Fee-Structure 101

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OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR DIBRUGARH UNIVERSITY :: DIBRUGARH NOTIFICATION The Revised fee structure for the various courses for the academic session 2019-2020 is mentioned as under. : & sal a:| & jee 1 1,050] 1,890] 210] s2s} 10s 420] 210 S33 35] 4498 Loso] 5778] 210 sos} ios 420] 210] 1.050 53 35 aa Board Ree iy works are required to pay Laboratory fee for Ulid und MLA ided by the Department concerned. need by 5% Course atthe tine of ee Registrar Dibrugarh University CENTRES or sTuDIES: aap : ‘Coune fee 25 z ¥ spe s/ 3/3 ]2lf2/e] 2/2] 2 2.12] 2 Speen g/2/ 215] Flee Fy z si Name ofcourse 3 Ele elsele] ] 2] ¢ |22] 2] § No 2 = B {eS /2o/s] £] se] & 2 2 z a 5 e/a jg: ¢/2] 2 Bela 6 = é ge & 4 &| 2 i Z a ledeles sl 6 5 2 IM.C.A 1,050, 25,000 - 210] 525] 105 420{ 210] 1,050 53 35] 28,658 & [boa 1.050] 13,000 -[_210] sas} 10s] 420] 210[ 1,050] 53] 35] 16,658 2 ascam tas0f 13.000] -| 210] 32s] 10s] azo] 210] 1050) ss] as} 16.658 [ee E— |emcca 1,050 ~|_s.000[210{ 325] 105] azo] 210[ _-| 53] 35] 8.608 & fpapca 1,050 - | 20.000] 210525] 105] ~ 420] 210[ 1,050] 53] 35] 23,658 2 é IDCA "O' Level. 1,050) +] 10,000) 210] 525] 105 420) 210] 1,050 53. 35] 13,658 pawacen | 1,0s0[ 26,250 -[ 210] 52s] 105] 420] 210] -| ss] as] 2ease = [eae | 1050 ~ [25.000] 210] 525] 10s] azof 210] __-| 3] 35] 27,608 *) EE, [po ‘os0[ tooo] =| 210] sas] sos] 20] 210] =] sa] as} 12.008 22 [wm 4050] 15,750] =| 210] 525] 105] 420] 210] -| 33] 35] aaas8 ba. uw, 4,050] 15,000] =} 210] 2s] 105] 420] 210] -| 33 35] 17,608 gs = lum 5,250 20,000 -| 210) 525} tos 420] 210 - 33 4 [Cente for Studies in Geography! 1,050] 11,500] =| 210] 525} 10s] 420] 210| 2,100/ 3s] 351 16-208 MAJM.Se ba 1,050 =| 10,500} 210] 52s] 10s} 420] 210] + -] ss 13.108 si 3 Be lua 1,050] -] 19,500) 210] 525] 10s] 420} 210} =] ss} 3s a3,t08 é bers 1,050] = | 27,000} 210 52s] 105] 420] 210] 1050] 53] 3s] s0.6ss «laa» £22 8 lunes. oso] —- | sx.000] 210] 525] 10s] 420] 210 38 des Centre for Studies in Journatismn| 1,050] =] 210] s2s] 10s 20] =| 33) 35] 17,098 and Mass Communication 5 | ene for bio-informatics 1,050] 28,750] | 210] 52s} 105] 420] 210} 2,100] 53] 3s | saase MSc. Bio-informatics ?1PG Diploma in Acturial Science] 1,050] ~ | 17,000} 210) 52s] 105. 200 - 33, 35] 19,608, Stat) S000 io fcemme for Yea. Agro Sudies | 1,050] 30,000] sponsor] 210] 52s] 105] 420] 210} =| 53} 35| 32,608 {. kwaprremy el cen for Biotechnology 1050) asso 210] 525] 105} 420] 210] 2,100] 53] 35] 33,458 M.Sc. Biostechnotog 2 1.050 =} nooo] 210] ss} 10s] 420] 210) - | 33} 35} 42,608 [Master of Social Works 13 [PG Diploma in Rural 1050 =| 11,500] 210] sas} 1s] azo] 210] - | 53] 35] 14,108 Development as 1,050 ~| 5,000) 210) 525] 105} 420] 210 - 53] 35) 7,608 LPG Diploma in Finan Is 1,050 =| 5,000] 210} s2s] 105] 420] 210] - | 33] 35] 7,608 PG Diploma in Marketing 16|PG Diploma in Nano Sei. & | 1,050 =} 10,000] 210} 52s} 10s} 420} 210] 2,100/ 53] 35] 14,708 Composite Materials 20000 7 1,050] 15,000, fee 210) 525} 105} 420] 210} 2,100 53) 35] 19,708 sponsor M.Tech in Petroleum Geology. Fa 18 [M.Tech in Exploration 1,050 30,000, - 210) 525) 105} 420] 210 - 53 35] 32,608 Geophysics | 19 Centre for Studies in Philosophy} 1.050] 15,000] - | 210/ sas] 10s] 420] 210] =} 53) 35] 17,608 IMA in Philosophy 20] 1,050] - | 13,800} 210/25] 105} 420) 210] 1,050] s3} 35] 17,458 8 5 1050/ = | 18400} 210 525] 10s} 420) 210] 1,050] 53] 35] 22,058 21 [Fenure for Population Studies | 1,050] = | 11,500/ 210 52s) 105] 420] 210/ - | 53 35) 14108 PopPs 2 1,050] 25,000 210) sas] 105) 420) 210] 2,100] 53] 38 29,708, JAPGDPE Geo-physies 231 yr. Diploma in Oil Well 1,050 e 30,000) 210) 25] tos! 420] 210 2,100] 53] 35] 34,708 Drilling Technolo A |e as Cat Coss oso] tso} =| 210} 525] 105] 420] 210f =| 53] as] 5.758 PG Certificate in Women 1,050 2,625] 210] 52s} 10s} 420] 210 =} 33] 3s] 5,233, studies ; 2s 25000 M.A. Programe in Women's | 1,050] (Rs. 1000} 2,625! 210) sas] 105] 420} 210 -| 53) 35} 30,233 Studies Field 6 1,050} 15,000 210) 525} 10s! 420] 210) =| 531. 3s} 17,608 IMA in Bodo Language — + Registrar Dibrugarh University Mataraiod | ST | L050 wow] 210| 525] 10s] 20] 210 sa] 35] 32.008 siesta pe Grae] —— -—— alied—iplomain Psychology |Counselling 050 - ason0] 210) 52s] 10s} 420] 210 - 53] 35) 37,608 Psychology lnanen) ag{%6 Dinlomain sts | 5ep| g o| 53] 35] sss aefipotoms mS} oso) san{ tsoo| 210] 525] 105] 420) 210} 1080 m PGDSTCD 2 1,050 - 1.890] 210] 525] 105] 420) 210 - 53) 35] 4,498 [Diploma in Tui-Language 30 Six month Certieate in : e) cle ele Ol ele le | ars Missing tanguape 31 Six month certificate course ‘ Ff ” e i fe i e a a 3675 in Dori Language saltinsemowh Cesium |. =| =| =|> =) | «| -| -[- = ele =P 180 Aissing Language C) DUIET -B.Tech COURSES = = Semesters (DUIET) Admi Course Fee(Rs.) ‘Total 1 lees Semester 30,000 WED 7 [Second Semester 50,000. 50,000.00 3 [thie Semester 50,000. 60.745.00 Tour Semester 40,000 40:000.00 S[Fith Semester 40,000. 50,745.00 @ [Sih Semester 40,000 20:000.00 7 [Seventh Semester 40,000. 30.745.00 $ [Eighth Semester ‘40,000 40,000.00 ) DEPARTWENT OF PHARM SCIENCE: Course ee lg g | 32 ele|/2]s]e| 2 ie 2 » |2]eslala]¢ lel | 2a] 8 ze1el ala) e)alel| F 2; a] 2 | /sslelelil ileal 2 eee lec lin) a pales o | & Name of couse 7 3 a & Me 2s | aa [cas] Now| Ral eROw ioe |etialisie sis fisesoninwa] tos [ [2am [210] ses] tos| ao] 210] uosol | w | as [eos 1 E [endowment & \csiegaris 1.080 ~| 45,000 | 210] 525] 105} 420] 210] 1,050] 33 40 35 | as.69s| aa at |i 2sow | 210| 525] 108] 420] a] | ss | wo | ws [nam 3 iat 1050 [ soo | -[ aio | 528] vos] azo} 2i0[ tos | a | as tawn Board Kee other fees are Dibrugarh University Hostel fee (a) Under Graduate/Post Graduate = Rs. 2,900/- (b) M.Phil,/Ph.D. = Rs. 4,000/- Registrar, Dibrugerh University Dibrugarh Dibrugarh University

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