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Semileptonic decay of Ωb Baryon

Kinjal Patel∗ and Kaushal Thakkar

Department of Physics, Government College Daman,
Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat,
U.T. of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu, 396210 INDIA

Introduction The fourth term of equation (3) represents the

In the past two decades, a lot of research spin-dependent part of the three-body interac-
has been done on the semileptonic decays tion, and is taken as
of heavy baryons, experimentally and the-
1 e− x0 ∑ − →
σi · −

oretically. Theoretically, the decay of Ωb σj →
− − →
Vspin (x) = − αs 2 λi · λj (4)
baryon has been studied using various ap- 4 xx0 i<j 6mi mj
proaches such as relativistic quark model [1,
2], Bethe-Salpeter equation [3]. The study −
→ − →
of semileptonic decay of heavy baryon helps where →−
σi · −

σj are the spin operator, Λi · Λj
to determine the parameters of the Cabibbo- are the color operator. The trial radial wave
Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix element function is given by as in [6, 7]
such as Vcb . In semileptonic decay of Ωb [ ] 12
baryon, we have restricted calculation only for (ν − γ)!(2g)6
ψνγ =
heavy to heavy transition (b → c). (2ν + 5)(ν + γ + 4)!
Methodology (2gx)γ × e−gx L2γ+4
ν−γ (2gx) (5)
We have adopted hypercentral constituent
The baryon masses are determined by the sum
quark model (HCQM) to study the semilep-
of the model quark masses, kinetic energy and
tonic decay of Ωb baryon. The kinetic energy
potential energy
operator in HCQM can be written as
( 2 ) ∑
Px2 ~2 ∂ 5 ∂ L2 (Ω) MB = mi + ⟨H⟩ (6)
=− + + (1) i
2m 2m ∂x2 x ∂x x2

The six-dimensional hyperradial Schrödinger Semileptonic decay of Ωb → Ωc eνe

equation can be written as [4, 5] The Isgur-Wise function for the semilep-
[ 2 ] tonic decay of heavy Ωb baryon can be written
d 5 d γ(γ + 4) as [8]
+ − ψνγ (x)
dx2 x dx x2 ∫ ∞
= −2m[E − V (x)]ψνγ (x) (2) ξ(ω) = 16π 2 |ψνγ (x)|2 cos(px)x5 dx (7)
where ψνγ (x) is the hyper-radial wave func-
tion. In this study, we have consider the We can predict the semileptonic transition of
hypercentral potential V(x) as the hyper Ωb baryon after obtaining the Isgur wise func-
Coulomb plus linear potential given by tion. The differential decay width for the
semileptonic transition of heavy baryon can
τ be written as [9]
V (x) = + βx + V0 + Vspin (x) (3)
dΓ 2 √
= m4Ωc mΩb Aξ 2 (ω) ω 2 − 1
dω 3[ ]
∗ Electronic address: × 3ω(η + η −1 ) − 2 − 4ω 2 (8)
Table 2 Comparison of theoretical predictions
for the Ωb → Ωc eνe semileptonic decay width

80 Γ(1010 s−1 ) Ref erences

1.73 This work
1.29 [1]

1.87 [2]


1.81 [3]
1.55 [8]
5.4 [10]
0 2.3 [11]
1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30

1.52 [12]

Acknowledgements The author Kaushal

FIG. 1: variation of differential decay rate for the Thakkar acknowledges the financial support
Ωb → Ωc eνe semileptonic decay from the Veer Narmad South Gujarat Univer-
sity, Surat, India under a research project No.
To calculate the total decay width, we have in-
tegrated the above Eq.(8) over the solid angle
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