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Cincinnati, Ohio

October 26th, 1979 11:55 pm

Jenny and Zoso ran through the dark woods and started franticly to climb a small but difficult rocky cliff. When they reached the top, they found
the friend they were looking for.
They guy there were looking for stood, with back turned, wearing the wizard robe his mother sewed.
“Gene!” Jenny belted out while catching her breath. She held up a letter half crumpled from her mad dash “This letter Gene. What is this about?
We’re worried for you.”
“Don’t be.” Gene said in a calm voice. He turned to them and both saw the necklace he was wearing “Soon I will ascend.”
Zoso noticed right away that the necklace looked exactly like the one Gene had drawn up for their Saturday night game. In the game it was called
the Pearl of Infinite Dreams.
Gene grabbed the Pearl and said “Yes! I have it, thanks to the Shadow Lord, I can now enact my dream.”
“Gene” Jenny thought carefully at what she was to say. Her friend was obviously unhinged. “The Shadow Lord and the necklace are just things
you made up for our game. They’re not real. Please. Get away from the cleft and come back home with us.”
“Gene, does this have something to do with your brother’s going missing? Zoso and Jenny walked closer, now being in arms reach.
“He’s no longer here. He’s become the Shadow Lord.” A single tear ran down Gene’s face. He’s lost to the Shadow, but with this (he grabbed the
pearl) with this I’m going to create Pangaea.
The two stood there not knowing what to do. It was obvious to both that the game had made his mind snap.
Gene closed his eyes and appeared to be concentrating on the pearl in his hand. It was then that the Pearl started to glow with a bright light. Both
of Gene’s friends were shocked, but Gene opened his eyes and was filled with joy.
“Look! It’s working!” Gene exclaimed.
The air about them started to stir and the three looked around.
What happened next was the proof of what he was saying. Behind Gene a hole ripped open in the very fabric of reality showing a vast, starry
“I told you! I told you! Gene yelled out.
His friends were frozen in disbelief, but Jenny found the strength tot talk.
“Gene, if this is true and he’s now the Shadow Lord then your brother has been consumed by the Shadow and can’t be trusted.” She grabbed his
arm in a gentle way to reassure him. “If he gave you the Pearl then you know there are strings attached to it. Strings that will devour your very
Gene looked at them both and then to Jenny and said, “The Shadow Lord didn’t give me the Pearl; I stole it from him.”
The revelation shook both of his friends. Jenny released his arm, a fear for her friend started to overtake her.
“I must do this” Gene said, his sanity seeming to come back to him. I’ve wanted this for so long.” He looked at them both “I love you both so
much. Remember me” and with that he entered the portal before either of his friends could stop him.
Zoso and Jenny looked into each other’s eyes looking for and indication of what to do next.
They had both known Gene for all their lives. Both had loved and been in love with Gene at one time or other. The look in their eyes answered
what they were to do. The other took the other’s hand and they walked through the portal to find their friend.
As they walked through, the portal closed behind them.

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