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This is a landing page after you've signed up from the copy squad squeeze page.

instead of a thank you page, we're directed to a landing page that now tries to sell us stuffs

This is a Book promotion-Take note on how many bullet copies

there are and teasing what would they see on a specific page
Limited -time fast action (scarcity) = pushing the emotion of

Count down timer, giving scarcity

Something new =

ultra specificity

Implied benefit

credibility, backing up what they say

Intrigue + benefit

credibility why is it important to get benefit

what business owners wants

implications that you'll get result fast


you can only get the benefit here

emotion = uniqueness

graphic representation of what you'll get

readers won't spend additional thinking power to know

what it looks like


you haven't seen this before repeatable steps & outcome is guaranteed
new system
stop doing what you hate / hard

do this instead

easy benefit

credibility credibility

benefit - what reader wants top shelf = expensive

comparing expensive into cheap, dimensionalize the word

cheap = simple cup of coffee

Problem - agitate. - solution

it's easy, you can do it it's fast and effective

x 2x 10x


this trick is used by expert copywriters, you can now

know there secret, turn to page 130

one simple thing to make $6 million

dimensionalize 332%

giving intrigue / specificity

where you'll find this

fast, easy, repeatable

mechanism / how
this stuff works

instead of doing
X, do this to get

objection, this can't be real right someone credible
unusual claim

benefit you want

just like you, I want to make sure this is proven...

credibility / proof

story lead

credible person with authority

found in his study

although he was a, b ,c (normal)

because of _______

he is now x, y ,z (unusual)
claimed by a credible person


what you shouldn't do

do this instead

benefit you'll get

when you buy my

bullet copy: X ways to get what you

want...even if a,b,c

problem & agitate

solution on page 113

get benefit when you discover this

qualifier x,y,z
Do this something unusual to get 3x more
of what you want

discover what they're doing


remember these steps

become better than them

More value inside to get the

benefit you want



Credibility reels
credibility reels....

who am I

why should you listen to me

who I've worked with the past

showing the reader that he's

the real deal
credibility reels....

who am I

why should you listen to me

who I've worked with the past

showing the reader that he's

the real deal
I'm just an average joe, like you...

credibility reels....

His lowest point, who am I

makes you want to
read on how he get why should you listen to me
back to his feet
who I've worked with the

showing the reader that

he's the real deal

I don't want you to suffer the same fate I did

I did this is for you!

credibility reels....

who am I

why should you listen to me

who I've worked with the past

showing the reader that he's the real




teasing you & giving you what you

can expect on page
extra push to buy the book
bullet copy - what you'll learn on page 3

teasing you & giving you what you can expect on

page extra push to buy the book

Buy this product to get


repetition of $7.1M, makes it sound more


you can only learn it from here, this is unique

nobody else is teaching this stuff

cta / tells you how to get benefit


outcome you can get by buying this product

bullet copy - take on how he did the fascination and intrigue
teaser/ fascination

social proof 1

social proof 2

social proof 3
risk reversal


illusion of choice
repeating the benefit

clear indication of how you'll

get the product


repeating ideas
presented above...

section dedicated to
those who scrolled

compelling bullet /
short copy that tries to
intrigue you to scroll
up again and read the
part you miss

-implied benefit/ outcome

if you want to get benefit, click the button below - telling you exactly what you need to do
Graphic representation of what you'll get


text trying to push you to buy

link to thank you page

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