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International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 12 (2010) 175–182

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Ground movements caused by deep underground mining in Guan-Zhuang iron

mine, Luzhong, China
Wen-Xiu Li a,∗ , Lei Wen b , Xiao-Min Liu a
College of Machinery and Civil Engineering, Hebei University, No. 180, Wusidong Road, Baoding 071002, PR China
Research Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: It is difficult to calculate the accurate ground movement due to deep underground mining because of
Received 20 February 2009 the complexity of the geotechnical environment. Guan-Zhuang iron mine is a pillarless sublevel caving
Accepted 22 February 2010 mine operated by Luzhong Metallurgical Mining Company, south-east of Jinan, PR China. It mines the
Zhangjiawa Seam at a depth of approximately 520 m. Although the towers are outside the conventional
Keywords: ‘angle of draw’ subsidence influence criteria, and have seen only negligible vertical displacement as a
Deep mining
result of deep mining, there has been widespread evidence of regional horizontal displacement of the
Iron ore
land surface, large distances away from the mining area. Possible explanations of these displacements
GPS data
Ground movement
include one or a combination of mechanisms such as pre-mining stress relaxation, regional joint patterns,
Regional horizontal displacement soft rock strata, displacement toward active goaf areas. Luzhong Metallurgical Mining Company have been
making precise measurements of distances near the shaft towers in the Guan-Zhuang iron mine since
2003. The results show horizontal displacements of up to 96 mm occur even when underground mining
is about 0.8 km from the survey displacements. From an analysis of these and other survey results it is
concluded that mining effects extend a long way from deep mining. The results also show that ground
horizontal displacements are typically at least as great as the vertical component, that the maximum
horizontal displacement occurs soon after undermining.
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction prised many observers and lead to questions about whether the
displacements have been due to mining, or to a tectonic mecha-
Guan-Zhuang iron mine is one of a number of underground iron nism, or to a combination of factors. When expressed in terms of
mines to the eastern and south-east of Jinan, operated by Luzhong an “angle of effect”, 0.8 km is equivalent to an angle in excess of 38◦ .
Metallurgical Mining Company, which mines the Zhangjiawa iron The paper is particularly focused on the regional displace-
orebody at a depth of approximately 520 m using the pillarless ment behaviour of the ground surface, including the towers, and
sublevel caving method. The sublevel height is typically about the development of possible geomechanical explanations for such
10–12.5 m. The pillarless sublevel caving workings in these mining behaviour.
areas are at depths of about 410–520 m, and displacements were
being measured 0.8 km or more away from an active sublevel. Fig. 2 2. Geotechnical and surface environment of mining area
shows one example of these measured displacements and it can be
seen that in this case lateral displacements of about 30 mm were In Guan-Zhuang iron mine, the overlying strata consist of a series
measured about 0.8 km away from a sublevel panel being extracted of sandstones, pelitic siltstones; siltstones, gritstones, hornstones,
at a depth of about 530 m. There were no measurable vertical dis- marbles, skarns and claystones. Some of these strata are quite
placements at this distance. These lateral displacements have been massive and thickly bedded, but with dominant vertical jointing
termed “far field effects” (Reid, 1998; Hebblewhite, 2001; Blodgett persisting through most horizons. The strata are generally sub-
et al., 2002; Li et al., 2003). horizontal. The soil in the vicinity of the displacements is generally
The magnitude of the measured horizontal displacements, and thin and sandy (Alluvium). The stratigraphy of the Zhangjiawa
the fact that some of these displacements have commenced when region (Zhangjiawa iron basin) is summarized in the general strati-
mining was as far as 0.8 km from the survey monuments, has sur- graphic column shown in Fig. 1.
There are a number of major and minor geological structures
running through the area, typically normal faults, or fault regions,
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 312 5079493; fax: +86 312 5079375. which generally have a northeasterly strike. This direction also
E-mail address: (W.-X. Li). coincides with the dominant joint direction in the pelitic siltstone,

0303-2434/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
176 W.-X. Li et al. / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 12 (2010) 175–182

in the Guan-Zhuang iron mine region. A secondary, northeast trend-

ing joint set creates a blocky nature to the surface pelitic siltstone.
A feature of the horizontal stress in the Zhangjiawa iron basin, and
the region around Guan-Zhuang iron mine in particular, is the high
ratio of horizontal to vertical pre-mining stress. A stress ratio in
excess of 1.3:1 has been measured in a number of locations at Guan-
Zhuang iron mine, with a predominant northwest orientation for
the major principal stress direction. This results in pre-mining hor-
izontal stress levels of in excess of 24 MPa in some parts of the
mining area.
Fig. 2 is a plan showing the location of the current Guan-Zhuang
iron mine workings (and in particular, mining areas E-270 and N-
330), together with the surface topography and civil infrastructure
on the surface. This diagram indicates that the closest distance
between the shaft tower and the goaf edge of both E-270 and N-330
was in excess of 400 m. The other surface infrastructure shown in
Fig. 2 includes the Jiqing Highway – the major, six-lane highway
connecting Jinan and Qingdao, and the Main Southern Railway, in
the north east corner of the plan. The nature of the surface land
coverage and land use consists of wooded areas, cleared in places
for light industrial/agricultural and residential use. Mining in this
vicinity is therefore strictly controlled and very carefully monitored
in relation to ground subsidence and environmental impact due to
deep underground mining of iron ore body.
A particular concern for the extraction of E-270 and N-330 was
the potential subsidence impact on the twin shaft towers. Previous
experience had indicated that severe incompetent beds in other
mining areas of this lease, and elsewhere, could result in signifi-
cant ‘anomalous’ subsidence behaviour. This included significant
horizontal tower deformation and large-scale, regional, horizontal
Fig. 1. Generalized stratigraphic section of the Zhangjiawa iron basin. displacement due to deep underground mining of iron ore body.

Fig. 2. Plan of Guan-Zhuang iron mine, surface features (I-××, II× are geological prospecting lines).
W.-X. Li et al. / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 12 (2010) 175–182 177

Fig. 3. Parameters definitions (after Shadbolt, 1978) ( = limit angle; ˇ = break angle;  = angle of draw; M = seam thickness; w = extraction width; S = subsidence).

3. Mining subsidence model (Kratzsch, 1983). These early reports created the scientific founda-
tion for future subsidence studies and pinpointed the mechanisms
3.1. Basic framework of subsidence problem in Guan-Zhuang of ground subsidence. Today, studies of ground subsidence include
mining area structural geology, geomechanics, surveying, mining and property
law, and mining methods and techniques.
The basic questions asked with regard to ground subsidence The underground mining methods can be classified based on
are few in number and seem deceptively simple to answer. Given their support condition. The mining method is selected based on the
an underground opening of known vertical and horizontal dimen- geometry of the orebody and the geomechanical properties of the
sions, one wants to know: ore and the country rock. Thereby, surface deformation induced by
mining has distinctive features depending on the employed mining
(a) How much vertical displacement will there be at the ground method. Subsidence engineering was for a long time mainly focused
surface in Guan-Zhuang mining area? on subsidence caused by sublevel caving in deep metal ore mining
(b) What will be the lateral extent of ground surface subsidence? where subsidence is mostly continuous. Mathematical formulae
(c) When has ground subsidence occurred or will occur? used for prediction and management of metal ore mining subsi-
(d) Has the process of ground subsidence been continuous from dence have been developed and tested during the last decades (Li
beginning to end or has it been episodic? et al., 2004). The ground subsidence are also depend on the mining
Generally, the ground subsidence theories used to answer these Trough subsidence forms as a gentle depression over a large
questions are based on the assumption that extraction of ore area. Depiction of continuous subsidence requires defining terms
has been complete and that a continuous unsupported void has such as angle of draw or its complement (limit angle) and angle of
been created. These conditions do result where longwall mining fracture which vary depending on the mechanical properties of the
methods are utilized in essentially horizontal strata, as in Europe. rock.
However, in China, most metal ore mining was done by the pillar- Modern attempts to relate surface subsidence to underground
less sublevel caving method in deep strata and the underground mining make use of the concept of the subsidence trough. The
conditions created cannot easily be made to fit European ground concept takes into account one of the most important observed
subsidence models. facts regarding subsidence; namely, that the surface area affected
The void created by mineral extraction deforms and fails causing is larger than the mined-out area. The extraction of ore removes
a lowering of the ground surface often accompanied by horizon- support from the overlying strata causing them to sag into the void
tal displacements. Formal studies of subsidence began in the 19th space created. The sag is propagated upward to the surface, and, it
century. They were focused on the coal mines in Belgium, France follows, that the maximum ground subsidence can be no greater
and Germany. The studies were initiated since the ground subsi- than the thickness of the ore bed mined (In beds that dip signifi-
dence resulted in damage to overlying mine facilities and railways cantly subsidence can exceed the thickness of the ore bed mined).

Fig. 4. State of stress after mining (after Shadbolt, 1978).

178 W.-X. Li et al. / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 12 (2010) 175–182

Fig. 5. Normal mining induced displacements above an extracted area (after Whittaker and Reddish, 1989).

However, the lateral extent of subsidence at the surface is greater the point of maximum tensile strain at the surface. It is typically
than the extent of underground mining. The surface position of 5–15◦ .
the boundary between areas of subsidence and no subsidence is In longwall or sublevel caving mining, the overlying strata expe-
defined by the “angle of draw” (see Fig. 3). This is the angle between riences stress re-distributions as a result of the mining as illustrated
a vertical line drawn upward to the surface from the edge of the in Fig. 4. Continuous or trough subsidence forms as a gentle depres-
underground opening and a line drawn from the edge of the open- sion over a large area. Material over the central part of the mined
ing to the point of zero surface subsidence. The angle of draw varies void moves vertically downward at the same time as material from
from 25◦ to 35◦ in most instances. the adjacent sides moves toward the centre and downward (see
Traditionally, limits of subsidence have been defined using Fig. 5). This kind of subsidence may also appear for the sublevel
angles measured from the working face to the ground surface. The caving mining method (Li et al., 2004).
following angles, shown in Fig. 3, are commonly used in mining The basic ground movements developed for surface trough
subsidence engineering. subsidence are: (a) vertical subsidence or vertical displacement;
The angle of draw is the angle between the vertical line drawn (b) horizontal displacement; (c) tilt, i.e., the derivative of ver-
upward to the surface from the edge of the underground opening tical displacement with respect to the horizontal (differential
and a line drawn from the edge of the opening to the point of zero subsidence); (d) horizontal strain (extension and compression),
ground displacement. It is typically in the range from 25◦ to 35◦ . i.e., the derivative of horizontal displacement with respect to
The angle of break is the angle between the vertical line at the edge the horizontal; (e) vertical curvature (differential tilt), which
of the mine opening and the line connecting the opening edge to may be approximated by the derivative of the slope or the sec-

Fig. 6. Results of far field movement due to N-330 and E-270 (I-××, II× are geological prospecting lines)
W.-X. Li et al. / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 12 (2010) 175–182 179

Fig. 7. (a) Vertical displacements due to N-330 and E-270 (shaft tower 1—main shaft tower). (b) Horizontal displacements due to N-330 and E-270 (shaft tower 1—main
shaft tower).

ond derivative of the vertical displacement with respect to the of several possible angles of draw a greater margin of safety is
horizontal. established for those areas lying outside the boundary of possible
These five components of ground movement can cause damage subsidence. Subsidence usually occurs gradually when it is con-
in buildings and structures in different ways. Slip type displace- current with mining. After cessation of mining, subsidence may
ments between the foundation and the ground may take place, continue to occur in a steady, gradual manner, or it may stop for a
thereby, the magnitude of deformation experienced by structures period, to be followed by failure at some later date.
may be different to that measured on the ground. Although it is In 2004, Li et al. (2004) reported several instances of large
difficult to estimate the amount of subsidence that will adversely horizontal displacements being measured in the mining area sur-
affect structural members and/or architectural features, empirical rounding the shaft towers over preceding years. The paper states
criteria based on field observations of ground movement and civil “The change of in-situ stress field due to underground mining of metal
structures reactions have been established. ore has often resulted in major disasters in the metal mines. Stress
change not only influences the stability of the deep tunnel, but also
3.2. Results for analysis of the underground mining changes the range of rock mass displacements due to mining. Based
on the results of numerical analysis for a large amount of measured
The larger the angle of draw the wider will be the zone on the results of in-situ stress in metal mine, the fundamental theoretical for-
surface in which subsidence should occur. By using the largest mulas of in-situ stress in horizontal and vertical direction are given.
180 W.-X. Li et al. / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 12 (2010) 175–182

itoring data points, indicated as “G1”, “G2”, “G3” stations, plus

some additional points, such as the stations adjacent to the tow-
ers, A1–A31 and B1–B27 (surveyed by conventional precise leveling
and theodolite). Fig. 1 shows the location of the GPS monitoring data
points, indicated as “G1”, “G2”, “G3” stations, plus some additional
points, such as the stations adjacent to the towers, A1–A31 and
B1–B27 (surveyed by conventional precise leveling and theodolite).
Figs. 6–8 present the results of the GPS monitoring data, in the
form of vector plots for total horizontal displacement. The vec-
tor displacements on these diagrams are displayed as directional
arrowheads, with the arrow length proportional to the total hor-
izontal displacement recorded. The arrows are located with their
mid-length point positioned on the survey station. A 30 mm scale
vector is shown in the top left corner of each diagram. Fig. 6 rep-
resents the results of horizontal displacement recorded between
the start of N-330 and 3 months after E-270 and completion (most
results took approximately 3 months before movement diminished
to an insignificant level, after mining ceased). Figs. 7 and 8 are the
result of the horizontal displacements due to both N-330 and E-270.
Features of the monitoring results are as follows:
Fig. 8. Horizontal displacements due to N-330 and E-270 (shaft tower 2—sub-shaft

The results of the numerical analysis show that the in-situ stress, the (1) Maximum horizontal displacement of approximately 90 mm
range of rock mass displacements and deformations in overlying strata from each panel extraction, for stations in the D0–D27 location,
increase with the increment of depth of underground mining. The directly the two goaf areas N-330 and E-270.
influence of the tectonic stress in the horizontal direction on range (2) Displacement of stations G1–G3 (close to the E-270 mining area
of rock mass displacements is evident, which is very important for location) was up to 59 mm, due to E-270, and a further 90 mm
deep underground excavation activities, especially for the metal ore due to N-330 (G3 is respectively 310 m (35◦ angle of draw) and
mining.” 430 m (38◦ ) away from the two panel goaf edges).
In 2006, Li et al. (2006a) reported a number of different (3) Station G3, 430 m distant from the edge of N-330 (38◦ angle of
behaviours associated with subsidence in soft rock strata condi- draw), recorded in excess of 59 mm Displacement towards the
tion. The paper stated “Prediction of ground movements and their goaf due to mining N-330. The station at the northern end of
surface effects is an important problem of the rock mass mechan- the north mining area recorded a total of in excess of 40 mm
ics in the excavation activities, especially the ore mining in soft rock displacement towards the goaf edge (roughly 50% from each
mining areas. Whether planned or accidental, such movements can panel extraction), although the 10 mm survey accuracy must
cause considerable damage to structures located within the area of be borne in mind with this and all EDM results.
influence of underground mining works. Example is the recent subsi- (4) The station A1 at the eastern of the tower has not recorded any
dence that took place at the end of the 1990s in the Luzhong mining significant movement (Fig. 9). Station A1, 800 m distant from
areas. A better understanding is necessary on how ground surface the edge of N-330 (38◦ angle of draw), was recorded in excess
movements can be imparted to the supported structure and damages of 20 mm displacement towards the goaf due to mining N-330
it. . . The results show that the area of rock mass displacements and and E-270.
deformations in overlying strata will deteriorate with the increase in (5) Displacement appears to be effectively complete within
depth.” approximately 450 m of the face passing.
The paper by Li et al. (2006b) refers to the same geographic (6) Maximum horizontal displacement due to N-330 and E-270
region around the North area. They claim that if elastic mechan- mining on the C4–C20 line was in excess of 400 mm. Total dis-
ics methods are used to predict horizontal displacements due placement (between stations A16 and A21) during extraction
to underground mining, rather than the empirically derived pre- of both E-270 and N-330 was in excess of 460 mm.
diction methods based primarily on ground subsidence (vertical (7) A maximum of 305 mm horizontal displacement was recorded
displacement), then the observed horizontal displacements due to in May 2008 as a result of N-330 extraction only.
underground mining, at angles of draw in excess of 38◦ , will exceed
the ground subsidence due to underground mining.
In the mining area, the main features of these results can be
4. Monitoring results of ground displacements due to summarized as follows:
underground mining

GPS monitoring of shaft towers for horizontal displacements

is instituted by the Luzhong Metallurgical Mining Company, con- (a) There is evidence of large-scale, regional ground horizontal dis-
ventional precise leveling and theodolite surveys on selected, placement due to underground mining, at great distances away
accessible traverse lines across the overall terrain and adjacent to, from the active mining location.
and on the towers. (b) Most of the horizontal displacement takes place towards both
This paper is focused on the landmass displacements, rather the shaft tower and the active goaf area, although some move-
than the detail of the structure response at the tower. The data ment has been observed towards old goaf areas.
presented here consists primarily of the GPS data (which had an (c) Shaft tower displacement of “shaft tower area” of up to 96 mm
accuracy of ±15 mm), plus some specific tower horizontal and have been recorded, with maximum displacement occurring
vertical monitoring data. Fig. 2 shows the location of the GPS mon- within 360 m of the sublevel face passing beneath.
W.-X. Li et al. / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 12 (2010) 175–182 181

would result in significant directional, horizontal closure toward

the sides of the caved void. This would result in more widespread
displacement on the surface, in the direction of the principal hori-
zontal stress field in the mining area.
The maximum horizontal stress in the mining area:
H = 1.3H (1)
where  is the unit weight of rock mass ( = 27 kN/m3 ); H is mining
depth; the direction of the maximum horizontal stress: N70◦ E.
The studies have related natural geomorphic and hydrological
behaviours of natural landscapes to subsidence impacts deter-
mined by physical and numerical modeling to enhance our
understanding of mining-induced subsidence and its environmen-
tal implications.
The major findings of the research show that mining induced
movements in Guan-Zhuang Iron Mine have at least two major

(1) Normal subsidence movements above the sublevel.

(2) Movements caused by redistribution of regional in situ stresses.

Fig. 6 gives a summary of far field movement due to N-330

and E-270 in the Zhangjiawa Basin, collected by mine subsidence
engineering consultants. It has become apparent that the far field
movements are due to redistribution of the high horizontal stress
field in the purplish red sandstones and siltstones that overlie the
ore-deposit III. These horizontal stresses are typically 1.3 times the
overburden pressure.
Over the past 35 years iron ore has been extracted over a huge
area within the eastern mining areas, and much of this has involved
almost total extraction by sublevel caving. This extraction creates
goaf and sag zones extending 120–280 m above the seams. The hor-
izontal stress that was previously transmitted through this goaf
zone now must be transferred over the top of the goaf, and around
the mined area.

5.2. Activation of sub-horizontal geological structures in the

mining area

Displacement of underlying strata may be sufficient to unclamp

Fig. 9. (a) Ground vertical displacements of station A1 due to N-330 and E-270 (m). and release the confining forces acting on horizontal features such
(b) Ground horizontal displacements of station A1 due to N-330 and E-270 (m).
as soft rock strata horizons and bedding planes. This may then allow
‘rigid-body’ displacement of the overlying strata, through shear-
ing along the reduced friction bedding planes. This could occur
5. Analysis of the “far field effects” due to deep close to the surface, where bedding planes are exposed in min-
underground mining ing area sides, and the overlying rock mass can move, ‘en masse’
towards the mining area. It could also occur below sublevel which
5.1. Horizontal stress effects in the mining area has been undermined, resulting in both rigid-body, and buckling
type displacement of the strata.
The excavation of underground openings results in the devel-
opment of fractures and in changes in the stress state and the 5.3. Effects of mining-induced seismic events on a deep
distribution of porewater pressure in the rock mass close to the underground mine
opening. Such changes alter the mechanical properties of the sur-
rounding rock mass, such as its strength and deformability, and The performance of an underground excavation at the Guan-
hydraulic properties and also influence geochemical conditions Zhuang iron mine that was subjected to repetitive episodes of
such as the redox potential of groundwater. The region in which mining-induced seismic activities is assessed. Field measurements
these properties are changed due to the excavation is referred to as indicate that an underground excavation may respond to mining-
the excavation disturbed zone. Information on the extent and prop- induced seismicity with step changes in displacement of the rock
erties of the excavation disturbed zone is important for optimizing mass around the excavation or step changes in excavation clo-
the design and construction of a deep repository. The evaluation sures. However, step changes in displacement or closure were
of the excavation disturbed zone is considered to be of particu- also observed without the presence of mine seismic events. This
lar importance, since its presence may result in changes to the behaviour may be explained using the concept of stick–slip on
transport characteristics of the rock mass adjacent to underground joints or bedding planes within the rock mass. The stick–slip mech-
openings, which may persist for considerable periods after closure anism is believed to be controlled by the state of stresses at a joint
of the repository. In the prevailing high horizontal stress field, it or bedding plane. Through this mechanism, joint displacement is
has been suggested that caving above the sublevel panel extraction accumulated in a progressive fashion leading to a weakening of rock
182 W.-X. Li et al. / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 12 (2010) 175–182

mass around an excavation. As a result, the excavation becomes less as the vertical component, that the maximum horizontal displace-
stable and therefore is more susceptible to seismic impacts. The ment occurs soon after undermining, and that displacements are
concept of using peak particle velocity to assess damage thresh- generally directed towards the goaf.
old for underground excavations may not be conservative when The above mechanisms are quite feasible. And these mecha-
considering the effect of rock mass fatigue. nisms are involved in the rock feature response in conditions of soft
rock strata in Guan-Zhuang iron mine. It is also feasible that the
5.4. Impacts of potential hydrologic on rock mass behaviour is quite consistent with conventional elastic response
displacements—hydrogeological effects to mining complicated only by the geological features. This sug-
gests that a regional, possibly rigid-body type of displacement is
Localized drainage giving rise to significant lowering of the occurring. It is possible, on the basis of evidence from the A–A Line
water table can result in appreciable subsidence. Drainage gra- (A1–A21) data.
dients, patterns and groundwater flow may change because of Horizontal displacements coincide with a period of mining, and
opening or closing of bedrock fissures. Localized erosion features occur together with ground subsidence (vertical displacement)
can occur at the surface above such bedrock fissures. Underground known to be caused by deep underground mining.
mine openings can intercept and convey surface water and ground- The maximum total horizontal displacements are of the same
water. When excavated below the water table, mine voids serve as order as the maximum ground subsidence (vertical displacement).
low-pressure sinks inducing groundwater to move to the openings The incremental horizontal displacements are usually greater than
from the surrounding saturated rock. The result is the dewatering the incremental ground subsidence (vertical displacement) due to
of nearby rock units via drainage of fractures and water-bearing deep underground mining in soft rock strata.
strata in contact with the mine workings. There is also the poten-
tial for impacts to more remote water-bearing units and surface Acknowledgements
water bodies depending on the degree of hydrologic communica-
tion. The extent and severity of the impact on the local surface water The efforts of all members of the Luzhong Metallurgical Mining
and groundwater systems depends on the depth of the mine, the Company involved in this project, and their respective support staff
topographic and hydrogeologic setting, and the hydrologic charac- in collecting and processing the extensive quantity of data from the
teristics of the adjacent strata. Additionally, the amount and extent monitoring program, is acknowledged.
of mine subsidence-related changes to the rock mass govern the The assistance of Mr. Xinqiang Liu, of Wenzhe Zhang and Chun-
impacts of underground metal ore mining on surface water and lin Ha, in preparing data for this paper is also acknowledged.
groundwater. The project was supported by the research project of science and
In the flat-lying sedimentary rocks of Guan-Zhuang iron mine, technology from the Hebei Province is gratefully acknowledged (no.
underground mining is routinely accompanied by rock fracturing, 072156142).
dilation of joints, and separation along bedding planes. Rock move-
ments occur vertically above the mine workings and at an angle References
projected away from the mined-out area. Mining-induced fractur-
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