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1. Divide the following words into morphemes (From An Introduction to Language)

Example: replaces = re|place|s
retroactive = retro|act|ive holiday = holi|day
befriended = be|friend|ed grandmother = grand|mother
televise = tele|vise morphemic = morph|em|ic
margin = margin mistreatment = mis|treat|ment
endearment = en|dear|ment deactivation = de|act|iv|at|ion
psychology = psych|ology airsickness = air|sick|ness
unpalatable = un|palat|able predestined = pre|destin|ed

2. Identify the bound & free morphemes in these words (From Yule, 2014, p.73)
fearlessly = fear|less|ly previewer = pre|view|er
happier = happy|er shortening = short|en|ing
misleads = mis|lead|s unreconstructed = un|re|con|struct|ed

3. Identify the prefixes, suffixes, and stems in these words:

uncover = un|cover eventful = event|ful
hopeless = hope|less induce = in|duce
heroism = hero|ism agreement = agree|ment
freedom = free|dom poetic = poet|ic
changeable = change|able disagree = dis|agree
preheat = pre|heat replace = re|place
postscript = post|script sleeper = sleep|er
cohabit = co|habit inapt = in|apt

4. Identify the prefixes, suffixes, and stems in these words. Do the affixes change the word
class of the stem? (From Yule, 2014, p.59)
misfortune = mis|fortune unfaithful = un|faith|ful
terrorism = terror|ism prepackaged = pre|pack|age|d
carelessness = care|less|ness biodegradable = bio|de|grad|able
disagreement = dis|agree|ment reincarnation = re|in|carn|ation
ineffective = in|effect|ive decentralization = de|center|al|ize|ation

12. For each of the words, identify:

- its word class
- all the morphemes
- the stem
- the root
- is it free or bound?
- which morphemes are inflectional
- which morphemes are derivational
- do these morphemes change the word class?
speakers = speak|er|s previewing = pre|view|ing
consumption = con|sum|tion
decorating = décor|ate|ing ex-husbands = ex|husband|s
transmitted = trans|mitt|ed spoonfuls = spoon|ful|s
childishness = child|ish|ness neo-classical = neo|class|ic|al
disloyalty = dis|loyal|ty falsities = false|itie|s
uncivilized = un|civil|ize|d receives = re|ceive|s
breakfast = break|fast independence = in|depend|ence
misunderstandings = mis|under|stand|ing|s

Identify the root of these words by underlining them.

a. hushes b. kindness
c. fried d. gamers
e. heavily f. grandfathers
Identify the suffixes by underlining them:
a. singing
b. unhappy
c. mechanism
d. trousers
e. brother
f. blackboard


Complete the process and identify the type of word formation in English:
Influenza flu Clipping
Teleprinter, exchanger telex Compounding
Megabyte meg Clipping
Random access memory RAM Acronym
A progress To progress Conversion
Black, board Blackboard Compounding
United States of America USA Hypercorism
Compact disc CD Hypercorism
Act action Derivation

13. Identify the different word-formation processes involved in producing each of the
underlined words in the sentences below.
acronym, backformation, blending, borrowing, clipping, coinage, compounding, conversion
(‘zero derivation’), eponym, reduplication, hypocorism, loan-translation (‘calque’)
a. We will carpet this room.  conversion
b. This device will self-destruct in 30 seconds. 
c. Could you give me a quick recap on what’s been decided? 
d. A day return to London, please.
e. Colouring your hair was a no-no at that time.
f. Jane decided to spring-clean her apartment.
g. What are the core rules of netiquette?
h. The tax court concluded that the sale was not a bona fide transaction.
i. Business confidence is on the up.
j. My old man said follow the van, and don’t dilly-dally on the way.
k. This year the show will be simulcast live to 50 different countries.
l. Did you get my memo about the meeting?

14. Identify the different word-formation processes involved in producing each of the
underlined words in these sentences (Yule, 2014, p.59).
a. Don’t you ever worry that you might get AIDS?
b. Do you have a xerox machine?
c. That’s really fandamntastic!
d. Shiel still parties every Saturday night.
e. These new skateboards from Zee Designs are kickass.
f. When I’m ill, I want to see a doc, not a vet.
g. The house next door was burgled when I was babysitting the Smiths’ children.
h. I like this old sofa – it’s nice and comfy.
i. My guess is that the company will need a bailout.
j. I think Robyn said she’d like a toastie for brekkie.
k. You don’t need to button it because it’s got Velcro inside.
15. More than one process was involved in the creation of the forms underlined in these
sentences. Can you identify the processes involved in each case? (Yule, 2014, p.59)
a. Are you still using that old car-phone?
b. Can you FedEx the books to me today?
c. Police have reported an increase in carjackings in recent months.
d. Welcome, everyone, to karaokenight at Cathy’s Bar and Grill!
e. Jeeves, could you tell the maid to be sure to hoover the bedroom carpet?
f. I know there are some newbies in the group, but it’s not a difficult system.
g. I had to temp for a while before I got a real job.
h. Would you prefer a decaf?

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