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Why I Plant Tomato?

The very first thing I think is to decide what specific crop I will going to grow for my project.
Since Sir, Ariel refer us to grow fruiting vegetables only, I choose a tomato plant. The tomato
(Solanum lycopersicum), is a flowering plant of the nightshade family (Solanaceae),
cultivated extensively for its edible fruits. Other reason why I choose to plant a tomato is that
it is one of the crops we grow in our school project garden. The lesson that I will able to learn
from that will help me as I can apply it to my tomato at home. Aside from that, upon
searching I was able to know several benefits from planting a tomato in terms of nutrients,
profitable crops for farmers, create employment, saving money and etc. In nutritional benefits
they are great source of vitamin C, potassium, folate, vitamin K and the phytochemical
lycopene. The water content of tomatoes is around 95%. The other 5% consist mainly of
carbohydrates and fiber. Tomatoes can be profitable crop for farmers due to their high market
value. With proper cultivation techniques and good market conditions, farmers can generate a
steady income from tomato production. Tomato cultivation and processing create
employment opportunities in rural areas. From planting and harvesting to processing and
distribution, the tomato industry contributes a job creation and economic development. I learn
that growing your own tomatoes can save you money in the long run. Instead of constantly
buying tomatoes from the store, you can enjoy bountiful harvest from your own garden.
Overall, tomatoes are important agricultural crop as it contributes nutritional benefits,
economic value, and many more. Its cultivation and utilization have a significant impact on
the agricultural sector and the overall well-being of communities worldwide.
How to Plant and Grow Tomato Plants

Selection of Varieties
September 15,2023
Choosing good varieties of seeds play an important role in increasing production. Since I just
need to grow a minimum of fifteen tomato plants choosing a hybrid variety is my prefer
choice as it will give me high yields in just a short period of time than planting a native
tomato seeds who produces lesser yields. The image below is an example of a hybrid tomato
seeds I bought from the market, which are created by cross-pollinating two different parent
tomato varieties with desirable traits.

Germinating Seeds
Germination is the process by which a seed develops into a new plant. It marks the beginning
of the growth of a seed into a seedling. The germination process involves the activation of the
dormant embryo within the seed and the emergence of the first roots and shoots. Below
image is the technique I employed known as the "paper towel method," a simple and effective
way to start seeds before transplanting them into soil. The first step I have done is taking the
paper towel and moist it by dripping in the water. Then I spread the seeds over it and cover
with the other haft of moist tissue paper. I place it in a close container to create humid
environment. When I check it after five days cotyledons or seed leaves are sprouting.

September 6,2023 September 11, 2023

September 16,2023
Sowing is the process of planting seeds or seedlings in soil or a growing medium to initiate
the germination and growth of plants. Since I already used the paper towel method in
germinating tomato seeds, I just transferred them into the egg trays. In preparing the soil or
growing medium I use carabao manure and mix it with soil as it will provide nutrients for the
growth of tomatoes. Generally, tomato seeds are planted about 1/4 inch deep.
I water the seeds thoroughly. In school they thought us that soil should be kept consistently
moist but not waterlogged. When sowing tomato seeds, I learn to pay attention to the light
requirements it needed to grow. I follow the recommended sowing guidelines for sowing
tomato seeds, such as sowing dept and spacing, so that I can ensure its optimal growth.
October 9,2023
Transplanting is the process of moving seedlings or young plants from their initial containers
or seed trays into larger containers, garden beds, or other outdoor locations. Transplanting is
a critical step in the growth of plants, including tomatoes, as it provides them with more
space and resources for further development. I wait until the tomato seedlings have developed
several sets of true leaves and have reached a size where they can be easily handled. I used
polyethylene plastic bags in transplanting my tomatoes. I make sure that they have drainage
holes and are filled with a well-draining potting mix. I water the transplanted seedlings
immediately after planting them to settle the soil around the roots. Then I place them in a
sunny location with at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily. Basically, proper care during
and after transplanting is important as it will contributes to the overall success of my tomato
October 23,2023
Fertilizing tomatoes in containers is crucial to provide the necessary nutrients for healthy
plant growth and a successful harvest. Container-grown tomatoes are dependent on the
nutrients present in the potting mix, and these nutrients can become depleted over time. I
began fertilizing my tomatoes on October 23,2023, then I repeat it every 2 weeks. I do follow
the instructions on the fertilizer package for dilution and application rates. I dissolve the
fertilizer in water and apply it to the soil around the base of my tomato plants, I make sure to
avoid direct contact with the leaves. I used triple 14 fertilizer as it has balanced fertilizer that
contains three primary nutrients: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). I do also
applied Carbonized Rice Hulls (CRH), rice husks that have undergone a process of controlled
combustion in the absence of oxygen. This process, known as carbonization, transforms the
rice hulls into a carbon-rich material with improved physical and chemical properties. It helps
improve soil structure, water permeability, and nutrient retention. Overall I was able to learn
that container-grown tomatoes are more dependent on the grower for nutrients, so consistent
and appropriate fertilization is essential.
Trimming and Pruning
November 13, 2023
Pruning tomato plants helps direct the plant's energy towards producing fruit rather than
producing more foliage. I removed suckers and yellowed leaves as it encourages larger fruit,
better airflow, fewer diseases, and for container-grown tomatoes, better size. I done it when I
noticed that the tomato plants are about to bear flowers. I learn that pruning and trimming is
done on the five leaf of tomato plants to develop and increase potential branches for fruiting
and promotes good anchorage for strong winds.

November 30, 2023
Trellising tomatoes is a practical and efficient method that offers numerous benefits,
including support for heavy fruit, disease prevention, improved air circulation, and space
optimization. Whether using stakes, cages, or a trellis system, providing vertical support
contributes to healthier plants and a more abundant and accessible harvest. Here I used 1.5
meter in height bamboo sticks for trellising my tomatoes and tie them with plastic straws.
Flowering Stage and Fruiting Stage
November 23, 2023- December 7, 2023
When I checked my tomato plants I find out that it was on its flowering stage. As the tomato
plants mature, they will produce small, yellow flowers. These flowers contain both male and
female reproductive parts. In order for fruit to develop, the flowers need to be pollinated.
Tomatoes are usually self-pollinating, meaning that they can pollinate themselves without the
need for insects or wind. When the flowers open, they release pollen that falls onto the female
parts of the flower, allowing fertilization to occur. After successful pollination, the fertilized
flowers will start to develop into small green fruits. These fruits will gradually increase in
size and change color as they ripen. The time it takes for tomatoes to mature and ripen can
vary depending on the variety. As the tomatoes continue to grow, they will change color from
green to their specific ripe color, whether it's red, yellow, orange, or another hue, depending
on the variety. The fruits will become softer and develop their characteristic flavor and
Since my tomatoes are not ready yet for harvesting I just waited and continue to look for it.
Tomatoes are typically ready for harvest when they have reached their mature color and are
firm to the touch. The specific time will vary depending on the variety of tomato you are
growing. Refer to the seed packet or plant label for an estimate of the days to maturity. To
harvest tomatoes, gently twist or cut the fruit from the vine with a pair of clean and sharp
garden scissors or pruners. Be careful not to damage the plant or nearby fruits. It's best to
leave a short stem attached to the tomato, as this can help prolong its shelf life. Check your
tomato plants regularly for ripe fruits. Depending on the weather and growing conditions,
tomatoes can ripen quickly, so it's important to harvest them as soon as they are ready.
Harvesting regularly also encourages the plant to produce more tomatoes. Handle the
harvested tomatoes with care to avoid bruising or damaging them. If you have harvested
more tomatoes than you can consume immediately, store them at room temperature, away
from direct sunlight. Avoid refrigerating tomatoes unless they are fully ripe and you want to
extend their shelf life for a few more days.

Doing this project provides me with several valuable learning experiences. Planting tomatoes
allows me to learn the fundamentals of gardening, such as preparing the potting soil, planting
techniques and understanding the needs of tomato plant. I realized that growing a tomato
requires patience as you wait for the plant to grow and produce fruit. It teaches me the
importance of regular care, including watering, fertilizing, and monitoring for pest or disease.
Taking responsibility for the well-being of the plant can help develop a sense of
accountability. But what most important for me is that throughout this process I enjoy what
I’m done.

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