Asme B31.1 - Allow Stress Sa - Factor F

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ASME 831.


of paras. 103 and 104 and other applicable requirements metal temperature. Where applicable, weld joint effi-
of this Code for design conditions involved. Where com- ciency factors and casting quality factors are included
ponents other than those discussed above, such as pipe in the tabulated values. Thus, the tabulated values are
or fittings not assigned pressure-temperature ratings in values of S, SE, or SF, as applicable.
an American National Standard, are used, the manufac- (B) Allowable stress values in shear shall not exceed
htrer's recommended pressure-temperature rating shall 80% of the values determined in accordance with the
not be exceeded. rules of para. 102.3.1(A). Allowable stress values in bear-
ing shall not exceed 160% of the determined values.
102.2.3 Ratings: Normal Operating Condition. A
(C) The basis for establishing the allowable stress val-
piping system shall be considered safe for operation if ues in this Code Section are the same as those in the
the maximum sustained operating pressure and temper- ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section II,
ature that may act on any part or component of the Part D, Mandatory Appendix 1; except that allowable
system does not exceed the maximum pressure and tem- stresses for cast iron and ductile iron are in accordance
perature allowed by this Code for that particular part with Section VIII, Division 1, Nonmandatory
or component. The design pressure and temperature Appendix P for Tables UCI-23 and UCD-23, respectively.
shall not exceed the pressure-temperature rating for the
particular component and material as defined in the 102.3.2 Limits for Sustained and Displacement
applicable specification or standard listed in Table 126.1. Stresses
(A) Sustained Stresses
102.2.4 Ratings: Allowance for Variation From Normal (A.l) Intemal Pressure Stress. The calculated stress
Operation. The maximum internal pressure and tem- due to internal pressure shall not exceed the allowable
perature allowed shall include considerations for occa- stress values given in the Allowable Stress Tables in
sional loads and transients of pressure and temperahtre. Mandatory Appendix A. This criterion is satisfied when
It is recognized that variations in pressure and temper- the wall thickness of the piping component, including
ature inevitably occur, and therefore the piping system, any reinforcement, meets the requirements of
except as limited by component standards referred to paras. 104.1 through 104.7, excluding para. 104.1.3 but
in para. 102.2.1 or by manufacturers of components including the consideration of allowances permitted by
referred to in para. 102.2.2, shall be considered safe for paras. 102.2.4, 102.3.3(8), and 102.4.
occasional short operating periods at higher than design (A.2) Extemal Pressure Stress. Piping subject to ~~.
pressure or temperature. For such variations, either pres- external pressure shall be considered safe when the wall 11
sure or temperature, or both, may exceed the design thickness and means of stiffening meet the requirements
values if the computed circumferential pressure stress of para. 104.1.3.
does not exceed the maximum allowable stress from (A.3) Longitudinal Stress. The sum of the longihtdi-
Mandatory Appendix A for the coincident tempera- nal stresses, SLt due to pressure, weight, and other sus-
htre by tained loads shall not exceed the basic material allowable
(A) 15% if the event duration occurs for no more than stress in the hot condition, s".
8 hr at any one time and not more than 800 hr/yr, or The longitudinal pressure stress, S1p, may be deter-
(B) 20% if the event duration occurs for not more than mined by either of the following equations:
1 hr at any one time and not more than 80 hr/yr
102.2.5 Ratings at Transitions. Where piping sys-
tems operating at different design conditions are con-
nected, a division valve shall be provided having a or
pressure-temperature rating equal to or exceeding the
more severe conditions. See para. 122 for design require- Pd}
ments pertaining to specific piping systems. Sip= 2 2

102.3 Allowable Stress Values and Other Stress

Limits for Piping Components (B) Displacement Stresses
(B.l) Cyclic Displacement Stress Ranges. The calcu-
102.3.1 Allowable Stress Values lated reference displacement stress range, SE (see paras.
(A) Allowable stress values to be used for the design 104.8.3 and 119.6.4), shall not exceed the allowable stress
of power piping systems are given in the Tables in range, SA, calculated by eq. (1A)
Mandatory Appendix A, also referred to in this Code
Section as the Allowable Stress Tables. These tables list
allowable stress values for commonly used materials at
temperatures appropriate to power piping installations.
In every case the temperature is understood to be the
When S11 is greater than SLt the difference between
them may be added to the term 0.25S" in eq. (1A). In


ASME 631.1-2016

that case, the allowable stress range, SA, is calculated by number of cycles associated with displacement
eq. (lB) stress range, si
(lB) any computed stress range other than the refer-
ence displacement stress range, psi (kPa)
f = cyclic stress range factor 1 for the total number of (B.2) Noncyclic Displacement Stress Ranges. Stress
equivalent reference displacement stress range ranges caused by noncyclic movements such as those
cycles, N, determined from eq. (1C) due to settlement or uplift of pipe-supporting structures
or components such as buildings, pipe racks, pipe
f = 6/No.2 ~ 1.0 (lC) anchors, or rigid supports will not significantly influence
fatigue life. Stress ranges caused by such movements
N total number of equivalent reference displace- may be calculated using eq. (17), replacing SA with an
ment stress range cycles expected during the allowable stress range of 3.0Sc and replacing Me with
service life of the piping. A minimum value for the moment range due to the noncyclic movement. The
f is 0.15, which results in an allowable displace- stress ranges due to noncyclic displacements need not
ment stress range for a total number of equiva- be combined with cyclic stress ranges in accordance with
lent reference displacement stress range cycles (B.1) above.
greater than 108 cycles.
Sc basic material allowable stress from Mandatory 102.3.3 Limits of Calculated Stresses Due to
Appendix A at the minimum metal tempera- Occasional Loads
ture expected during the reference stress range (A) During Operation. The sum of the longitudinal
cycle, 2 psi (kPa) stresses produced by internal pressure, live and dead
Sit = basic material allowable stress from Mandatory loads and those produced by occasional loads, such as
Appendix A at the maximum metal tempera- the temporary supporting of extra weight, may exceed
ture expected during the reference stress range the allowable stress values given in the Allowable Stress
cycle/ psi (kPa) Tables by the amotmts and durations of time given in
para. 104.8.2.
In determining the basic material allowable stresses, (B) During Test. During pressure tests performed in
Sc and s,/1 for welded pipe, the joint efficiency factor, E, accordance with para. 137, the circumferential (hoop)
need not be applied (see para. 102.4.3). The values of stress shall not exceed 90% of the yield strength (0.2%
the allowable stresses from Mandatory Appendix A may offset) at test temperature. In addition, the sum of longi-
be divided by the joint efficiency factor given for that tudinal stresses due to test pressure and live and dead
material. In determining the basic material allowable loads at the time of test, excluding occasional loads, shall
stresses for castings, the casting quality factor, F, shall not exceed 90% of the yield strength at test temperature.
be applied (see para. 102.4.6).
When considering more than a single displacement 102.4 Allowances
stress range, whether from thermal expansion or other
cyclic conditions, each significant stress range shall be 102.4.1 Corrosion or Erosion. When corrosion or
computed. The reference displacement stress range, SE, erosion is expected, an increase in wall thickness of the
is defined as the greatest computed displacement stress piping shall be provided over that required by other
range. The total number of equivalentreference displace- design requirements. This allowance in the judgment of
ment stress range cycles, N, may then be calculated by the designer shall be consistent with the expected life
eq. (2) of the piping.
102.4.2 Threading and Grooving. The calculated
minimum thickness of piping (or tubing) that is to be
where threaded shall be increased by an allowance equal to
N E = number of cycles of the reference displacement thread depth; dimension h of ASME Bl.20.1 or equiva-
stress range, SE lent shall apply. For machined surfaces or grooves, where
the tolerance is not specified, the tolerance shall be
Applies to essentially noncorroded piping. Corrosion can assumed to be Yc, 4 in. (0.40 mm) in addition to the speci-
sharply decrease cyclic life; therefore, corrosion-resistant materials fied depth of cut. The requirements of para. 104.1.2(C)
should be considered where a large munber of significant stress shall also apply.
range cycles is anticipated. The designer is also cautioned that the
fatigue life of materials operated at elevated temperatmes may be 102.4.3 Weld joint Efficiency Factors. The use of
2 For materials with a minimum tensile strength of over 70 ksi joint efficiency factors for welded pipe is required by
(480 MPa), eqs. (lA) and (lB) shall be calculated using Sc or S11 this Code. The factors in Table 102.4.3 are based on
values no greater than 20 ksi (140 MPa), tmless otherwise justified. full penetration welds. These factors are included in the


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