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At the age of 17, Bill Gates cooperated with Paul Allen, a senior who studied
together in elementary school, to build traffic counters based on the operation of
Intel 2008 processors.
In 1973, Bill Gates entered the prestigious Harvard University but just 2 years
later, he dropped out of school and in April 1975, Bill Gates and Paul Allen
founded Microsoft.
Since 2000, Bill Gates gradually focused on charitable activities. He resigned as
CEO at the company and together with his wife established a private charitable
foundation named The Bill and Melinda Gates. In 2014, Bill Gates left the
chairmanship and took on the role of technology advisor for the company.

+) History
After reading an article in magazine about the Altair 8800, Bill Gates and Allen
wanted to collaborate with MITS and they agreed to try it out. The test was
successful, the two reached an agreement with MITS and Allen was invited to
work for MITS. They named their partnership “Micro-Soft” and the company’s
first headquarters were located in Albuquerque. Also in this year, November 26,
1976, the trademark “Microsoft” was registered at the New Mexico State Office.

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