AZ Scenarios

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AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamental

1. Create a new resource group (say MyRG) in “East US 2 region”.

2. Create a new virtual network using address space and create 2 subnets with &
3. Create a windows server 2016 based operating system with the name “demosvr01”.
4. Host a static website displaying the message “Hello <your name>!!” using Azure virtual machine.
5. Host a .NET based website using Azure App service & access it using the provided URL.
6. Create a new user within Azure Active Directory & assign the subscription access to it.
7. Create the architecture given below in your Azure account:

Hint for Ques 7 (with links)

- Create a virtual network
- Add 3 windows server within same virtual network (availability sets are not required).
- Install IIS web-server in all 3 windows servers & configure them with few changes within the web page content
(like write the hostname (VM01, VM02 & VM03) respectively all the 3 servers).
- Create a load balancer (LB) & attach this LB in the same virtual network with all the 3 servers.
- Access the environment using the URL given by Load Balancer (LB).

AZ-900 || Pioneer Business Solutions

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