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Give a top priority to = prioritize

Fulfill duties … to
Take measures
Conduct/carry research
Launch a product
Condemn/sentence someone for something
Valueless = worthless (không có giá trị); invaluable (vô giá)
Different (khác); indifferent to (no interest in)
Interested in (hứng thú); disinterested (vô tư, khách quan)
Famous for (nổi tiếng); infamous for (khét tiếng)
Flammable = inflammable (dễ cháy)

run into debt: Lâm vào cảnh nợ nần
run into bad weather: Gặp phải thời tiết xấu
run into trouble: Gặp rắc rối
Rush into print: viết bài vội vàng
Step into a practice: bắt đầu
to step into someone's shoe: thay thế ai
Jump into a fight: lao vào cuộc chiến
Dive into a book: đắm chìm vào quyển sách
Stumble into acquaintance: tình cờ quan biết
Fall in love
Break into society: hòa nhập với xã hội
As strong as a horse
Out of sight out of mind (Xa mặt cách lòng)
What will be will be (Cái gì đến cũng đến)
Wet blanket: người rầu rĩ
White lie: lời nói dối thiện ý
Read one’s palm: xem chỉ tay
Have shed hot tears:
burst into song/tears/laughter: to suddenly begin to sing/cry/laugh (đột nhiên)
Go through a lot of red tape
Let the grass grow under one’s feet
A talk on history
Disappointed with
Interested in
Lay emphasis/stress on
Worried about
Pound of / take pride in
Famous for / notorious for
Experience in
A wealth of experience

There is no place like home.
Home is where the heart is.
There is no time like present.
Live and learn.
Sell like a hot cake

1) You must bring it home to him that spending too much time playing computer games will
do him no good.
 Bạn phải mang nó nhà đến anh ấy rằng dành quá nhiều thời gian chơi game điện tử không
tốt cho anh ấy.
2) I think you should apologize to Mary. What you commented on her new hairstyle yesterday
was really below the belt.
 Tôi nghĩ bạn nên xin lỗi Mary vì những lời bạn nhận xét về kiểu tóc mới của cô ấy hôm
qua rất dưới thắt lưng.
3) The new manager put the cat among the pigeons by suggesting that the staff might have to
come to work earlier than usual.
 Người quản lý mới đặt con mèo vào giữa đàn chim bồ câu bằng cách gợi ý rằng nhân viên
có thể phải đến làm việc sớm hơn bình thường.
4) You’re 25 years old, but you still haven’t cut the apron strings.
 Bạn 25 tuổi; nhưng bạn vẫn chưa cắt dây tạp dề.
5) Everything should be set out in black and white so that there will be no room for
 Mọi việc nên trình bày trắng đen để không có chỗ cho sự hiểu lầm.
6) We didn't make plans in advance; we just did everything on the spur of the moment.
 Chúng tôi không lập kế hoạch trước; chúng tôi chỉ làm mọi thứ theo sự thôi thúc của thời
điểm này.
7) She got bent out of shape over the new dress code at work.
 Cô ấy cảm thấy bị uốn cong không còn hình dạng nữa vì quy định về trang phục mới tại
nơi làm việc.
8) What makes the problem worse is that Howard and Tina are not on the same wavelength
about how to deal with it.
 Điều khiến vấn đề trở nên tồi tệ hơn là Howard và Tina không cùng bước sóng về cách giải
quyết nó.
9) The children are looking forward to the excursion so much that they are having ants in
their pants.
 Lũ trẻ háo hức tham quan đến nỗi kiến bò trong quần.
10)The children were full of beans today, looking forward to their field trip.
 Hôm nay lũ trẻ đầy hạt đậu, vô cùng mong đợi chuyến đi thực địa.
I have to postpone my family holiday until next month because I am now up to my ears in
 Tôi phải hoãn kỳ nghỉ của gia đình sang tháng sau vì giờ tôi đến tai của tôi trong công việc.
They are always optimistic although they don’t have a penny to their name.
 Họ luôn lạc quan mặc dù họ không có một xu nào đứng tên họ.
Thomas was like a bear with a sore head when he wasn’t chosen for the football team.
 Thomas giống như một chú gấu bị đau đầu khi không được chọn vào đội bóng.
It’s very difficult to talk to our new classmate; she’s such a cold fish.
 Rất khó để nói chuyện với bạn cùng lớp mới của chúng tôi; cô ấy thật là một con cá lạnh.
I had to deliver an off-the-cuff speech in front of many people because the manager was
suddenly taken ill and could not attend the meeting.
 Tôi phải phát biểu ngoài lề trước nhiều người vì người quản lý đột ngột bị ốm và không thể
tham gia cuộc họp.
Decide whether statements are true or false.
1. Translation involves expressing in the target language what has been expressed in the
source language while preserving semantic and stylistic equivalencies.
2. The forms of language, including codes and rules regulating grammatical constructions, are
the same across all languages.
3. In translation, the shift from one language to another involves a change in forms, and
contrasting forms convey meanings that may not completely coincide.
4. In translation, the surface structure of the language, including actual words, phrases,
sentences, etc., remains constant between the source and receptor languages.
5. Semantic structure is crucial in translation because it is the only aspect that undergoes
change, while the forms remain constant.
6. To do effective translation, it is essential to study the lexicon, grammatical structure,
communication situation, and cultural context of the source language text.
7. Meaning components are packaged into lexical items in the same way across all languages.
8. A single form in a language can represent several alternative meanings.
9. A literal translation is the most effective way to communicate the meaning of a source text.
10. The goal of a translator is to produce a receptor language text that is idiomatic, retaining
both meaning and form.
11. Skewing, or the lack of one-to-one correlation between form and meaning, makes
translation a straightforward and simple task.
12. Translation requires changing the form of the receptor language to match the form of the
source language to ensure accuracy.
13. Word-for-word translation is often used to understand the mechanics of the source language
or as a pre-translation process.
14. Literal translation involves converting SL grammatical constructions to their nearest TL
equivalents, including translating lexical words singly out of context.
15. Faithful translation attempts to preserve the precise contextual meaning and also retains
deviations from SL norms.
16. Faithful translation aims to reproduce the contextual meaning of the original while
disregarding deviations from SL norms.
17. Semantic translation is more flexible than faithful translation, allowing for creative
exceptions and the translator's intuitive empathy.
18. Semantic translation is less flexible than faithful translation and focuses on maintaining
100% fidelity to the original.
19. Adaptation is the most restrictive form of translation, primarily used for preserving SL
culture in plays and poetry.
20. Adaptation is the freest form of translation, involving significant changes to themes,
characters, plots, and converting SL culture to TL culture.
21. Free translation reproduces the content without the form of the original and is typically
shorter than the original.
22. Idiomatic translation tends to distort nuances of meaning by preferring colloquialisms and
idioms not present in the original.
23. Communicative translation aims to render the exact contextual meaning while prioritizing
language that is readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership.
24. Literal translations, like interlinear translations, are mainly useful for linguistic studies of
the source language.
25. Literal translations are highly effective in conveying the meaning of the source language
text to speakers of the receptor language.
26. In a truly literal translation, lexical items are translated exactly without any modification.
27. A modified literal translation adjusts both the grammatical forms and the choice of lexical
items to make the translation more natural in the receptor language.
28. Idiomatic translations aim to reproduce the meaning of the source language in the natural
form of the receptor language.
29. A truly idiomatic translation may sound like it was originally written in the source
30. Consistent translation is challenging, and a translator may use a mixture of literal and
idiomatic elements in a single translation.
31. The overriding principle of idiomatic translation is to reproduce the meaning of the source
language using the natural grammatical and lexical choices of the receptor language.
32. All languages have the same classes of words such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
33. Literal translations of pronouns may distort the meaning, especially when the source
language uses a pronoun for empathy or understanding.
34. Grammatical constructions, such as word order, can be reversed when translating
idiomatically to achieve natural-sounding sentences.
35. The use of active or passive constructions may need to be adjusted during translation to
match the natural form of the receptor language.

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