Activity 4 Script

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Activity 4 – Writing My First Lesson Plan

A lesson plan is an essential element of an effective teaching process. It serves

as the backbone of both the teaching and learning developments inside the classroom.
Hence, it should be explicit, well-structured, and organized. It provides clear learning
objectives for the students, allowing them to identify the goals and steps they need to
take during the class. It also provides a framework for organizing content, activities, and
resources. Moreover, it helps teachers manage time effectively and monitor the
progress of discussions and activities. It allows them to distribute suitable amounts of
time to each activity, ensuring that the lesson stays on track and meets its objectives
within the allocated time.

As pre-service teachers, it is fundamental to learn how to create and

appropriately utilize a lesson plan. In connection therewith, worksheet 4: Writing My
First Lesson Plan provided a huge assistance in doing so. The activities attached to this
worksheet are tailored using the competencies under the Philippine Professional
Standards for Teachers, or PPST Domain 1, Content Knowledge, and Pedagogy. It
recognizes the importance of teachers' mastery of content knowledge and its
interconnectedness within and across curriculum areas.

It is composed of different activities that began with observing different types of

lesson plans. It served as a basis for us to know the different functions of each. We
were also able to identify the different functions of each type, providing a wider and
deeper understanding of creating a lesson plan. Additionally, we borrowed lesson plan
exemplars from our respective specializations. Then, we examined and described how
each part was written. Using the knowledge we gathered from the previous activities,
we were finally able to create our own lesson plan and table of specifications for a 15-
minute quiz. We identified the easiest part to create in the lesson plan as well as the
most difficult. Each part is crucial, so it is necessary to pay attention to every detail.

Writing our lesson plans is challenging, from the objectives to the additional
activities. But, with the help of the information provided to us from Field Study 2,
especially from this worksheet, we successfully accomplished it. These activities truly
contributed to our knowledge and growth as future educators.

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