Conversion Factor

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‘CUBIC YARDS - yd" 0.7646, = Cubie metres (m’) X 764.6 = Litres () X 7.646 X 10° = Cubic centimetres (em!) x27 = Cubie feet (1) X 46.656 = Cubic inches (in') 3201.97 U.S, gallons (U. S. gal) 168.17 Imperial gallons (imp gal) DEGREES, ANGULAR (*) 017453 Radians (rad) x 60 Minutes () x 3600 ‘Seconds (") TUL = Grade (gon) DEGRESS PER SECOND. ANGULAR ('/s) 0.017453 Radians per second (rad/s) %0.16667 = Revolutions per minute (¢/min) X 2.7778 x 10° = Revolutions per second (r/s) DRAMS-MASS (drm) XLT = Grams (g) X27, 344 Grains-mass (grm) % 0.0625 = Ounces-mass (orm) FATHOMS. X 1.8288 = Metres (m) x6 = Feet (f) FEET-ft X 0.3088 = Metres (mm) x 30.480 Centimetres (em) x12 = inches (in) = Yards (yd) FEET OF WATER - (10, at 68°F X2.984 ™ Kilopascals (KPa) X002984 = Bars (bar) X81 = Inches of mercury (in Hg) at °C 0.03042 ilograms-force per square centimetre (kgt) em) 62.32 = Pounds-foree per square foot ‘ibt/f’) 0.4328 = Pounds-foree per square inch (bf in’) 0002945 Standard atmospheres FEET MINUTE - fy X0.908 = Centimetres per second (cm/s) 0.01829 = Kilometres per hour (km/h) XO.3048 = Metres per minute (m/min) %0,016567 = Feet per second (t/s) X0.01136 = Miles per hour (mi) FEET PER SECOND PER SECOND - ft/s" 2 0.3048 ‘= Metres per second per second (m/s") 3048 = Centimetres per second per second (cm/s) FOOT-POUNDS-FORCE - {t+ Ibt x1356 = Joules (J) X 1.286 x 107 thermochemical 3.23910 = Kilocalories (kcal) 0.13825 = Kilogram-force-metres (kgf > m) X 5,080 X 107 = Horsepower-hours (hp + h) % 3.766 X 107 = Kilowatt-hours (kW h) Conversion Factors For Engineering Units (continued) GALLONS, U.S.- U.S. gal 3785.4 ‘Cubic centimetres (em') x 37854 = Litres) X 3.7854 X 10° = Cubie metres (m') x21 = Cubic inches (in') 013368 = Cubic feet (ft) X 4951 x 10? = Cubie yards (yd) xe = Pints (po) liquid) x4 = Quarts (qt liquid 0.8327 = Imperial gallons (imp gal) x 8.328 Pounds of water at 60°F in ait x 8337 = Pounds of water at 60° F in yacuo GALLONS. IMPERIAL -imp gal x 4546 “= Cubic centimetres (em') x 4546 Litres) X 4846 10? = Cubic metres (m') x 0.16054 Cubic feet (ft?) X 5.946 X 10” = Cubic yards (yd) x 1.20094 U_S. gallons (U.S. gal) x 10.000 Pounds of water at 62°F in air GALLONS, PER MINUTE. U.S. - U. S. gal min XO2715 | = Cublic metres per hour (m'/h) X0.06908 = Litres per second (1/8), x 8.021 = Cubic feet per hour (f'/b) X 2228 x 10? = Cubie feet per second ({t"/s) GRAINS-MASS - grm ay. or troy X 0.0648 = Grams (g) GRAINS-MASS PER U. S. GALLON - grin U.S. gal at 60°F X72 = Grams per cubic metre (g/ m’) x ITS arts per million by weight in water x 1429 = Pounds-mass per million gallons GRAINS-MASS PER IMPERIAL GALLON -grm/ imp galat 62°F x 1425 rams per Cubic metre (g/m') x 14.29 rts per weight in water GRAMS - g 15.432 = Grains-mass (grm) % 0.035274 = Ounces-mass (ozm) av. X 0.032151 | = Ounces-mass (ozm)troy % 2.2046 x 10° = Pounds-mass (Ibm) GRAMS-FORCE - sf X 9.807 X10” = Newtons (N) GRAMS-FORCE PER CENTIMETRES - gf/em x 98.07 ‘= Newtons per mette (n/m) X 5.600 x 10 = Pounds-force per inch (\bf/in) GRAMS PER CUBIC CENTIMETRES - g/em’ x 6243 ‘= Pounds-mass per cubic foot (Hom/ft}) 0.03613 = Pounds-mass per cubic inch (Ibm| in’) GRAMS PER LITRE g/! x 58.42 = Grains per U.S. gallon (grm/U. S. gal) X 8.345 = Pounds- mass per 1000 U. S. gallons % 0.06243 = Pounds-mass per eubie foot (Ibm/ ft) x 1002 = Part per million by weight (mass) in ‘water at 60°F HECTARES, ha g X 1,000 10", = Square metres,(m') X 1.0764 X 10° = Square feet (1) HORSEPOWER - hp X45 = Watts (W) X 0.7457 ilowatts (kW) 33,000 = Foot-pounds-force per minute (ft eIbf/ min) X5590 4 = Foot-pounds-force per second (ft elbf/s) x 42.46 = British thermal units per minute (Btu/min) thermochemical X 10.69 = Kilocalories per minute (keal/ min) x 1.0139 = Horsepower (metric) HORSEPOWER - hp boiler x 33.494 = British thermal units per hour (Btu/h) thermochemical x 9.809 ilowatts (kW) HORSEPOWER-HOURS - hpeh x 0.1457 ilowatt-hours (kw @ h) X 1,976 10" = Foot-pounds-force (f Ib) % 2546, British thermal units (Btu) thermochemical x 641.5 = Kilocalories (keal) 2732 10° = Kilogram-force-metres (kgfem) INCHES - in x 2540 = Centimetres (em) INCHES OF MERCURY - in H X 33864 ilopascals (kPa) X 0.03386 = Inches of water (in HO) at 68°F 0.03453 = Kilograms-force per square centimetres (kgf/cm) x 70.73 = Pounds-force per square foot (ib fe) x 0.4912 = Poundseforce per square inch ‘abtyin*) 0.0342 = Standard atmospheres, INCHES OF WATER - in H.0 at 68°F 0.2487 = Kilopascals (kPa) X 2.487 x 10? = Bars (bar) XOOTM2 = inches of mercury (in Hg) at 0°C 2535 10” = Kilograms-force per square ‘centimetres (kgf/em) 0.5770 = Ounces-force per square inch (oaf/in’) 5.193 = Poundfrce per square foot (abe fe) % 0.03006 = Pounds-force per square inch (lbf/in*) % 2.454 10 = Standard atmospheres JOULES -J 0.9485 10 = British thermal units (Btu) thermochemical 0.2390 Calories (cal) thermochemical x 07376 Foot-poundsforee (it « Ib) X 2.778 x 10% = Watt-hours (We h) KILOGRAMS - kg 22046 Pounds-mass (Ibm) X 1.102% 10? = Tons-mass (onm) short KILOGRAMS - FORCE - kgf 9.807 Newtons (N) 2205 = Poundsforce (160 Conversion Factors For Engineering Units (continued) KILOGRAMS-FORCE PER METRE - kef/m 9.807 Newtons per metre (N/m) x 0.6721 Pounds-force per foot (Ibf/ft) KILOGRAMS-FORCE PER SQUARE CENTIMETRE- kif/em? x 907 = Kilopascals (kPa) 0807 = Bars (bar) x 3287 = Feet of water (ft H:O) at 68°F x 2496 = laches of mercury (in Hg) at OC x 2088 = Pounds-force per square foot ‘i f) x14m Pounds-orce per square inch (Ibfj in’) X 0.9678 = Standard atmospheres KILOGRAMS-FORCE PER SQUARE MILLIMETRE - kg/m? 9.807 emapascals (MPa) z % 1.000% 10" = Kilogrameforce per square metre (kgf/m’) KILOMETRES PER HOUR - km/h x2h78 = Centimetres per second (cm/s) XOS113 = Feet persecond (hs) x S408 et per minute (1 min x 16667 eres per minute (m/min) x 0.5396 ots (ka) % 06214 = Miles per hour (mi/h KILOMETRES PER HOUR PER SECOND -kmeh X 02778 = Metres per second per second (m/s") X2078 = Centimetres per second per second (em/s') X09113 = Feet per second per second (ft/s?) KILOMETRES PER SECOND - km/s 37.28 = Miles per minute (mi/min) KILOPASCALS - kPa «107 Pascal (Pa) or newtons per square ‘metre (N/m’) 0.1450 = Pounds-force per square inch (abé/in*) Xeugior = Hogs force poc aa ee kgf/cm") x 0.2953, = Inches of-mercury (in Hg) at 32°F X 0.3351 Feet of water (ft H.0) at 68°F, x 4021 = Inches of water (in HO) at 68°F KILOWATTS - kW X 4.425 X 10" = Foot-pounds-force per minute (fe 1bf/ min) x1376 = Foot-pounds-force per second e ceeorbts) : = X $691 ‘= British thermal units per minute (Bru min) thermochemical x 1433 = Kilgcalories per minute (keal/ min) x Lalo = Horsepower (hp) KILOWATT-HOURS - kWe X36X 10" | = Joules J) X 2.655% 10" = Foot-pounds-force (ft Ib) x 3414 = British thermal units (Btu) thermochemical x 860 Kilocalories (kcal) X 3,671 X 10° = Kilogram-foree metres (kgf m) X10 = Horsepower-hours (hp ®h) KNOTS - ka X0.s144 = Metres per second (m/s) x LIS = Miles per hour (mi/h) LITRES ~1 X 1000 = Cubic centimetres (cm’) 0.035315 = Cubic feet (ft) 61,024 = Cubic inches (in?) X 1.308 x 107 = Cubic yards (yd) 0.2642 U.S. gallons (U. S. gal) % 0.2200 Imperial gallons (imp gal) LITRES PER MINUTE - l/min X 0.01667 = Litres per second (1/s) % $885 x 107% = Cubic feet per second (ft/s) % 4.403 x 107 =U. S. gallons per second (U. S. gal/s) % 3,666 x 10° = Imperial gallons per second 4 imp gal/s) LITRES PER SECOND - I/s , x10" ‘= Cubic metres per second (m’/s) 3.600 = Cubie metres per hour (m'/h) x60 Litres per minute (1) min) X 1585 U.S. gallons per minute (U.S. gal/ min) x 13.20 = Imperial gallons per'minute ‘Gimp gal/min) MEGAPASCALS - MPa x10" = Pascals (Pa) of newtons per square metre (N/m x10? Kilopascals (kPa) Xtso___ = Prune per arin oi square millimetre METRES - m 3.281 eet (ft) x 3937 inches (in) x 1.0936 ards (yA) METRES PER MINUTE - m/min % 1.6667 = Centimetres per second (em/s) 0.0600 Kilometres per hour (km/h) . 3.281 Feet per minute (ft/min) X 0.05468 Feet per second ({t/s) % 0.03728, Miles per hour (mi/) METRES PER SECOND- m/s X 3.600 = Kilometres per hour (km/h) X 0.0600 Kilometres per minute (km/ min) X 196.8 = Feet per minute (ft/ min) X 3.281 Feet per second (ft/s) 2237 = Miles per hour (mi/h) x 003728 les per minute (mi min) MICROMETRE - um formerly micron x10" ‘Metres (m) MILES - mi % 1.6093 X 10? = Metres (m) X 1.6093 = Kilometres (km) x 5280 Feet (f) x 1760 Yards (yd) MILES PER HOUR - mi/h 44.70 = Centimetres per second (cm/s) X 1.6093 Kilometres per hour (km/h) X 26.82 = Metres per minute (m/min) x88 = Feet per minute (ft/min) 1.4667 Feet per second (ft/s) Knots (kn) 018684 Conversion Factors For Engineering Units (continued) MILES PER MINUTE - mi/min 1.6083, = Kilometres per minute (km) min) X 2682 = Centimetres per second (cm/s) x88 = Feet per second (ft/s) x60 = Miles per hour (mi/h) MINUTES % (°) angular 2,909 10* = Radians (rad) NEWTONS - N X 0.10197 = Kilograms-force (kg) X 0.2248 Pounds-force or weight (Ibf) X123 Poundals : x10 = Da OUNCES-MASS - ozm av. X2835 = Grams (g) 8 = 2.835 10 = Tonnes (0) metric ton x16 = Drams-mass (drm)av. x 4a7s Grains-mass (grm) X 0.06250 Pounds-mass (Ibm) av. x 0.9155 ‘Ounces-mass (ozm) troy X 2.790 X 10° = Tons-mass (tonm) long erm) += Pennyweights-mass (dtm) troy Pounds-mass (Ibm) toy % 0.06857 = Pounds-mass (Ibm) XLO971 = Ounces-mass (om) a OUNCES - 07 U.S. uid x 0.02957 Litres () = Cubic inches (in) X 0,08333 OUNCES-FORCE PER SQUARE INCH - orf/in* se anccataeeall ios. il EE cnet (gf.jom’) PARTS PER MILLION BY MASS - weight in water: X0.9991 = Grams per cubie metre (g/m’) at 15°C 60.0583 = Grains-mass per U.S. (grm/U. Saal) at X0,0700 = Grains-mass per imperial gallon ue peli gal at 62 = Pounds, mass per milion U.S. gallons ar PASCALS -Pa x1 = Newtons per square metre (N/m) yy % 1.450 10% = Pounds-foree per square inch 2 ‘bt/in?) X 1.020% 10" = Kilograms-frce per square centimetre (kg/cm x 1000 = Kilopascal (KPa) PENNYWEIGHTS-MASS - dwtm troy X 15552 xm POISE - P X0,1000 = Newton-second per square metre | (Nes/m') \ X10, = Centipoise(eP) \ % 20886 x 10 = Pound-force-second per square foot ‘ibres/it) 0.06721 = Pound-mass per foot second F ‘ibm ftes) we POUNDS-FORCE - tbf a. x aus = Newtons (N) x 0.4536 = Kilograms-foree (ke) POUND-MASS - Ibm av. x 453.6 Grams (g) x16 = Ounces-mass (orm) ay x 256 Drams-mass (drm) av 7000 = Grains-mass (erm) 35510" = Tons-mass (tonm) short x 1.2133 sounds-mass (Ibm) {Foy POUND-MASS - Ibm troy X32 sms () xR junces-mass (ozm) troy x 240 Pennyweights-mass (Jwim) troy x 5760 rains-mass (gm) x 0.8229 Pounds-mass (Ibm) av. x 13.166 Ounces-mass (orm) 326735 X 107, = Tons-mass (tonm) long. X 4.1143 X 10% = Tons-mass (tonm) short 33.7324 x 10. = Tonnes (1) metric tons POUNDS-MASS OF WATER AT 60°F x 454.54 “= Cubic centimetres (cm) Seoasass = Litres (0) 001605 = Cubic feet (ft) x 2078 Cubic inches (in 0.1201 =U, S. gallons (U. S. gal) POUNDS-MASS OF WATER PER MINUTE AT ¢('F Cubic centimetres per second (cx/§) = Cubie feet per second (f(s) POUNDS-MASS PER CUBIC FOOT - Ibm) x 16018 "= Kilograms per eubie metre (ke/™') %0.016018 _, = Grams per cubic centimetre (g/m ) XS.787 x 10" = Pounds-mass per cubic inch (Ibm/in’) POUNDS-MASS PER CUBIC INCH - Tbm/in’ X2.768 x 10" = Kilograms per cubic metre (ke! m’ X 21.68 ‘Grams per cubie centimetre (g/cm) x17 = Pounds-mass per cubie foot (Ibm/{t?) POUNDS-FORCE PER FOOT - Ibf/ft X14.59 ‘= Newtons per metre (N/m) x 1.488 = Kilograms-force per metre (kef/m) x 1488 = Grams-force per centimetre (gf/em) POUNDS-FORCE PER SQUARE FOOT - Ibfi e SATS = Pascal (Pa) x 00160S = Feet of water ({7L0) at 68°F 4.882 10% = Kilograms-force per square __satietr (kg/em) 6.944 * 10° = Pounds-force per square ‘inch (bs in") POUNDS-FORCE PER SQUARE INCH - fb/in" «6.895 “= Kilopascals (kPa) %0,06805 = Standard atmospheres x 2311 ject of water (ft HzO) at 68°F, arn aches of water (in HO) at 68°F % 2.036 Inches of mercury (in Hg) at °C Xoiov0s1 = Kilograms-foree per square ‘centimetre (kef/em') QUARTS - gt dry X01 = Cubic centimetres (em’) x6720 ‘Cubie inches (in) : Conversion Factors For Engineering Units (continued) QUARTS - aliquid = x9464 1 Cubic centimetres (em!) X57. = Cuie inches (in’) QUINTAL - obsolete metic mass term 100 = Kilogram (Ks) = Pounds-mess (Ibm) U. S. X 720.46 2101.28 = Pounds-mass (Ibm) Argentina 129.54 ‘= Pounds-mass (Ibm) Brazil x 101.41 = Pounds-mass (bm) Chile 101.47 = Pounds-mass (Ibm) Mexico X 101.43 = Pounds-mass (Ibm) Pera RADIANS - rad x57,30 ‘= Degrees (°) angular RADIANS PER SECOND = rad/s x 57.30 2 Degrees per second (‘/s) angular 8 STANDARD CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE - scfm 5.789 Litres per second (I/s) at standard conditions X 1,608 = Cubic metres per hour (mm/h) at ‘standard conditions STOKES - St z Zio -_, = Square metres per second (m/s) X 1076 x 10° = Square feet per second (ft'/s) TONS-MASS - tonm long x 1016 = Kilograms (ke) x 240 = Pounds-mass-(Ibm) av. x 11200 = Tons-mass (tonm) short TONNE -t metric ton, miller X 1000 = Kilograms (ke) Xx 22046 = Pounds-mass (Ibm) TONNE-FORCE - Tf metric ton-force 980.7 ‘= Newtons (N) ‘TONS-MASS - tonm short x 907.2 = Kiloograms (ke) X 0,9072 = Tonnes () x 2000 = Pounds-mass (Ibm) av. x 32000 = Ounces-mass (ozm)av. x 24306 = Pounds-mass (Ibm) troy 0.8929 ‘Tons-mass (tonm) long TONS OF WATER PER 24 HOURS AT 60°F = Cubie metres per hour (mh) 0.03789 x 83.33 = Pounds-mass of wate, per hour ((bm/h H.0) at 60°F X 0.1668, = u'S gallons per minute (U.S. gal/min) x 1338 = cubic feet per hour (ft /h) WATTS -W 8 sy ols691 , = British thermal units per minute, (Btu/ min) thermochemical x 44.25 = Foot-pounds-force per minute (fe Ibf/min) x 0.7376 = Foot-pounds-force per second . ee b/s) X L341 x 107 = Horsepower (hp) 0.01433 ‘igealories per minute (kcal/min) WATT-HOURS - W = b 3600 joules (J) x34l4 = British thermal units (Btw) thermochemical 2685, = Foot-pounds-force (ft 1b). X 1341 X 10? = Horsepower-hours (hp ¢h) 01860 = Kilocalories (kcal) X 367.1 Kilogram-force-metres (kf ® m) ————————=—— ae OF SUT Sage, uoyssaAuoy ¥>Ind CRRA BEE Hse FSESES ERE ol eeeaaeeeesal epenseeeess|=|., Begs at 255] 7) F hassausens Mirage {| ae cain ea semper comnby oney smemaap esnbs susjouweg emabg oi sewer armbs abeanaevad Sa1Q¥I, UoYs19AUOD ¥>IND ve st a (wae AAD) SIT ey HOH OHAD Saiquy, woyss9au0) yond FES EE as ose PABASES SS} 28 \ Quick Conversion Tables a Quick Conversion Tables Kilograms per Square Centimeter Pounds into Kilograms fsrereves| t f, } Senin om SPuROE OR sayqey, uorssaau0D xD Of PaRmeE Ess» aga SSEe aes. Teaeaon ov somodonon sajqB], uoIss2Au0; 49nd its n LOGARITHMS 335 Quick Conversion Tables ae T23|456|789 0x70 17 21 25|29 33 37] sea 25 9 34 98 Bt EH is | 12283 | a 23380 | 8-406 2229 24s) 2408 2648 168 2878 3096 sso 3503 3593 3874 048 136385 gallons 209-414 216] as78 4535 seas 4829] 5968] 5108 5237] 5366 3453 5490/5 sss 5611 eos 5729] 09 se 5303 Et jsasi sos e138 6170 lene 6274 esas 6375 lores 647 jeez 6571 37 {6646 6s ses 6730 o7s9fors9| 738 2 6830 [6039] 6918 1 eez0 Joos] 6837 590 [70077016] 9024 7084|7093 7101 | 7110/1711) 7i68|7177|7185| 7193] 7251 |7259|7267| 7275} 7316} 7332 |7340| 7340] 7356 7364| 7396} i as saa AG 3638 gallons. GALLONS TO LITRES 54 19548 decolivas, = 1 9548 hecta 13-6385 gallons, 62 deciles &2 cubic mates 198-476 | 200-022 | 204-568 2 z ° = S < 0 ° = 2 a = & 3 Exomple:—6? lives we _sesee vosoe SSS5= ass esee PAI WI saeee coved Sass sees eness 88 o 5 1 wouRNo9 128nH09 O, RAG GEBee wauue wun feisrshte Nernst NI GoeG Gaaae aeane dauuu couue OR OUAUG DORed Rene REPEL BUNT BEEEE BUI MN SEEN 19 OAATG GGaG VURSS araae SasGe UEEEE Benue Goan MeN aa SNHLIUVYOOT > 2 4 3 a 5 = 5 a z ee S| ANGLE Dee | Rad Tenor Jone S2aee sete ace ‘| % 33 a EA FH a a 36 a | (| - feo +a 2 33 ‘se 33 a6 3 | | 22 33 54 35 36 37 36 35 o 28g 4 TRIGNOMETRICAL RATIOS : "ANGLE [chord Ta Algebric and Trignometric Formulae 3 sista teontdmai 4 cose AI 1 +tantd sect ei she AG twaeed~ VISE Untamed cosine Ame 4 mae VIA, 1sin Amcoversin A sin a_i O/2—t;sin 8- si 0 af ingest Amos 4 cok a a Ce cotangent Amat secant Am ak emtecant dae tan 4 Stan B sin (AEB) =sin A cos B cos A sin B; tan (44.3) =F Fiat cm (AB) mc0s A cos Bain A sin B, sinh wm (nes) 28 ates anew (od coe BE eaten Ot (ALB) cote £ cot codt'a—siahtun sin +sinS—2ein § (448) cm (4B) slot —ain!B sin (4-45) ln (AB); tan A btn Bm SD fin A—sin B= 208 (4-48) sin H(4—B). banca mn 4yeesates ta teenhd—ay ree Gt dn ‘+68 Jelve 10 cos Bi sin 8 ene p on 08 gia 1 ron ee 4 isin 0)"—cosm O+isinn Q cot A+ cot B=: Seemann, aise Snzdcten dee AG Sn Sa Dostana. 9 tan Goat ala eee (AFB) con (AB) tan Bm A, Si ian 4, ee Sater on a ee int, a TS ntti was Boye. 42st aT) sod eos B- aS | oor | oor | 1a [ono [ 300" ocd 1 cee le] seeeaeess [eles ‘Angle. Fi Radians al rel re | x [anal om 3 Sine Bava] 1 | 0 |-2 | 0 Cosine itv 2) oi-a}o]2 ‘Tangent a|¥so}ojejo Approximations for Small Angles. Bin 0=(0. Oinradians | Versine 0=1—con 0 ‘Tan O=(0+ 0 a Sina =e Cos. = (1-0) : Sing My = Vea (Quadrdle Equation," ast+d24-0m0, then 2m Ye To fnd the sum of amy mumoer of terme in an arithmetical ‘fasion “Tent iar Scmletdaatea ed 40 4l Areas and Circumferences of Circles in Inches pee ‘Squares, Cubes, Square Roots and Cube R EROS ee ert ene se ee ee a Square Cube Se Sqae Cae i an 353 612 7 8 9 ose SsuRseay 3873 247 30S 248 3932 248 3966 2.50 4.000. 2.52 Boseeees BSSSR BEGET BEE Bet BUNSE BEERS BsEse SEGUE EEEZE EEEGE GGGEs ecvv2 acess exeue ave: a8 aor ee ‘08 HE HH) HEE GE TG : Hn aH HE) HE FE Besse teen. | * 1 HET HE) fi ill E 252 225! OU 3HND “SLOOW aNvAdS ‘s¥aNd “sauvndS B $100 auvnds 40 sivooudioay GNV siv20xdIoaw H gee ERSEL SOULE Hi Hee eth | 3 eee ee geeee Hn | © HLT ny sivoowsiow VvNDS JO STVIONdIOIY a 2 S200¥ aU NOS Sooow auvnOS “sien. “ss¥vNDS ey S°S35°S80"sar Cee aera] ASeResBeRNBANE aegaceeastae Bae ai Scengea: Seas ss Sosa go eese perc ee saeebescesages ae: PSBNENReSREasE a! 9 fa ¢ = m Zz in Z 6 a z gf > 2 S ° 8 a] 3 4 2 “guy on soptue 8s 18 pomsvous sy » wojsuawip 7EN HON oeynd qty-? env mprleve=t seodY¥—NOILVYYNSNIW wey (049+) f= ST C=9@-9O-NSA-¥ yAnriernriap yw A trapezium can also be divided into two) anglesas indicated by the dotted line. ‘The ‘of each ofthese trimngles is computed, andl results added to find the area of the Amara; a= angle in degrees A= F(R) = ocotrsa (R=) = pig O29 cconita Otay Anam, 45a ea 48 MENSURATION—Volumes of Solids Vm volume; 5 = area of cylindrical surface. Vm sro th +h) = 0.3927 2 (+ he) Sm 3.1416 (hs + by) = 1.5708 6 hb) Vahxa na Af te tn el Topas 7 ce ae ee : ‘ va(fearximane) Use -+ when base area is larger, and ~ when area is lea than oe-balf the base circle, 51 ‘Area of Figureswith Irregular Boundary _louly as posible. Smale the squares les will be the ero. ‘O). The eras divided into parallel stripe of equal width (Fig, 3). Perpendicular sivendstke lines are then stout atthe end of exch sci. Sum ofthe lengths of each stip an S a Aat Aeon t Vn AE Re) m gst =A ‘esis and + the mamber of erm = 5 (D8 a) 0.5236 number of cross sections the formula is to all sections exeapt F (D= a) = 015236 (Dr ae) aa ‘cod area formula : Volume =d/2 (Ay-+Ag) en aaa are doy yaw pa] Jo aBeisem 1Uod sad'G 1noge St 23211, CPLIE : Siu wand 28041 oss tuo Surpendap yu sd g} Buren uno sod wud e119 peat yo NBLOM “aaypp sun uaniB ahoqe a4) sof yo wadop ou oste pute 3 spur peo jo sorsueng Su SAFE LOADS ON STUDS AND BOLTS wa 2° g | ee cn rt[be «a |tEe eae Fs gi leee +e 2 = ar _gE aii] OE ene zs G.veGeneral Engineering, Diaof Stud Safe Load that one Stud or bolt will or Bolt ‘carry (mild steel) Inch G. i. 12 250450 Lb, 5/8 50900 Lb 3/4 9001790 Lb, 718 15002880 Lb. 1 21504240 Lb Lays 3000 $740 Lb. Lys 42507650 Lb. 13/8 $500 9370 Lb 112 70001600. Lb. Safe Load on Foundations Per Sq, foot Made Ground 173 ton Soft Clay 1 ton Hard Clay or Loam 2104 tons Dry Compact Sand 2104 tom Dry Coaree Gravel 319 7 tons Ordinary rock 3 tons Continuation Hard Rock 9 tons Loose beds with piling 1.82 tons Loose beds with Concrete 275 tons H.. Dia.of Stud ‘or Bolt ‘Safe Load on Masonary : Granite Limestone Sandstone Cement Concrete $1 ‘Cement Concrete 10 - 1 Lime Concrete Hydrolic Engineering : ‘Safe Load that one stud or bolt will ‘carry (mild steel) G u. 11.000 15,600 Lb. 16,000 20,800. Lb. 26,100 Lb. 38,100 La, 53,000 Lb, 70,100 Lb. 90,000 Lb. 113,000 Lb, 138,000 Lb. per sq. foot 30 tons 15 tons 20 tons 15 tons 75 tons 204 tons 35 tons 810 12 tons 35 tons €s INFORMATION REGARDING INTERCHANGEABI LITY OF EXISTING ‘SIZES AND THE NEW METRIC SIZES alee uf 1 |e Se 8 f bite rr’ 22938 ery etek ES eee: SESEaR sesraagt = S2oeceea a 958 cuuritmally cst Gyan) ion ioe for water 68 ad jes trom iach 85- Note 2 — For sizes bh 5), met seen wit given for 380 mum gat inte me iis rane ‘ote 3 — All calculations have becn made owances for plus. oF mines toloamces Note 4 — rasa unt un ata seer creat tena Figares included is ‘famensions. in Wik die re based om pain bare Les wa 00 +0 yi SSV19-SAdid LOOTdS ONY Lax90S Begacasutigcesy F Saebsarecsan=s Bigogneztataus © RGguezsees gaseaazeuuenas | ¥ SSVI0—SadId LODIdS ONY 1ax90S “wa wotLee @ SSV19-Sadild LODIdS GNV LaXDOS ayn 300 Sy yb fo, EagEeeessgae | = DOUBLE FLANGED VERTICALLY CAST IRON PIPES. TOR.S.S.No LENOTHS AND WEIGHTS OF STANDARD PIPES | HYDRAULIC AND GAS ENGINEERING HYDRAULIC MEMORANDA Flanges to BS. ass Imperi | Gallon = 1.2 United States Gallon. ins. = .305 meters. 1 metre = 3.28 ft. = 39.87 ins. 1 = 6.25 gallons = 28.2 litres = .0283 cubic metres. mes|cou “ 1 cubic 1 etre = 1000 litres = 220 gallons = 35.32 cubic feet. 2 4 1 gallon :277.27 eu. ins. =, ft.=4.543 litres = 004543 cu, m. a 1 litre = 001 cubic metres = .035 cubic feet = .22 gallons. ot of water weighs 62.4 Ib.; sea water, 64 Ib. ‘etre of water weighs 2205 Ib. = 220.5 imperial gallons. 1 gallon of water weighs 10 1b. Petroleum 82 Ib./ gallons. fi, =244 imp. galls. = 1000 litres (app.). 1 United States gallon = i 1 United States gallon = 3.8 litres. 1 litre = 264 U, S. gallon. 1 cubic foot of water = 7.476 United States gallons. Pressure of atmosphere = 14.7 Ib. per square inch. Pressure in tb. per sq. inch = head of water in feet X 424. Head in feet = pressure in Ib. per sq. inch X 2.31. 300 Ib./in? working pressure = 700 ft. head = atmos. or 21 kilos/sq. em. ‘The quantity of water in cub. ft./min. flowing through a pipe atthe rate of 3 feet per second is found approximately by squaring the diameter of the pipe in inches. 1 brake horse-power = 33,000 ft. Ib. per min, = 550 Ib. per sec. «1 force de cheval = 75 kilogrammetres per sec. = 542. 5 ft. Ib./ser In a * ° ” 2 5 » x 2 2 3 6 e 6 f [eceeussses 60 ‘ ; \ ‘Tweorericat Vetocrry Or Water, Fr. per Mixure. Water delivered into a tank provided wi i f \ orifices of such a size that they are “drowned.” Velocity, ft. per sec. ee ft. per min. =481.5/H. H=2.3P. 0 2 a Pressure Ib.jin2| 8670 | 1.7340 | 2. k [P.tb. fin. 0 680.94; 963.0 | 1179.43] 1369.89 0. 1522.64 1796.96] 1801.63] 1926.00, 2042.81] 4.3351 '2637.27| 2728.80] 2807.63) 2889.00 2968.16 13.0032 [3404.73] 3472.14) 3538.30, 3603.21| 3667.01] 21.6754, are Lol/. 78 4028.52, 4085.67) 4142.01] 4197.62, 4252.51] 30.3455 The quantity of water discharged over a 90° triang | 1 Pee ogmdonnis (on frets or 4567.89) 4618.40] 4668.34] 4717.74 4766.61 39.0356 .. is given by—Gal./min. =1.905H?V/H. 4 + Head measured from crest of notch to surface of still wat The discharge of water over a rectangular notch per ine] width. For other widths, multiply by width in inches. Ib.fin2 (6809.42) 9630 .00)11794.29 13618.8915226.38 0 7222. 50| 9926. 36|12037..50 13890.30|15415.51| 10.8977 7613.19 10214. 16)12275.89 14038 .04|15602. 38 21.6754 14242 .96 15787 .04] 32.5130 7984. 76)10494.05|12509. 76 * 50 35-77 | 36-11 | 36-45 | 36-78 TION LOSS IN CAST IRON—(Contd.) Pipes. In Inches. 27 30 33 finute in Cubic Feet, and Loss of Head in Feet, per 100 Feet long. Feet VELOCITY DISCHARGE & HEAD LOSS DUE TO FLOW OF WATER IN G. |. PIPES (BASED ON CRIMPS AND BURGES FoRMUL N= HEAD Lost1N ie n (Q= DISCHARGE IN MILLION GALLONS PER Day ae [Wiinan Paisisea ste [aia A CYLINDRICAL TANKS RESTRAINT AT BASE OF WALL OF CYLINDRICAL TANK. T= MAXIMUM CIRCUMFERENTIAL TENSION =0.5 WH DK 2 LB, T MAXIMUM BENDING MOMENT AT A = FWH? FT. ~LB. h | = INTERNAL DIAMETER OF TANK (FT.) H = DEPTH OF TANK (FT.) = DEPTH OF WATER Pe = THICKNESS OF WALL AT A (FT) R W = WEIGHT PER CU. FT. OF CONTENTS. igswHo F sl (IF CONTENT 1S DRY MATERIAL, SUBSTITUTE wko FOR w, WHERE Kp IS TAKEN FROM TABLE No. 5) FACTORS Ki Hed 10 40 10 20 30 40 10 - Tr iF 02 e= 0.50 0.45 0.40 | 0.32 VALUES 055 0.43 0.38 0.35 oF 04 0.50 0.39 0.35 0.30 | 0.44 os O45 037 0.32 0.48 Lo x 037 0.28 0.24 20] 0 030 0.22 0.19 4.0 270.20 H D USEFUL NOTES ON CEMENT 1 Ton of Portland Cement=20 Bags. 1 Cubic foot of Portland Cement weighs 90 to 94 Ibs. when i loosely filled. Average weight of 1 , moe for Bending and ‘Twisting Moments ‘in Curved Cokebreeze aggregate 100 Ibs. per cu 4 aggregate 110 Ibs. per cubic foot aggregate 125 Ibs. Support moment = BwR a) per cubic foot; Ballast aggreg: Ibs. per cubic foot, Mid-span moment ae Maximum twisting moment ~ e a a S Anatase of 1 : 2: 4 reinforced concrete, 150 Ibs. per ic foot. Values g 1 Cubic foot of loose Portland Cement paste will make about : for maximum 4.1 cu. ft. of concrete mixed 1 : twisting moment Ce laa ge 4.3 ” 1 Cubic foot of loose Portland Cer will cover about 9.5 sq. feet, | Cubic foot of loose Portland Cement to 1 of sand will cover 16.8 sq. feet, 1 inch thick. 1 Cubic foot of loose Portland Cement to 2 of sand will cover about 29 sq. feet, I inch thick. | Cubic foot of loose Portland Cement to 3 of sand will cover about 35.7 sq. feet, 1 inch thick. | Cubie foot of loose Portland Cement to 6 of sand will lay about 410 bricks with @ inch joints, and 527 bricks with + inch joints. wie 5 6 % , 8 9 10 2 be Fineness Modulus ‘The Fineness Modulus of an aggregate is obtained adding the percentages by weight of material retained on « of nine selected sieves and dividing the result by 100, as ill in the Table below :— ae Total perce ata relaned Serial ——nhe No. |. S, Sieve | Tyler. Sieve No. ‘No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 uy Fineness Modulos —5t™ of percentages ‘The practical limits of the Fineness Modulus for gate are for fine aggregates from 2 to 3-5 : for coarse agg from 5-5 to 8; and for mixed aggregates from 4 to 7. 69 Fineness Modulus ‘The maximum permissible values of fineness modulus of combined aggregates for mixes of various proportions are given in the Table below :— Cubic feet of com: Dnpaeey ined aggregate to es ewe, Carsat | Meximuaaits aggregate =f if P=Percentage of fine material by weight in the combined aggregate. A=The Fineness Modulus of coarse aggregate. B=The maximum Permissible F.M. for the combined aggregate from Table above. C=The Fineness Modulus of Fine aggregate (AB) Peete cy RECOMMENDED MIXES FOR VARIOUS TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION and on-absorption of water by aggregat Depends on whether concrete is to be tamped, rodded or vibrated om | Maximum | Water Nature of Work mended ize of | in gallons ee Vol. | Aggregate | per ba Proport. | ‘to we | "ora, Long Span R. C. Arches, High Load = = aaa Columns VT F214" to F 3.5 to 4.0 | Medium, Heavily stressed members of structures, 3 sinall precast work such as Posts and Poles vee as Tegets Siem GT oe | ais | asp ie den, furniture and decoratives and other ae G work of very thin sections, watertight constructions for high heads, long piles, R. G. Columns and members subjected to medium loads, wall and floors of re- Servoir and tanks, cisterns, sewers, well | 1; 3:2 ; Kerbsand platforms and other watertight | or r 53 | Medium, constructions for moderate heads non- |J.2 +2 : 4 surfaced roof slabs, concrete deposited under water, RECOMMENDED MIXES FOR VARIOUS TYPES OF Depends on whether concrete is to be tamped, and on absorption of water by aggregate. Gneral R. C. Buildin to ordinary stresses suclt as beams, slate, columns, panel. walls basement and re. taining, walls, stairs, lintels, sills, roads, work subjected Ree rancrveways, sidewall foors,| yo), 4 | #14 Steps, bunkers and silos, bridge construc. | 1 2 : a oa tion, dams and piers etc. exposed to ac- vw tion of water and frost, machine foun. dations subjected to vibrations, R, GC. footings, R.C. piles. Mass concrete work in culverts, retaining walls, compound walls and’ ordinal machine bases, foundation walls which need not be water-tight, rodded or vibrated CONSTRUCTION ‘Mass concrete for heavy walls, founda- tions under column footings and under heavy duty floors, concrete blocks, hollow! block construction (}” AGG). 1H to 24° 10.0 to 10.5 | Medium. 4 42 Mixture for first batch sack batch. Gallons of water to mere eck |g =| a protection walls pits, INTENDED PRIMARILY FOR USE ON SMALL Joss i, dams, monsoon iry small block articles. Kind of Work t, mass concrete for footings, retain compound walls, machine founda- ftertight basement walls and ight Dry sand Foundations, walls which need not oe Wat above ground, walls and sund: ee a tions etc. ‘ 73 Approximate Quantity of Surface Water Carried by, Average Aggregates* oe Pt 1 gal pera Re ‘Very wet sand -. Moderately wet sand About 4 gal. per c. ft. Moist sand. = -- ss ++-About gal. per c: ft Moist gravel or crushed rock... .. About } gal, per ¢. ft. Approximate Absorption of Aggregates Average sand fy val 1.0 per cent. by weight. Pebbles and crushed 1.0 per cent. by weight. limestone or Trap rock and granite... _(0.5 per cent. by weight. Porous sandstone a 7.0 per cent. by weight. Very light and porous aggregate may be as high as 25 per cent. by weight. ; Strength of Ordinary Portland Cement Concrete at ‘Various Ages—Approximate percentages of strength of ordinary Portland cement concrete at different ages in comparison with the strength at’ year :— 28 days old 60 per cent. 3 months old 85 per cent. 6 months old 95 per cent. 1 year old 100 per cent. Strength of Rapid-Hardening Portland Cement Concrete (Laboratory cubes) Age 3 days <+ 3,858 Ibs. per sq- in. Age 7 days +. 5,360 Ibs. per sq. in. ‘Age 28 days .+ 6,810 Ibs. per sq. in. 12 months +. 7,490 Ibs. per sq. in. * ‘The coarser the aggregate, the less free water it will carry. 4 75 ESTIMATING Cae. en a ma to) and Coarse Aggregate required for 100 Cu. feet. Compact «je Mortar or Concrete.t Assumption—Voids in sand 40% broken eee So oe Fine Aggregate Nominal mix : j._,. Water] ml i pagent Cement Ratio ii Balkin ine Aggregate Coarse Aggregate m consistency ze rik en a Sropew ill bald Soeonn—— BISBRa ShoUnomonae zugees 3 29 4 9 8 0 3 re 3 7 5 9 Kynnn ee ak MSS OL | || | | | 3 RPMS 9" sR ER 83 beuRwAw cs oops anon eoueae Sex~ 1, Also known as1.2:2:4 A ae erent No allowance made in table for waste. aggregate by 2 cu. ft. and coarse aggregate in proportion to fine aggregate as given in the mix. ” 6 ESTIMATING a Quantities of Cement, Fine Aggregate, and Coarse Aggregate required for Mortar or Concrete.t 100 Cu. feet. Compact ee stone 45% specific gravity of Cement=3.1 Assumption—Voids in SS eee Fine Aggregate mn Sand lagi : 7 Sand moist Fine Aggregate f orgy Coarse Aggregate cu. ft 82.8, eonepen Exe sewer NOUbSo Dba me ey lgebl | | t + 3 RESBUSses ee ee ye SESBSSAASSBSSSAy | | | || || P299"E ROR bbueboeH ou RODRONRURMRDORDS Sitghecssssesses BOURUALH Awww 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 zt a 2h 3 zl c 4 Serna 1 For gravel aggregate decrease cement by 5% fine |. Also known as 1.2:2:4 ‘i : No allowance made in table for waste, aggregate by 2 cu. ft. and coarse aggregate in proportion:to! fing aggregate as given in the mix. 76 ‘Quantities of Materials Required for Mortar & Concrete ime Mortars Quantities per cubic metre of wet mortar ee entre of wet mortar | Proportion of mix. et eee White lime slaked cu.m 0.700 0.475 0.357 Surkhi, sand or cinder cu.m 0.700 0.950 1.070 im 0.700 0.950 1.070 Cement Mortars— Qua: of cement and dry sand required Per cubic metre of wet mortar 7 Materials Required for Plastering 100 Sq. Metres of Surface with Varying Thickness of Mortar Cement plaster on walls : Per 100 square metres : 12 mm thick | 15 mm thick | 20 mm thick 1.44 cu. m wet |1.72 cu. m (wet))2.24 cu. m (wet) (Cement | Sand} Cement] Sand| Cement | Sand M Cement Sand Sand per Proportions 100 kg of cement : sand cement cum 0.07 0.14 0.21 0.28 0.42 0.48 1 2. 1:3 4 - 0.34 6 7 Ed 0.54 Conerete for small jobs | One 50-Kg. hg of cement will make approximately: lL mof 1: 14:3 concrete .mofl:2 :4 concrete The equivalent size Kmof1:2%:5 concrete | of a box for 50 ke mofl:3 :6 concrete | cement ag is . m of I concrete. 40 cm X 35 cm X25. em .m of 1: conerete | internally. 12 concrete kg cu. m 1170 2.132 877 2.396 347 654 2.383 446 $33 1.812 2.360 E 360 1.512 430 1.806 2,352 Extra Mortar 20 per cent ‘1 per cent 12 per cent Se Cement-lime-sand plaster of walls : Per 100 sq. m. 12 mm thick 15 mm thick Proportions of mortar Cement: {Cement \Cement | Lime Lime : Sand ke. . i cu, m 12.5 25.0 | 43 128 25.6 39 | 145 14.2 | 16.0 28.4 | 32.0 49| 53 14.7 | 16.5 294 | 33.0 45 | 5.0 16.5 | 18.6 31.0 B8e 47 2So) SB ROL] Bee) SS Bsc,

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