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(110-A Naveen Nagar Bhopal)

SA-2 Examination (2023-24)
Class- 6th
Subject- Computer
MM:50. Time -2:30hrs
1.All questions are compulsory.
2.Handwriting and presentation should be neat and clean
Q.1 True and False:- (10)
1.We should click the Hyperlink button to create links in a Word document
2.Page Layout can convert text into a table.
3.You cannot align the data in a cell to 60°
4.QBASIC is one of the versions of Java
5.CLS assign a numeric or string constant to variables.
Q2. Fill in the blanks:- (10)
1.BASIC was an early ………. language
2.QBASIC is one of the versions of ……….
3.You use the timeline to ……….. the frames.
4.Animation is a series of ………. that show action.
5.A ………. Is type of Internet address.
Q3. Tick the correct answer. (10)
1.Who runs Internet?
(A) VSNL. (B). Inter NIC. (C). IETE. (D). I&B.
2.WWW uses ……….. protocol
(A) FTP. (B). HTTP. (C). MTP. (D). WBC
3.Flash animations are used most often on the …….
(A). Intersection. (B). Networking. (C). Net. (D). Internet
4. ……… Operators are used to compare two values
(A) Operational. (B). Arithmetic. (C). Logical. (D). Relational
5. Logical operators are used two connect two or more ……..
(A). Values. (B). Operators. (C). Relations. (D). Operations
Q4. Answer the following questions:- (Any-5). (20)
1. Write the steps to change paragraph alignment?
2. What is resize graphics?
3. What is orientation?
4. Write a short note on logical operator?
5. What is animation?
6. What is internet?
7. Why do we use internet?

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