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GIS-based decision support system for real

time water demand estimation in canal
irrigation systems
N. H. Rao"*, Sheena M. Brownee* and P. B. S. Sarma'
Ü atíonøl Academy oł' Agriru flush Research Management, Rajenö ransgar. Hyderabøfi 5U£1 05tJ, I nfiia
’Wa\er Techn+›lngy' ȘcnJîc, J i*dizn Agricu huruf Research instils+c. New Delhi Ł 0 gl 2, lndia

transmission anõ tow crop yields' '. There 'is agrcemeo t

In csnaİ lrrlgałlon systems łn India, water .supplies char suhetantial benefits can be derived even from relay
reach tne fìelds łhrougt a oetivoríi ef maiø • =!s,
{iyetȚ ßMBîJ increasek in npergting e£ficienc v.‘
branct eaaøts (setendøry eanølsł and dìstrtbutøries
(tertiary eaxaisł. The dl*łrlbutary 1s the bnik unit of
irrigation management in large ceiisl systems, at It is
ibe tosl point uf contròl in niøin frrígntłon systems is delivered river a large arêa (10.000 to a million hec-
ogerøtion. This stu4y gzese«ts a scheme for tbe de e- tares or more in ladie} w i1Ii s¡›atiall y variable soil.s,
lopment of a Geographic Informailon Systems IGIS cropv and scatter conditions. The irrigation Suppl ies
ł- boxed decision support system t0SSj for reel łime reørh the fields through a hierarchical iietz'orš of main
ua• ier .Remind estimation ìn dlstribułarłei. Tke canals, branch canals (secondary canals) and
DSS dy• namically Iînlcs a flel4 łrrìgatlon démitø4 distriboiaries (terti- ary cana1s). The disrributary is
gźedlctíoo model tar Œe area irrigated by a
dlstrtbutery wilts a CŁG of the canal aetwoA The usuall y the last poiat 'of coniroJ ł'or msin itrigałion
șystem gJło•• ínterac- fise selection oF disttlbutarles syau•m manøgcmcnt as Turn- stmam of this' îex'eI,
ax4 en-line real tinte estimation oî water demands la irriggżion is either dieId•tó- ficlćf ur under Ëhč diicci vonlrol
each distriüutarT a the enlíre network. Lor real time of the fcrmeic. The irrigation au@lier inro cach dis‹ribulary
estimates, the medeì is used e lb current seaœn are decide hosed on rhe estımcied wiu•f demands of be
łoï'o••æŁîon on weałhez, weather forecasts anti crops in the'area trrlgaied by it, ther accounting for field-
dtstrtbútøry level ínforxfiatíun application losses. The demands dcpenõ on soil, weather
on crags anä soils. Slnče the dłetrJMutary £s the uoit anõ crop conditions in the irrigated area. Fun her, ihe total
oF opt ration, ihe DSS iniegrałee well witß the actust oreas irrigated by different distributøries alsu s'ary. The
precise of' deeisioo-making fry the oPerators of sanal trrigatioø demand estimation for eac h di tin8•!*'r is
írrteatyo» <zst<= io MadIa.. The axeiJabiìity of such e
thcrcfrirc independeiit of other distribuiarics. Thy iÖdl
quantiłaiive decšsioo-supgott tiiuì fsr Irrigation
eystezós operation can hase a gowerfuÏ Impact on The ¥'iãual distributary •ievcl w ąter demand s arc aggrcga ted
oserelŁ water management strategy tø gssesa i rrigation supp tş' r'equizęmente zțt higher levels
Cü {brànch canal* anó main canals) of tŁie irrigation syslcm
sborjfall In ø'ałer eitppłíeo 3 te development oF the at'ter accnurtcing for IransinisSion îoeaes’. The opcrølionel
overall srheme and procedures is ílJusłrered with óałø efficienciea dêpend un the estenc to which the ìrrigaiton
sugplie matcłt the demands at each Iiietarchiczú Ìeveî of.
the network., ’illus, estimating: pcrioütcall y, and ią reel
THE creation of a number of lärge irrigation systems time. the wB er d+- manüs of individual üiścibulancs of'
in Ïridia cuniribuied significantl y to gains irl food the canal nëta'ork
produc- tion provided by the Green Revolution. li also øtø critical for improving the overall operational efficien-
improved food security in the region' and r‹:dueeõ tte cies of large irrigation systems.
dependence of agriculture on the vagaries of the Musi carIier studies in real time irrigatioțt s\’'stem manag-
monsoons. However, the increasing cows of creaticrn and ment IO improve opt r8lsonal efficienciés''’ havi foc
Mß in țerance of these system, and doubts about the usØò on water releases ct the rèscr voir level, «fter
loøg•term sustainability of the oil aod water resources aggregating its irrigaüon demands a1 different
in their command areas, have let to much critic¡em God hierarchical levels to this lev'el. The tc mppral variab iIity
concern. Tnis n•ÍBıhs mainly to tte low cpcratioñ ei nf reservoir in fÏoWs iS the primly source of uncertainty
in these s\uüies. They do not include the variability oŁ
efticitncies of'the iarge systc>• í'*"g- ing between
disłribu •d demands in real time at th* field,
'30'and 4tJ$), aød consequent watéi losses in
disiriòutary and oiher levels of the
y ater öisirihution sysieM. W fiely ltte problem of assess tag
irrigation requirements för real time oPerarion öf irriga-

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