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MOCK TEST : XII PHYSICS [UNIT # 16] PINDI BOARD [Time Allowed: 1.5 Hour]
Total Marks: 40 Name: _________________ Answer the following EIGHT short questions. Each question carries equal marks.(8×3=24)

1. What is Impedance? Write its formula and unit.

2. What is Three phase AC supply? Write is construction
3. What is Principle of Metal detectors and uses?
4. What is Choke? Write its uses.
5. What is Difference b/w A.M and F.M
6. A sinusoidal current has a r.m.s value of 10A. What is the maximum or peak value?
7. Explain the conditions under which electromagnetic waves are produced from a source?
8. How is the reception of a particular radio station selected on your radio set?
9. How many times per second will an incandescent lamp reach maximum brilliance when
connected to a 50 Hz source?


Q.NO. 2: Answer the following TWO questions in detail. Each question carry equal marks (8×2=16)

1. Explain Principle, Generation, Transmission And Reception Of Electromagnetic Waves.

2. What is Series Resonant circuit/RLC series circuit? Derive formula for resonance frequency and
write its properties.
3. Explain the behavior of AC through Inductor?

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