2 4 5

EXPECTED OUTPUT: Sum and average of three integers: 11 3

The given program executed successfully

Week 2: (ii) Conversion of Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa

Aim: To write a c program to find the Conversion of Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Read the value of temperature to be converted from the user
Step 3: Assign the value to a variable, say ‘cel’
Step 4: Initialize f = 0
Step 5: f = ((5/9) * cel ) + 32
Step 6: Display f
Step 7: Stop

Flow Chart:
Source code



void main()

float celsius, fahrenheit;


printf("\n Enter Temp in Fahrenheit : ");

scanf("%f", &fahrenheit);

celsius = (fahrenheit-32) / 1.8;

printf("\n Temperature in Celsius : %.2f ", celsius);



Enter Fahrenheit:
Celsius: 37.777779

The given program executed successfully

Week 2: (iii) simple interest

Aim: To write a c program to find the simple interest calculation

Step 1. Start

Step 2.Store the values of the Principal, Time, and the Rate in the particular data types.

Step 3.Now use this formula (P * R * T) / 100 to calculate the simple interest. The P is
the principal, R is the rate of interest, and the T is the total period of time.

Step 4.The calculated value from the above expression is the Simple interest.

Step 5. End

Flow Chart:
Source code
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
//principle amount
float p = 5;
float r = 4;
//rate in years
float t = 5;
// Simple interest
float SI = 0;
SI =(p * t * r) / 100;
printf("Simple Interest = %f",SI);
return 0;


Enter the principal amount: 7000

Enter the rate of interest: 50
Enter the time: 2
Simple Interest = 7000.000000
Amount = 14000.000000

The given program executed successfully

WEEK 3 (i) Finding the square root of a given number

Aim: To write a c program to find the square root of a given number


1. Start
2. Accept one number from user.
3. Use the function sqrt() to find square root.
4. Print the result.
5. End

Flow Chart:

Source code:



int main()

int n,result;

printf("Enter any number :\t");


printf("\nSquare root of given number is : %d",result);



Enter any number

Square root of given number is

The given program executed successfully

WEEK 3 ii) Finding compound interest

Aim: To write a c program to find compound interest


Step 1: Start

Step 2: Read 3 number for p, n, r

Step 3: Calculate C.I = p × (1 + r/100)n – p

Step 4: Print “The compound Interest = C.l”

Step 5: Stop


The given program executed successfully
WEEK 3 iii) Area of a triangle using heron’s formulae

Aim: To write a c program to find Area of a triangle using heron’s formulae


Step 1: Start

Step 2: Input the sides of the triangle.

Step3:Calculate the area of triangle using formula 12∗b∗h or sqrt((s) * (s-a) * (s-b) * (s-
Step 4. Print area of triangle.

Step 5: Stop


The given program executed successfully
WEEK 3 iv) Distance travelled by an object

Aim: To write a c program to find Distance travelled by an object


Step 1: Start
Step 2: Declare variables s , t and d.
Step 3: Take input in variable s and t from the user.
Step 4: Calculate distance by formula d = s * t
Step 5: Print distance d
Step 6: End

The given program executed successfully

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