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It is time to transform what it means to be a prosecutor

- No external help allowed -

I] Find in the text the words corresponding to the following definitions:

1- approximately but not exactly:

2- permission that is given to a prisoner to leave prison before the end of their sentence on condition that they behave

3- a system that allows a person who has committed a crime not to go to prison if they behave well and if they see an
official regularly for a fixed period of time:

4- not having enough money to spend, with the result that it cannot function well:

5- damage or injury that is caused by a person or an event:

6- the freedom or power to decide what should be done in a particular situation:

7- the process of helping somebody to have a normal, useful life again after they have been very ill or in prison for a long

8- the fact of being responsible for your decisions or actions and expected to explain them when you are asked:

II] Find in the text the English for … (+ indicate line number):

1- Gonfler, augmenter:

2- Taux:

3- Dissimuler:

4- Diminuer, réduire:

5- Aspirer à:

III] Are the following statements right or wrong? Justify with quotes from the text (+ indicate line number):

1- In the US, about 500,000 people are waiting for the formal examination of evidence in court by a judge and a jury to
decide if they are guilty or not.

2- There are only about 2 million people in the US who are targeted by the justice system.

3- A lot of money is dedicated to the lawyers who are paid by the government to defend people in court if they cannot
pay for a lawyer themselves.

4- Prosecutors are so powerful that their influence can go beyond their jurisdiction.

5- The prosecutors in favour of a complete change could influence Congress.

6- Apart from prosecutors, there are some people who have the necessary expertise to help reduce violence in society.

7- Prosecutors tend to operate with little oversight.

8- The American Civil Liberties Union’s wish of working with prosecutors will never come true.
IV] What do the following statements from the text mean? Rephrase them in your own words.

1- “predatory plea bargaining” (20-21)

2- “providing more resources to public defenders” (31)

3- “the justice system is living up to its name” (36)

4- “by shrinking their own discretion” (39)

5- “This is how prosecutors often get away with misconduct” (48)

6- “what kind of outcomes result” (53)

7- “filing FOIA requests” (57)

V] Sum up in your own words what the writer of this article denounces about prosecutors.

VI] Sum up what a good prosecutor would be according to the writer of this article.

VII] Translate into French the following paragraph from the text (l.50-54):

Across the country, many prosecutors are beginning to change their ways, voluntarily disclosing information about their
offices. These prosecutors have realized that transparency has benefits for everyone, including them. Transparency is
good for both prosecutors and the public. It helps people understand what’s happening in prosecutors’ offices -- who’s
being charged and for what, whether sentences are being applied fairly, and what kind of outcomes result. For
prosecutors, transparency is a way to build community trust, which is essential to their jobs.

À travers les pays, plusieurs procureurs commençent à changer leurs habitudent, ils divulguent volontairement des
informations à propos de leurs offices.

Les procureurs ont réalisés que la transparence est bénéfique pour tout le monde meme pour eux.

La transparence est bonne pour les procureurs comme pour le public.

Cela aide les gens à comprendre ce qu’il se passe dans les bureau du procureur qui est accuse et pourquoi, si les peines
sont appliqué de manière equitable et qu’elle en sont les résultats.

Pour les procureurs, la transparence permet une confiance de communauté qui est essentellel dans leur travail.

VIII] Explain why the following fact is a problem:

“An estimated half of the people in prison have some indicator of a mental health disorder” (19).
The problem is what the people with mental health disorder, the prison is inutile for them because they need treatment, they need to be cared for
stop the bad pattern of behavior.

No difference, they have the same situation of criminal but have need treatment.

They people have no chance to “intégrer” in the society.

Victim of judicial system because they are innocent.

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