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unit 1

-radix of number system, //

-ecxcess-3 code ////
-Parity and types, used for error chaecking //
- number system ? Explain binary, octal and (adv)hexadecimal//
-alphanumeric code
-Explain the method of converting a decimal number into its binary equivalent /
-Explain the method of converting a binary number into gray code /
-Explain BCD code /
-direct method of conversion of octal to hexadecimal number
-gray code ? What are its characteristics

Unit 2
-how negative no. are represented in binary ///
-underflow and overflow and range /////(accuracy)
-2's complement and operations ////
-1's complement //
-different rules for binary addition
-real numbers represented ? //

Unit 3
-NAND and NOR(basic) gate using logic and truth /
-construction and working of EX-OR GATE //////
-Construct and explain gates give their symbol and
logical expression ///////
-positive and negative logic
-NAND gate is called universal gate /
-NAND and NOR gates are called universal building blocks /
-Differentiate between basic gates and universal building blocks.
-Explain how AND, OR and NOT gates can be designed using NOR gates.
-What is universal gate/
-what is logic gate/
-how NOR, NAND gate exclusively can be used for construction of other gates.
unit 4
-What is K-map ? adv///
-(i) Associative law
(ii) Distributive law. //(commutative)
-State and prove the De-Morgan’s theorem for three variables //////
-the logical circuit for the simplified
-(i) SOP//
(ii) POS//
(iii) Quad ///
(iv) Octate ///
(v) Pair ///
-All laws
-Duality Theorem ? Explain
-how POS and SOP equations can be converted to standard POS and standard SOP

2/5 marks
-ASCII code ///
-logic symbol, truth table and logical expression for 2 input Ex-NOR gate
-terms related to K-map :
(i) SOP
(ii) Quad
- 2's compliment eq.
-positive numbers represented /
-Construct EX-OR and EX-NOR gates using only NAND gates
-gates universal
-complement of numbers, 2's complement
- circuit explain the difference between EX-OR and EX-NOR gate.
-laws and identities of Boolean algebra.

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