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Translated from Indonesian to English - www.onlinedoctranslator.


Title : Saving Humanity Kriss Just One Slash

Ren raised his right hand towards the cage, and said:



One of the zombies in the cage appeared in Ren's right hand.

Apport is a technique that allows Ren to draw something from another place and make it appear
before him.

This technique is inspired by one of Saiki Kusuo's psychic powers, of course the Apport that Ren uses
is more perfect than the Apport that Saiki Kusuo uses because it doesn't require something that is
exactly the same value or within a 10% difference to use Apport.

The zombie was a young man, his body was in a state of decay for a long time and emitted an
unpleasant odor.

Iris who couldn't stand this strong smell, she walked backwards away from Ren while covering her
nose with her hand.

"So smelly, Ren Onii-sama can really stand this smell?" Iris asked seeing Ren looking unfazed.

"Of course it stinks, it's just that I've long been used to the smell of corpses." Ren said without
looking back.

In his previous life, Ren who was a member of Kopassus which is an Indonesian special forces, he has
experienced many battlefields.

It is not uncommon for him to eat snake bile, mushrooms, leaves and anything that can be found in
the forest.
Not only that, he also often camouflages in dirty places in order to ambush the enemy.

Ren didn't want to delay any longer, because there were only 3 minutes left before all the zombies
were released all over the world by the Rain Corporation.

“Future events are due to past events. Oh, Fate, join the threads of cause and effect in the world"

The chanting that Ren recited caught the attention of Shinju and Iris who were standing at the outer
door of the container.

Ren flowed an endless stream of magical energy into Nemesis' Divine Authority.

"Let the law of justice descend!"

“[Thread of Karma!]”

From the zombie body in Ren's hands, countless red threads spread out in all directions.

The red thread is connected to all the zombies trapped in the cage, and the thread is connected to
all the zombies in this world.

It takes a terrifying amount of magical energy to do this, and besides the large number of zombies,
these zombies are separated by distance.

"My magical energy consumption is equivalent to that of a Hachibi's chakra."

"If it was me before, I'm afraid my magical energy isn't enough to reach all the zombies in this

As the main actor, of course Ren is aware of the amount of magical energy consumed this time.

“Is this the [Thread of Karma] that Ren Onii-sama mentioned earlier.”
Iris saw a countless number of red threads emerging from the zombie's body that was connected to
the zombie in the cage.

"Where are all these threads connected, can't others see these threads?"

Shinju saw the red thread streaking into the sky, she couldn't help but worry about panic happening.

"Don't worry Shinju, the [Thread of Karma] can only be seen by people with supernatural powers."

“There shouldn't be anyone with supernatural powers in this world, right?” Ren said casually.

"So that's how it is, I'm relieved to hear that." Shinju didn't doubt Ren's explanation.

“Ren Onii-sama is going to cut all these threads?”

Covering her nose with both hands, Iris walked over to Ren, her curiosity overpowering her disgust
at the stench.

Shinju didn't follow Iris into the container, she couldn't stand the sight of rotting human bodies and
the pungent smell.

"Watch carefully."

Ren's left hand entered into the golden ripples that appeared, when his left hand was pulled from
the golden ripples, his left hand held a western sword that was 90 cm long and 12 cm wide and had
Fairy Inscription written on it to indicate that it was not the work of a human.

“A very beautiful sword...”

As soon as Iris saw the sword in Ren's grip, her eyes sparkled like stars in the sky.

“What is the name of this sword, Ren Onii-sama?”

Iris couldn't take her eyes off the sword in front of her.

With a proud smile, Ren said: “Excalibur.”

“Excalibur...” Iris repeated the name.

"King Arthur's Sword."

Shinju who was standing outside, heard the name of the sword, she immediately knew the origin of
the sword in Ren's hand.

What can I do, the legend of King Arthur is too famous all over the world. Moreover, in Japan there
are many anime, manga, films, light novels, games and others that use the character of King Arthur.

Even people who don't know mythology have at least heard of King Arthur's name.

“[Absolute Cutting]”

Ren lifted Excalibur up, and then slashed horizontally which cut the countless [Thread of Karma] that
were on the zombies in front of him.


Like a hot knife cutting butter, there wasn't the slightest bit of hindrance as Ren cut through the
[Thread of Karma].


The zombie that was continuously struggling madly in Ren's right hand suddenly stopped struggling,
the next moment the zombie didn't move at all.


The zombie in the cage fell to the floor and completely became a corpse.

Not only the zombies in the container that Ren came to, in fact all the zombies in the world have
also returned to being corpses.

"Now that the zombie outbreak has been prevented, there are no more zombies in this world, even
the zombie virus itself has been wiped out."

"The damn researchers from the Rain Corporation can't produce new zombies anymore."

Placing the corpse in front of him on the ground, Ren turned around and looked at Iris and Shinju
with a smile on his face.

“Wow, Ren Onii-sama is really amazing.”

Hearing this, Iris felt her admiration for Ren increase again.

Solving the crisis of humanity's extinction with just one slash of the sword?

This was absurd and hard to believe, but this being the case, Iris didn't doubt Ren at all.

“Phew~ thank goodness this world was saved, thanks for the hard work, Ren-kun.”

As a kind-hearted girl, Shinju doesn't want the High School of the Dead scene to happen in the real
world. Now that the crisis was resolved, she breathed a sigh of relief.

“By the way Ren-kun, what did Ren-kun just cut.”

Ren, Iris, and Shinju left the port, the three of them returned to the commercial street.
Shinju who was walking beside Ren suddenly asked a question that stuck in his mind.

“The zombie virus itself.”


"Yeah, like I said before, the Rain Corporation won't be able to create new zombies anymore, that's
because I've eliminated all existing zombie viruses."

"If they want to create more zombies, the Rain Corporation researchers will have to research and
develop a new zombie virus formula."

"I see... Ren-kun is really great."

After hearing this, Shinju felt sure there would be no more zombie viruses.

Keep in mind, to develop a biological weapon such as a zombie virus does not take a short time.

“The name of the sword that Ren Onii-sama used just now is called Excalibur, right?”

“Yeah, is something wrong Iris?”

“No, I just feel that the name Excalibur is somewhat similar to my sword.”

Iris looked at Ren like a student asking a question.

“Oh, then what is the name of your sword?” Ask Ren back.

To be honest, Ren doesn't really know much about Iris, in the world she lives in right now there is a
Konosuba light novel, but Ren himself doesn't like reading novels and prefers to watch anime and
read manga.
Iris' next sentence made Ren slightly surprised.

"My sword's name is Calibur."

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