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“I nvesting in Africa’s Future”

College of Business, Peace, Leadership and Governance




Date: November 2022

LETURERS: Prof C. Ncube, Dr F. Santos and Dr M. Sibanda

1. Answer ALL questions in section A.

2. Total mark allocation: 100 marks [Section A Either Question 1 or Question 2. Question
3 is compulsory (40 percent), Section B Answer ALL question (30 percent) and Section C
Answer only ONE question (30 percent)]

3. The marks allocated to each question are shown at the end of the question.

4. Credit will be awarded for logical, systematic and neat presentations.

5. Corrections. No corrections will be made to the examination questions once the exam is
distributed. If there is a typo or ambiguity in a question, state your assumption and
answer accordingly.
Section A Prof Ncube
Instructions: Either Question 1 or Question 2. Question 3 is compulsory.
1. With reference to a specified industrial sector in an African state of your choice,
discuss the importance of Intellectual Property for SMEs, generally and for innovation
in that sector. In your view, how can Intellectual Property laws and policies be
customised to better serve innovative SMEs. [25 marks]
Intellectual Property (IP) Importance for SMEs in the African Automotive Sector
In the context of the African automotive sector, SMEs play a pivotal role in driving
innovation, economic growth, and employment. Intellectual Property (IP) holds
significant importance for these SMEs, contributing to their survival and competitiveness
in the market. This discussion will focus on the importance of IP for SMEs in the African
automotive sector, emphasizing its role in fostering innovation and proposing
customizations to IP laws and policies for better support.
General Importance of IP for SMEs:
1. Protection of Innovations: SMEs in the automotive sector often engage in product,
service, and process innovations. IP, particularly patents, helps protect these
innovations, giving SMEs exclusive rights and preventing unauthorized use by
2. Market Competitiveness: IP provides SMEs a competitive edge. Trademarks and
industrial designs help establish brand identity, fostering consumer trust and loyalty,
crucial elements for success in the automotive market.
3. Access to Financing: IP assets can be valuable collateral for securing financing.
Lenders are more inclined to invest in SMEs with protected innovations, enhancing
their financial viability.
4. Business Expansion: Licensing IP to larger enterprises can be a revenue stream for
SMEs, facilitating business expansion and partnerships.
Importance of IP for Innovation in the African Automotive Sector:
1. Technological Advancements: IP protection encourages SMEs to invest in research
and development, leading to technological advancements within the sector.
2. Global Market Access: IP protection facilitates entry into global markets. For
instance, patent protection enables SMEs to compete internationally by safeguarding
their technological advancements.
3. Incentive for Collaboration: SMEs often collaborate on R&D projects. Clear IP
frameworks encourage collaboration by defining rights and responsibilities, fostering
an environment conducive to innovation.
Customization of IP Laws and Policies for Innovative SMEs:
1. Simplified IP Processes: African countries can customize IP laws by simplifying
registration processes and reducing associated costs. This would encourage SMEs to
protect their innovations without facing excessive bureaucratic hurdles.
2. Specialized IP Support: Establishing specialized IP support centers or agencies
tailored for SMEs can provide guidance on navigating the complexities of IP
protection. This includes assistance with patent filing, trademark registration, and
legal advice.
3. Incentives for Innovation: Governments can introduce tax incentives and grants
specifically for SMEs engaged in innovative activities. These incentives would
alleviate financial burdens associated with IP protection and encourage a culture of
4. IP Education and Awareness: Enhancing education and awareness programs about IP
among SMEs is essential. Workshops, training sessions, and accessible resources can
empower SMEs to understand the value of IP and how to navigate the IP landscape.
5. Flexible IP Enforcement Mechanisms: Developing flexible mechanisms for enforcing
IP rights tailored to the scale and resources of SMEs. This could involve alternative
dispute resolution mechanisms and simplified legal proceedings.
In conclusion, Intellectual Property is crucial for SMEs in the African automotive sector,
serving as a catalyst for innovation and market competitiveness. Customizing IP laws and
policies to better serve these innovative SMEs involves simplifying processes, providing
specialized support, offering incentives, and promoting awareness. Such adaptations will
contribute to the growth of SMEs, fostering a vibrant and competitive automotive
industry in the African context.

2. You have just had a meeting the Minister of Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship
who has just returned from an African Union conference on enhancing inter-African
digital trade, where the government of your country pledged to drive a campaign to
encourage SMEs to expand their businesses ventures using conventional physical
trade and e-commerce ventures across Africa. She instructs you to advise her on the
relevant IP issues, paying particular attention to issues that may arise in the context of
cross border trade. Prepare an opinion for the Minister on the above aspects.
[25 marks]
Opinion on IP Issues in Cross-Border Trade for SMEs Expanding into Inter-African
Digital Trade
To: Minister of Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Subject: Intellectual Property Issues in Cross-Border Trade for SMEs Expanding into Inter-
African Digital Trade
Dear Minister,
I appreciate the opportunity to provide guidance on the relevant Intellectual Property (IP)
issues pertaining to the government's initiative to encourage SMEs to expand their business
ventures through conventional physical trade and e-commerce across Africa. The success of
this endeavor hinges on addressing key IP considerations to protect the interests of SMEs
engaging in cross-border trade. Below are insights and recommendations on the pertinent IP
1. Trademark Protection: Trademark protection is paramount for SMEs engaging in cross-
border trade, especially in the digital realm. SMEs should secure trademarks for their brands,
logos, and products to prevent unauthorized use and infringement. Given the diversity of
markets across Africa, a thorough trademark search is crucial to ensure uniqueness and avoid
Recommendation: Facilitate the registration process for SMEs by offering streamlined and
cost-effective procedures. Consider introducing a centralized platform that simplifies
trademark registration across multiple African countries.
2. Digital Copyright Concerns: In the realm of e-commerce, digital content is a valuable
asset. SMEs involved in content creation, software development, or digital services need
robust copyright protection. Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of digital content are
common challenges in cross-border trade.
Recommendation: Strengthen enforcement mechanisms against digital piracy and copyright
infringement. Collaborate with other African nations to establish standardized regulations for
digital copyright protection, ensuring a consistent framework for SMEs.
3. Data Protection and Privacy: As SMEs engage in cross-border e-commerce, the
collection and processing of customer data become integral. Adequate data protection
measures are crucial to comply with international standards and regional regulations.
Recommendation: Develop a comprehensive data protection framework aligning with
global best practices. Encourage SMEs to implement stringent data protection measures and
provide guidelines on responsible data handling.
4. Patent Considerations: For SMEs involved in innovative product development, securing
patent protection is vital. However, navigating the patent landscape across multiple
jurisdictions can be challenging.
Recommendation: Advocate for harmonized patent regulations within the African Union to
simplify the patent filing process for SMEs. Provide support and resources for SMEs to
navigate patent applications and protect their innovations.
5. Customs and Border Protection: Cross-border trade introduces the risk of counterfeit
products entering the market. Collaborate with customs and border protection agencies to
implement measures that identify and prevent the entry of counterfeit goods.
Recommendation: Establish a coordinated effort with customs authorities across African
nations to enhance border control measures. Implement technology-driven solutions, such as
blockchain, to track and authenticate products in transit.
6. Dispute Resolution Mechanisms: In the context of cross-border trade, disputes related to
IP infringement may arise. Establishing efficient and accessible dispute resolution
mechanisms is essential for the swift resolution of IP disputes.
Recommendation: Support the development of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms
specific to IP issues. This could include the establishment of IP mediation and arbitration
centers to address disputes efficiently and cost-effectively.
In conclusion, facilitating SMEs' expansion into inter-African digital trade requires a
comprehensive approach to address the complex landscape of Intellectual Property. By
focusing on trademark protection, digital copyright, data privacy, patent considerations,
customs collaboration, and dispute resolution mechanisms, the government can create an
environment conducive to the success of SMEs in cross-border ventures.
I am at your disposal for any further clarification or discussion on these recommendations.

3. Explain the main aspects that should be addressed by an effective Intellectual

Property Strategy for a medium-sized enterprise in a high-technology industrial sector
[15 marks]
An effective Intellectual Property (IP) strategy is crucial for a medium-sized enterprise
(MSE) operating in a high-technology industrial sector. It involves a comprehensive
approach to manage and leverage intellectual assets to ensure competitiveness, protect
innovations, and foster business growth. The main aspects that should be addressed by an
effective IP strategy for such an enterprise include:
1. IP Identification and Assessment:
• Conduct a thorough audit to identify and assess all intellectual assets within the
• Clearly define what constitutes intellectual property, including patents, trademarks,
copyrights, trade secrets, and industrial designs.
2. Innovation Management:
• Establish processes for continuous innovation and encourage a culture of creativity
within the organization.
• Systematically capture, evaluate, and prioritize innovations to determine their
potential for IP protection.
3. Patent Portfolio Management:
• Develop a robust strategy for obtaining and managing patents, focusing on key
technologies and innovations.
• Regularly review and update the patent portfolio to align with business objectives and
market dynamics.
4. Trademark Protection:
• Identify and protect brand names, logos, and other distinctive symbols through
trademark registration.
• Monitor the market for potential infringements and take proactive measures to enforce
trademark rights.
5. Copyright Protection:
• Implement measures to protect original works of authorship, such as software,
documentation, and creative content.
• Ensure compliance with copyright laws and consider licensing opportunities for
copyrighted materials.
6. Trade Secret Protection:
• Implement robust policies and practices to safeguard trade secrets, including
confidentiality agreements and restricted access to sensitive information.
• Educate employees about the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of
proprietary information.
7. IP Commercialization and Monetization:
• Develop strategies to commercialize IP assets, including licensing, partnerships, and
collaborative ventures.
• Explore opportunities for monetization, such as selling or leasing intellectual property
8. IP Enforcement and Litigation:
• Establish a proactive approach to enforcing IP rights, including monitoring
competitors and taking legal action against infringements.
• Be prepared to engage in litigation when necessary to protect critical intellectual
9. International IP Considerations:
• Develop an understanding of international IP laws and protection mechanisms,
especially if the MSE operates in global markets.
• Strategically file for international patents and trademarks to secure protection in key
10. Employee Training and Awareness:
• Provide training programs to educate employees about the importance of IP, their role
in IP protection, and the consequences of IP infringement.
• Foster a culture of respect for intellectual property rights within the organization.
11. Collaboration and Partnerships:
• Collaborate with research institutions, industry partners, and other stakeholders to
enhance innovation and share intellectual assets.
• Establish clear agreements regarding the ownership and use of jointly developed IP.
12. Regular IP Audits and Reviews:
• Conduct periodic IP audits to reassess the portfolio's alignment with business goals
and market trends.
• Adjust the IP strategy based on changing business dynamics and emerging
In summary, an effective IP strategy for a medium-sized enterprise in a high-technology
industrial sector should encompass a holistic approach that includes identification,
protection, commercialization, enforcement, and ongoing management of intellectual
assets. This strategy should be aligned with the organization's business objectives and
contribute to its overall competitiveness and success.
Section A Dr Santos (Answer All questions)
4. It remains as a sovereign decision of each country to pursue a comprehensive or a
focused National Intellectual Property Strategy and there are compelling reasons to
choose one or another. Which are those reasons? Provide concrete examples? Which
approach would be suitable for your own country of origin considering the current
situation? (12 points)

The decision to pursue a comprehensive or focused National Intellectual Property (IP)

Strategy depends on various factors, and countries may choose one approach over the
other based on their unique circumstances. Here are some reasons and examples for
each approach:
Comprehensive IP Strategy:
1. Diverse Economic Landscape: Countries with a wide range of industries and
economic sectors may opt for a comprehensive strategy to ensure that all areas benefit
from IP protection and development. For example, Cape Verde's National Intellectual
Property Policy and Strategy (NIPPS) of 2022 covers legal, institutional, enforcement,
training, awareness, and global incorporation aspects, reflecting a comprehensive
2. Holistic Development: A comprehensive strategy can address IP issues across multiple
dimensions, fostering a holistic approach to economic growth, innovation, and
creativity. This approach is suitable for countries aiming for all-encompassing
Focused IP Strategy:
1. Sector-Specific Development Goals: Countries with specific sectoral development
goals may choose a focused strategy. For instance, South Africa's IP Policy Phase I
(2018) focuses on public health and access to medicines. It emphasizes local
manufacturing, parallel importation, exceptions to patent protection, and voluntary
2. Resource Optimization: Focused strategies allow countries to concentrate resources
on specific sectors or challenges, ensuring efficient use of limited resources. This
approach is beneficial when certain industries play a crucial role in the country's
Suitability for South Africa:
Considering South Africa's current situation, a balanced approach could be beneficial.
South Africa has a diverse economy with strengths in various sectors, such as mining,
manufacturing, and technology. A strategy that combines elements of both
comprehensive and focused approaches would likely be suitable.
1. Comprehensive Aspects: South Africa may benefit from comprehensive aspects by
ensuring a strong legal and institutional framework for IP across all industries. This
approach aligns with the need for a well-rounded IP ecosystem.
2. Focused Aspects: Given the emphasis on public health and access to medicines, as
seen in Phase I of the IP Policy (2018), continuing to focus on specific sectors could
address critical challenges. This could involve ongoing efforts in the healthcare sector,
especially in light of global health challenges.
In conclusion, a tailored approach that integrates comprehensive and focused elements
would likely be suitable for South Africa, recognizing the need to address diverse
economic sectors while also targeting specific challenges and opportunities within
those sectors. The strategy should be flexible to adapt to evolving national priorities
and global trends.

5. What do you believe is at least one topical intellectual property issue that should be
included in a national intellectual property strategy of an African country currently?
Explain why and give concrete examples. (9 points)

Topical Intellectual Property Issue for an African Country

Access to Medicines and Public Health

1. Global Health Challenges: The ongoing and emerging global health challenges, such
as pandemics and diseases, underscore the critical importance of ensuring access to
essential medicines for public health.
2. Humanitarian Impact: Access to medicines is a fundamental human right, and
addressing this issue aligns with the broader humanitarian goal of improving healthcare
outcomes for the population.
3. Economic Considerations: Ensuring access to affordable medicines contributes to the
economic well-being of the population and can lead to increased productivity and a
healthier workforce.
4. International Obligations: Many African countries are signatories to international
agreements that emphasize the importance of public health, such as the Agreement on
Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).

Concrete Examples:
1. Parallel Importation Policies: Implementing policies that allow parallel importation
of medicines can enhance competition, leading to lower prices for essential drugs.
2. Voluntary Licensing: Encouraging the use of voluntary licenses can enable local
production of medicines, making them more accessible.

3. Flexibilities under TRIPS: Leveraging flexibilities provided by international

agreements, such as TRIPS, to protect public health interests. For example,
implementing mechanisms like compulsory licensing, as seen in countries like India
during public health emergencies, can be considered.

4. Technology Transfer and Capacity Building: Focusing on technology transfer and

building local capacity for pharmaceutical manufacturing can enhance self-reliance in
producing essential medicines.

Incorporating access to medicines and public health as a key element in a national IP

strategy ensures a balanced approach, addressing both the economic and humanitarian
aspects of intellectual property. It reflects a commitment to leveraging intellectual
property for the well-being of the population while upholding international obligations
and fostering innovation in the healthcare sector.

6. There are several modes of exploitation of intellectual property rights. Indicate them
and choose two and illustrate them emphasizing their possible use in your country. (9

Modes of Exploitation of Intellectual Property Rights:

1. Licensing-Out of Technology Developed In-House:
• The owner allows a third party to use and exploit the IP in exchange for
2. University Spin-Off:
• Establishment of a new company by university staff to exploit IP developed
within the university.
3. Franchising:
• A specialized license where the franchisee is allowed to use a business model
and associated IP in return for a fee.
4. Merchandising:
• Commercial exploitation of a recognized name or symbol for selling goods or
5. Selling-Out the Technology Developed In-House:
• The owner transfers IP rights to a third party in exchange for a one-off
Illustrations in South Africa:

1. Licensing-Out of Technology Developed In-House:

In South Africa, a pharmaceutical research institution has developed a
groundbreaking medical technology. Due to limited resources for large-scale
production and marketing, the institution decides to license-out the technology to a
well-established pharmaceutical company. The company pays royalties to the
institution for the right to produce and sell the medical device, ensuring wider access
for patients in South Africa and potentially beyond.

2. University Spin-Off:
A South African university excels in renewable energy research, resulting in a
revolutionary wind turbine design. To bring this innovation to market, the university
forms a spin-off company, attracting local investors and government support. The
spin-off, with majority ownership retained by the university, advances the
commercialization of the wind turbine technology. This not only contributes to the
university's revenue but also stimulates the growth of a sustainable energy sector in
South Africa, addressing the country's energy challenges.

SECTION C (Answer one question only) Dr Sibanda

7. Reflect on the work of Christensen et al, in the Prosperity Paradox and insights in
the article Avoiding the Prosperity Paradox, answer the following questions: [15

a. How is innovation defined in the Prosperity Paradox? [2 Marks]

In the Prosperity Paradox, innovation is defined as the creation of solutions that

address the needs of nonconsumers. Nonconsumers are individuals who, due to
various barriers such as cost, access, time, or skill, are excluded from existing
markets. Innovations, according to Christensen et al., aim to unlock latent demand
by providing affordable and accessible alternatives to these nonconsumers.

b. What are the differences, if any between invention and innovation? [1 Mark]

Invention refers to the creation of a new idea, product, or process, often involving
the discovery of something entirely new.

On the other hand, innovation involves the practical application and implementation
of inventions to bring about positive change, usually in the form of new products,
services, or business models. In simpler terms, invention is the initial idea or
creation, while innovation is the successful introduction and adoption of that idea
in the market.

c. Discuss and differentiate the different types of innovations described by

Christensen et al? [3 Mark]

Christensen et al. describe three types of innovations: sustaining, efficiency, and

market-creating innovations.
Sustaining Innovations

These improve existing products or services, often meeting the needs of current
consumers. They enhance features, performance, or quality but do not necessarily
create new markets.

Efficiency Innovations

These focus on delivering existing products or services at lower costs, aiming to

improve efficiency and accessibility for consumers.

Market-Creating Innovations

The key focus is on addressing the needs of non-consumers, creating entirely new
markets by making products or services more affordable, accessible, and appealing
to a broader audience.

d. Provide examples of these different types of innovations in Africa [3 Mark]

Sustaining Innovation

Upgrades to mobile phone models, introducing improved features or design.

Efficiency Innovation

The use of mobile money services, such as M-Pesa in Kenya, which enhances the
efficiency of financial transactions.

Market-Creating Innovation

The development of off-grid solar solutions, like M-KOPA Solar in East Africa,
addressing the energy needs of nonconsumers who lack access to traditional power

e. In your own words, in half a page to a page, discuss with reasons which one
type of innovation is the most important for fostering economic development?
[6 Mark]

Addressing Unmet Needs

Market-creating innovation focuses on identifying and fulfilling the needs of

nonconsumers who are often marginalized or underserved. By addressing
previously unmet needs, it creates new markets and expands economic
Inclusive Economic Growth

Unlike sustaining or efficiency innovations, market-creating innovations have the

potential to reach a broader segment of the population. This inclusivity in economic
participation contributes to more equitable growth, reducing disparities between
different socio-economic groups.

Job Creation

The introduction of new markets through innovative solutions necessitates the

growth of businesses and industries. This, in turn, leads to increased demand for a
diverse range of skills, fostering job creation and reducing unemployment rates.

Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Market-creating innovations often give rise to vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystems.

As new markets emerge, entrepreneurs are inspired to develop and provide
complementary goods and services, contributing to a dynamic and resilient business

Economic Resilience

Markets created through innovation are often more resilient to economic shocks.
Diversification of economic activities, especially those targeting nonconsumers,
can fortify a nation's economic foundation, making it more robust in the face of
external challenges.

Social Impact

Market-creating innovations have the potential to bring about significant social

change. They can improve living standards, healthcare, and education by making
essential products and services more accessible, ultimately enhancing the overall
well-being of the population.

8. In less than one page, discuss the relevance of intellectual property, innovation, and
entrepreneurship in economic development with reference to developments outside
Africa. Provide no more than three contextual arguments why this has become very
important for Africa. (10 Mark)
Intellectual property (IP), innovation, and entrepreneurship collectively play a pivotal
role in economic development globally. These elements form a symbiotic relationship,
fostering growth, competitiveness, and sustainability in various economies.

Relevance of Intellectual Property, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship Globally:

1. Economic Growth Catalyst:

• Innovation as a Driver: Innovation, often fueled by entrepreneurship, is a

primary driver of economic growth. Nations with vibrant entrepreneurial
ecosystems and a focus on innovation tend to experience increased productivity
and competitiveness.

• IP Protection: Intellectual property rights, including patents, copyrights, and

trademarks, provide a framework for safeguarding innovations. This protection
encourages inventors and entrepreneurs to invest time and resources, fostering
a conducive environment for economic development.

2. Global Competitiveness:

• Technological Advancements: Countries that invest in innovation and protect

intellectual property are better positioned to lead in technological
advancements. This enhances their global competitiveness across industries,
attracting foreign investments and fostering international collaborations.

• Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Robust entrepreneurial ecosystems, supported

by policies promoting innovation and protecting IP, create fertile ground for
startups and businesses to thrive. This dynamism contributes to a nation's
competitive edge in the global market.

3. Job Creation and Resilience:

• Job Opportunities: Entrepreneurship, driven by innovation, is a significant job

creator. Startups and small businesses contribute substantially to employment
opportunities, driving down unemployment rates and enhancing societal well-

• Resilience in Economic Downturns: Economies that prioritize innovation and

entrepreneurship tend to be more resilient during economic downturns.
Diversified, innovative sectors can adapt to changing circumstances,
minimizing the impact of recessions.
Contextual Arguments for Africa:

1. Leapfrogging Through Innovation:

• Unique Challenges: Africa faces unique socio-economic challenges.

Embracing innovation allows the continent to leapfrog traditional development
stages, finding novel solutions to issues like healthcare, agriculture, and

• Tech-Driven Solutions: Entrepreneurship and innovation in sectors like fintech

and agritech provide opportunities for Africa to address specific challenges.
Mobile banking, for example, has rapidly expanded financial inclusion across
the continent.

2. Youthful Demographics and Entrepreneurship:

• Youthful Population: Africa has a predominantly young population.

Encouraging entrepreneurship among the youth harnesses their energy and
creativity, potentially leading to groundbreaking innovations.

• Job Creation: With a focus on entrepreneurship, Africa can address its

unemployment challenge by empowering young people to create their own
businesses. This not only generates income but also contributes to local
economic development.

3. Global Collaboration and Sustainable Development:

• International Partnerships: By actively participating in the global innovation

landscape, Africa can attract foreign investments, foster international
collaborations, and tap into knowledge-sharing networks.

• Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Innovation and entrepreneurship

aligned with sustainable development goals can position Africa as a leader in
environmentally conscious and socially responsible business practices,
appealing to global markets.

In conclusion, the interplay between intellectual property, innovation, and

entrepreneurship is a cornerstone for economic development worldwide. For Africa,
leveraging these elements provides a pathway to overcome challenges, empower the
youth, and position the continent as a global player in sustainable and innovative
a) Describe a business model according to Osterwalder (6 Mark)

A business model, as conceptualized by Alexander Osterwalder, is a strategic

blueprint that articulates how a company operates, creates value, and sustains
itself in the market. Rather than a static business plan, Osterwalder's approach is
dynamic, adaptable, and encapsulated in the Business Model Canvas (BMC). This
canvas serves as a visual representation, fostering a holistic understanding of how
different elements interconnect to propel the business forward.

Osterwalder's business model framework emphasizes a customer-centric

approach, acknowledging that successful businesses fundamentally provide value
to their customers. The model spans beyond mere product or service offerings,
extending to customer relationships, key partnerships, and revenue generation
mechanisms. It underscores the interconnectedness of various facets, urging
businesses to consider the synergies and trade-offs within their operations.

Crucially, Osterwalder's business model concept is not a rigid, exhaustive list of

components but rather a flexible guide that prompts strategic thinking. It
encourages businesses to explore and iterate on different facets, aligning them
coherently with the overarching mission and objectives. This adaptability is
particularly significant in a dynamic business environment, where shifts in
technology, consumer behavior, or market conditions necessitate continuous

The visual nature of the Business Model Canvas enhances communication and
comprehension across stakeholders. By condensing complex business strategies
onto a single canvas, Osterwalder facilitates a shared understanding among team
members, investors, and partners. This simplicity aids in swift decision-making
and the ability to convey the essence of the business model concisely.

In summary, Osterwalder's business model concept is a strategic framework that

prioritizes value creation, adaptability, and interconnectedness. The Business
Model Canvas, as a visual tool, encapsulates this philosophy, urging businesses to
view their operations holistically and encouraging an agile approach to navigate
the dynamic business landscape.

b) Draw a schematic of a Business Model Canvas (BMC) (6 Mark)

c) In less than 2 pages, describe each of the elements of the BMC and their
relevance (8 Marks)

Description of BMC Elements and Their Relevance

Customer Segments

Description: Identifies and categorizes the different groups of people or

organizations the business aims to reach.

Relevance: Understanding your customers is fundamental for tailoring products,

services, and strategies to meet their needs effectively.

Value Propositions

Description: Describes the unique value the product or service provides to each
customer segment.

Relevance: Articulating a compelling value proposition is critical for attracting

and retaining customers in a competitive market.


Description: Outlines the methods through which the business delivers its value
proposition to customers.

Relevance: Efficient channels ensure that the value created reaches the intended
audience, contributing to successful product or service adoption.

Customer Relationships

Description: Defines the type of relationship a business establishes with each

customer segment.

Relevance: Building and maintaining positive customer relationships are crucial

for customer satisfaction, loyalty, and repeat business.

Revenue Streams

Description: Identifies the sources of revenue for the business.

Relevance: Understanding diverse revenue streams helps ensure sustainable and

profitable business operations.

Key Resources
Description: Lists the critical assets and capabilities required to deliver the value

Relevance: Adequate resources are essential for the successful execution of key
activities and the delivery of value to customers.

Key Activities

Description: Enumerates the crucial tasks the business must perform to create and
deliver its value proposition.

Relevance: Identifying and prioritizing key activities ensures efficient and

effective business operations.

Key Partnerships

Description: Specifies external entities or collaborators essential for the success of

the business model.

Relevance: Partnerships contribute to resource sharing, risk mitigation, and

accessing capabilities that might be challenging to develop in-house.

Cost Structure

Description: Outlines the major costs associated with operating the business

Relevance: Managing costs effectively is crucial for maintaining profitability and


9. (a) Founded in August 2008, Airbnb is described as an online marketplace and

hospitality service that enables people to lease or rent short-term lodging. These
include vacation rentals, apartment rentals, homestays, hostel beds, or hotel rooms. The
company does not own any lodging but acts as a broker between people with rooms or
lodgings that they wish to rent out for extra cash. For every booking that is made
through its platform, it receives percentage service fees from both guests and hosts.
According to the company public records, it now has over 3,000,000 lodging listings in
65,000 cities and 191 countries. The cost of the lodging is set by the host; however the
company provides a standards framework to guide this. Users access its services either
via a website or an app on their phones. (9 Marks)
a. Using the information you have been provided, prepare a Business Model
Canvas (BMC) for Airbnb (7)

Customer Segments:

1. Budget Travelers: Individuals seeking affordable lodging options.

2. Bleisure Travelers: Professionals combining business trips with leisure.

3. Locals Looking for Extra Income: Residents interested in renting out their

4. Unconventional Travelers: Adventurous individuals seeking unique and

non-traditional accommodations.

Value Propositions:

1. Simple Booking Process: User-friendly and efficient booking system.

2. Wide Range of Private Homes: Diverse accommodation options for varied


3. Competitive Prices: Affordability compared to traditional hotels.

4. Convenience of Living Like a Local: Authentic travel experiences and

cultural immersion.


1. Word of Mouth: Recommendations from satisfied users.

2. Social Media: Utilizing platforms for marketing and engagement.

3. Travel Bloggers: Collaborations with influencers for promotion.

Customer Relationships:

1. Self-Service: Empowering users to navigate and use the platform


2. Customer Support: Assistance for queries, issues, and dispute resolution.

Revenue Streams:

1. Booking Fees: Charges for each confirmed booking.

2. Affiliate Marketing: Earnings through partnerships with affiliated

Key Resources:

1. Community of Hosts and Guests: Building a network of users.

2. Platform: Technological infrastructure supporting the booking system.

3. Developers and Other Staff: Skilled professionals maintaining and

improving the platform.

Key Activities:

1. Maintain the Platform: Regular updates and improvements.

2. Provide Customer Support: Addressing user concerns and inquiries.

3. Conduct User Research: Gathering insights for platform enhancement.

Key Partnerships:

1. Investors: Financial support for business growth.

2. Travelers: Building a loyal user base.

3. Hosts: Collaborating with property owners.

4. Insurance Companies: Offering travel-related insurance.

5. Payment Providers: Ensuring secure and seamless transactions.

Cost Structure:

1. Platform Development and Maintenance: Investment in technology.

Marketing: Expenses for promoting the platform and acquiring users.

b. What are Airbnb’s key intellectual property assets (2 Marks)

Airbnb's brand name, logo, and associated visual elements are likely protected by
trademarks. These trademarks distinguish Airbnb from other businesses in the industry and
contribute to brand recognition. The unique design and stylization of the Airbnb logo are
examples of trademarked elements.
Copyright protection may extend to Airbnb's original content, including website design,
marketing materials, and any creative works produced by the company. This protection
helps prevent unauthorized use or reproduction of Airbnb's creative assets.
b) With use of an illustration describe what is at the core of the Lean Startup Model
according to Eric Ries? What do you need to do in order to start the process of
learning? (6 Marks)

Core of Lean Startup Model

At the core of the Lean Startup Model by Eric Ries is the "Build-Measure-Learn" feedback
loop. This loop emphasizes a systematic and iterative approach to product development
and business creation.


Lean Startup Model - Build-Measure-Learn


The process starts with building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), a simplified version of
the product with essential features.

The MVP is developed rapidly and efficiently, focusing on delivering the core value


After building the MVP, it is released to a small segment of the target audience or the

Key metrics are measured and analyzed to gauge the MVP's performance and user


Insights and feedback gathered from the measurement phase are thoroughly analyzed.

Learning from real user interactions and market response helps in making informed

Starting the Learning Process:

To initiate the learning process in the Lean Startup Model, you need to:
1) Define Hypotheses:
Clearly articulate hypotheses related to critical aspects of your business model.

Formulate these hypotheses in a way that allows for falsifiability through experiments.

2) Test Hypotheses:
Develop experiments based on the hypotheses to systematically validate or invalidate

Experiments should be designed with specific criteria for success or failure.

3) Collect Data:
Implement experiments and collect relevant data on user behavior, preferences, and other
key metrics.

Use both qualitative and quantitative data to get a comprehensive understanding.

4) Analyze Results:
Thoroughly analyze the results of experiments, focusing on what worked, what didn't, and

Look for patterns, trends, and unexpected insights that contribute to learning.

5) Iterate and Pivot:

Based on the learning from the analysis, iterate on the product, business model, or

Be open to pivoting – making significant changes based on the insights gained.

6) Repeat the Loop:

Engage in the Build-Measure-Learn loop continuously, refining the product and business

Each iteration brings the opportunity for enhanced learning and improvement.

This continuous cycle of building, measuring, and learning is fundamental to the Lean
Startup Model and is essential for achieving product-market fit and sustainable business

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