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article format for class 12 cbse


The format for writing an article for Class 12 CBSE can generally follow the following structure:

1. Heading: Give your article an appropriate and engaging heading that reflects the main
idea or topic of your article.
2. Introduction: Begin with a captivating introduction that hooks the reader's attention and
provides an overview of the topic you will be discussing.
3. Subheadings: Use subheadings to organize your article into different sections, each
focusing on a specific aspect or point related to the topic.
4. Body: In the body paragraphs, present your ideas, arguments, or opinions in a logical
and coherent manner. Support your points with relevant facts, evidence, examples, or
quotations from reliable sources. Use proper paragraphing and transitions to ensure
clarity and smooth flow of ideas.
5. Conclusion: Summarize your main points and provide a concluding statement or opinion
that reinforces your position or offers a final thought on the topic. It should leave a lasting
impression on the reader.
6. Author's byline: Include your name or pen name at the end of the article to signify
7. Word Limit: Adhere to the prescribed word limit mentioned in your examination
guidelines or instructions.
8. Language and Style: Use clear, concise, and formal language appropriate for academic
writing. Maintain a consistent tone throughout the article. Proofread your article to ensure
accuracy, coherence, and proper grammar usage.

Remember to consult your specific CBSE Class 12 English syllabus or guidelines provided by
your school or teacher for any additional requirements or specific instructions.



Dismal is an adjective that describes something as gloomy, depressing, or lacking in brightness,

hope, or positive qualities. It conveys a sense of darkness, sadness, or a general feeling of
bleakness. When something is described as dismal, it often suggests a lack of progress,
success, or positive outcomes. It can be used to describe situations, weather, environments, or
even people's moods. The term dismal is often associated with a feeling of disappointment or a
sense of pessimism. It signifies a state of low morale or a lack of enthusiasm.
notice format


A notice typically follows a specific format. Here's a standard format for writing a notice:

1. Heading: Begin with the word "NOTICE" written in capital letters and centered at the top
of the page.
2. Organization/School Name: Below the heading, mention the name of the organization or
school issuing the notice. Center it and write it in bold or underline it.
3. Date: Mention the date when the notice is being issued. Place it on the right-hand side,
aligned with the organization/school name.
4. Salutation: Begin the notice with a salutation such as "Dear Students," "Attention All
Employees," or any appropriate greeting that suits the intended recipients.
5. Content: Write the main content of the notice. Keep it clear, concise, and to the point.
Include relevant details such as the purpose of the notice, important information, dates,
timings, instructions, or any other necessary details. Use paragraphs to separate
different sections or points.
6. Signature: End the notice with the name and designation of the person or authority
issuing the notice. You can also include contact information, such as an email address or
phone number, if required.
7. Optional: You can include any additional relevant information or an official seal, logo, or
emblem if applicable to your organization.

Remember to adhere to the prescribed word limit and ensure that the notice is easily readable
and well-organized. Proofread the notice for any grammatical errors or typos before finalizing it.

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