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Hey! Does everyone like cheese?

Cheese is a dairy product that results from the coagulation of milk protein, followed
by the separation of the curds and whey. The curds are then typically salted, molded,
and aged to produce a wide range of textures, flavors, and aromas. Cheese is a
popular ingredient in many cuisines around the world. It is found in pizza, salads,
sandwiches, and many more dishes.

“Age is of no importance unless you’re a cheese” It means that it’s not necessary to
care about your age. Your brain won’t mold with age like cheese if you keep learning

Cheese was invented near today’s Turkey in 8,000 BC. As cheese-making spread
across Europe, different regions developed their unique styles and varieties of
cheese. There are many kinds that we still eat now. For example: feta and Parmesan,
and lots more!

The first one is Gouda. It tastes sweet, and creamy. It is made from yellow cow's milk.
The second is Taleggio. It has a thin crust and a strong aroma, but its flavor is mild.
The next one is Cheddar. It is smooth, with a subtle buttery taste.
Last is blue cheese. It is salty, bright, and a bit funky or earthy.

Here is the cheese table by flavour. (read ppt)

How to taste cheese? 1st watch the color. 2nd smell the aroma. 3rd fell the texture.
Last, enjoy it .Pay attention to the flavors and note any hints of sweetness, saltiness,
bitterness, or acidity.

Here are some fun facts about cheese:

Now you see a map that tells what cheese does people in that region like the most.
There are 4490 people eating grilled cheese sandwiches right now.
There are over than 1,800 varieties of cheese in the world
The largest cheese wheel ever made weighed over 26000 kilograms, which equals a
really big truck!

Here are my resources, any questions

Thank you for listening!

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