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Experimental Testing of a Full-Scale Pile Group Under Lateral Loading


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7 authors, including:

Payman Tehrani Ertugrul Taciroglu

SC Solutions University of California, Los Angeles


Jonathan Paul Stewart John W. Wallace

University of California, Los Angeles University of California, Los Angeles


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Nonlinear Efficiency of Bored Pile Group
under Lateral Loading
Anne Lemnitzer, A.M.ASCE1; Payman Khalili-Tehrani, A.M.ASCE2; Eric R. Ahlberg, M.ASCE3;
Changsoon Rha4; Ertugrul Taciroglu, M.ASCE5; John W. Wallace, M.ASCE6; and
Jonathan P. Stewart, F.ASCE7
Downloaded from by UCLA EMS SERIALS on 02/04/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Abstract: A 3 ⫻ 3 bored pile group consisting of nine cast-in-drilled-hole reinforced concrete shafts and a comparable single-shaft were
subjected to reversed cyclic, lateral head loading to investigate group interaction effects across a wide range of lateral displacements. The
piles had the same diameter of d = 0.61 m and similar soil conditions; however, various equipment constraints led to two differences: 共1兲
a fixed head 共zero rotation兲 boundary condition for the single pile versus minor pile cap rotation in the vertical plane for the group and
共2兲 shaft longitudinal reinforcement ratios of 1.8% for the single pile and 1% for the group piles. To enable comparisons between the test
results, a calibrated model of the single pile 共1.8% reinforcement兲 was developed and used to simulate the response of a single shaft with
1% reinforcement. Additional simulations of the pile group were performed to evaluate the effects of cap rotation on group response. By
comparing the simulated responses for common conditions, i.e., 1% reinforcing ratio and zero head rotation, group efficiencies were found
to range from unity at lateral displacements ⬍0.004⫻ d to 0.8 at small displacements ⬃0.01– 0.02⫻ d and up to 0.9 at failure 共displace-
ments ⬎0.04⫻ d兲. Hence, we find that group efficiency depends on the level of nonlinearity in the foundation system. The general group
efficiency, although not its displacement-dependence, is captured by p-multipliers in the literature for reinforced concrete, fixed-head
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲GT.1943-5606.0000383
CE Database subject headings: Pile groups; Piers; Lateral loads; Soil-structure interactions.
Author keywords: Pile groups; Piers; Pile lateral loads; Soil-structure interaction.

Introduction as piles兲 subjected to lateral loading; for example from earth-

quakes, waves, or ship impact. The load-deflection behavior of
Common foundation support systems for bridge structures consist pile groups is commonly related to the calculated response of an
of large diameter drilled shafts or groups of relatively small- individual pile. The individual piles, in turn, are typically mod-
diameter bored or driven piles. The emphasis of the present article eled using a beam on nonlinear Winkler foundation approach. The
is on the behavior of groups of bored piles 共hereafter referred to group effect is accommodated by reducing the soil reaction 共p兲
for a given level of displacement 共y兲 by a multiplier f m, which
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
accounts for stress shadowing effects in trailing piles 共Brown
California State Univ. Fullerton, 800 N. College Blvd., Fullerton, CA et al. 1988兲.
92831 共corresponding author兲. E-mail: Nonlinear head load-deflection curves computed with
Analyst, Advanced Technology and Research Group, Arup, 560 Mis- p-multipliers are not scaled down relative to single-pile analysis
sion St., Suite 700, San Francisco, CA 94105; formerly, Postdoctoral by the average value of f m for piles in the group. For example,
Scholar, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Califor- Rollins et al. 共2006a兲 show that a group analysis using 共f m兲avg
nia, Los Angeles, 5731 Boelter Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095. = 0.51 produces a head load-deflection curve scaled down 共in the
Senior Engineer, Exponent, 320 Goddard, Suite 200, Irvine, CA load-direction兲 by approximately 2/3 relative to the single pile
92618. result with no multiplier 共f m = 1.0兲. Rather, a group load-deflection
Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, Kookmin Univ., Seoul,
curve is developed from a succession of single pile analyses with
5 the respective p-multipliers applied to each row in the group. The
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Univ. of California, Los Angeles, 5731 Boelter Hall, Los Angeles, CA result can be expressed from a load efficiency perspective as fol-
90095. lows:
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of
California, Los Angeles, 5731 Boelter Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095. Pg共y 0兲 = ␩Ng Psp共y 0兲 共1兲
Professor and Vice Chair, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engi- where Pg共y 0兲 = head lateral force applied to a pile group to reach a
neering, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, 5731 Boelter Hall, Los Ange- lateral deflection at the pile cap of y 0; Psp共y 0兲 = corresponding
les, CA 90095.
single-pile head load for pile deflection y 0; Ng = number of piles in
Note. This manuscript was submitted on December 17, 2008; ap-
proved on April 26, 2010; published online on May 7, 2010. Discussion group; and ␩ = group efficiency factor. By this approach, the
period open until May 1, 2011; separate discussions must be submitted group load is scaled down relative to what would be expected for
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Geotechnical independent single piles by the efficiency factor ␩.
and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 136, No. 12, December 1, In this article, we document the results of two full-scale lateral
2010. ©ASCE, ISSN 1090-0241/2010/12-1673–1685/$25.00. load tests, one involving a fixed-head single pile and the second


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2010.136:1673-1685.

involving a 3 ⫻ 3 group of similar piles with moment connections vealed higher p-multipliers than those reported elsewhere for
into a pile cap. All piles consist of 0.61 m nominal diameter free-head conditions. The study also included tests on prestressed
reinforced concrete drilled shafts. Our objective is to evaluate concrete driven piles and investigated p-multipliers during instal-
group efficiency factors 共␩兲 based on the pair of tests and to lation and post construction. Only Ng et al. 共2001兲, Huang et al.
compare our results to predictions from p-multiplier formulations 共2001兲, and Ruesta and Townsend 共1997兲 presented results for
in the literature. Group efficiency cannot be evaluated by direct reinforced or prestressed concrete pile groups.
comparison of the test results because the single pile has more As shown in Table 1, p-multipliers have been found to vary
reinforcement than the group piles 共for reasons explained subse- principally with row location 共i.e., lead row, 2nd row, 3rd and
quently兲 and different head rotation boundary conditions in the subsequent rows兲 and pile spacing S. Rollins et al. 共2006a兲 pro-
two tests 共minor rotation of the pile cap occurred for the group vided closed form expressions for p-multipliers that incorporate
test but was controlled to zero for the single pile兲. Accordingly, these factors; for a pile spacing of 3d, the values are approxi-
we combine the presentation of test results with analytical simu- mately 0.8 for leading piles, 0.6 for the 2nd row, and 0.4 for the
lations, which are calibrated to the available test data and then 3rd and subsequent rows. Those f m values apply for lateral de-
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used to calculate pile or pile group responses for alternative con- flections of 0–9 cm. For the same pile spacing but fixed-head
ditions. Specifically, simulations of the single pile are performed conditions, Huang et al. 共2001兲 found f m values of 0.93, 0.7 and
to estimate response for a reduced reinforcing ratio, and simula- 0.74 for leading, middle and trailing rows, respectively. We note
tions of the pile group are performed to estimate response without that these f m values are displacement-independent, which is
cap rotation. The calibrated single-pile model is utilized with somewhat in conflict with the displacement dependence found in
p-multipliers in the literature to evaluate their ability to represent FE studies.
the measured group response. Relatively little information on group efficiency factors evalu-
ated for large scale pile groups is reported in the literature. Rollins
et al. 共2006b兲 noticed a trend of increasing interaction with in-
Previous Work creasing lateral displacements 共i.e., reduction of group efficiency
factors兲 up to a point of stabilization of efficiencies at a certain
There is a significant amount of previous work on p-multipliers displacement. Kotthaus et al. 共1994兲, Schmidt 共1985兲, and others
共f m兲 and much less work on group efficiency factors 共␩兲. To es- observed a similar trend from pile lateral load tests performed in
tablish the originality and need for the present work, we describe a centrifuge. We have interpreted the results of 10 large scale field
previous work related to these topics. tests from Table 1 to evaluate ␩ values 共Mokwa 1999 interpreted
Finite element 共FE兲 simulations in which the soil and pile pre-1999 centrifuge and field test data in a similar manner兲. Those
materials are modeled as a continuum 关three-dimensional 共3D兲 group efficiency factors are plotted in Fig. 1 as a function of
elements兴 have provided valuable insight into the fundamental lateral displacements. Experiments involving clayey foundation
mechanisms of pile-to-pile interaction for laterally loaded pile soils are shown in red, sandy foundation soils are shown in blue,
groups 共Muqtadir and Desai 1986; Brown and Shie 1990; Kimura and intermediate silts and silt-clay composites are shown in
et al. 1995; Wakai et al. 1999; Yang and Jeremic 2003; purple. The results of the present study are also shown, which are
Küçükarslan and Banerjee 2004兲. For example, Brown and Shie discussed subsequently. Important trends to note from Fig. 1 in-
共1990兲 showed that leading piles carry a larger fraction of pile clude:
head loads than do trailing piles, which is manifested as reduced • Most data sets show significant variations of ␩ with lateral
soil reaction stresses along the trailing piles 共i.e., f m ⬍ 1.0兲. They displacement, suggesting that the f m values are also likely
also showed a small effect of pile spacing within a row. Yang and displacement-dependent.
Jeremic studied the response of pile groups subjected to uniaxial • Group efficiencies increase significantly with pile spacing, as
lateral loading and found p values to be nearly identical in lead shown by the results of Rollins et al. 共2006b兲 for center-to-
and trailing piles at small deflections 共⬍0.01d, where d center spacings of S = 3.3, 4.4, and 5.65⫻ d. As shown in Table
= diameter兲 and that the reaction softens in trailing piles as deflec- 1, S = 3d for the other tests depicted in Fig. 1.
tion increases. Hence, their results suggest a dependence of the • There are different ␩-displacement trends for pile groups con-
shadow effect on displacement level. They also noted moderate structed in clayey vs. sandy soils. In clays, initially high group
variations side-to-side in a given row of piles 共larger moments efficiencies 共typically 0.75–1.0 for S = 3d兲 dip to a minimum
carried on side piles兲 and development of modest moments nor- value of about 0.5–0.8 before gradually increasing with lateral
mal to the loading direction that are 6–8% of those in the loading displacement. At the displacement rates used in most of the
direction. tests, the clays would be expected to shear under nearly un-
The p-multiplier approach enables relatively simple and famil- drained conditions.
iar models for the lateral behavior of single piles 关e.g., LPILE • Data for groups in sand do not show the ␩-displacement dip
共Ensoft, Inc. 2005兲兴 to be used in the analysis of much more that was observed for clays. In some cases efficiency is rela-
complex pile group systems. The p-multipliers are generally de- tively constant 共Brown et al. 1988兲, but cases of positive and
rived from field 共Table 1兲 or centrifuge-based lateral load tests negative ␩-displacement slopes are also found.
共e.g., McVay et al. 1995, 1998兲. Table 1 lists attributes of previous Unique aspects of the present work relative to previous work
large-scale pile group experiments. In each case, both a single pile are: 共1兲 the use of reinforced concrete piles in lieu of steel pipe
and a group of identical piles were tested at the same site. The test piles, the distinction being important because of the much more
piles are predominantly steel pipes 共hollow or concrete-filled兲 nonlinear moment-curvature response of the reinforced concrete
with free-head boundary conditions. Only Rollins and Sparks section; 共2兲 the testing of both specimens to the point of structural
共2002兲 and Huang et al. 共2001兲 tested fixed-head pile groups. failure; and 共3兲 the evaluation of group efficiency factors across a
Rollins and Sparks 共2002兲 found fixed-head p-multipliers to be wide range of displacements spanning elastic and inelastic behav-
similar to those for free-head conditions. The study by Huang ior. The results provide a valuable verification data set for
et al. 共2001兲 on bored reinforced concrete fixed-head piles re- p-multipliers in the literature that are widely used in practice.


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2010.136:1673-1685.

Table 1. Overview of Previous Large-Scale Tests on Pile Groups
Pile Number Pile Pile Head group Group
Full-scale configuration of rows diameter spacing boundary displ. Deflection efficiency p-multipliers
tests reference Soil type 共col⫻ row兲 in group 共cm兲g Pile type 共c-c兲 condition Loading type 共cm兲 共diam.兲 factor 共lead, 2nd, 3rd rows兲
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Maimon et al. Silty clay 3⫻2 2 27⫻ 28 cm Steel H section 3d Hinged Static, 1.5 0.05 0.5–0.71 0.9, 0.5
共1986兲 one-way cyclic
Morrison and Clean medium 3⫻3 3 27.3 Steel pipe with 3d Free Two-way cyclic 4.2 0.1 0.58–0.9 0.8, 0.4, 0.3f
Reese 共1986兲 dense sand grout fill
Brown et al. Stiff clay 3⫻3 3 27.3 Steel pipe with 3d Free Two-way cyclic 6.1 0.22 0.68–0.8 0.7, 0.5, 0.4b

共1987兲 grout fill

Brown et al. Clean medium 3⫻3 3 27.3 Steel pipe with 3d Free Two-way cyclic 4.3 0.16 0.63–0.7 0.8, 0.4, 0.3
共1988兲 dense sand grout fill
Ruesta and Loose, fine sand 4⫻4 4 76, square Prestressed concrete 3d Free Static, 7.9 0.05–0.1 0.6–0.91 0.8, 0.7, 0.3, 0.3
Townsend 共1997兲 one-way cyclic
Rollins et al. Clay 3⫻3 3 30.5 Concrete-filled 3d Free Static, 6.0 0.20 0.59–0.8 0.6, 0.38, 0.43
共1998兲 steel pipes one-way cyclic
Huang et al. Sand 3⫻3 3 150 RC 3d Fixed Static, 3.0 0.02 0.92–1.02 0.93, 0.7, 0.74
共2001兲 one-way cyclic
Sand 4⫻4 4 80 Precast RC 3d Fixed 13.0 0.16 0.72–0.89 0.89, 0.61, 0.61, 0.66
Ng et al. 共2001兲 Various deposits 1⫻2 2 150 RC 6d Free Static, 12.5 0.08 —
one-way cyclic a
Various deposits 1⫻2 2 150 RC 3d Hinged 12.5 0.08 —
Various deposits triang. 2 150 RC 3d Hinged 3.9 0.026 —
Rollins and Sparks Silts and clays 3⫻3 3 32.4 Concrete-filled 3d Fixed Static, 6.0 0.19 — 0.6, 0.38, 0.43c
共2002兲 steel pipes one-way cyclic
Rollins et al. Sand 3⫻3 3 32.4 Concrete-filled 3.3d Free Static, 3.75 0.12 0.72–0.93 0.8, 0.4, 0.4
共2005兲 steel pipes one-way cyclic
Rollins et al. Stiff clay 3⫻3 3 32.4 Steel pipes 5.65d Free Static, 6.5 0.20 0.87–1.08 0.95, 0.88, 0.77
共2006a,b兲 two-way cyclic
Stiff clay 3⫻4 4 4.4d 4.0 0.12 0.75–1.0 0.9, 0.8, 0.69, 073
Stiff clay 3⫻5 5 3.3d 9.0 0.28 0.45–0.67 0.82, 0.61, 0.45, 0.45, 0.51
This study Clay with thin silty 3⫻3 3 61 RC 3d Fixed Static, 25 0.4 0.6–1.0d —
共2010兲 sand layers two-way cyclic
Comparison not possible; specimens have different soil and boundary conditions.
Adapted from Rollins et al. 共1998兲.
Group factors were not derived from experiment, but found to be in good agreement with Rollins et al. 共1998兲.
Group factors only available up to 8-cm displacement.
Load was applied at different heights for the single-pile and group specimen.
Adapted from Mokwa 共1999兲.
For noncircular cross section, the diameter parameter d is taken as the dimension of the cross section in the direction of loading.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2010.136:1673-1685.

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Fig. 1. Comprehensive comparison of group efficiency factors with previous full-scale tests

Test Overview pile to enable the available actuators to push the specimen to
structural failure. The reinforcement consisted of eight #7 共22
The single pile and the nine-pile group tests are part of a series of mm兲 bars over the full pile depth, providing ␳ = 1%, compared to
five tests on bridge foundation components conducted between 1.8% for the single pile. Transverse reinforcement consisted of a
1998 and 2006 共Janoyan et al. 2006; Stewart et al. 2007兲. The #4 共13 mm兲 spiral at 10-cm pitch extending over the full pile
entire test program included two flagpole piles 共0.61- and 1.8-m depth. The average concrete compressive strength from testing of
shaft diameter兲, a single 0.61-m fixed-head pile, a pile group con- 150 mm⫻ 300 mm cylinders was f ⬘c = 31.5 MPa. The cap was
sisting of nine 0.61-m diameter shafts, and an abutment backwall constructed 18 cm above ground to avoid base friction. Fig. 3
system 共Lemnitzer et al. 2009兲. All tests were conducted at a shows photographs of the single pile and pile group prior to de-
Caltrans-owned test site in Hawthorne, California. The layouts for structive testing.
the two tests presented in this paper are shown in Fig. 2. The
specimens were subjected to quasi-static reversed cyclic displace-
Site Conditions
ments to simulate earthquake loading. True dynamic loading was
not practical with the available actuators and data acquisition The Hawthorne test site consists of quaternary alluvial soils that
equipment. extend to great depth. Hollow stem auger borings and cone pen-
etration test 共CPT兲 soundings were performed to evaluate soil
stratigraphy across the site and at the specific locations of the test
Test Setup
piles. As shown in Fig. 4, those investigations reveal a soil profile
As shown in Fig. 2, the single pile consisted of a 0.61-m diameter consisting of a surficial layer of uncontrolled fill with asphalt and
shaft extending 7.6 m below the ground. The pile was constructed concrete debris generally 1.2 m thick. That layer was excavated at
by drilling the shaft hole, placing reinforcement, and pouring con- the locations of the test piles, so that the effective ground surface
crete using a tremie technique. Ground water was not encountered is the top of natural soils. Underlying the fill is a partially satu-
over the depth of the shaft and no soil caving occurred. Longitu- rated silty sandy clay with occasional thin sand seams that ex-
dinal reinforcement extended over the full height of the pile 共no tends from approximately 1.2 to 7.3 m depth. Laboratory index
splice兲 and consisted of eight #9 共29 mm兲 bars, providing a rein- testing of the clay indicates fines contents of approximately 60%
forcement ratio of ␳ = 1.8%. Transverse reinforcement was pro- and the Atterberg limits shown in Fig. 4共b兲, which classify the
vided by a #5 共16 mm兲 spiral with 11.4 cm pitch. Reinforcement material as a clay. CPT soundings reveal friction ratios for the
extended 1.8 m above the ground into a concrete cap. Concrete clay layers between 2.5 and 3.5%. Soil specimens retrieved from
cylinder tests revealed compressive strengths of f ⬘c = 30.3 to 35.9 Pitcher tube sampling were subjected to consolidation testing
MPa. Tensile testing of reinforcement steel indicated a yield stress 共ASTM D2435兲, which provided the preconsolidation pressures
f y = 483 MPa. The cap was installed with a 9-cm gap above the shown in Fig. 4. The clayey soils at the site are generally over-
ground surface to avoid base friction. consolidated within the depth range of interest 共OCR ⬇2–6兲. The
As shown in Fig. 2, the pile group consisted of nine drilled toe of the piles is in a silty, medium to fine-grained sand layer that
shafts with diameter d = 0.61 m spaced at 1.8 m center-to-center extends to approximately 9-m depth. The sand is, in turn, under-
共3d兲 in a 3 ⫻ 3 configuration. The piles had the same depth as the lain by another clay layer.
single pile 共7.6 m兲 and were connected by a cap at their heads. Undrained shear strength is a critical parameter for the present
Longitudinal reinforcement was reduced from that for the single work and was estimated by both laboratory testing of specimens


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2010.136:1673-1685.

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Fig. 2. Test layout

carved from Pitcher tube samples and by correlations against the used to infer undrained shear strengths include pressuremeter test-
results of in situ testing. Undrained shear strengths are used in ing 共PMT兲 and CPT soundings. Pressuremeter testing 共ASTM
lieu of drained strengths because the clayey soils at the site have D4719兲 was performed at the four depths indicated in Fig. 4共e兲;
high saturation levels 共S = 86– 100%兲 and the rate of loading is the limit pressure method 共Menard 1975; Briaud 1986, 1992兲 was
sufficiently fast that pore pressure dissipation during testing is not used to estimate undrained shear strength from the peak PMT
expected 共details in Wallace et al. 2001兲. expansion pressure. As shown in Fig. 4共e兲, there are discrepancies
Laboratory unconsolidated-undrained 共UU兲 triaxial testing was between PMT- and UU estimates of undrained strengths at some
performed following the ASTM D2850 procedure. Specimens depth intervals, with UU values being lower. These discrepancies,
were retrieved from Pitcher tube samples, placed under a confin- which are typical 共Amar et al. 1975; Baguelin et al. 1978兲, are
ing pressure appropriate for the in situ stresses at the depths from attributed to sample disturbance effects associated with UU test-
which the samples were retrieved without consolidation 共speci- ing 共e.g., Ladd 1991兲.
mens remained at their in situ water content兲, and sheared at a Also shown in Fig. 4共e兲 are estimates of undrained strength
constant strain rate of 0.23 mm/min. Test results indicated failure from correlations with CPT tip resistance 共qc兲 within clayey in-
strains of 0.6–1%. Shear strength was taken as half the peak tervals of the soil profile. The undrained strengths are estimated
deviatoric stress with the results shown in Fig. 4共e兲. In situ tests using the following expression 共Schmertmann 1978兲:

Su = 共qc − ␴v兲/Nk 共2兲

where qc = CPT tip resistance; ␴v = vertical total stress calculated
using a measured moist mass density of ␳ = 1.9 g / cm3; and Nk
= empirical factor generally in the range of 10ⱕ Nk ⱕ 20 共Lunne
et al. 1997兲. The CPT-based estimates of shear strength in Fig.
4共e兲 utilize site-specific Nk = 12, which was selected giving pref-
erence to the PMT-based strength estimates.

The single pile was internally instrumented to measure axial 共nor-
Fig. 3. 关共a兲 and 共b兲兴 Photographs of the single pile and pile group set mal兲 strains and rotations induced by lateral loading. Installed
up in the field sensors included fiber-optic Fiber-Bragg gratings, direct current


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2010.136:1673-1685.

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Fig. 4. Site stratigraphy and soil conditions at the test site

LVDT displacement sensors, longitudinal and transverse rein- the single pile, four actuators were used to apply load or displace-
forcement strain gauges, and inclinometers. Sensors were concen- ment, as well as to control against torsional and rocking motions
trated within zones where inelastic behavior was anticipated. 共both rotations controlled to zero兲. The actuators consisted of two
Diagonal LVDTs were also used to allow calculation of shear 2-MN, 90-cm stroke actuators and two 4.5-MN, 25-cm stroke
deformations 共Massone et al. 2006兲. Within the pile group, three actuators mounted between the pile cap and the reaction block.
out of nine piles were instrumented 共shown in Fig. 2 as shaded The group test was performed using four 2-MN, 90-cm stroke
piles兲. All sensor data were recorded using a National Instruments actuators. This system controlled torsional rotation to zero but did
data acquisition system. not control cap rotation in the vertical plane 共rocking兲. Rocking
As indicated in Fig. 2, external instrumentation was used to was not controlled because to do so would have quickly exceeded
control the lateral displacements applied to the test piles and the capacity of the actuators. The hydraulic actuators were con-
record the applied lateral loads. For the single pile test, LVDT trolled by an MTS Flextest GT controller. Hydraulic pressure was
sensors were attached at six locations on the back side of the cap provided by a 4,500-L/h diesel pump. Stewart et al. 共2007兲 pro-
to measure lateral displacements and to control the movement of vide additional details on the design and operation of the control
the hydraulic actuators. The LVDT sensors were also used to system.
provide feedback on cap rotation so that it could be maintained at The test piles were subjected to reversed cyclic, increasing
lateral displacements. At the ends of cycles and at intermediate
As shown in Fig. 2, lateral displacements of the nine-pile
displacement levels, displacements were held briefly to record
group were measured using horizontal LVDTs mounted at three
sensor readings. The single pile was cycled with increasing dis-
locations between the pile cap and an external rigid steel truss
placement levels until the maximum stroke of the larger actuators
reference frame. In addition, three vertical LVDTs were installed
were reached at 10 cm of lateral displacement. We attempted to
between the external reference frame and the top surface of the
cap to measure rotation in the vertical plane 共i.e., rocking of the follow a similar protocol for the pile group, but the capacity ex-
pile cap兲. As indicated in Fig. 2, two LVDTs were placed at the ceeded that of the actuators. For displacements larger than 2.5 cm,
center of the cap and one LVDT was installed at a distance of 2.6 the pile cap could be pushed, but could not be pulled because the
m from the center. The vertical LVDTs rested on smooth Styro- tensile capacity of the actuators was exceeded 共lower tensile ca-
foam plates installed on the cap to enable sliding as the cap dis- pacity results from piston area being reduced by the internal rod兲.
placed horizontally. As well, under pushing action, at the 2.5-cm displacement cycle,
the pump pressure was not set high enough and creep at essen-
tially constant load was observed at the last displacement incre-
Reaction Block and Control System ment. This problem was addressed by increasing the pump
Loads were applied using hydraulic actuators placed between pile pressure and adjusting the measured load-displacement relation
caps and a reaction block. The concrete reaction block 共dimen- for these cycles to be consistent with prior and subsequent cycles.
sions in Fig. 2兲 is cast integrally with two 1.8-m diameter, 14.6-m The group was pushed monotonically to displacements of 3.3 and
deep drilled shafts spaced 3.6 m apart 共center-to-center兲. The re- 4.1 cm, at which point the compressive capacity of the four 2-MN
action block was designed to provide a lateral capacity of 13.3 actuators was reached. Additional actuators were installed to
MN at approximately two-thirds of the calculated yield load. For reach higher displacements, although these actuators were not


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2010.136:1673-1685.

controlled with the MTS controller. Hence, they simply pushed
the pile group beyond 4.1 cm monotonically to failure, which
occurred at 20-cm displacement.
Lateral strength deterioration has been observed to be a func-
tion of load history for reinforced concrete elements such as col-
umns with lap splices 共Melek and Wallace 2004兲 and circular
reinforced concrete bridge columns 共El-Bahy et al. 1999兲. El-
Bahy et al. showed that strength deterioration did not occur for
small lateral drifts 共⬍2%, where drift is ratio of lateral displace-
ment to specimen height兲 but began to reduce load capacity at
drifts of 4 and 5.5%. At 7% drift, significant strength loss oc-
curred 共27% for three and 70% for five repetitive cycles兲 due to
spiral rupture, which in turn led to hoop failure. Analytical studies
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also reveal that load history impacts the degree of lateral strength
degradation and that the magnitude of the reduction varies with
the magnitude of the applied lateral displacement 共Massone et al.
2006; Lignos and Krawinkler 2007; Haselton et al. 2008兲. Based
on a review of these studies, Applied Technology Council
共ATC兲-72 共2009兲 recommended that the lateral strength based on
monotonic loading be reduced by 50% in the postpeak loading
range, and by 30–10% between the yield point and the peak lat-
eral strength.
We reduce the lateral strength obtained for the “monotonic
push” by 15% to account for cyclic loading. This level of reduc-
tion is consistent with prior observations, and results in nearly
horizontal extension of the load-deformation relation.

Test Results and Simulations: Single Pile

Load Displacement Relationships Fig. 5. 共a兲 Load-displacement curve for single-pile test; 共b兲 head
moment versus lateral displacement for single-pile test
Fig. 5 shows the measured backbone curves of top load-deflection
and moment-deflection response of the single pile. The backbone
curves were defined from peaks of the first deflection cycles at a
given displacement level. The displacement amplitudes and num-
ber of cycles at each amplitude are given in Table 2. The initial Table 2. Displacement Levels and Number of Cycles for Single and
stiffness of the load deflection curve is approximately 84 MN/m. Group Specimens
As shown in Fig. 5, the response of the pile was similar in the two
Displacement Number of cycles
horizontal directions with a lateral capacity of 1,210 kN and mo- amplitude
ment capacity of 360– 400 kN· m. The moment capacity was 共cm兲 Single pile Pile group
reached at lower displacements 共approximately 3 cm兲 than the
lateral capacity 共5–8 cm兲. Measured rotations of the cap indicate 0.05 — 1
a mean⫾ one standard deviation of −0.026⫾ 0.074 rad, indicat- 0.10 — 1
ing that the zero rotation boundary condition was maintained dur- 0.16 3 3
ing testing. 0.24 — 1
0.32 3 1
0.48 — 1
Direct Analysis of p-y Curves from Internal
0.64 3 3
0.95 3 2
Curvature profiles for the shaft are generated using axial strain 1.27 3 4
measurements as follows: 1.59 3 1
1.91 3 2
2.54 3 1
␾共z兲 = = 关␧1共z兲 − ␧2共z兲兴/⌬y 共3兲 3.43 — 1a
dz2 3.81 3 1a
4.25 — 1a
where ␧1 and ␧2 = axial strain measurements on opposite sides of 5.08 3 1a
the shaft at elevation z and ⌬y = horizontal separation distance 7.62 3 1a
between sensors. Axial strains are derived in this manner from the 10.16 3 1a
fiber-optic, rebar strain gauge, and LVDT data. Curvatures are 20.32 — 1a
also calculated from inclinometer slope readings as Monotonically loaded.


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2010.136:1673-1685.

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Fig. 7. Moment curvature relationship for a 0.6-m diameter rein-

forced concrete pile with 1 and 1.8% reinforcements

physical features such as non-increasing stiffness with depth 共ex-

amples of these p-y fits are shown later in this paper for depths of
61 and 122 cm兲. Accordingly, we sought an alternative approach
that deals with the scatter in a more stable manner, which is
described in the following section.

Simulation of Single-Pile Response

Fig. 6. Curvature data versus depth for various head displacements Simulations of the single, fixed-head pile were performed with
of the single, fixed head pile. Yield occurs at a curvature of 0.4 multiple objectives in mind. One objective was to develop blind
⫻ 10−4.
共pretest兲 predictions. Analysis procedures used in those predic-
tions included FE modeling of the soil-pile system with 3D solid
elements, discrete element modeling using p-y springs, and strain
␾共z兲 = 关s共z1兲 − s共z2兲兴/共z1 − z2兲 共4兲
wedge modeling 共Rha 2006兲. The second objective, which is em-
where s represents slope and z1 and z2 adjacent depths where phasized here, is to develop a calibrated model using the test data
slopes are measured. and to apply that model for conditions not present during the test
Example curvature profiles for displacement levels from 0.64– to support the development of group efficiency factors. In particu-
3.8 cm are shown in Fig. 6. The profiles are smooth curve fits 共as lar, we sought to estimate the load-deflection relationship for a
described below兲 to the data, except at 0.64 cm, where both the single, fixed-head pile with 1% longitudinal reinforcing ratio as
data and fit are shown. Maximum curvatures in the pile shaft present in the nine-pile group.
occurred just below the pile cap and at depths of 1.2–2.4 m, The moment-curvature relations in Fig. 7 show lower moment
which correspond to approximately 2–4 shaft diameters. The mul- capacity and initial stiffness for ␳ = 1% relative to 1.8%. To evalu-
tiple sensors provide redundant data 共multiple curvatures at com- ate the significance of this difference in structural behavior on
mon depth兲 with scatter that is likely influenced by concrete head load-displacement response, we utilize a discrete element
cracking 共as illustrated in Fig. 6 by the 0.64 cm data兲. Such data approach using nonlinear p-y springs to develop the calibrated
do not facilitate use of a point-to-point method for establishing a model. The program utilized is similar to LPILE, but is coded in
continuous numerical fit to the curvature profile, such as the Matlab 共Taciroglu et al. 2006兲. Fig. 8 presents the measured head
weighted residuals method 共Brandenberg et al. 2010兲. Instead we load-deflection curve and the prediction using standard 关American
fit a piecewise polynomial function to the data in the form of a Petroleum Institute 共API兲 1993兴 p-y curves for stiff clay 共Reese
linear combination of B-splines 共Lowther and Shene 2003; and Welch 1975兲 implemented with the strength profile in Fig. 4.
Coutinho 2006兲. As described by Stewart et al. 共2007兲, we imple- The American Petroleum Institute 共API兲 共1993兲 p-y model over-
ment an optimization process in which the order of B-splines and predicts the initial stiffness and underpredicts the ultimate capac-
knot locations 共i.e., connection depths for polynomials兲 are se- ity. Accordingly, an optimization was undertaken 共details in
lected for each displacement level. An example fit to the data is Stewart et al. 2007兲 in which we: 共1兲 scaled up and down param-
shown in Fig. 6. The curvature fit is double-integrated 共with pile eters in the reference p-y model that are unrelated to undrained
tip boundary conditions of zero slope and displacement, which strength or soil density but which control capacity, initial stiff-
are consistent with measurements of zero strain and rotation at ness, and displacement at yield; 共2兲 performed simulations with
these depths兲 to estimate a deflection 共y兲 profile. An analytical many combinations of scaling parameters, recording for each
moment-curvature relationship for the pile section 共Fig. 7兲 is used simulation the predicted curvature profile and head load-
to convert the curvature profile to a moment profile, which is then deflection; and 共3兲 selected the scaling parameters that optimize
double differentiated to obtain soil reaction 共p兲. This double- the fit to measured curvature profiles and the head load-deflection.
differentiation process is sensitive to subtle changes in the mo- Fig. 9 shows that the resulting modified p-y curves have a re-
ment profile 共influenced by data scatter兲 and the moment- duced initial modulus and higher capacity than API curves. The
curvature relationship. Hence, the reaction profile is highly depth-dependence of the p-y curves matches that in the API
uncertain, which in turn leads to uncertain p-y curves with non- model. Also shown in Fig. 9 are the aforementioned p-y curves


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2010.136:1673-1685.

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Fig. 8. Comparison of load-deflection behavior for measured, fitted

results for a 1.8% shaft, and predicted response for a 1% shaft

obtained from direct interpretation of the instrumentation data,

which show a nonphysical decrease of stiffness with depth.
As expected, analysis of the shaft response using the modified
p-y curves and the moment-curvature relationship for ␳ = 1.8%
共from Fig. 7兲 produces an excellent match to the measured head Fig. 10. 共a兲 Load-displacement curves for the group; 共b兲 head mo-
load-deflection response, as shown in Fig. 8. Also shown in Fig. 8 ment versus lateral displacement for the pile group
is the reduced load-deflection curve obtained with those same p-y
curves and the moment-curvature relationship for ␳ = 1%. The ini-
tial stiffness is not changed but the ultimate capacity is reduced
by approximately 10%. The load-deflection curve in Fig. 8 ob-
tained with the calibrated p-y model 共Matlab code兲 for ␳ = 1% Test Results and Simulations: Pile Group
represents the single pile response used subsequently to evaluate
group efficiency per Eq. 共1兲. Load-Displacement Relationship
Fig. 10 shows the measured cap load-deflection and moment-
deflection backbone curves for the pile group. As with the single
pile, we generally define the backbone curve using first-cycle
peaks of hysteretic loops. The displacement amplitudes and num-
ber of cycles at each amplitude are given in Table 2. In some
cases we encountered problems with the data acquisition system
during the first cycle, and in those cases second cycle data are
used to define backbone curve ordinates, as indicated in Fig. 10.
Reversed cyclic loading was performed up to 2.5-cm displace-
ment, where the load limits of the hydraulic system were reached.
The pile group was then pushed with additional hydraulic equip-
ment monotonically.
The initial tangent stiffness of the load-deflection curve is ap-
proximately 530 MN/m. The initial elastic response occurs at very
small displacements 共⬍0.64 cm兲 and discernable softening is
evident at 1.3–1.6 cm. The response of the pile group was similar
in the two horizontal directions over the limits of two-way cyclic
loading 共⫾2.5 cm兲, but peak resistance was only reached in the
west direction at a maximum lateral load of 10.2 MN at a lateral
displacement of 10.2 cm. The moment is computed as the sum of
Fig. 9. P-y curves for the single 0.6-m fixed head pile based on API the products of actuator forces and the vertical distances from the
guidelines, fitting process, and inferred directly from in-shaft mea- base of the pile cap to the points of load application. Upon the
surements conclusion of testing and removal of all lateral loads, the cap had


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2010.136:1673-1685.

Fig. 11. 关共a兲 and 共b兲兴 Excavated pile group specimen and concrete
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spalling at pile shaft after test completion

Fig. 13. Vertical displacement of pile group versus lateral deforma-

a permanent displacement of 12 cm. The estimated cyclic re-
sponse for the group as described previously is shown in Fig.
10共a兲 as well. Simulation of Pile Group Response and Effect of
Three of the piles in the group were instrumented in a manner Rotation
similar to that for the single pile. Unfortunately, sensor failures
rendered much of the data inadequate to define curvature profiles. The intent of the pile group simulations is to calibrate a model to
Hence, we are unable to evaluate p-y curves for those piles. the test data and to use the model to evaluate the effects of cap
As shown in Fig. 11, post test excavations were performed to rotation. This enables group efficiency factors to be developed for
investigate pile damage and map cracks. The reinforced concrete a common condition of zero cap rotation. Winkler-type modeling
piles had extensive cracks with widths up to 5 cm between ground of the pile-soil interaction is not appropriate for this case because
line and 0.9-m depth. At depths lower than 1.8 m, no cracks with of the need to couple horizontal and vertical responses 共the rock-
residual openings 共widths兲 were observed. Fig. 11共b兲 shows that ing is, in part, a vertical pile-soil interaction problem that cannot
concrete spalling occurred on several piles, being severe in front be represented by horizontal Winkler springs兲. Instead, we used a
row piles but moderate in trailing rows. Fig. 11共b兲 also shows an 3D FE model created in ABAQUS 共Hibbitt, Karlsson & Sorensen,
apparent compression fan near the pile-cap interface, with large- Inc. 1998兲. The simulations are performed with specified horizon-
and small-width diagonal cracks and concrete cover spalling. The tal and vertical cap displacements, the vertical displacements rep-
relatively large crack widths may have been influenced by the resenting the rotation history in Fig. 12 and pile elongation in
amount of concrete cover 共6.3 cm兲, as larger cover has been Fig. 13.
shown to result in larger crack widths 共Gergely and Lutz 1968兲. The concrete shaft in the FE model is represented using two
Fig. 12 shows that pile cap rotation varied essentially linearly types of 3D solid elements 共for confined and unconfined concrete兲
with lateral displacement. Fig. 13 shows uplift of the cap during and truss elements 共for reinforcement兲. The shaft cross section is
lateral loading. The cap did not touch the soil due to rotation until divided into 16 solid elements; the inner confined concrete is
12.5-cm displacements were reached. Hence, cap base friction or modeled with eight 15-node quadratic triangular prisms 共C3D15
side resistance did not contribute to the measured lateral loads in ABAQUS element library兲 and the unconfined portion of the
and moments. section with eight 20-node quadratic bricks 共C3D20 in ABAQUS
element library兲. The longitudinal reinforcements 共eight #7 bars兲
are modeled using 3-node quadratic truss elements 共T3D3 in
ABAQUS element library兲. These elements are anchored at the
interface points of the C3D15’s and the C3D20’s and thus, share
the nodes with those elements. Two different sets of nodes were
defined at the interface between shafts and the soil which enabled
the modeling of the frictional contact for the shaft-soil interaction.
A friction coefficient of 0.45 was used in the ABAQUS small-
sliding contact model 共results are insensitive to variations in this
parameter兲. The soil domain is modeled with 8-node linear brick
elements 共C3D8兲. The total depth of soil mesh is 12 m, which
extends 4.5 m below the base of the shafts. Additional details on
the characteristics of the FE mesh are given in Stewart et al.
The uniaxial compressive strength of concrete was assumed to
be 32.75 MPa, which is near the median of the test data. The
Hognestad 共1951兲 constitutive model was used for unconfined
concrete whereas the model of Saatcioglu and Razvi 共1992兲 was
used to account for the increased stress and deformation capaci-
ties of concrete enclosed within the spiral reinforcement. The
Fig. 12. Cap rotation versus lateral displacement probable yield strength for #7 longitudinal bars is assumed to be


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2010.136:1673-1685.

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Fig. 14. FEM studies of load-displacement relationships with and

Fig. 15. Comparison of various load-displacement curves for group
without cap rotation for top displacements up to 4.3 cm

520 MPa 共slightly higher than the specified nominal value of f y

= 410 MPa兲. Strain hardening is considered in the steel constitu- As shown in Fig. 16, the group efficiency is unity at very small
tive relationship based on Filippou and Issa 共1983兲. The soil is displacements and falls to approximately 0.8 at 0.01d ⬍ y 0
represented with a Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model with ⬍ 0.02d, after which it gradually rises towards 0.9 at y 0 ⬎ 0.04d.
elastic-perfectly plastic behavior. The required parameters are Also shown for comparison is the group efficiency implied by the
Mohr-Coulomb strength parameters for shear strength and elastic use of the Rollins et al. 共2006a兲 p-multipliers and the Huang et al.
moduli. The shear strengths of the clay materials are given in Fig. 共2001兲 postconstruction p-multipliers for bored piles as described
4. Estimates of Young’s modulus are available from consolida- in Previous Work. The group efficiencies implied by those
tion, pressuremeter, and shear wave velocity tests and vary widely p-multipliers range from 0.69–0.74 and 0.85–0.87 for the Rollins
共48–380 MPa; Wallace et al. 2001兲. Parametric analyses were et al. and Huang et al. models, respectively. While neither set of
performed to optimize the modulus to fit the measured field re- p-multipliers can track the observed displacement-dependence,
sponse. the Huang et al. model provides a good overall fit. The similarity
FE analyses were run first with the measured cap rotation in pile-head boundary conditions between the Huang et al. study
共shown in Figs. 12 and 13兲 applied simultaneously with cap lat- and our study may contribute to this favorable fit. Moreover, Fig.
eral displacement. This analysis was repeated using different val- 1 shows that the shape of our ␩-displacement curve is similar to
ues of soil Young’s modulus, and a value of 48 MPa provided the those from other field tests in clayey soils.
best match between simulations and test results 共Fig. 14兲. A sec-
ond analysis without cap rotation produced the results shown in
Fig. 14 with the dashed line. As shown in Fig. 14, cap rotation at
the levels observed in the tests does not significantly affect the
group load-deflection response. Consequently all load displace-
ment relationships required to derive group efficiency factors are
provided by the calibrated p-y model.

Evaluation of Group Efficiency and Validation of


We have shown that: 共1兲 the single-pile load-deflection relation-

ship requires correction for the effects of differing reinforcement
ratio relative to the group piles 共results given in Fig. 8兲 and 共2兲 the
group load-deflection response is practically unaffected by the
small rotations that occurred during the test. Fig. 15 summarizes
the load-deflection curves that are required to evaluate group ef-
ficiency following rearrangement of Eq. 共1兲:
Pg共y 0兲
␩= 共5兲
Ng Psp共y 0兲
For a given lateral displacement 共y 0兲, Pg is taken directly from the
measured group response; Ng = 9; and Psp = simulated single pile
response for ␳ = 1% shown in Fig. 15. The resulting group effi- Fig. 16. Experimental and simulated group efficiency factors versus
ciencies are shown in Fig. 16. lateral displacement


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2010.136:1673-1685.

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