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Translated from Indonesian to English - www.onlinedoctranslator.


Title : Canis Lykaon

Rokuhara Ren : “Before I discuss what Sacred Gears and Longinus are, I will briefly discuss the world
that Tobio lives in.”

Slash Dog : "My world is not an ordinary world...?"

Rokuhara Ren : “Yeah, in your world, apart from the human world, there is also Heaven and the
Underworld. I don't need to explain Heaven and the Underworld, right?”

Lin Tian: "Continue, I don't think there are any members who don't understand."

There was no denying Lin Tian's words, the fact was that stories about Heaven and the Underworld
had spread throughout every world. Even Itachi and Iris had at least heard but didn't really believe it.

Slash Dog : "It's hard to believe Heaven and Underworld exist..."

Rokuhara Ren: "It's not blaming you because you don't know, the existence of the supernatural in
your world is well hidden from ordinary people."

Rokuhara Ren : "In your world, there are 3 biggest factions, namely Angels, Fallen Angels and Devils."

Uchiha Itachi: "Does that mean there are other factions?"

Itachi noticed there was a blind spot in Ren's words, since he only mentioned the largest faction,
doesn't that mean there are small factions?

Rokuhara Ren : “As usual, Itachi is very responsive. Yes, there are other factions such as Youkai,
Vampire, Grim Reapers, Dragons, and Gods from various pantheons.”

Yuuki Asuna : “The world Tobio-san lives in sounds really scary.”

Inui Shinju: “Yes, a very dangerous world.”

Slash Dogs: "😐”

Slash Dog: "It's not as dangerous as it says, the proof is I've lived this long without encountering any
occult incidents."

Iris : "Didn't Ren Onii-sama already say the reason ordinary people don't know supernatural beings,
it's because it's well covered."

Slash Dog: "I..."

Tobio wanted to deny it, but he didn't know what excuse he could use. If it wasn't for him joining the
Anime Multiverse Dimensional Group, he would still be in the dark and don't know his world isn't an
ordinary world.

Rokuhara Ren : "Let's get back to the topic... Thousands of years ago there was a great war between
the three factions, the war was too fierce and terrifying to the point that the God of the Bible and
the Four Great Satans died."

Slash Dogs: "😲”

Inui Shinju: "The God of the Bible is dead...!"

Yuuki Asuna : "So scary, even a God of the Bible died in that battle."

Lin Tian: "Even a God as strong as a God of the Bible dies, how destructive is that war."

Rimuru Tempest : “It must be an unimaginable war.”

Except for Iris and Itachi who didn't know the God of the Bible, the members from the modern world
had of course heard of the God of the Bible.
Fortunately, none of the Anime Multiverse Dimensional Group members believe in the God of the
Bible, because that would be tantamount to destroying one's faith.

Rokuhara Ren : "Well Tobio, now you know the world you live in is not just an ordinary everyday

Slash Dog: "I still don't believe your words completely, but if what you say is true, why doesn't
anyone know about the existence of supernatural beings?"

Slash Dog: “No matter how well these supernatural beings hide themselves in society, there will
always be loopholes. Nothing is perfect in this world, that's what I believe."

Rokuhara Ren : "Who said that no human knows the existence of supernatural beings?"

Slash Dog: "You mean..."

Rokuhara Ren : “Tobio, don't underestimate humanity. Besides supernatural beings, humans also
have supernatural existences such as Exorcist, Onmyouji, Hero, Ninja and others."

Uchiha Itachi: "In the world of Tobio there is also a Ninja?"

Itachi was slightly interested in knowing this information.

Rokuhara Ren : “Yes, Ninjas in that world can also use Ninjutsu and Familiars. I only know the Ninja
Hot Springs village, that's all information related to Ninja."

Uchiha Itachi : "I see... I want to try Ninja Ninjutsu in another world."

Slash Dog : "The topic has gone too far, can you explain Sacred Gear and Longinus?"

Rokuhara Ren : “Okay okay, since Tobio is impatient, I will discuss those two topics.”
Rokuhara Ren : “Sacred Gears are known as God Artifacts, they are items with powerful abilities
bestowed on humans by the God of the BibleGod of the Bible.”

Slash Dog: “God of the Bible again?”

Rokuhara Ren: “The God of the Bible plays an important role for humans, the God of the Bible
created the Sacred Gear as part of his system to work wonders on Earth. Oh right, only humans or
human hybrids can have Sacred Gears, supernatural beings are never born with Sacred Gear. Of
course it's different if that supernatural being steals a Sacred Gear from a human."

Slash Dog: "Then I have a Sacred Gear?"

Rokuhara Ren : “Yes, it's not just an ordinary Sacred, it's a Longinus type. Longinus are unique top-
tier Sacred Gears, with each possessing several abilities compared to normal Sacred Gears that only
have one, and possessing the power to kill Gods.”

Rokuhara Ren:” This class of Sacred Gear is also known as a tool that destroys God. By the way there
are 13 Longinus in total, and Tobio's Sacred Gear is Rank 8 named Canis Lykaon.”

Slash Dog : “Canis Lykaon...”

Rokuhara Ren : “Sacred Gear has the highest activation state called Balance Breaker which is the
most powerful manifestation of Sacred Gear. Balance Breaker is said to have never been intended,
and it is a fault in the system created by God.”

Rokuhara Ren : “It is very difficult for Sacred Gear wielders to activate Balance Breaker, even some
individuals cannot attain Balance Breaker until the end of their life.”

Rokuhara Ren : “And Ikuse Tobio was born with a Longinus, Canis Lykaon, it's one of the rare
occasions where his Balance Breaker has been activated. You can imagine how amazing Tobio's
talent is.”

Rimuru Tempest : “😲”

Inui Shinju: "😲”

Yuuki Asuna : "😲”

Iris: "😲”

Lin Tian: "😐”

Uchiha Itachi : "😐”

Again and again the members of the Anime Multiverse Dimensional Group were surprised how great
the new members who joined this time were.

It's said to be very difficult to activate Balance Breaker, to the point that one can never use Balance
Breaker until death, but Tobio had already activated Balance Breaker from birth?

If the people who failed to activate Balance Breaker found out, they would be very jealous of Tobio's

Slash Dog: "You sure you're not lying, right? I activated Balance Breaker from birth? Then why am I
the same as an ordinary person, and if it weren't for you telling me there were supernatural beings, I
would never know."

Tobio until this moment still doubts Ren, even though he feels the hologram screen in front of him is
amazing, at most he only thinks this is advanced technology.

It's like someone unknown enters you into a chat room on the Internet and that person starts
blabbering nonsense and telling you you have hidden powers that can even kill a god, who would
believe that?

Lin Tian: "Did something happen to Tobio, why doesn't he know he has a Sacred Gear?"
Uchiha Itachi: "Someone did something to Tobio when he was a baby, right?"

The genius thinking duo vaguely guessed what was happening.

Rokuhara Ren : “Leader and Itachi are right. Tobio, the reason you don't know you don't have a
Sacred Gear is because of what your grandma did, Ikuse Ageha used the Buddhist sealing ritual to
seal Canis Lykaon."

Slash Dog: "So my grandma sealed my Sacred Gear?"

Tobio started to believe what Ren said, he never told anyone's name in the chat room other than his
name. But the person with the nickname Rokuhara Ren knows not only his childhood name, but also
his grandma!

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