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ACTIVITY 4 – Elaborate on the intent, aims, and objectives, as well as the powers and capabilities of



SACDECO's intent is to promote the socio-economic well-being of its members and the community
through cooperative principles and values.


-To provide accessible and affordable financial services to members.

-To empower members through financial literacy programs and skills development.

-To promote sustainable economic development in the community.

-To strengthen social ties and community solidarity.


-To increase membership and expand the reach of its services.

-To mobilize savings and generate investment opportunities for members.

-To provide credit facilities to support member enterprises.

-To develop and implement innovative financial products and services.

-To advocate for policies that promote the cooperative movement.

-To promote social responsibility and environmental sustainability.

Powers and Capabilities of SACDECO:

As a registered cooperative, SACDECO possesses various powers and capabilities, including:

Financial Services:

-Accepting deposits from members.

-Granting loans and other credit facilities.

-Providing investment opportunities for members.

-Offering insurance products.

-Remittance services.

-Bills payment services.

-Electronic banking services.

Non-Financial Services:

-Organizing training and education programs for members.

-Providing technical assistance to member enterprises.

-Engaging in community development projects.

Promoting social welfare and -cultural activities.

-Lobbying for policies that benefit cooperatives.

Other Capabilities:

-Entering into contracts and partnerships.

-Owning and managing property.

-Investing in other businesses.

-Levying fees and charges for services.

-Conducting internal audits and financial reporting.

-Complying with laws and regulations governing cooperatives.

Overall, SACDECO's intent, aims, and objectives demonstrate its commitment to improving
the lives of its members and the community. Its diverse powers and capabilities allow it to offer a wide
range of financial and non-financial services that support its goals.


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