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A further note on the three phases of the US

business cycle
Allan P. Layton & Daniel Smith
Published online: 04 Oct 2010.

To cite this article: Allan P. Layton & Daniel Smith (2000) A further note on the three phases of the US business cycle,
Applied Economics, 32:9, 1133-1143, DOI: 10.1080/000368400404272

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Applied Economics, 2000, 32, 1133 ± 1143

A further note on the three phases of the

US business cycle
A L L A N P. L A Y T ON and D A N I E L S M I T H
School of Economics and Finance, Queensland University of T echnology,
GPO Box 2434, Brisbane, Australia, 4001
E-mail: a.layton@ and

Using a number of alternative approaches, Sichel (1994) demonstrated evidence

supporting the notion that the US business cycle is best characterized as having
three distinct phases, viz. contraction, followed by rapid expansion during the
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early stages of the recovery phase, followed by a period of more normal expansion-
ary growth, with the cycle then repeating itself. This contrasts with the more usual
expansion/contraction, two phase characterization but is more in keeping with the
original notion of the business cycle as conceived by Burns and Mitchell (1946). Here
an alternative approach is employed for shedding light on this issue. Following the
original suggestion of Hamilton (1989, 1990, 1991), a simple nonlinear, three phase,
regime switching Markov model is compared against its simpler two phase version to
determine which version is statistically more consistent with the business cycle his-
torical evidence. The evidence seems to clearly support the three phase characteriza-
tion and that this characterization yields interesting information on business cycle
dynamics which is necessarily missed by the two phase model formulation.

I . I N T R OD U C T I ON simple three regime Markov model is compared with a

corresponding two regime model in terms of their respect-
As Sichel (1994) noted, it has long been thought that the ive ability to account for the historical business cycle phase
business cycle is best characterized as a period of contrac- change pattern evident in the data.
tion, followed by abnormally fast growth as the economy In the next section the particular regime-switching model
accelerates back to more normal activity, leading then to used in the analysis is outlined while the third section
an expansionary period of slower, but more sustainable contains the results. Brief conclusions follow in the fourth
normal growth (see Burns and Mitchell, 1946 and section.
Schultze, 1964). Sichel went on to provide several di€ erent
forms of evidence supporting the proposition of a three
phase business cycle and argued the driving force behind I I . TH E R E G I M E- S WI T C H I N G MOD E L
the three phases was inventory investment.
In what follows the three phase hypothesis is tested In a series of important papers, Hamilton (1989, 1990,
within the framework of the Markov, probabilistic 1991) elaborated upon theoretical aspects of his markov-
regime-switching modelling approach originally suggested ian, regime-switching, approach to modelling time series
by Hamilton (1989, 1990, 1991). In doing this the two dynamics and demonstrated its use in a number of applica-
regime framework employed by Hamilton is extended to tions. In simple terms, a time series is conceived of being in
a three regime environment (Boldin, 1990 has also used a one of a number of di€ erent states or regimes at each point
similar model in a related context). In particular, using a in time. The likelihood of observing various values of the
time series known to closely re¯ ect the US business cycle, a series then depends upon the particular regime in which the
Applied Economics ISSN 0003± 6846 print/ISSN 1466± 4283 online # 2000 Taylor & Francis Ltd 1133
1134 A. P. L ayton and D. Smith
series is, along with a speci® ed probability rule associated To obtain estimates of the parameter vector ‰u1 ;u2 ;u3 ;
with that regime. ¼1 ;¼2 ;¼3 ; p11 ;p12 ;p21 ;p22 ;p31 ;p32 Š constrained maximum
In the context of the business cycle it is natural to dichot- likelihood estimation (MLE) is used. The log-likelihood
omize between two regimes, viz. contractions and expan- for each of the various models was calculated using the
sions in economic activity and this has been the maintained recursive algorithm proposed by Hamilton (1989). The
hypothesis for most of the business cycle-related applica- requirements for calculating this are the data and some
tions of this framework to date. For each regime the value for the parameter vector which falls within the allow-
simplest probability rule to govern the likelihood of able parameter space. The log-likelihood was then maxi-
various observations is the normal density function with mized using a constrained maximization technique which
di€ erent means and variances for contractions and expan- uses numerically evaluated derivatives and the Broyden,
sions. Hamilton also suggested the use of a Markov-type Fletcher, Goldfarb and Shanno quasi-Newton maximiza-
probability rule to govern the likelihood of switching from tion method (see Grace, 1994). To ensure that rapid con-
one regime into the other. The simplest such rule is that the vergence to a maximum is achieved, a constrained
switching probability depends only on the current period optimization technique was applied which required all
regime (rather than several earlier periods), and remains transition probabilities to be within the unit interval, and
constant regardless of the length of time the series has all variances to be strictly positive. The constraints were
been in a particular regime. The maintained model imposed using the sequential quadratic programming
employed here embodies this simple structure except the method discussed in Grace (1994). All calculations were
issue of whether the most appropriate number of regimes performed using the Optimization toolbox of Matlab ver-
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is two or three is left open for the time being. sion 5 in a unix-based operating system. The estimation
Let Y t and S t denote the growth rate and regime state in technique is started using a guess of the parameters. To
period t. Then: ensure that the resulting parameter estimates represent a
" # global rather than a local maxima, several alternative sets
1 ¡1 Y t ¡ ·i
 exp
f …Y t =S tˆi† ˆ p
2º¼i 2
… ¼i
† of starting values were tried.

where i ˆ 1;2;3 and 1 denotes a contraction phase, 2

denotes a slow growth expansionar y phase, and 3 denotes I I I . T H E E MPIR I C A L R E S U L T S
a fast growth expansionary phase, and P …S t ˆ 1 =S t¡1 ˆ
1† ˆ p11 ; P …S t ˆ 2 =S t¡1 ˆ 1† ˆ p12 ; P …S t ˆ3 =S t¡1 ˆ 1† ˆ Basic data for this analysis consist of monthly observations
p13 ˆ 1 ¡ …p11 ‡ p12 †; P…S t ˆ 1=S t¡1 ˆ 2† ˆ p21 ; P …S t ˆ 2= from 2/1950 to 11/1994 on the ECRI coincident index.
S t¡1 ˆ 2† ˆ p22 ; P…S t ˆ 3=S t¡1 ˆ 2† ˆ p23 ˆ 1 ¡ …p21 ‡ p22†; Quarterly, constant price, GDP data covering the same
P …S t ˆ 1 =S t¡1 ˆ 3† ˆ p31 ; P …S tˆ2 =S t¡1 ˆ 3† ˆ p32 and period are also used to enable a more direct comparison
P …S t ˆ 3 =S t¡1 ˆ 3† ˆ p33 ˆ 1 ¡ …p31 ‡ p32†. It should be with the work of Sichel (1994). Components of the coin-
noted that this three phase characterization allows for the cident index are reported in Table 1. 1 This series is pre-
discovery of some potentially very interesting business ferred for the current analysis since it has been found to
cycle dynamics. In particular, not only are three distinct have a turning point chronology (as determined by, for
phases allowed for, but switches among all three regimes example, the Bry± Boschan (1971) method) which is
are allowed. Thus, for example, not only is a switch from a remarkably close to that of the o cial NBER-determined
contractionary phase into a rapid growth recovery phase US business cycle chronology. This chronology is pre-
allowed (as conceived in Sichel (1994)), but the economy sented in Table 2. A monthly (quarterly) growth rate series
could also switch into a slow growth recovery and then into for the coincident index (GDP) is then used in the mod-
a rapid growth state (as in the most recent recovery for elling which follows. 2
instance). While more will be said on these potentially Two versions of the regime switching model as described
interesting dynamics later, this characterization is clearly above are estimated for the two series in question, viz. a
somewhat broader than Sichel’s characterization. two regime version and a three regime version. The two
ECRI (Economic Cycle Research Institute was founded by Dr Geo€ rey H. Moore and is based in New York) routinely adjusts the
trend of their computed indexes so that the series trend re¯ ects the trend in some commonly-known, relevant, published economic series.
For example, the coincident index is adjusted to have a long term trend similar to that of US GDP. However, this procedure also
occasionally shifts the turning point dates of the series and it was the unadjusted index which was found here to have turning points
closer to the o cial business cycle chronology. Therefore, it is the index without trend adjustment which is used in this analysis.
In traditional business cycle analysis an important part of the determination of turning points (phase changes) is the calculation of a
series MCD (standing for `months for cyclical dominance’ ). Essentially the MCD is the span of moving average required to produce a
smoothed series in which the cyclical component of the series dominates the irregular component. The MCD of ECRI’s coincident index
was 1. In practical terms this means that no prior smoothing of the index is required before taking growth rates. Growth rates were
calculated (for both the coincident index and GDP) as period-to-period changes expressed as percentage changes.
US business cycle 1135
Table 1. Coincident index components Table 4. Model speci® cation tests of two state Markov-regime
switching model of di€ erent measures of the US business cycle ±
Personal Income (real) monthly coincident index and quarterly gross domestic product
GDP (real)
Industrial Production Coincident
Manufacturing and Trade Sales Speci® cation test index GDP
Employees in Non-Farm Sector
Unemployment rate (inverted) NTW test for 43.8510 14.0017
Autocorrelation …À2 …4†† (0.0000) (0.0073)
Note: Quarterly series like GDP are interpolated by ECRI to NTW test for 11.7199 2.7055
produce monthly data for incorporation in the indexes. ARCH …À2 …4†† (0.0196) (0.6083)
NTW test for ® rst order Markov 20.9765 6.6923
Table 2. T he US business cycle chronology assumption …À2 …4†† (0.0003) (0.1531)
Lagrange Multiplier test for 22.7601 6.6670
Coincident index Autocorrelation to lag 1 …À2 …1†† (0.0000) (0.0098)
Business cycle chronology chronology using BB1 Lagrange Multiplier test for 45.3701 6.1608
Autocorrelation to lag 2 …À2 …2†† (0.0000) (0.0459)
Peaks Troughs Peaks Troughs Lagrange Multiplier test for 44.4633 6.2102
Autocorrelation to lag 3 …À2 …3†† (0.0000) (0.1018)
7/53 5/54 7/53 5/54 Lagrange Multiplier test for 45.0297 6.8094
8/57 4/58 3/57 4/58 Autocorrelation to lag 4 …À2 …4†† (0.0000) (0.1463)
4/60 2/61 2/60 2/61 Lagrange Multiplier test for 21.8810 0.6010
12/69 11/70 10/69 11/70
Autocorrelation within state 1 …À2 …1†† (0.0000) (0.4382)
11/73 3/75 11/73 3/75
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1/80 7/80 1/80 6/80 Lagrange Multiplier test for 13.8632 6.4046
7/81 11/82 7/81 12/82 Autocorrelation within state 2 …À2 …1†† (0.0002) (0.0114)
7/90 3/91 6/90 3/91 Lagrange Multiplier test for 31.2413 0.9454
Autocorrelation at lag 2 …À2 …1†† (0.0000) (0.3310)
Notes: Lagrange Multiplier test for 8.0325 0.7246
Median phase length: expansions ˆ 39 months Autocorrelation at lag 3 …À2 …1†† (0.0046) (0.3946)
Contractions ˆ 10 months Lagrange Multiplier test for 23.5137 1.4080
By Bry± Boschan (1971) turning point method. Autocorrelation at lag 4 …À2 …1†† (0.0000) (0.2354)
Lagrange Multiplier test for 6.0776 0.6882
Table 3. Parameter estimates of two state Markov-regime switch- ARCH to lag 1 …À2 …1†† (0.0137) (0.4068)
ing model of di€ erent measures of the US business cycle ± monthly Lagrange Multiplier test for 10.3543 2.1089
coincident index and quarterly gross domestic product ARCH to lag 2 …À2 …2†† (0.0056) (0.3484)
Lagrange Multiplier test for 10.4403 3.3326
Parameter Coincident index GDP ARCH to lag 3 …À2 …3†† (0.0152) (0.3431)
Lagrange Multiplier test for 15.4057 4.2069
p11 0.8779 0.7691 ARCH to lag 4 …À2 …4†† (0.0039) (0.3787)
(0.0282) (0.0850)
p12 7110.1221 710.2309 Notes: Two di€ erent model speci® cation tests are conducted
p21 7110.0305 710.0857 (Newey± Tauchen± White dynamic speci® cation test, and
p22 7110.9695 710.9143 Lagrange Multiplier tests) for Autocorrelation and ARCH e€ ects
(0.0079) (0.0305) of varying lags, and the NTW test for the validity of the ® rst order
·1 70.5466 70.1287 Markov assumption. Asymptotic p-values are in parentheses.
(0.1012) (0.2719)
·2 7110.6339 711.1678
(0.0329) (0.1144) presence of residual ARCH and autoregressive (AR) char-
¼21 7110.4455 710.8430
(0.0695) (0.1815)
acteristics in the coincident index data which are not being
¼22 7110.3389 710.6710 captured by the two regime model. In the case of the GDP
(0.0421) (0.1017) data only autocorrelation seems to be a problem.
Log-likelihood 7547.7870 7246.7889 Parameter estimates for the three regime model for each
Note: Robust standard errors are in parentheses and are calcu- series are presented in Table 5, with diagnostic checks for
lated using a numerically evaluated Hessian and score. ARCH and AR characteristics supplied in Table 6.
Interestingly, increasing the number of regimes has changed
regime version’s parameter estimates are presented in Table the diagnostic picture quite considerably. The three regime
3. To check the adequacy of the dynamic structure of these model for GDP appears to be quite adequate with no need
models, Hamilton’s (1996) diagnostic tests for autoregres- for any further dynamic structure beyond that captured by
sive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH) and autocorre- the three regime Markov structure itself. This then poten-
lation are presented in Table 4. 3 These tests suggest the tially provides an alternative model speci® cation for GDP

Some brief details of the diagnostic tests are provided in the Appendix. The interested reader is referred to Hamilton (1996 ) for a fuller
1136 A. P. L ayton and D. Smith
Table 5. Parameter estimates of three state Markov-regime replicating the quarterly value for each of the relevant
switching model of di€ erent measures of the US business cycle ± three months.
monthly coincident index and quarterly gross domestic product
Parameter estimates for the three regime model incor-
Coincident index porating an AR(2) structure are also presented in Table 5
with relevant diagnostics detailed in Table 6. As is evident
Parameter AR(0) AR (2) GDP
from Table 6 this model is now acceptable in terms of its
p11 0.8730 0.6703 0.7799 ability to capture the dynamic characteristics of the data on
(0.0305) (0.0872) (0.0722) the coincident index. Furthermore, the two AR parameter
p12 0.0286 0.2211 0.0310 estimates are statistically signi® cant and the overall model,
(0.0379) (0.0845) (0.0323)
p13 0.0984 0.1086 0.1891 in terms of the value of its log-likelihood, apparently is a
(0.0345) (0.0592) (0.0789) statistically better representation of the data than the
p21 0.0387 0.0293 0.0792 model without the AR structure.
(0.0136) (0.0128) (0.0413)
p22 0.9376 0.9478 0.8128
However, in determining the preferred model for the
(0.0188) (0.0174) (0.0652) coincident index, another important consideration is the
p23 0.0237 0.0229 0.1081 degree of closeness between the model-generated regime
(0.0172) (0.0154) (0.0536) probabilities and the `true’ regime probabilities as deter-
p31 0.0214 0.0598 0.0826
(0.0186) (0.0041) (0.0595) mined by the NBER chronology. After all, the major moti-
p32 0.1047 0.5635 0.2274 vation for constructing and analysing the coincident index
(0.0365) (0.1076) (0.0856) is the belief that it is a reasonable proxy for the business
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p33 0.8740 0.3767 0.6900 cycle. A very important criterion, therefore, in evaluating
(0.0367) (0.1086) (0.0764)
·1 70.5515 70.9456 70.1684 any model which is developed to represent the underlying
(0.0906) (0.2304) (0.2147) data-generatin g mechanism (DGM) for the coincident
·2 0.4324 0.4182 0.6860 index is the consistency of the implied regime probabilities
(0.0373) (0.0721) (0.0544) with the o cial business cycle chronology for the USA.
·3 1.0660 1.5517 1.8374
(0.0960) (0.1884) (0.1410) To evaluate this, the so-called quadratic probability
¼21 0.4467 0.4618 0.8872 score (QPS) is used. The QPS was suggested by Diebold
(0.0702) (0.1366) (0.2274) and Rudebusch (1989) and has been used by Layton (1997)
¼22 0.1366 0.1819 0.1537 in earlier related work. The QPS is de® ned as follows
(0.0170) (0.0248) (0.0315)
¼23 0.4612 0.6184 0.5104 T
1 X
(0.1072) (0.2356) (0.1719) QPS ˆ ¤ …Pt ¡ D t†2
¿1 ± 0.2801 ± T tˆ1
¿2 ± 0.3891 ± where Pt denotes the model-derived probability of a con-
(0.0680) tractionary phase and D t is a binary variable taking the
Log-likehood 7485.6202 7452.2396 7229.7423
value of 1 during a contractionary phase and zero other-
Notes: wise as de® ned by the o cial business phase chronology of
1. Robust standard errors are in parentheses and are calculated Table 2. The closer is QPS to zero the more consistent are
using a numerically evaluated Hessian and score. the model-generate d regime probabilities with the o cial
2. The AR (2) speci® cation was as follows: yt ¡ ·i;t ˆ
¿1 …yt¡1 ¡ ·i;t¡1† ‡ ¿2 …yt¡2 ¡ ·i;t¡2† ‡ "it .
business cycle chronology.
In addition, a slight variation on this statistic is also
calculated, viz. the mean absolute probability score
as compared to that used by Hamilton (1989). On the other (MAPS). This is de® ned simply as:
hand, the diagnostics for the coincident index continue to 1 XT
suggest the dynamic structure captured by the three regime MAPS ˆ ¤ jP ¡ D t j
T tˆ1 t
markov structure is an inadequate characterization of the
dynamic properties of the data for that series. Again, the closer is MAPS to zero the more consistent are
To investigate this further, rather than incorporate the model-generate d regime probabilities with the o cial
simultaneously both ARCH and (AR) characteristics into business cycle chronology.
the three regime model for the coincident index, an AR In Table 7 the QPS and MAPS statistics for the 2 regime
structure is ® rst incorporated to see if this impacts at all model and the 3 regime model ± with and without AR
on the ARCH diagnostics. The Lagrange multiplier tests structure ± are presented.
for autocorrelation suggested an AR(2) structure would be The ® rst point to note is that there is essentially no dif-
most appropriate . Parenthetically, this may not be too sur- ference in performance between the two regime model and
prising given that two of the six index components are the simple three regime model. This is as expected since the
actually quarterly but converted to monthly by simply third state is used to distinguish between expansionary
US business cycle 1137
Table 6. Model speci® cation tests of three state Markov-regime switching model of di€ erent measures of
the US business cycle ± monthly coincident index and quarterly gross domestic product

Coincident index

Speci® cation text AR(0) 1 AR(2) 2 GDP1

NTW test for 24.1478 16.5929 6.1980

Autocorrelation …À2 …9†† (0.0041) (0.0555) (0.7200)
NTW test for 30.0583 11.0227 10.3375
ARCH …À2 …9†† (0.0004) (0.2742) (0.3239)
NTW test for ® rst order Markov 7.0276 9.7063 7.6207
assumption …À2 …6†† (0.3183) (0.1376) (0.2672)
Lagrange Multiplier test for 6.0638 ± 0.7702
Autocorrelation to lag 1 …À2 …1†† (0.0138) (0.3802)
Lagrange Multiplier test for 26.1134 ± 3.0043
Autocorrelation to lag 2 …À2 …2†† (0.0000) (0.2226)
Lagrange Multiplier test for 27.6072 ± 3.5327
Autocorrelation to lag 3 …À2 …3†† (0.0000) (0.3165)
Lagrange Multiplier test for 27.6072 ± 0.7826
Autocorrelation within state 1 …À2 …1† (0.0000) (0.3763)
Lagrange Multiplier test for 0.0315 ± 2.2643
Autocorrelation within state 2 …À2 …1†† (0.8590) (0.1324)
Lagrange Multiplier test for 1.7400 ± 1.9259
Autocorrelation within state 3 …À2 …1††
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(0.1871) (0.1652)
Lagrange Multiplier test for 19.4154 ± 2.3343
Autocorrelation at lag 2 …À2 …1†† (0.0000) (0.1265)
Lagrange Multiplier test for 2.9374 ± 1.1039
Autocorrelation at lag 3 …À2 …1†† (0.0866) (0.2934)
Lagrange Multiplier test for 9.7022 ± 3.7831
ARCH to lag 1 …À2 …1†† (0.0018) (0.0518)
Lagrange Multiplier test for 10.2856 ± 5.5038
ARCH to lag 2 …À2 …2†† (0.0058) (0.0638)
Lagrange Multiplier test for 11.6416 ± 7.9684
ARCH to lag 3 …À2 …3†† (0.0087) (0.0467)

Asymptotic p-values in parentheses. Two di€ erent model speci® cation tests are conducted (Newey±
Tauchen± White dynamic speci® cation test, and Lagrange Multiplier tests) for Autocorrelation and
ARCH e€ ects of varying lags, and the NTW test for the validity of the ® rst order Markov assumption.
Only the NTW tests were calculated for the AR(2) three state model because the LM tests are compu-
tationally unwieldy for such a model. For example, calculating a third order LM test requires keeping
track of 36 or 729 di€ erent sequences of states at each point in time.

phases and provides little additional insight into the timing any further AR structure, provides the most appropriate
of contractions. The second, and more important point dynamic representation . Therefore, given that the simple
relates to the relative performance of the three regime three regime model without AR structure provides the
model with AR structure. It clearly performs signi® cantly closer correspondence to the o cial business cycle chron-
worse than the simpler three regime model with no AR ology, it is this model which is considered the more pre-
structure (as well as the two regime model). ferred model here.
The reason for this may be that the addition of AR Returning now to the parameter estimates of Tables 3
structure ± by virtue of adding a further degree of persis- and 5, whilst there is great di culty in formally testing a
tence to the process assumed to be the DGM for the data ± three regime model against a two regime version (because
increases the estimated probability that the series will con- the usual likelihood ratio type test statistic is nonstandard) ,
tinue to be forecast to be in whatever is the current regime nonetheless the sample log-likelihood for each series is
for any given data point. Around turning points then, in reduced quite dramatically (particularly for the coincident
comparison to the model without AR structure, the addi- index) when the number of regimes is restricted to two as
tion of the AR component may produce higher estimated compared to the three regime model. Parameter estimates
probabilities that the turning point has not yet occurred for are also, in the main, consistent with prior expectations.
several periods after it actually has occurred. Thus, within the framework of this paper, the sample evi-
Hence, for the purpose of identifying turning points, it dence would seem to support quite strongly the notion of a
may well be that the simple markov characteristic, without clearly distinguishable three phase cycle characterized by a
1138 A. P. L ayton and D. Smith
Table 7. T he performance of various Markov switching models of point estimates of Table 5. The ® rst point derives from
the US coincident index using QPS and MAPS the relative magnitudes of the regime variances, viz.
Probability used 2 State 3 State 3 State AR(2) 1. For both GDP and the coincident index the volatility of
Panel A: QPS growth is more than twice as great in either the contrac-
Forecast (1) 0.0527 0.0531 0.1111 tionary phase or the fast growth expansionary phase than it
Filter (2) 0.0308 0.0342 0.1038 is in the slow growth expansionary phase. While the di€ er-
Smoothed (3) 0.0319 0.0348 0.1045
ences are clearly quite large, formal t-tests con® rm they are
Panel B: MAPS also statistically signi® cant. Thus, as has been found by
Forecast (1) 0.1294 0.1286 0.1702
Filter (2) 0.0759 0.0731 0.1363 others, the economic growth cycle is not characterized by
Smoothed (3) 0.0619 0.0594 0.1319 variance stationarity but is clearly regime-dependent. 5
Notes: Now, concentrating on the regime-switching transition par-
1. Forecast based on data to period t ¡ 1. ameter point estimates associated with the coincident
2. Forecast based on data to period t. index, 6 ® ve implications arise from their relative magni-
3. Forecase based on data to period T .
tudes, viz.
2. Given the economy is in a contractionary phase (regime
1), the model’s point estimates suggest it is about three
contractionary phase, a slow growth expansionary phase times as likely (obtained as the ratio 0.0984/0.0286 ) for
and a fast growth expansionary phase. 4 the economy to switch into the `high growth recovery-
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Of interest are the estimates of mean growth rates in type’ phase than into the `slower expansion-type ’ phase.
normal and fast growth expansionary phases. For example, In fact, a comparison of the estimate of p12 with its asymp-
using the GDP series and Table 5, estimated average totic, robust standard error, suggests there is some doubt as
annual growth in the normal expansion phase is 2.8%. to whether the estimate is statistically signi® cantly di€ erent
Mean growth in fast-growth expansion phases is, on the from zero. 7 At the very least then, the estimates suggest it is
other hand, 7.5%. Whilst this is obviously very fast, the US much more likely for the economy to enter into a fast
economy has probably only been in such rapid growth growth phase out of a recession. While this provides an
expansionary phases for about nine years out of the 45 alternative type of evidence in support of Sichel’s argu-
year period under study (see Table 9 for further details). ment, the current approach goes further and explicitly
It should also be remembered that one entire post-war US allows for the economy to switch into either type of expan-
expansion (11/49± 7/53) actually had an overall measured sionary phase from a contraction and actually provides an
mean growth rate of 6.4% so that 7.5% average growth for estimated relative probability for each possibility. While
the fast growth phase ± usually quite short in duration ± the estimates support the notion that it is much more likely
may not be too unrealistic. to witness a fast growth phase following a contraction it
In passing, it should also be pointed out that these mean nonetheless may be possible to witness a move into a slow
growth rate estimates are quite consistent with the esti- growth expansion phase. As noted above, the most recent
mated mean expansionary growth rate for GDP listed in recovery out of recession is an example of this very type of
Table 3 using the two-phase model (the latter estimate transition.
being roughly a weighted average of the estimates in 3. Given the economy is in a fast expansionary growth
Table 5). This mean growth rate of 4.7% (annualized) is phase (regime 3), the model’s estimates suggest it is evi-
quite consistent with the actual measured average annual dently relatively unlikely for it to switch immediately into
growth rate of expansions of about 4.3%. This growth rate a contractionar y phase. In fact, the probability of this kind
is the average over all post-war expansions as determined of a transition (0.0214) is the smallest of all transition
by the NBER chronology. probabilities and may well be insigni® cantly di€ erent
Now using the three phase characterization, a good deal from zero when compared with its estimated standard
can be inferred about business cycle dynamics from the error. 8 Rather, it is much more likely for the economy to

One puzzling caveat with the results for GDP is the apparently statistically insigni® cant parameter estimate for the contractionary phase
mean growth rate (less so in three phase version).
See, for example, French and Sichel (1993) . In the case of the coincident index, Wald tests of the hypotheses ¼21 ˆ ¼22 , ¼21 ˆ ¼23 , ¼22 ˆ ¼23
produced test statistics of 18.3390, 0.0118, 9.6156 respectively. These are each distributed as À2 (1).
Whilst the discussion will focus on the coincident index, a similar qualitative story applies to GDP unless otherwise indicated in the text.
Note, however, that its standard error is estimated at 0.0288 when calculated using the Hessian matrix of the parameter estimates and is
estimated at 0.0234 when computed using the outer product approach. Thus there is some uncertainty surrounding the associated t-
A similar argument as outlined in Footnote 7 applies here also.
US business cycle 1139
® rst go into a phase of slower growth (regime 2). Indeed, it These estimated regime-switching transition probabilities
is about ® ve times as likely for the economy to go from a can therefore be interpreted as suggesting the following
high growth phase into the slower growth phase than into a `most likely’ or `stylized’ business cycle characterization,
contractionary phase (0.1047/0.0214). viz. a relatively short contraction phase followed by a fast
growth recovery phase, giving rise to a slower expansionary
4. It is interesting to note the picture which is suggested by
phase ± sometimes interrupted occasionally by fast growth
the transition parameter estimates given the economy is in
phases ± but eventually resulting in a ® nal slow growth
a slower expansionary phase. Those for the monthly coin-
phase which leads to the next contractionary phase.
cident index suggest it is somewhat more likely for the
While this would be the stylized characterization, the prob-
economy to switch into a recession than to switch into
abilistic nature of the framework nonetheless allows for
another phase of fast growth (0.0387/0.0237) . The esti-
individual cycles to be quite unique and vary quite substan-
mated standard errors are such, however, as to result in
the di€ erence testing as statistically insigni® cant. tially from this `most likely’ scenario. Of course, all of this
The point estimates for GDP, on the other hand, suggest would probably come as little surprise to business cycle
it is more likely for the economy to switch from a slow analysts and is entirely consistent with what has been
growth phase back into a fast growth phase rather than observed in practice in the business cycle historical record.
go into a recession (0.1081/0.0792). Again, however, the However, what the three phase probabilistic regime-
estimated standard errors are such as to result in the dif- switching framework allows is an interesting, alternative
ference testing as statistically insigni® cant. approach to identifying and quantifying these business
A reasonable, conservative conclusion to draw from cycle dynamics.
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these estimates is that, once the economy is in a slow Furthermore, as each cycle is unique and is potentially
growth phase, it is probably about as likely to slip into a impacted di€ erently by the macroeconomic policies pur-
recession as it is to transition back into a fast growth phase. sued by the authorities at the time, it may be instructive
However, importantly, by taking this aspect of the esti- to compare the economic circumstances surrounding two
mates in conjunction with the discussion of point 3, the recent US economic recoveries, viz. the 1982 and 1991
picture suggested by the estimates is that the economy is recoveries. Both of these recoveries gave rise to long expan-
most likely to move into a recession after ® rst transitioning sions but, as can be seen from Table 9, the ’82 recovery was
from a fast growth phase into a slow growth phase (see of the `fast’ variety whereas the ’91 recovery was of the
below also). 9 `normal’ or `slow’ variety. This di€ erence in the speed of
recovery is also evident from Fig. 1 which provides a
5. The model estimates suggest it is almost twice as likely
graphical representation of ¯ uctuations in growth rates of
for the economy to switch into the contractionar y phase of
the cycle from the slow growth expansionary phase as it is the coincident index. Furthermore, the macroeconomic cir-
to switch directly into contraction from the fast growth cumstances and policy in¯ uences were quite di€ erent
phase (0.0387/0.0214) . This is consistent with the other between these two episodes.
estimated transition probabilities discussed above. 10
6. Finally, once in a fast growth phase, the estimates sug-
gest there is a probability of about 0.98 (0:8740 ‡ 0:1047)
that the economy will not transition straight into a reces-
coincident index

sion in the next period. Similarly, once in a slow growth

% change of

expansion, there is nonetheless still a high probability of

about 0.96 (slightly smaller than for the fast growth case) 0
that the economy will not transition straight into a reces-
sion in the next period. These large probabilities are, of
course, nothing more than the statistical re¯ ection of the
much longer periods of expansion compared with contrac-
tions evident in the historical record. During any long-lived -4
expansion there are likely to be extended periods of both 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 year
types of expansionary phases and the distinct possibility of Fig. 1. Plot of month-to-month growth rates in ECRI’s coincident
switching back and forth between them rather than switch- index. Shaded areas correspond to o cial US recessions as deter-
ing into contraction. mined by the NBER dating panel.

For further on this aspect of the nature of the transition into recession the reader is referred to Gordon (1979).
However, in the case of GDP, the corresponding estimated transition probabilities are not statistically signi® cantly di€ erent.
1140 A. P. L ayton and D. Smith
In 1982, the US economy had just come out of a long, recession in comparison to that of the 1980s. As it turned
and quite severe, recession which itself had followed only a out, the 1991 recovery, quite possibly largely because of the
very brief 12 month period of expansion from the previous moderate nature of the previous recession, was quite anae-
recession. The ® rst of these 1980s recessions (1/1980± mic with low rates of growth ± particularly employment
7/1980) was certainly partially the result of the second oil growth ± for the ® rst couple of years into the current
crisis while the duration and severity of the second long expansion.
(7/1981 ± 11/1982) was undoubtedly the result of the cumu- It should be noted that Sichel (1994) indicated he had
lative e€ ect of the very tight monetary policy pursued at had personal correspondence from James Hamilton in
the time by the FED in its e€ ort to bring down the double which Hamilton had advised he had estimated a three
digit US in¯ ation of the late 1970s and early 1980s. regime Markov model for GNP. Evidently the parameter
By contrast, the 1991 recovery followed quite a short estimates obtained by Hamilton (unreported by Sichel)
recession (7/1990± 3/1991) which was also quite mild com- were such as to suggest a similar stylized characterization
pared to the 1981/82 recession. Similarly, in terms of policy as outlined above. Sichel apparently also used Hamilton’s
considerations , this most recent recession did not follow a three phase model and concluded (without reporting the
severe monetary policy tightening, as was the case in 1981/ actual results): `the three phase Markov model is not espe-
82. The macroeconomic events and policy responses lead- cially informative about the particular pattern of three
ing up to this recession were as follows. The 1987 stock- phases in [his] sample’ (p. 272). The current results would
market crash led the FED to immediately ease monetary seem to be rather contrary to this conclusion reached by
policy. However, this easing was quickly reversed as it Sichel.
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became clear the potential for further ® nancial market As suggested by a referee, the model-generated probabil-
crises had been averted. A series of tightenings then fol- ities of a contraction for each coincident index data point
lowed throughout 1988 and into early 1989. are provided in Figs 2 and 3. As might be expected, and as
However, evidence of an economic growth slowdown in mentioned earlier, since the third phase is adding clarity to
early 1989 again led the FED to begin easing interest rates understanding further the nature of the expansionary phase
later in that year. Thus monetary policy settings were eased rather than the contractionary phase, there is little di€ er-
during the year preceeding the onset of the 1990/91 reces- ence between these two ® gures.
sion. This pre-emptive easing undoubtedly contributed Also included in Table 8 is a comparison between the
signi® cantly to the more moderate nature of the 1990s o cial US business cycle chronology and model-generated







Fig. 2. Plot of smooth probability of recession ± 2 phase model

US business cycle 1141




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Fig. 3. Plot of smoothed probability of recession ± 3 phase model

Table 8. Business cycle chronology and model-derived turning However, of more interest is the information on regime
point dates switches between the two types of expansions using the
Peak Trough
coincident index. This is provided in Table 9. By way of
explanation, given the economy was not in a contraction
Actual Model Actual Model (as determined above), the dates selected in Table 9 were
2 State model based upon the occurrence of a run of at least three con-
7/53 6/53 5/54 5/54 secutive months (i.e. one quarter) in which one type of
8/57 3/57 4/58 4/58 expansion was relatively more likely than the other.
4/60 2/60 2/61 1/61
12/69 11/69 11/70 11/70 Whilst this may be regarded as rough and ad hoc some
11/73 11/73 3/75 3/75 aspects of Table 9 are worth a mention in the context of
1/80 1/80 7/80 6/80 the earlier discussion of the transition probability esti-
7/81 7/81 11/82 11/82
7/90 6/90 3/91 3/91 mates.
First, of the eight expansions covered, this analysis sug-
3 State model
7/53 7/53 5/54 5/54 gests the economy went into a fast growth recovery phase
8/57 3/57 4/58 4/58 on ® ve occasions. On a sixth occasion (the 12/70± 11/73
4/60 2/60 2/61 2/61 expansion) the ® rst two months growth in the expansion
12/69 11/69 11/70 11/70
11/73 11/73 3/75 3/75 were nonetheless strong and were clearly inferred by the
1/80 1/80 7/80 7/80 model to be associated with the fast growth phase. Second,
7/81 7/81 11/82 12/82 on all occasions bar one, the economy transitioned into a
7/90 6/90 3/91 3/91
® nal slow growth phase before transitioning into a contrac-
Note: Model dates are selected as in Layton (1996). tion. Third, expansions are typically characterized by at
least one switch between the two types of expansions.
chronologies for the coincident index. These chronologies
were determined as in Layton (1996), viz. peaks (troughs)
were recognized if a subsequent run of at least ® ve conse- I V . BR I E F C ON C L U S I ON S
cutive data point probabilities greater (less) than 0.5 were
observed. This rule is analogous to a minimum phase length In this paper a three phase version of Hamilton’s regime-
of ® ve months used by the NBER. Again, there is little switching model has been employed to further investigate
di€ erence between the two regime and three regime models. the notion that the US business cycle is more accurately
1142 A. P. L ayton and D. Smith
Table 9. An estimated chronology of US fast and slow (or normal) interpreted to cast into relief several important and inter-
expansionary phases esting features of what could be called a `stylized’ US busi-
Model determined Expansion ness cycle, viz. a relatively short contraction phase leading
expansion dates1 type End date Duration2 to a fast growth recovery phase, followed by a slow expan-
sionary phase interrupted occasionally by fast growth
6/54 ± 3/57 Normal 8/54 3
(6/54 ± 8/57) Fast 9/55 13 phases, but eventually resulting in a slow growth phase
Normal 7/56 10 which gives rise to the next contractionar y phase. While
Fast 10/56 3 this would be the stylized characterization, the probabilistic
Normal 3/57 5 nature of the framework nonetheless allows for individual
5/58 ± 2/60 Fast 2/60 24
(5/58± 4/60) cycles to be quite unique and to vary quite substantially
3/61 ± 11/69 Fast 12/61 10 from this `most likely’ scenario. 11
(3/61± 12/69) Normal 9/64 33
Fast 2/66 17
Normal 11/69 45
12/70± 11/73 Normal 11/71 12 R EFER ENCES
(12/70 ± 11/73) Fast 2/73 15
Normal 11/73 9 Boldin, M. D. (1990) Characterising business cycles with a
4/75 ± 1/80 Fast 2/76 11 Markov switching model: evidence of multiple equilibria.
(4/75± 1/80) Normal 1/78 23 W orking paper, Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Fast 5/78 4 Bry, G. and Boschan, C. (1971) Cyclical Analysis of Time Series:
Normal 1/80 20 Selected Procedures and Computer Program s, Technical
Downloaded by [FU Berlin] at 06:08 06 May 2015

8/80 ± 7/81 Fast 11/80 4 Paper 20, NBER, Columbia University Press.
(8/80± 7/81) Normal 7/81 8 Burns, A. and Mitchell, W. (1946 ) Measuring Business Cycles,
1/83 ± 6/90 Fast 2/84 14 National Bureau of Research, New York.
(12/82 ± 7/90) Normal 6/90 76 Cai, J. (1994) A Markov model of unconditional variance in
4/91 ± Normal ± 44+ ARCH, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 12,
(4/91± )
309 ± 27.
Notes: Diebold, F. X. and Rudebusch, G. D. (1989) Scoring the leading
Corresponding O cial NBER expansion dates are in paren- indicators, Journal of Business, 62, 369 ± 91.
theses. French, M. V. and Sichel, D. E. (1993) Cyclical patterns in the
According to the model, the total number of months of expan- variance of economic activity, Journal of Business and
sion during the period of study is 403, with 115 of these classi® ed Economic Statistics, 11, 113 ± 19.
as fast growth phase months. The other 135 months are classi® ed Gordon, R. (1979) The end-of-expansion phenomenon in short-
as contraction phase months. run productivity behaviour, Brookings Papers on Economic
Activity, No. 2.
Grace, A. (1994) Optimisation Toolbox User’s Guide (January):
MathWorks, Natick.
Hamilton, J. (1989) A new approach to the analysis of time series
conceived as having three, statistically distinguishable and the business cycle, Econometrica , 57, 357± 84.
phases as opposed to the more common (at least in the Hamilton, J. (1990) Long swings in the dollar: are they in the data
regime switching business cycle literature) alternative of a and do markets know it?, American Economic Review, 80,
689 ± 713.
two regime characterization. Using consistency with the Hamilton, J. (1991) A quasi-Bayesian approach to estimating par-
o cial business cycle chronology as an additional evalua- ameters for mixtures of normal distributions, Journal of
tive criterion to statistical goodness-of-® t, a three regime Business and Economic Statistics, 9, 27± 39.
model without any AR dynamics is found to be the pre- Hamilton, J. (1996 ) Speci® cation testing in Markov-switching
ferred model for the coincident index. It is argued that the time-series models, Journal of Econometrics, 70, 127 ± 57.
Layton, A. (1996 ) Dating and predicting phase changes in the US
AR dynamics in this case imply persistence beyond that business cycle, International Journal of Forecasting, 12, 417±
captured by the markovian dynamics which results in 28.
higher estimated probabilities that the series will continue Layton, A. (1997) Do leading indicators really predict Australian
to be forecast to be in whatever is the current regime for business cycle turning points?, T he Economic Record, 73,
any given data point. Such estimated probabilities may 258 ± 69.
Schultze, C. L. (1964) Short-run movements in income shares, in
signi® cantly lag the occurrence of actual turning points. T he Behaviour of Income Shares: Selected T heoretical and
Furthermore, the relative values of the estimated transi- Empirical Issues, Conference on Income and Wealth, Vol.
tion probabilities of the three regime model may be usefully 27, Princeton University Press, p. 143± 82.

As pointed out by a referee, a more comprehensive analysis of business cycle dynamics would track the dynamics of labour, product
and ® nancial markets over the cycle and seek to shed light on the informational content present in leading indicators during the cycle.
Whilst this is undoubtedly true, the focus of the present paper was to extend the work of Sichel (1994) and to determine the usefulness of
employing the three phase characterization of the cycle as opposed to the two phase characterization used in a number of other recent
papers. For an aspect of the leading indicator dimension, readers are referred to Layton (1997).
US business cycle 1143
Sichel, D. E. (1994) Inventories and the three phases of the busi- ticular lag length, except the following alternative speci® ca-
ness cycle, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 12, tion was used
269 ± 77.
yt ¡ ·i ;t ˆ ¿j …yt¡j ¡ ·i;t¡j † ‡ "it …A3†
A PPE N D I X : MOD E L S PE C I F I C A TI ON T E S T S for j ˆ 1;. . . ;r. The score is again computed by stacking
the score of the simple model Equation A2 over the de-
The tests for autocorrelation and ARCH e€ ects follow rivatives of the log of the density with respect to the auto-
closely the procedure suggested by Hamilton (1996). The regressive parameters in Equation A3.
Newey, Tauchen and White (NTW) tests for ARCH, auto- The LM tests for ARCH were calculated similarly to the
correlation, and the validity of the ® rst order Markov autocorrelation tests with the alternative model taking the
assumption, as well as the Lagrange multiplier (LM) tests Markov switching model of Cai (1994) where the con-
for ® rst order autocorrelation within each regime and ditional variance is given by:
across regimes were all calculated following Hamilton’s r
approach. Our approach di€ ers from Hamilton’s in that ¼2tji;j ˆ ¼2i ‡ ¬k "2t¡kjj …A4†
we use a numerically evaluated score vector, while kˆ1

Hamilton calculates the score analytically. Furthermore, The conditioning on j occurs since a di€ erent error term
the more usual approach, which others have used, only will result for each di€ erent assumed sequence of states.
uses the LM tests for ® rst order autocorrelation and Hamilton’s algorithm for calculating the log-likelihood
ARCH. However, our tests cater for up to fourth order
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requires calculating the conditional densities at each

dynamics in the two state models, and third order in the point in time and relevant sequences of states, in this case
three state models (note these limits are imposed to ensure 2r‡1 , and then weighting by the probability of that
computational feasibility). sequence occurring and summing over these weighted like-
The LM tests for autocorrelation across regimes was lihoods. Note that the speci® cation in Equation A4 allows
based on the following model: the conditional variance to vary between states since the
X intercept is state dependent, however the other parameters
yt ¡ ·i ;t ˆ ¿j …yt¡j ¡ ·i ;t¡j † ‡ "it …A1† are state invariant. Under the null hypothesis of no ARCH,
the intercept in Equation A4 will equal the conditional
where "it ¹ Nor …0;¼2i †: variance calculated in model Equation A1. The score of
Under the null of no autocorrelation, ¿1 ˆ ¢ ¢ ¢ ˆ ¿r ˆ 0 the ARCH model, estimated under the null of no
and Equation A1 simpli® es to the basic model which ARCH, is calculated in a similar fashion to the autocorre-
simply has di€ erent means and variances in each state: lation scores. This is done by calculating the derivative of
the log density with respect to the extra parameters
yt ˆ ·i;t ‡ "it …A2†
¬1 ;. . . ;¬r evaluated under the null of no ARCH, equiva-
The LM test uses the score of Equation A1 evaluated lent to the restriction that ¬1 ˆ ¢ ¢ ¢ ˆ ¬r ˆ 0, and stacking
under the null hypothesis of no autocorrelation. This is the score vector of the simple model over these new terms.
calculated fairly simply following Hamilton by taking the All the LM tests are then calculated using the score vec-
score of the simple model Equation A2 and stacking tor for the various alternative speci® cations, evaluated
the derivatives of the log of the density with respect to under the null hypothesis that the model is correctly speci-
the autoregressive terms in Equation A1. The derivatives ® ed. The test statistic is calculated as the uncentred coe -
are again calculated numerically. A similar procedure was cient of determination of a regression of the score vector on
used to calculate the LM tests for autocorrelation at a par- one (see Hamilton, 1996).

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