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FIB_R list - 377 items

377 items by creation time - Descending

30-Jul-2023 11:36

Duoink | 多墨PTE 清香 30-Jul-2023 11:36

1. Chemistry / Chemistry #8887 hot

Chemistry is a logical science. You can master the 1 concepts in any 2 , but
it's probably best to start from the 3 and work your way down, since many concepts
build on understanding units, conversion, and how atoms and molecules interact.

order roundabout top margin direction essential
1 essential 2 order 3 top

2. Spending time / Spending time #8871 hot

It is no secret that spending time in nature is good for your mind. Studies show that even a
1 through a city park decreases 2 ,3 concentration and improves
long-term mental health 4 . One report found that just being near bird song improved
mental well-being.

relaxation distracts stroll stress strut sharpens outcomes ingredients
1 stroll 2 stress 3 sharpens 4 outcomes

3. Study of Leadership / Study of Leadership #8850 hot

Based on collaborative research by Arizona's top business schools, this study of leadership
and company performance uncovers the effects of leadership driven by 1 , cost
control, and maintaining market share, versus 2 driven more by balancing employee
relations and development, customer or client 3 , and the welfare of the greater
community. Together, Mary Sully de Luque, assistant professor of Management and
Research Fellow at Thunderbird School of Global Management and David Waldman, director
of the Centre for Responsible Leadership at ASU's School of Global Management and
Leadership, have found that maintaining a specific focus on earnings in 4 making can
have negative effects on how a leader is viewed.

profits decision needs market leadership pleas
1 profits 2 leadership 3 needs 4 decision 2 / 134
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4. Airborne diseases / Airborne diseases #8802 hot

Airborne diseases are very easily transmitted and can result in respiratory illness that can be
life threatening. It's therefore no wonder that 1 of airborne infectious diseases are a
major public health 2 , and that researchers are working hard to come up with
technologies to provide clean air. So far, however, such technologies have had limited
3 .

celebration treatments success failure concern outbreaks
1 outbreaks 2 concern 3 success

5. Higher Education Shift / Higher Education Shift #8738 hot

After centuries of inequality in UK higher education benefiting men, there has been a
1 over the past three decades. A lower proportion of entrants to UK higher education
institutions are male than ever before and they 2 up less than one - half of the total.
Other developed countries have 3 a similar shift. Male 4 is not seen only in
the figures for entry but also in drop - out rates and degree performance statistics.

recovery phased deceit undergone reversal make hitch underachievement
1 reversal 2 make 3 undergone 4 underachievement

6. Performance appraisals / Performance appraisals #8686 hot

Performance appraisals have traditionally been considered the best way to 1 an

employee's performance, but increasingly organisations are finding them of little 2 .
Employees find them stressful and unhelpful. Importantly, they also take up a lot of time.
When Deloitte analysed their own 3 , they found managers and employees spent
around 2 million hours a year on performance reviews. A growing number of companies have
decided to 4 performance reviews altogether, instead introducing more regular catch

emulate produce value abolish meaning cancel evaluate process
1 evaluate 2 value 3 process 4 abolish 3 / 134
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7. Duel of honor / Duel of honor #8639 hot

A " duel of honour " was a way of settling disputes between gentlemen over some injury or
insult. The 1 had to be arranged privately because duelling was never 2 , but it
became common in the 17th century. A social code governed the duel of honour and, as
long as the rules were 3 to, the survivor could usually escape without being punished
by the law. Duels were fought with either pistols or swords, but pistols became the more
usual 4 after swords went out of fashion at the end of the 18th century.

obeyed fight weapon gun solution legal kept happy
1 fight 2 legal 3 kept 4 weapon

8. First cultivated fruit / First cultivated fruit #8552 warm

Well, the banana is the first cultivated fruit. It's one of the food items that literally 1
people out of the jungle, out of their hunter-gatherer lifestyles and was there at the 2
of agriculture which is what helped force human beings into 3 . It's really one of the
things that helped invent human culture. It's about 7000 years of history, and the banana,
from its centre of 4 , which is believed to be Papua New Guinea, spread out with
people who travelled in boats across the Pacific into the mainland of Asia and all the way
south to Australia across Indonesia and Micronesia and eventually they moved as far as
Africa and even possibly to Ecuador all in this time and all on 5 boats and wind-
driven boats.

commodities engine keep plateau communities midnight origin paddle brought
1 brought 2 dawn 3 communities 4 origin 5 paddle

9. Bias / Bias #8551 warm

One of the questions we need to ask ourselves is: How much of the news is biassed? Can
we recognise bias? The fact is, despite the journalistic ideal of' objectivity', every news story
is 1 by the attitudes and backgrounds of its interviewers, writers, journalists,
photographers and editors. That is not to say that all bias is 2 , but it does exist. So
how can we, as readers or viewers, 3 bias? Well, in the case of newspapers, it
manifests itself in a number of ways, such as what events are selected for inclusion or 4 / 134
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omission. The placement of the article, meaning its proximity to the front or back pages, is
significant. The use of headlines, photographs and language are 4 examples.

flamboyant deliberate repeated further influenced refer deluge determine
1 influenced 2 deliberate 3 determine 4 further

10. Keith Haring / Keith Haring #8550 warm

Keith Haring began as an underground artist, literally. His first famous projects were pieces of
1 graffiti drawn in New York subway stations. Haring travelled from station to station,
drawing with chalk and chatting with commuters about his work. These doodles helped him
develop his classic style and he 2 so prolific, doing up to 40 drawings a day, that it
was not long before fame and a measure of fortune followed. Soon, galleries and collectors
from the art establishment wanted to buy full-sized pieces by Haring. The paintings 3
in price but this did not sit well with Haring's philosophy. He believed that art, or at least his
art, was for everyone. Soon, Haring opened a store which he called the Pop Shop, which he
hoped would attract a broad range of people. While somewhat controversial among street
artists, some of whom 4 Haring of' selling out', the Pop Shop changed the way
people thought about the relationship between art and business.

grew skyrocketed accused recommended skyscraper refused stylized framed
1 stylized 2 grew 3 skyrocketed 4 accused

11. Honeybees / Honeybees #8511 warm

It sounds like something out of a science fiction movie - or nightmare: millions of honeybees
1 dying off, their bodies never found. Scientists have 2 the phenomenon'
Colony Collapse Disorder', but they aren't 3 on the reason. Theories abound as to the
4 of the mass die-off, ranging from the unlikely - cellphones affecting bees'
navigational abilities - to the more 5 though still debated, widespread pesticide use.

suddenly united authored possibility plausible vividly cause named deliberating
1 suddenly 2 named 3 united 4 cause 5 plausible 5 / 134
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12. Organic food / Organic food #8500 warm

Organic food production is a self- 1 industry with government 2 in some

countries, distinct from private gardening. Currently, the European Union, the United States,
Canada, Japan, and many other countries require producers to obtain special 3
based on government-defined standards in order to market food as organic within their
borders. In the 4 of these regulations, foods marketed as organic 5 set by
national governments and international organic industry trade organisations.

stress confection idea certification standards centered context oversight
respiration regulated
1 regulated 2 oversight 3 certification 4 context 5 standards

13. Sound speed / Sound speed #8499 warm

The speed of sound, otherwise known as Mach 1, varies with temperature. At sea level on a'
standard day', the temperature is 59 Fahrenheit, and Mach 1 is approximately 761 mph. As
the altitude increases, the temperature and speed of sound 1 decrease until about
36,000 - 60,000 foot range, Mach 1 is about 661 mph. Because of the 2 , it is possible
for an aeroplane flying supersonic at high altitudes to be slower than a subsonic flight at sea
level. The transonic band, the' sound barrier' extends 3 around Mach 0.8 - when the
first supersonic shock waves form on the wing - to Mach 1.2, when the entire wing has gone

both from volume towards either variation
1 both 2 variation 3 from

14. Program / Program #8497 hot

Our programme will develop your 1 knowledge of Computer Science and your
problem-solving and 2 skills, while enabling you to achieve the 3 qualification
for the IT professional. The programme structure is extremely 4 , enabling you to
personalise your MSc through a wide range of electives.

analytical better healthy functional viewing ultimate flexible theoretical
答案词 6 / 134
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1 theoretical 2 analytical 3 ultimate 4 flexible

15. OpenLearn free course / OpenLearn free course #8496 warm

This OpenLearn free course, therefore, looks at the 1 of organisations, specifically

their objectives and structure. Organisational objectives and structure are key elements of
organisations and they determine management 2 and responsibilities within the
organisation. The course also considers the main environmental factors: economic, social,
political, legal and technological, that impact on organisational 3 .

profile functions outset nature thoughts behaviour
1 nature 2 functions 3 behaviour

16. Management accounting / Management accounting #8495 warm

Management accounting is concerned with providing information and 1 to managers

to help them plan, evaluate and control activities, in order to achieve an organization's
2 . Whereas financial accounting is concerned with reporting on the past financial
performance of an organisation, management accounting is essentially concerned with
improving its future performance. In order to understand the 3 and principles of
management accounting it is necessary first to have some 4 of what managers do!
This, in turn, requires an understanding of the organisations in which managers work - and of
the external environment in which these organisations exist and operate.

objectives subjects concepts aspiration concept appreciation picture analysis
1 analysis 2 objectives 3 concepts 4 appreciation

17. Montego Bay / Montego Bay #8494 warm

Montego Bay is the second largest city in Jamaica by area and the third by population. It is a
lively and 1 beach resort and attracts a lot of tourists from many different countries
with its 2 beaches and 3 , relaxing atmosphere. Many Americans and
Europeans, as well as Jamaicans, have summer homes in Montego Bay, so it is a 4
city and becomes more 5 during the holiday seasons. It is most famous for Doctor's
Cave beach, which has clear, turquoise waters.

rustling politician bustling sandy crowded cheerful barren peaceful icy 7 / 134
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1 bustling 2 sandy 3 peaceful 4 cosmopolitan 5 crowded

18. Sheepdog / Sheepdog #8493 warm

Considered highly intelligent, 1 energetic, acrobatic and athletic, they frequently

2 with great success in sheepdog trials and dog sports. They are often 3 as
the most intelligent of all domestic dogs. Border Collies continue to be employed in their
traditional work of 4 livestock throughout the world.

bothered herding promoting redeem extremely compete cited deliberately
1 extremely 2 compete 3 cited 4 herding

19. Dictionary / Dictionary #8491 warm

Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language is one of the most famous dictionaries
in history. First published in 1755, the dictionary took just over eight years to compile,
1 six helpers and listed 40, 000 words. Each word was defined in detail, the
definitions illustrated with quotations 2 every branch of learning. It was a huge
scholarly 3 , a more extensive and complex dictionary than any of its predecessors -
the comparable French Dictionnaire had taken 55 years to compile and required the
dedication of 40 scholars.

required merits leading achievement repulsed covering
1 required 2 covering 3 achievement

20. Advertising aim / Advertising aim #8321 cold

The main 1 of advertising is to sell 2 by getting them known and, here, brash,
sensational ideas may often serve the 3 . But by no means is all advertising aimed at
promoting a new product or even a product at all. One of the most famous posters of the
20th century 4 Lord Kitchener early in the 1914-18 war pointing a finger, perhaps
accusingly, at the entire male military-age population of Britain.

imagination aim showoff shows sellers products purpose accuse
答案词 8 / 134
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1 aim 2 products 3 purpose 4 shows

21. Critical role of university / Critical role of university #8320 frozen

Universities are, of course, the primary centres of intellectual life in modern society.
Therefore, they are a 1 centre of criticism: criticism of society and of the dominant
2 in it, especially its politics, by sections of both the 3 and the student
bodies. This critical 4 of the university, as the place where ideas are born and where
support for criticism is 5 among students, who form the mass base for many protest
movements, has been true for a long time and in many countries.

found role finding tends staff key mind trends thinking member
1 key 2 trends 3 staff 4 role 5 found

22. Vitamin D / Vitamin D #8319 cold

When our skin is directly 1 to the sun, our bodies make vitamin D, a vital tool that
helps with calcium 2 and building strong bones. Some of it comes from diet, but a
good portion also comes from the sun. And according to the Mayo Clinic, as little as 10
minutes of sun 3 can provide us with our daily dose. According to the vitamin D
council, " your body can produce 10, 000 to 25, 000 IU of vitamin D in just a little under the
time it takes for your skin to 4 pink.

experience exposed abstract turning absorption exposure extraction turn
1 exposed 2 absorption 3 exposure 4 turn

23. Exoplanets / Exoplanets #8318 warm

Giant exoplanets, like the so-called' hot Jupiters' that are similar in 1 to the solar
system's biggest 2 and orbit very close to their host stars, are excellent targets for
3 in their search for their extrasolar worlds. The size and proximity of these planets
are easy to 4 as they create a large decrease in brightness when passing in front of
their parent stars.

astronomers characteristics phonograph planet earth aircraft detect demean
1 characteristics 2 planet 3 astronomers 4 detect 9 / 134
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24. Utopia / Utopia #8316 frozen

Many Utopias have been dreamed up through the ages. From Plato's Republic to Thomas
More's Utopia and beyond, serious thinkers have 1 societies where people live in
peace and harmony. Most of these imaginary worlds have things in common: everybody is
equal and plays a part in the running of the society; nobody goes without the essentials of
life; people live mostly off the land; often there is no money, and so on. Another thing they
have in 2 is that, to the average person, they appear distasteful or unworkable since
they do not take into account ordinary human nature or feelings. Architects have got in on
the act, too. After the Great Fire of London, Christopher Wren drew up plans for a
reconstruction of the whole city, including 3 street widths. And in the 20th century
there was Le Corbusier's Radiant City in which, if you weren't in a car or didn't have one, life
would have been a nightmare. Also in the 20th century; another famous architect, Frank
Lloyd Wright, 4 up a perfect city that got no further than the drawing-board. Wright
believed that what was wrong with modern cities was, in his words, rent. Ideas, land, even
money itself, had to be paid for. He saw this as a form of slavery and believed that modern
city dwellers had no sense of themselves as productive individuals. Thus, Wright's city was
to be made up of numerous individual homesteads, and the houses themselves were to be
simple, functional and in 5 with the environment. Everyone would own enough land to
grow food for himself and his family. No outsiders would be allowed to come between the
citizen and what he produced, or to exploit both for money. Goods and services would all be
6 , not bought and sold for profit.

relation harmony precise dreamed strengthen exchanged ingredient envisioned
common horizontal delayed pieced
1 envisioned 2 common 3 precise 4 dreamed 5 harmony 6 exchanged

25. Self-experssion / Self-experssion #8315 cold

A surprising number of writers, even those who have thought of their writing as " self-
expression, " have sought a 1 from the tyranny of subjectivity, echoing Goethe's
claim that " Every healthy effort is directed from the 2 to the outward world. " From
time to time others have risen to defend commitment, engagement, involvement. But, at
least until 3 , the predominant demand in this 4 has been for some sort of

character century extension inward wayward recently freedom daytime
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1 freedom 2 inward 3 recently 4 century

26. Koalas / Koalas #8314 cold

A koala rode 16 kilometres near Adelaide, Australia, inside an 1 for a car wheel. The
driver did not 2 until he stopped and heard the animal making noise. A woman with
an animal rescue organisation said that it was incredible, but the koala was in 3 . The
organisation took her straight to the vet. People named the koala Kelli, after one of her
4 , and put the koala back into the wild. She quickly climbed up a tree and went to
sleep. Koalas are a 5 species as there are less than 100, 000 of them in the wild.

vulnerable shock restless rescuers obscure arch shirk observe care considerable
1 arch 2 observe 3 shock 4 rescuers 5 vulnerable

27. Studying law / Studying law #8313 hot

It is important to 1 the need for hard work as an essential part of studying law,
because far too many students are tempted to think that they can succeed by relying on
what they imagine to be their natural ability, without bothering to add the 2 of effort.
To take an analogy some people prefer the more or less instant 3 which comes from
watching television adaptation of a classic novel to the rather more 4 process of
reading the novel itself. Those who 5 watching television to reading the book are less
likely to study law successfully, unless they rapidly acquire a 6 for text-based

use experiment like prefer gratification taste notorious environment laborious
noodles expenditure emphasise
1 emphasise 2 expenditure 3 gratification 4 laborious 5 prefer 6 taste

28. World Shakespeare Congress / World Shakespeare Congress

#8312 hot

Over 800 Shakespeare scholars from almost fifty countries will gather at King's College
London next week as the university co-hosts the 10 th World Shakespeare Congress to
explore and honour the Bard's life and work. Organised by the International Shakespeare
Association, ISA, the World Congress 1 held every five years and 2016 is the first
time it will be co-hosted 2 two locations that were integral to both the personal and
working life of William Shakespeare. Delegates will arrive in London on Thursday following 11 / 134
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the start of the Congress on Sunday in Stratford-upon-Avon. 3 a main theme of'

Creating and Recreating Shakespeare', the Congress will look 4 the continuing global
relevance of Shakespeare's work through a varied programme of plenaries, panels, seminars
and workshops.

With amongst is By over being in at
1 is 2 in 3 With 4 at

29. The world / The world #8311 cold

A good way to make sure that people police themselves is to get them to 1
essentially the same stories about what the world is and why the way it is good, 2
and beautiful. The world needs to be 3 , needs to be justified by arguments about
nature, philosophical principles, history or the gods. People will find their 4 in such a
world. They will learn 5 hopes they might reasonably hold for themselves.

place whose describing what true profitable lofts defy described believe
1 believe 2 true 3 described 4 place 5 what

30. Private school / Private school #8310 hot

Private schools in the UK are redoubling their marketing efforts to foreigners. Almost a third
of the 68,000 boarding pupils at such schools 1 come from overseas. But now, with
many UK residents 2 or unable to afford the fees and a cultural 3 away from
boarding, many schools are looking abroad to survive. Overseas students now 4 for
about 500 m pounds of fee income a year for boarding schools in the UK.

fuss unwilling unhappy account until already shift weigh
1 already 2 unwilling 3 shift 4 account

31. Research / Research #8309 cold

Research is a process of investigation leading to new 1 effectively shared and is

central to the 2 of any university. Students have the right to be taught by
acknowledged 3 in their field, which requires that staff members operate at the most 12 / 134
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advanced level appropriate to their 4 and level. Research is, therefore, crucial to a
5 student experience from further education to doctoral development.

positive purpose discretion novices experts experiment journey discipline insights
1 insights 2 purpose 3 experts 4 discipline 5 positive

32. Techniques / Techniques #8308 cold

In the process of studying these techniques, I learned something 1 : that there's far
more potential in our 2 than we often give them credit for. I'm not just talking about
the fact that it's possible to memorise lots of 3 using memory techniques. I'm talking
about a lesson that is more 4 , and in a way much bigger: that it's possible, with
training and hard work, to teach oneself to do something that might seem really 5 .

difficult minds faith general remarkable system redundant incipient information
1 remarkable 2 minds 3 information 4 general 5 difficult

33. Botswana / Botswana #8307 hot

Although Botswana is rich in diamonds, it has high unemployment and stratified

socioeconomic classes. In 1999, the nation 1 its first budget deficit in 16 years
2 of a slump in the international diamond market. Yet Botswana 3 one of the
wealthiest and most stable countries on the African 4 .

suffered remains enjoyed because lake while endure continent
1 suffered 2 because 3 remains 4 continent

34. Shrimp farm / Shrimp farm #8293 hot

1 the past two decades around a third of the world's mangrove swamps have been
2 for human use, with many turned into valuable shrimp farms. In 2007 an economic
study of such shrimp farms in Thailand showed that the commercial profits per hectare were
9,632 dollars. If that were the only 3 , conversion would seem an excellent idea.
However, proper 4 shows that for each hectare government subsidies formed 8,412 13 / 134
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dollars of this figure and there were costs, too: 1,000 dollars for pollution and 12,392 dollars
for losses to ecosystem services. These comprised damage to the supply of foods and
medicines that people had taken from the forest, the loss of habitats for fish, and less
buffering against storms. And because a given shrimp farm only stays 5 for three or
four years, there was the additional cost of restoring them afterwards.

converted factor productive interactive By accounting percentage index deserved
1 Over 2 converted 3 factor 4 accounting 5 productive

35. Dances / Dances #8276 hot

Dance has played an important role in many musicals. In some 1 , dance numbers are
included as an excuse to add to the colour and spectacle of the show, but dance is more
effective when it forms an integral part of the 2 . An early example is Richard Rodgers
On Your Toes, 1936, in which the story about classical ballet meeting the world of jazz
enabled dance to be introduced in a way that 3 , rather than interrupts the drama.

thinkings elevating cases music enhances plot
1 cases 2 plot 3 enhances

36. Conflicts / Conflicts #8211 hot

Most of us are 1 of open conflict and avoid it if we can. And there is a 2 to

expressing and working through conflict. If the working involves harsh words and name-
calling, people feel deeply hurt and relationships can be 3 . Some group members
may be afraid that if they really 4 their anger, they may go out of control and become
violent, or they may do this. These fears can be very 5 and based on experience.

previous scared benevolent risk real damaged benefit screw express press
1 scared 2 risk 3 damaged 4 express 5 real

37. Genetically modified corn / Genetically modified corn #8190 hot

Almost no one regards corn with suspicion. But the 1 can't be said for humans'
ingenious ability to engineer the plants we eat. Genetically modified, GM, crops are viewed 14 / 134
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with 2 hostility that they are barely grown in Europe. However, a new study by an
independent group of scientists, who have done the most comprehensive 3 of the
evidence so far, shows that our aversion to GM food is pointless, 4 and harmful to

scientific those some sickness such same unscientific review
1 same 2 such 3 review 4 unscientific

38. Emotions / Emotions #8162 cold

As research has shown, emotions are contagious. And empaths are especially 1 to
others' emotional energies. Because they're so attuned to others. They can get easily
exhausted in crowds, be drawn into codependent 2 , exhaust themselves trying to
solve others' problems, or burn out from too much caregiving. Yet empathy is also a gift that
brings greater 3 and understanding. Some of the finest therapists, doctors, nurses,
professors, writers, designers, musicians, artists and leaders in many have been empaths.

insight relationships fruitless sites comprehension sensitive
1 sensitive 2 relationships 3 insight

39. Next task / Next task #8106 warm

Having tracked down research that is 1 to your area of interest, the next task is to
actually make 2 of that research. This section is intended to show you how to be
critical of the research you are 3 and how to check that the 4 is credible and
represented appropriately. Unfortunately, this means discussing the ways in which research
findings may be misrepresented.

relevant positive resetting evidence reviewing room sense saying
1 relevant 2 sense 3 reviewing 4 evidence

40. Sun temperature / Sun temperature #8105 hot

The sun provides the primary source of energy driving Earth's climate system, but its
1 have played very little role in the climate changes 2 in recent decades. 15 / 134
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Direct satellite 3 since the late 1970s show no net increase in the Sun's 4 ,
while at the same time global surface temperatures have increased.

teaching measurements observed output way variations inlet measured
1 variations 2 observed 3 measurements 4 output

41. Substances / Substances #8026 warm

There are a number of substances, toxic as well as non-toxic, which are being added to the
environment by pollution-caused 1 . These are, in fact, the undesirable consequences
of modern civilization. These substances, which are continuously going into air, water and
soil, bring about undesirable 2 in physical, chemical and biological 3 of our
environment and the life 4 of animals and plants.

aspects aspect events outcomes routines changes processes processed
1 events 2 changes 3 aspects 4 processes

42. Risk-taking / Risk-taking #8018 warm

An individual's propensity to take risks is influenced by their own experience and that of
others. The key 1 in risk-taking is the balancing of perceptions of the risk and the
possible rewards, and this balance may be a 2 of an individual's particular type of
3 .

personality feature fame reason reflection nationality
1 feature 2 reflection 3 personality

43. Animal motion / Animal motion #8005 cold

Insects walk on water, snakes 1 , and fish swim. Animals move with astounding grace,
speed, and versatility: how do they do it, and what can we learn from them? How to Walk on
Water and Climb up Walls takes readers on a wondrous journey into the world of animal
2 . From basement labs at MIT to the rain forests of Panama, David Hu shows how
animals have adapted and evolved to 3 their environments, taking advantage of
physical laws with results that are startling and ingenious. 16 / 134
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motion walk slither pass traverse position
1 slither 2 motion 3 traverse

44. Supply and demand / Supply and demand #7970 hot

The supply of a thing, in the phrase " supply and demand, " is the amount that will be offered
for sale at each of a series of prices; the demand is the amount that will be bought at each of
a series of prices. The principle that value depends on supply and demand means that in the
case of nearly every commodity, more will be bought if the price is lowered, less will be
bought if the price is 1 . Therefore sellers, if they wish to induce buyers to take more
of a commodity than they are already doing, must reduce its price; if they raise its price, they
will sell less. If there is a general falling off if in demand, due, say, to trade depression, sellers
will either have to 2 prices or put less on the 3 ; they will not be able to sell the
same 4 at the same price. Similarly with supply. At a certain price a certain amount
will be offered for sale, at a higher price more will be offered, at a lower price less. If
consumers want more, they must offer a higher price; if they want less, they will probably be
able to force prices down. That is the first result of a change in demand or supply.

raised way raising market reduce take amount byte
1 raised 2 reduce 3 market 4 amount

45. World Factory / World Factory #7963 frozen

In China's modern day economic history the Open Door Policy refers to the new policy
1 by Deng Xiaoping in December 1978 to open the door to foreign businesses that
wanted to set up in China. Special Economic Zones were set up in 1980 in his 2 that
in order to modernise China's industry and 3 its economy, it needed to welcome
foreign direct investment. Chinese economic policy then 4 to encouraging and
supporting foreign trade and investment. It is the turning point in China economic fortune
that 5 started China on the path to becoming' The World's Factory'.

announcing boost shifted hinder idea belief announced truly altered actually
1 announced 2 belief 3 boost 4 shifted 5 truly

46. Time measuring / Time measuring #7962 frozen 17 / 134
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According to archaeological evidence, at least 5, 000 years ago, and long before the
1 of the Roman Empire, the Babylonians began to measure time, introducing
calendars to co-ordinate communal activities, to plan the 2 of goods and, in
particular, to regulate planting and harvesting. They based their 3 on three natural
cycles: the solar day, marked by the successive periods of light and darkness as the earth
rotates on its axis; the lunar month, following the phases of the moon as it orbits the earth;
and the solar year, defined by the changing seasons that accompany our planet's revolution
around the sun.

advent implement bonus calendars month shipment
1 advent 2 shipment 3 calendars

47. City cleaner / City cleaner #7955 frozen

Rather than 1 at the next beetle or wasp in your way, you might want to thank them
for helping to keep city streets clean. Researchers from North Carolina State University
working in New York City found that hungry urban arthropods play a significant role in the
disposal of trash. For example, in a small section of Manhattan called the Broadway West
Street corridor, insects consume the equivalent of 60, 000 hot dogs a year that would
otherwise be lying in the street. And that's 2 the bugs stop chowing down in winter.
To assess how much 3 food bugs got rid of, the researchers placed 4
amounts of hot dogs, potato chips and cookies at 21 park sites and 24 street medians.
Contrary to their prediction, location played an even bigger role in garbage 5 than
biodiversity did, insects gobbled up two to three times more food in the street medians than
they did in the parks. The study appears in the journal Global Change Biology. If all that
garbage disposal still does not make you an arthropod admirer, then consider this: by
competing with larger pests for resources, insects help keep rat populations down. There's
some food for 6 .

usual discarded cringing thought measured suitable placement honor cringe
assuming showing consumption
1 cringing 2 assuming 3 discarded 4 measured 5 consumption 6 thought

48. Blood and organ / Blood and organ #7896 frozen

回忆要点:说的是Blood 和器官的关系,什么做心房chamber__bloood进来,可以选的词
有get/permit/。 后来又说了什么blood咋样了,啊啊啊记不得了,有考过类似的欢迎补
充。 18 / 134
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49. Britain's past / Britain's past #7884 hot

The transitions which occurred in Britain around 100 BC, and after 43 AD, when the Roman
Army 1 Britain, represent the key points of socio-economic trend in Britain's past.
During the first century BC, the traditional communal form of life 2 rapidly to a world
where certain individuals become more important. During the first century AD, Britain
3 fully a part of the Roman Empire.

unload became shifted enlarged becoming invaded
1 invaded 2 shifted 3 became

50. Self-defeating habits / Self-defeating habits #7883 frozen

Don't allow yourself to slip into self-defeating habits, such as procrastinating. Try to keep a
1 going in your study. Scatter blocks of study with short breaks to limit fatigue. If you
study solidly for a couple of hours, make sure you give yourself fifteen minutes or so before
you start up again. Think positively about yourself and your situation. Challenge the negative
thoughts that 2 into your mind and cause you unnecessary stress at times, such as'
I'm going to fall',' I'll end up blowing my future, my challenge of getting a career'. You don't
have any need to think catastrophically, it's not achieving anything. In fact, it's doing you a
lot more harm than good, because it's distracting you away from what you need to do. Learn
to become more relaxed in your daily life. There are simple techniques, such as breathing
exercises and 3 muscular relaxation exercises, as well as guided imagery, which can
help you to feel calmer, and more focused. The Macquarie University Counselors can help
you with these techniques. Some do relaxation tapes for students.

progressive creep status escape momentum processing
1 momentum 2 creep 3 progressive

51. Power station / Power station #7720 hot

The ruins of the South Fremantle Power Station have stood empty since 1985, home only to
urban explorers and street 1 . Opened in 1951, the power station was once a pillar of
progress for the expanding energy 2 of Perth. Here is stood proud and strong for 34
years, supplying energy to its surrounding metropolis until 1985 when it was deemed to no 19 / 134
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longer be worth the 3 . The doors were shuttered, and the plant's four tall chimney
stacks were demolished, leaving the rest of the plant to rot by the sea.

cash supply demands artists money collectors
1 artists 2 demands 3 money

52. John Milton / John Milton #7647 hot

John Milton wrote in a wide range of genres, in 1 languages, and on an extraordinary

range of subjects. His was a more general 2 than is offered at Cambridge these days,
and it continued after his seven years here, equipping him with the tools to write some of the
most 3 literature ever seen, and to engage as a polemicist on many different social,
political, and theological 4 .

discipline groundbreaking simulations education few mediocre questions several
1 several 2 education 3 groundbreaking 4 questions

53. Silk Road / Silk Road #7554 warm

The Silk Road has often been 1 for the spread of infectious diseases in the past
between East Asia, the Middle East and Europe. While such a hypothesis seems plausible,
there is actually very little 2 evidence to prove that diseases were 3 by early
travellers moving along its 4 branches.

transmit incorrect various concrete claimed blamed transmitted individual
1 blamed 2 concrete 3 transmitted 4 various

54. British landscape / British landscape #7545 frozen

回忆要点:讲通过现有证据复盘英国大陆的迁移,British 的landscape 选的词语有


55. Development of language / Development of language #7544 frozen

回忆要点:讲语言的发展, 说到现在人们也只是has been only catch up and has 一部

分,词语有subtle,improvement, proved, newer 20 / 134
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56. Fossil fuels / Fossil fuels #7505 hot

But look beyond fossil fuels for the most intriguing trends. One is that the energy intensity of
the world economy, the amount of energy it takes to produce one dollar's worth of 1 ,
keeps falling, at a rate of about 2 percent. What this means is that even without any change
in the 2 shares of fossil-based and fossil-free sources in the world's energy mix, we
could have 2 percent annual economic growth without increasing carbon emissions from
energy use. Of course that is not enough to 3 climate change and we need more
economic growth than that. It is 4 a stunning number, which refutes the claim by
some environmentalists that permanent economic growth is fundamentally incompatible
5 finite physical resources.

nonetheless income however assimilate relative irrelevant address with by
1 income 2 relative 3 address 4 nonetheless 5 with

57. Active learning classrooms / Active learning classrooms #7494 hot

Active learning classrooms, ALCs, are student-centered, technology-rich classrooms. They

are easily identified with their large 1 tables and movable seating designed to
improve student 2 in class. Typically, each table is accompanied by a whiteboard and
flat-screen monitor to display student work and larger rooms frequently have miniature bulb
and microphones and at each table. In this way, students are able to 3 if they have
questions or want to speak to the 4 room. ALCs provide the hands-on environment
that has transformed old class from passive 5 to very active group design work.

lecture partly solid circular engagement words entire score signal sign
1 circular 2 engagement 3 signal 4 entire 5 lecture

58. Helping others / Helping others #7469 cold

There are many different ways to help other people. Perhaps the most common of these
involves giving others 1 help. In our society, there are many individuals who
spontaneously help others in this way. Additionally, there are others who belong to
organisations which have been set up to provide help to specific groups, such as the elderly,
the disabled, and those with serious physical or 2 health problems. Most importantly, 21 / 134
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there are many 3 , such as nursing, occupational therapy and social work, which
involve professionals who are trained to provide or organise practical help for others. And,
4 helping other people in a practical way, many volunteer and professional helpers
also make use of some counselling skills. These skills can be very useful in enabling people
to feel better as described in this book and our book, Counselling Skills in Everyday Life.
However, it needs to be 5 that just being able to make use of some counselling skills
does not qualify a person as a counsellor.

outer occupations that recognizing theoretical recognised practical mental job
1 practical 2 mental 3 occupations 4 while 5 recognised

59. Management / Management #7468 cold

Event management is particularly 1 from an operational viewpoint. In many cases,

events are staged on sites where everything has been set up over a 24-hour period, with all
elements carefully 2 . In contrast, many events are years in the planning: large
convention bids are often won five years before the event is held. For the very 3
bidding process, budgets need to be developed and prices quoted, requiring a good
understanding of market, economic and political trends, as well as consumer choices. This
long-term view is the basis of strategic management, which is covered in Part 1, and focuses
on the event concept, feasibility of the event, legal compliance and financial management.
Marketing is a critical 4 factor and other important topics of this first section, many
events involving long-term sponsorship 5 with key industry players. Relationship
building is particularly challenging since there are so many stakeholders involved in events,
including government agencies at many levels. Part 1 will look at all these aspects, including
strategic risk, before moving on to the second part where operational planning and
implementation will be covered in detail.

ranging competitive rational wrong challenging synchronised simulated success
program arrangements
1 challenging 2 synchronised 3 competitive 4 success 5 arrangements

60. Carbon prices / Carbon prices #7467 hot

Carbon prices in the European Union also reached their highest level in a decade this
summer following a series of 1 meant to limit the oversupply of 2 and expand
many industries subjected to the cap. The biggest development of all may be in China, the 22 / 134
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world's largest greenhouse gas emitter, which has taken steps toward its own 3
trading programme. China's move has the 4 to narrow the gap between global
carbon prices and climate costs to 63 percent in the early 2020s, OECD found.

potential emissions credits reforms trends mission merits reforming
1 reforms 2 credits 3 emissions 4 potential

61. Multitask / Multitask #7466 frozen

Training does not improve the ability to 1 . In 2009 Eyal Ophir, and then at Stanford
University, and his colleagues discovered that multitasking on the Internet paradoxically
makes users less effective at 2 from one task to another. They are less able to
3 their attention and are too vulnerable to distractions. Consequently, even members
of the " digital native " generation are unlikely to develop the cognitive 4 needed to
divide their time between various tasks or to instantly jump from one activity to another. In
other words, digital multitasking does little more than produce a dangerous illusion of
5 .

control concentrate switches release switching competence allocate incompetence
multitask spend
1 multitask 2 switching 3 allocate 4 control 5 competence

62. Plasmonic materials / Plasmonic materials #7465 hot

One of the best-studied applications of plasmonic materials is sensors for 1 chemical

and biological agents. In one approach, researchers coat a plasmonic nanomaterial with a
substance that 2 to a molecule of interest, say, a bacterial toxin. In the absence of the
toxin, light shining on the material is 3 at a specific angle. But if the toxin is present, it
will alter the frequency of the surface plasmon and, thus consequently, the angle of the
reflected light. This effect can be measured with great accuracy, 4 to even trace
amounts of the toxin.

reemitted binds using enabling bound reassured detecting enable
1 detecting 2 binds 3 reemitted 4 enabling 23 / 134
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63. London Zoo / London Zoo #7464 hot

It was a busy old time at London Zoo this week, reports the Daily Mail, where over 19, 000
animals were having their annual weight and height 1 . Some creatures, such as
rhinos, tigers, and okapis, had to be 2 on to specially constructed larger scales. The
3 are shared with other zoos across the world to allow keepers to compare
information about 4 species. The zoological manager named Mark Habben said: " We
have to know the vital statistics of each animal at the zoo, however big or small. "

checked famous cared statistics species endangered forced coaxed
1 checked 2 coaxed 3 statistics 4 endangered

64. Communicating with patients / Communicating with patients

#7463 hot

British doctors have been 1 to use simple language when communicating with their
patients, says the BBC. The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges says very often
correspondence contains complex medical jargon rather than plain and simple English.
Using of phrase " twice daily " to explain the 2 of a medicine is better than Latin
abbreviation " bd ". The Please Write to Me initiative is aimed basically at doctors working in
3 clinics, although it is the best practise for all clinicians who need to write clinical
letters and they are being asked to write directly to patients, rather than sending them a copy
of a letter 4 to their GP. The Academy suggests any medical words should be
5 in plain English.

inpatient outpatient confined translated penned transferred dosing banned urged
1 urged 2 dosing 3 outpatient 4 penned 5 translated

65. Trees / Trees #7462 hot

Trees may have a lot to teach us about being part of a 1 and how cooperation is
better for a society than 2 . Scientists are only just beginning to understand how it all
works, but we now know that trees growing together 3 all of the available resources
with each other. So, 4 trees in a very good position will supply food and water to
weaker trees that receive less sunlight. They do this 5 their roots, the soil and also the
networks of the tiny fungi that grow in the soil among them. 24 / 134
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test exclude competition across country rancid community share strong through
1 community 2 competition 3 share 4 strong 5 through

66. Air balloons / Air balloons #7453 hot

People used to travel using air balloons although it was not very safe option in the beginning
but it was 1 means of transport. There were no roads or quickest means of travel for
people so they took a risk of 2 in the air using this heated air vessel. Helium and
hydrogen were used later on as an improvement to the earlier design. The structure was very
aerodynamic and it works on the principle of displacement of air. Many kinds of 3
were used in the beginning, such as paper, plastic and even animal skin. The discovery of
hot air balloons was 4 as people were traditionally used to flying sky lanterns.
Nowadays, the technology is still used in 5 areas where there are no roads built yet.

accidental earlier necessary short materials traversing matter remote efficient
1 efficient 2 traversing 3 materials 4 accidental 5 remote

67. Marine turtles / Marine turtles #7452 frozen

Of the world's seven remaining species of marine turtles, almost all have been pushed to
1 levels. Hunting, habitat loss, plastics pollution, climate change, and accidentally
being caught in fishing nets continue to threaten the 2 of these large and long-living
creatures. Shell Beach, named after the shells that form its 90-mile 3 , is a vital
nesting ground for four of these marine turtle species.

endangered extent extinction exit existence excuse
1 endangered 2 existence 3 extent

68. Household health / Household health #7359 frozen

回忆要点:说的是household health, 很多人不介意multi family member, 尽管有相同

得有选项 use in/ use at 25 / 134
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69. Inflation / Inflation #7344 frozen

回忆要点:讲的inflation的影响,有提到building contract, International competition,选

70. Noisy place / Noisy place #7343 frozen

回忆要点: Students studying need quiet place to read and study, while others not.这些
学生喜欢noisy的地方学习,因为这些嘈杂的地方可以(gives,stops,aids,helps) them
concentrate on studying. 我选的helps 因为后面的内容都是说对学习的benefits, aids 有
点严重了吧 然后讲到music background也可以助于学习 但是TV programs就不行 只会
distracting你 另起一段 (Also), 选词还有thus 这有一句话解释. 学习之前还是把电视关掉吧
(leave,make)off 好像这还有这个空 一共4空,内容简单
71. Barefoot running / Barefoot running #7342 frozen

回忆要点:讲的是赤足跑barefoot running 1.先介绍了赤足跑是不穿鞋子no shoes 或者or

( minimal )shoes 2.然后讲赤足跑的优点(advantage)是,后面有写benefit 3.最后说
赤足跑可以降低受伤( Injuries)的风险
72. Pet animals / Pet animals #7338 hot

回忆要点:人们把pet animals 送去vet,防止他们infest or illness,research研究发现(我

填的found),这些structure and content of (我填的方法)examine xxxx,都是通过
(confuiling?不记得咋拼不认识),but xxx 失忆,选项有approach,context,found
73. Paris / Paris #7336 hot

In the preceding hundred years, Paris had been 1 stage for political and social
2 that had deeply affected all of Europe. The many ways in which tradition had
already been challenged and 3 during those years helped make it easier for those to
achieve a break with tradition art.

reasons shaken welcomed vacant centre movements
1 centre 2 movements 3 shaken

74. Pilates / Pilates #7329 frozen 26 / 134
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回忆要点: 新题普拉提 :Pilates 建立在New York 19XX,Pilates performing a (scene),

这个exercise 跳普拉提因为要stretching and something, increase your (flexibility)and
muscle endurance. 还有个空忘了,不长 一共三空 选词还有:knowledge, roles, 第一空本
来我想填flexibility 但看后面不行 第一空感觉不确定但看其他词跟词性只能选scene了
75. First impressions / First impressions #7326 frozen

First impressions based on facial appearance predict many important social outcomes. We
investigated whether such impressions also influence the communication of scientific
findings to lay audiences, a process that 1 public beliefs, opinion, and policy. First,
we investigated the traits that 2 interest in a scientist's work, and those that create
the impression of a " good scientist " who does high-quality research. Apparent competence
and morality were positively related to both interest and quality judgements, 3
attractiveness boosted interest but decreased perceived quality. Next, we had members of
the public choose real science news stories to read or watch and found that people were
more likely to choose items that were paired with " interesting-looking " scientists, especially
when selecting video-based communications. Finally, we had people read real science news
items and found that the research was judged to be of higher quality when paired with
researchers who look like " good scientists. " Our findings offer insights into the social
psychology of science, and indicate a source of bias in the dissemination of scientific
findings to broader society.

leads whereas encounter whatnot shapes engender
1 shapes 2 engender 3 whereas

76. MPhil / MPhil #7320 hot

This MPhil 1 students from a wide range of academic, business and political
2 to the traditions, methods, and state-of-the-art research that shape an advanced
analysis of human society. The MPhil is an eleven-month course designed for those who
wish to go on to do doctoral research or 3 for those who 4 want to improve
their understanding of methodology and analysis and attain an independent postgraduate
degree in its own right.

introduces simply mutually separates preferences grudgingly equally backgrounds
1 introduces 2 backgrounds 3 equally 4 simply 27 / 134
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77. Geography / Geography #7314 hot

Many famous geographers and non-geographers have attempted to define the discipline in a
few short words. The concept has also changed throughout the ages, making it difficult to
create a 1 , universal geography definition for such a dynamic and all-encompassing
subject. After all, Earth is a big place with many 2 to study. It affects and is affected
by the people who live there and use its 3 . But basically, geography is the study of
the 4 of Earth and the people who live there, and all that encompasses.

resources surface options concise side complex facets method
1 concise 2 facets 3 resources 4 surface

78. The wool market / The wool market #7312 cold

The wool market was extremely important to the English mediaeval economy and wool
1 the English export trade from the late-thirteenth century to its 2 in the late-
fifteenth century. Wool was at the forefront of the establishment of England as a European
3 and economic power and this volume was the first study of the mediaeval wool
market in over 20 years. It investigates in detail the scale and scope of advance 4 for
the sale of wool; the majority of these agreements were formed between English monasteries
and Italian merchants, and the book focuses on the data contained within them.

bureaucratic contracts dominating incline concepts political decline dominated
1 dominated 2 decline 3 political 4 contracts

79. Climate change prediction / Climate change prediction #7267 hot

All kinds of predictions may be about to get even more difficult 1 climate change.
Though no one is sure 2 what its effects will be, it seems that extreme weather
conditions 3 storms and hurricanes are 4 become more common. Such
events have far reaching effects on distant weather systems, making general forecasting
much harder.

such as exactly actually because that thanks to for example likely to difficult to
1 thanks to 2 exactly 3 such as 4 likely to 28 / 134
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80. Computer science / Computer science #7266 frozen

What can computer science tell us about what biological systems do and how they do it?
Can these chemical information-processing functions be 1 in digital computing
systems? What are the 2 of developments in computer science in understanding the
nature of causality? Aaron Sloman, author of Computer Revolution in Philosophy 3
into the world of connexions between ideas developed in computer science, biology and
philosophy, providing new 4 into some fundamental questions about the nature of
consciousness and free will.

dips insights delves replicated replication methods implications implicated
1 replicated 2 implications 3 delves 4 insights

81. Class participation / Class participation #7265 hot

Because instructional methods, expected class participation and the nature of the courses
vary, no fixed number of absences is applicable to all 1 . Each 2 is responsible
for making clear to the class at the beginning of the 3 his or her policies and
procedures in regard to class 4 and the reasons for them.

decade assistance instructor limitations situations attendance semester structure
1 situations 2 instructor 3 semester 4 attendance

82. Western firms / Western firms #7263 hot

What such a map would have failed to reveal, however, was the changing nature of the
1 put in place by Western firms as they shifted work around the globe. It is often
assumed that when Western firms, or any firm for that matter, reach out across 2 to
establish a factory outlet here, an assembly plant there or a subsidiary in some far-off
3 , they do so through directly investing and thereby wholly owning such facilities. In
the 1970s and 1980s, among the low-cost manufacturing overseas operations, this was
indeed often the case, but increasingly Western firms started to conduct their business at-a-
distance through a variety of indirect means, of which subcontracting became the principal
4 .5 is a way of putting out work to partner firms on a defined, contractual
basis, where the tasks involved are specified precisely, as are the turnaround times and the 29 / 134
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quality of the finished goods. As a business arrangement, it is more flexible than owning
factories overseas and more enforceable than a 6 market exchange relationship.

arrangement far-reaching borders straightforward Subcontracting positions location
Contract service connections range areas
1 connections 2 borders 3 location 4 arrangement 5 Subcontracting 6 straightforward

83. Secondary school / Secondary school #7253 hot

Secondary school can be a lonely place for 1 who don't have a best friend or a group
of 2 friends. Young people will be more skilled in the art of making genuine friends,
and keeping them, if they know how to be 3 , are optimistic about life, have some
4 social skills and have a relationship with a parent or carer that includes 5

assimilate adulthood trusted honest trust basic royal assertive odd adolescents
1 adolescents 2 trusted 3 assertive 4 basic 5 honest

84. Physical activity / Physical activity #7252 hot

Participating regularly in physical activity has been shown to benefit an individual's health
and 1 . Regular physical activity is important in reducing the risk of 2 diseases,
such as heart diseases and stroke, obesity, diabetes and some forms of cancer. The National
Physical Activity Guidelines for Adults 3 at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity
physical activity, 4 every day of the week, to 5 health benefits.

fast situation insist recommend chronic wellbeing obtain loose preferably normally
1 wellbeing 2 chronic 3 recommend 4 preferably 5 obtain

85. Medicare / Medicare #7237 cold

It is understandable that the government would look outside of Medicare to get the
efficiency-related changes it 1 . If Medicare was capable of delivering those 2 ,
it would have already done so. The objections to making such a move will be about the
potential 3 of 4 from Medicare 30 / 134
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Given how labor-intensive the current system is, this will be a genuine concern, but one that
is facing all industries dealing with modernisation through improved technology.

services changes helps jobs wants loss increase decrease
1 wants 2 changes 3 loss 4 jobs

86. T-shirt / T-shirt #7234 frozen

How does a T-shirt originally sold in a U.S. shopping mall to 1 an American sports
team end up being worn by an African teen? Globalisation, consumerism, and recycling all
2 to connect these scenes. Globalisation has made it possible to produce clothing at
increasingly lower prices, prices so low that many consumers consider this clothing to be
3 . Some call it " fast fashion, " the clothing 4 of fast food.

durable aggravate uneven converge promote disposable concave equivalent
1 promote 2 converge 3 disposable 4 equivalent

87. Digital technology / Digital technology #7228 frozen

回忆要点:关于数字化的,不知道是不是新题,第一个空大概是受digital technology 的影
响,有更多的internet and 什么communication,我选的mobile...中间的空忘记了,最后一
个空是,前面有一句话然后逗号,什么() ‘the things of internet'。 选项里的单词有
results, phone ,mobile, interacting 只记得有这些了...

88. UK political spectrum / UK political spectrum #7208 frozen

回忆要点:考到一个比较难的,讲uk的 “across UK political spectrum", "although

elusive", "at the expense of" 没找到

89. Carbohydrate / Carbohydrate #7126 frozen

回忆要点:考了一道新题拖拽,大概是讲carbohydrate is produced in(),这个空我选的

bulks,后来回来查了一下好像应该填plants。第二个空是 as (simple) as a sugar, 后面紧跟
了一句 as complex as 什么sugar,最后一个空是可以(supply)什么energy. 阅读90 第一
90. Scrambled memory / Scrambled memory #7121 hot 31 / 134
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Memories can become scrambled, sometimes in the process of attempting to 1

something. You might relate a story to a friend but 2 include some mistaken details.
Later, as you attempt to recall the 3 , you might come across your memory of the
scrambled recall attempt instead of your original memory. Memory is malleable. It is not, as
4 thought, like a museum piece sitting in a display case.

restore retrieve episode wittingly unwittingly section arduously commonly
1 retrieve 2 unwittingly 3 episode 4 commonly

91. Bards / Bards #7091 frozen

Ancient Celtic bards were famous for the sheer 1 of information they could memorise.
This included thousands of songs, stories, chants and 2 that could take hours to
recite in full. Today we are pretty spoiled. Practically the whole of human 3 is
conveniently available at our fingertips.

letters quantity poems quality pathways knowledge
1 quantity 2 poems 3 knowledge

92. Additives / Additives #7079 frozen

93. Repetitive syllables / Repetitive syllables #7074 hot

Assessments of language learning in 18-month-olds suggest that children are better at

grasping the names of objects with repeated syllables, over words with non-identical
syllables. Researchers say the study may help explain 1 some words or phrases,
such as' train' and' good night', have given rise to versions with repeated syllables, such as
choo-choo and night-night. The researchers say such words are easier for infants to learn,
and may provide them 2 a starter point for vocabulary learning

A team from the University of Edinburgh assessed the infants' language learning behaviour in
a series of 3 and attention tests using pictures on a computer screen of two
unfamiliar objects. The two objects were named with made-up words which were 4 to
the infants by a recorded voice - one with two identical syllables, for example neenee, and
the other without repeated syllables, such as bolay 32 / 134
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The infants were then tested for their 5 of 6 made-up word. Recordings of
their eye movements showed they looked more reliably at the object labeled with repeated
syllables, than the other object
Researchers validated their results with a control test, in which the infants responded to
pictures of familiar objects, such as a dog or an apple.

with what communicated all why visual in each recognition expectation
communicating genuine
1 why 2 with 3 visual 4 communicated 5 recognition 6 each

94. Temperature / Temperature #7063 hot

Green spaces contribute significantly to a 1 of soil and aerial temperatures during

spells of hot weather, so contributing to human wellbeing. In the garden 2 , there is,
however, little information as to what extent various types of plants 3 in their cooling
potential and how certain planting combinations may maximise cooling under a scenario of
4 rainfall and minimal water inputs.

alternate dropped differ context increase background reduction low
1 reduction 2 context 3 differ 4 low

95. Citizenship education / Citizenship education #7055 hot

Civics and citizenship education builds students' knowledge and understanding of the ways
in which citizens can actively 1 in Australia's diverse and inclusive society. Students
learn about the civic institutions and the 2 through which decisions are made for the
common good of the 3 and they also develop the 4 and understandings that
relate to the organisation of a harmonious democratic society.

participate processes involve community wills precision humanity skills
1 participate 2 processes 3 community 4 skills

96. Cargo / Cargo #7042 frozen

回忆要点:空大概是 一个(Cargo)货船的名字大概是个人名 撞了, the (ruin) of 货船

里面很多吨的oil ( pump )from until ship (wreck) sink. 因为做错了,所以记得特别清 33 / 134
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97. Trees / Trees #6988 warm

Trees, as ever, are or should be at the heart of all 1 on climate change. The changes
in carbon dioxide, in temperature, and in patterns of rainfall will each affect them in many
ways, and each parameter 2 with all the others, so between them, these three main
3 present a bewildering range of possibilities.

interacts discussions variables chat parameters notes
1 discussions 2 interacts 3 variables

98. Suez Canal / Suez Canal #6960 hot

Britain became the largest 1 in the canal in 1875, purchasing its interest from the
Egyptian khedive. The Convention of Constantinople signed by the major European powers
in 1888 keeps it open for free 2 to all nations in time of peace or war. Britain became
the 3 of the canal's neutrality and management was left to the Paris-based Suez
Canal Co.

guarantor shareholder commuter proprietor passage vessels
1 shareholder 2 passage 3 guarantor

99. Recommended energy intake / Recommended energy intake

#6957 hot

Recommended energy intakes are difficult to 1 even among individuals of the same
age, sex, weight, height and general pattern of 2 . Therefore the energy requirement
for healthy people is often 3 as the amount of energy needed to 4 the status

maintain entities expressed impose obtain calculate excised activity
1 calculate 2 activity 3 expressed 4 maintain

100. Mindfulness / Mindfulness #6933 frozen 34 / 134
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回忆要点: Mindfulness 对人有好处,对人的brain functions ... scientists 做了practice,

practice有点成功然后 participants get lower responses (这题分了两小段)

101. Eutrophication / Eutrophication #6891 cold

Eutrophication, is a process when bodies of water 1 to a high nutrient level due to

extensive fertiliser in the soil. The water becomes overly enriched with minerals and nutrients
which induce excessive growth of 2 and other aquatic species which may 3
minerals in the water, thus endanger other species.

deplete accumulate reach delete destroy algae
1 accumulate 2 algae 3 deplete

102. Fossilized trackway / Fossilized trackway #6861 frozen

A fossilised trackway on public lands in Lake County, Oregon, may reveal 1 about the
ancient family dynamics of Columbian mammoths. Recently excavated by a 2 from
the University of Oregon Museum of Natural and Cultural History, the Bureau of Land
Management and the University of Louisiana, the trackway includes 117 footprints thought to
represent a number of 3 as well as juvenile and infant mammoths.

clues adults organization children concepts team
1 clues 2 team 3 adults

103. Global ecosystem / Global ecosystem #6838 hot

Whether measured by greenhouse gas concentrations, deforestation rates or declining fish

stocks, current 1 consumption and production patterns threatened to exceed the
capacity of global ecosystems and the world community must 2 efforts to pursue
environmentally 3 economic growth and, meet our commitments to future

smell sound unsustainable accelerate alleviate unusual
1 unsustainable 2 accelerate 3 sound 35 / 134
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104. Human brain / Human brain #6836 frozen

回忆要点:第一个空 .......human (brain), layers of ....neurons....process information....第

二个空...friends' (faces) online..... 备选选项还有 history 这个词
105. Radioactivity V2 / Radioactivity V2 #6833 hot

So why the concern? It's partly 1 radioactivity is invisible. If you receive a large dose,
or if you 2 radioactive heavy metals, it is certainly toxic, and we tend to 3 it
with cancer, a great fear in modern 4 . Nuclear waste is also highly concentrated.
While this is seen as a " problem " it can be an advantage, it is very localised and its
radioactive nature, means we can detect easily, the movement of tiny amounts of material.

ingest investment society because induce associate attract which
1 because 2 ingest 3 associate 4 society

106. Mathematics and science / Mathematics and science #6828 hot

样,。。。。更容易获得工作机会,。。。。 记得的空有Mathematics and science are
both [broad]disciplines; …… [participation] at home, ………[obtaining] job opportunities;
回忆2:借楼说一个:(discreted )skills, (participation)in home and x activities and
obtaining (employment)。。。。(effectively) uses....不知道对不对,求大神复盘 总
结一下: Mathematics and science are both 【broad】disciplines; helping them lift out
of the【poverty】 下个空是…extreme【poverty】 …… 【participation】 at home,
………【obtaining】 job opportunities; have an opportunity to 【succeed】 in their life
and future. 【broad disciplines】广泛的学科;【discrete】 adj. 离散的,不连续的;
【Lift them out of poverty】固定搭配;帮助他们脱贫
107. Mathematics and statistics / Mathematics and statistics #6818

Mathematics and statistics play a 1 in almost all daily activities. They are at the
2 of advances in science and technology, as well as providing 3 problem-
solving and decision-making tools in many 4 of life. 36 / 134
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areas novel heart content bottom process indispensable part
1 part 2 heart 3 indispensable 4 areas

108. Electric eels / Electric eels #6801 hot

Electric eels are born to shock. Thanks to cells called electrocytes which, stacked like
batteries, make up 80 percent of their bodies, these cunning South American 1 can
deliver debilitating blows of up to 600 volts to their prey. But they've harnessed their
electricity to pack even bigger punches. Last year, Vanderbilt University biologist Kenneth
Catania revealed electric eels bring their positively charged head and negatively charged
2 closer together to generate a more powerful 3 .

employees hunters wave current loss tail
1 hunters 2 tail 3 current

109. Playwright Shakespeare / Playwright Shakespeare #6798 hot

Shakespeare produced most of his 1 between 1589 and 1613. His early plays were
comedies and histories, 2 he raised to the peak of sophistication and artistry by the
end of the 16th century. He then wrote tragedies until about 1608, including Hamlet, King
Lear, Othello, and Macbeth, considered some of the finest 3 in the English language.
In his last phase, he wrote tragicomedies, also known as romances, and 4 with other

works examples cooperated samples productions causes genres collaborated
1 works 2 genres 3 examples 4 collaborated

110. Ambergris / Ambergris #6795 frozen

章,没有找到,如果近期有要考试的,可以看看这篇文章 网站链接是找到的英文背景知识链接,并
非原文,希望同学补充。 37 / 134
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111. Long-term goal / Long-term goal #6794 hot

回忆要点:long term goal can be divided into short term (realistic/naturalistic) goal..........
(in order to) achieve this you need to ...........(along the way/ timely). 大概是这样,一共四
112. Ponzi scheme / Ponzi scheme #6744 hot

Ponzi is 1 . His original scheme was based on the legitimate arbitrage of international
reply coupons for 2 stamps, but he soon began diverting new investors' money to
make 3 to earlier investors as 4 .

infamous monthly payments carton rate postage fiasco interest
1 infamous 2 postage 3 payments 4 interest

113. Two 'Norths' / Two 'Norths' #6735 frozen

Mapping software works with your phone's GPS for the location and then the in-built
1 finds north, adjusting to the direction you're facing and 2 the way. But
that's not easy because there are two' norths'. There's 3 north, which is the direction
of the North Pole and which reliably stays put, and there's 4 north which, thanks to
the flowing layer of molten iron in the Earth's outer 5 , has a habit of moving around.

true core pointing campus sticking compass program spherical magnetic core
1 compass 2 pointing 3 true 4 magnetic 5 core

114. Geologist / Geologist #6728 frozen

回忆要点:考了一篇讲geologist的, 拖词题,说geologists研究from the largest to the

smallest(scale, observations, probe) 我不确定。后面提到geologists 进行(expedition) 去
115. Civilization / Civilization #6724 frozen 38 / 134
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I use the word civilization now for the first time, because before the Bronze Age there is
nothing that we would 1 as civilization. Civilization involves the establishment of
permanent dwelling areas that we call 2 as opposed to villages. Agricultural villages
will have existed all over the place in the late Stone Age, in the Neolithic Period, as it is
known. But there is a difference and the critical difference is that a city contains a number of
people who do not 3 for their own support. That is to say, they don't 4 food.
They need to acquire it from somebody else. 5 , they do various things like governing
and are priests, and are bureaucrats, and are 6 in other nonproductive activities that
depend upon others to feed them. That's the narrowest definition of cities.

cities provide decrease engaged produce lead Instead countries persuade
whereas define probe
1 define 2 cities 3 provide 4 produce 5 Instead 6 engaged

116. Control variables / Control variables #6721 frozen

回忆要点:控制变量法 (control variables in lab) 说控制一个变量 (independent 是空) 让其

他保持不变 (constant 是空) 很难 然后还有说怎么证明 (hypothesis 是空)
117. Intelligence comparison / Intelligence comparison #6720 frozen

回忆要点:Brain size and intelligence 不是讲动物那篇鸡精 是讲人与人的intelligence

comparison。 A centre-view of HUMAN (human是一个空)intelligence, 然后说很难去
比较 limited (limited也是一个空)resource之后 最后一句是 something has become
increasingly LIKELY (干扰项是 remote,prevent,species)

118. Pupil charity / Pupil charity #6719 warm

My school in the city of London held a 1 competition. In the community, I was voted
as the chairman. We 2 48, 000 pounds and I won the first place in the end. During
this period, I learnt a lot and realised the importance of 3 and how to 4 other
pupils' awareness.

tenacity rouse raised money recognize earned skill charity
1 charity 2 raised 3 tenacity 4 rouse

119. Concrete jungle / Concrete jungle #6716 hot 39 / 134
Duoink | 多墨PTE 清香 30-Jul-2023 11:36

Spending too much time in the concrete jungle is bad for city 1 health and could have
potentially catastrophic 2 for the environment, conservation biologist Richard Fuller
will argue during a seminar at the University of Canberra today

Dr Fuller, a 3 in biodiversity and conservation at the University of Queensland and

CSIRO, will explore the fact that although there's evidence that the well-being of humans
increases with 4 to our surrounding biodiversity, the 5 for people to
experience nature are declining rapidly in the modern world.

lecturer consequences dwellers' colleague origins exposure opportunities
researchers' meaning respect
1 dwellers' 2 consequences 3 lecturer 4 exposure 5 opportunities

120. Contemporary capitalism / Contemporary capitalism #6715 frozen

The growth of contemporary capitalism is 1 a broad sweep of environmental and

social ills, such as environmental degradation, 2 labour conditions, social and
economic inequity, and mental and physical illness. A growing 3 of these significant
consequences by an " ethical " consumer segment has catalysed a field of research
dedicated to investigating ethical consumerism. Of particular academic and practitioner
focus is the general failure of this ethical consumer segment to " walk their talk ", the ethical
consumption attitude, behaviour' gap'.

producing knowledge leading exploitation awareness exploitative
1 producing 2 exploitative 3 awareness

121. Financial crisis / Financial crisis #6707 hot

Since the beginning of the financial crisis, there have been two principal 1 for why so
many banks made such disastrous decisions. The first is structural. Regulators did not
regulate. Institutions failed to 2 as they should. Rules and guidelines were either
inadequate or 3 . The second explanation is that Wall Street was 4 , that the
traders and investors didn't know enough, that they made extravagant bets without
understanding the consequences.

explanations noticed function resemble predicting incompetent ignored provisions
答案词 40 / 134
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1 explanations 2 function 3 ignored 4 incompetent

122. Fingermarks / Fingermarks #6704 frozen

Fingerprints, referred to as " fingermarks " in forensics, are formed when residue from the
ridged skin of the fingers or palms is 1 onto a surface, leaving behind an impression.
Fingermarks are often made of sweat and colourless 2 materials such as soap,
moisturiser and grease. These fingermarks are described as " latent " as they are generally
invisible to the naked eye, which means that 3 them at a crime scene can be

stored meaning locating clarifying contaminating transferred
1 transferred 2 contaminating 3 locating

123. Credit cards / Credit cards #6702 hot

回忆要点:一道新题讲credit cards。 credit cards an( ) increase 在过去几年,过去用

credit card ()purchases像 家具等大件,现在随着()credit card可以买各种 选项:

124. Dog emotion / Dog emotion #6701 hot

Can dogs tell when we are happy, sad or angry? As a dog owner, I feel 1 not only that
I can tell what kind of 2 state my pets are in, but also that they respond to my
emotions. Yet as a hard-headed scientist, I try to take a more 3 and pragmatic view.
These 4 observations seem more likely to result from my desire for a good
relationship with my dogs.

emotional inferior rational common moody confident personal passive
1 confident 2 emotional 3 rational 4 personal

125. Pine martens / Pine martens #6670 frozen

Studies of pine martens in Scotland have shown that the diet varies 1 with small
mammals, berries in late summer or autumn, and small birds being the main foods. Recent
work in a plantation has shown that martens 2 their home ranges in areas 3
by forests and dense shrubs. Within home ranges, martens utilise areas of grassy vegetation 41 / 134
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within the forest which are typically associated with Microtus voles, for which a strong
selective 4 over other small mammals is shown.

preach preference establish dominated seasonally lately decision complicated
1 seasonally 2 establish 3 dominated 4 preference

126. Note / Note #6668 frozen

回忆要点:一个讲考场注意事项, 不准带任何形式的note的题, (prohibit) 任何note,无论

有没有( referring or consulting不确定用哪个)note, put note in (promise) place.
127. Economists and ecologists / Economists and ecologists #6665

There is a pointless argument between economists and ecologists over which 1 is

more important, the ecosphere or the economy? The materialist 2 is that their fates
are interlinked. We know the natural world only by interacting with it and transforming it:
nature 3 us that way. Even if, as some supporters of' deep ecology' 4 , the
earth would be better off without us, it is to us that the task of saving it falls.

answer thoughts produced state reply grew crisis argue
1 crisis 2 answer 3 produced 4 argue

128. Sacrifice themselves / Sacrifice themselves #6654 frozen

回忆要点:讲物种(group动物)在敌人来前发出声音来牺牲自我保护同类。 记得几个
空,benefit the ( group) the group will survive; 。。。保护了同类,though (endanger)
themselves; attract ( unwanted) attention to themselves *意外之意可能是知道要死,但也
不能不救同类;最后一句:a survey of 某大学地名(我选的research, 这里个我比较纠结的
是argued)选词后是个逗号!!, showing 大猩猩🦍不会有此类行为*不会就同伴啦。* 求大神
复盘 *
129. E-learning / E-learning #6651 hot

回忆要点:考了另一个关于一个E-learning 的 选项有 opportunities mode modules

requirements commitments, 我第一个选的 commitments(意思好像是我们有很多其他要做
的事), 第二个选的是mode of study ( 新的学习方式), 然后选的是 opportunities to do 42 / 134
Duoink | 多墨PTE 清香 30-Jul-2023 11:36

something, 然后选了 modules (安排和老师discussion的module)备选项里还有一个

requirements 请大神复原
130. Statistics / Statistics #6647 frozen

回忆要点:统计学相关 statistics human 前有一个空。说even 统计数据are___后面不记得

了。选项有benefit calculated encountering
131. Micro-finance / Micro-finance #6646 frozen

回忆要点:拖拽新题关于Micro-finance 很短,空很多,词有express experience …… 求

132. Lithium / Lithium #6645 warm

The lightest of any solid element, lithium has, until now, played a 1 role in industry.
Silvery in colour, and softer than lead, it has been used mainly as an alloy of aluminium, a
base for automobile grease, and in the 2 of glass and ceramics. It is so 3 that
it is never found in its pure form in nature. Lithium floats on water, or, 4 , it skitters
wildly about, trailing a vapour cloud of hydrogen, 5 it dissolves.

but unstable even modest until intuition rather acute unknown production
1 modest 2 production 3 unstable 4 rather 5 until

133. The American People / The American People #6630 hot

The American People: Creating a Nation and a Society examines U.S. history as revealed
through the 1 of all Americans, both ordinary and extraordinary. With a thought-
provoking and rich presentation, the authors explore the complex lives of Americans of all
national 2 and cultural backgrounds, at all levels of society, and in all 3 of the

origins beliefs observations materials regions experiences
1 experiences 2 origins 3 regions

134. Low fertility / Low fertility #6627 hot 43 / 134
Duoink | 多墨PTE 清香 30-Jul-2023 11:36

Low fertility is a concern for many OECD countries as they face the prospect of population
ageing. This article makes 1 between Australia and seven other OECD countries in
fertility rates between 1970 and 2004. Changing age 2 of fertility are also compared
and show that for most of the countries, women are 3 childbirth and having fewer
babies. The 4 of women's education levels and rates of employment with fertility are
also 5 .

notions postponing gaps sense accelerating associations explored compared
patterns comparisons
1 comparisons 2 patterns 3 postponing 4 associations 5 explored

135. Iceland / Iceland #6557 hot

On average, Iceland 1 a major volcanic event once every 5 years. Since the Middle
Ages, a third of all the lava that has 2 the earth's surface has erupted in Iceland.
However, according to a recent geological hypothesis, this estimate does not include
3 eruptions, which are much more extensive than those on the land surface.

spread experiences outside submarine covered explodes
1 experiences 2 covered 3 submarine

136. Transport policy / Transport policy #6543 frozen

Despite transport problems being a topic of frequent dinner table conversation,

comprehensive 1 of policy directions for transport has been the subject of remarkably
little academic analysis. This chapter introduces the 2 of the book, which is intended
to help redress this 3 . The primary focus is on 4 transport policy, with the
emphasis being on policy analysis rather than analysis of the policy process. Importantly, the
chapter sets out some key propositions that have been important in shaping the authors'
approach to the particular matters that are considered in subsequent chapters.

content earlier urban scope assessment feedback entertainment shortcoming
1 assessment 2 scope 3 shortcoming 4 urban

137. Leading scientists / Leading scientists #6511 hot 44 / 134
Duoink | 多墨PTE 清香 30-Jul-2023 11:36

The Life Science Institute at the University of Michigan achieves 1 in biomedical

research by bringing together the world's leading scientists from a variety of life science
disciplines to 2 breakthroughs and discoveries that will improve human health. With
close to 400 scientific staff members, the LSI is exploiting the power of a 3 and
interdisciplinary approach to biomedical research in an open-laboratory facility.

ambitions accelerate quit excellence collaborative positive
1 excellence 2 accelerate 3 collaborative

138. Pewter / Pewter #6503 frozen

Pewter is an attractive metal which has been used for the 1 of household and other
items in Britain since Roman times. It is an alloy 2 mostly of tin which has been
3 with small amounts of other metals such as copper, lead or antimony to 4 it
and make it more durable.

soften consisting distribution production mixed dried containing harden
1 production 2 consisting 3 mixed 4 harden

139. McLuhan / McLuhan #6425 frozen

McLuhan's preeminent theory was his idea that human history could be 1 into four
eras: the acoustic age, the literary age, the print age and the electronic age. He 2 the
concept in a 1962 book called The Gutenberg Galaxy, which was 3 just as the
television was starting to become popular

He 4 the world was entering the fourth, electronic age, which would be characterise
by a community of people brought together by technology
He called it the " global village ", and said it would be an age when everyone had 5 to
the same information through technology. The " global village " could be understood to be
the internet.

described closed access predicted released highlighted submerged divided will
1 divided 2 outlined 3 released 4 predicted 5 access 45 / 134
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140. Tidal energy / Tidal energy #6407 hot

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency " ARENA " has 1 2. 49 million to cover a
portion of the cost of a collaborative project led by the Australian Maritime College at the
University of Tasmania, in 2 with The University of Queensland and CSIRO. The 5. 85
million' Tidal Energy in Australia - Assessing Resource and Feasibility to Australia's Future
Energy Mix' project will map the country's tidal energy in unprecedented detail before
assessing its ability to contribute to Australia's energy needs. Lead chief investigator
Associate Professor Irene Penesis from the University of Tasmania said the project would
help overcome 3 to investment in commercial-scale tidal farms in Australia.' With
some of the largest tides in the world, Australia is 4 for this extremely reliable and
low-carbon form of energy,' she said.

part beneficial barriers partnership awarded generated ideal difficulty
1 awarded 2 partnership 3 barriers 4 ideal

141. Donors / Donors #6406 hot

Americans approached a record level of generosity last year. Of the 260.28 bn given to
charity in 2005, 76.5 percent of it came from individual 1 . These people gave across
the range of non-profit bodies, from museums to religious 2 , with a heavy 3
on disaster relief after the Asian tsunami and US hurricanes. In total, Americans gave away
2.2 percent of their household income in 2005, slightly above 40-year 4 .

government all indebtedness atheist organisations donors average emphasis
1 donors 2 organisations 3 emphasis 4 average

142. What is music / What is music #6395 hot

What is music? In one sense, this is an easy 1 . Even the least musical among us can
recognise 2 of music when we hear them and name a few canonical 3 . We
know there are different kinds of music and, even if our 4 of music is restricted, we
know which kinds we like and which kinds we do not.

classes notions question issue pieces volume examples knowledge
答案词 46 / 134
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1 question 2 pieces 3 examples 4 knowledge

143. Durkheim / Durkheim #6368 frozen

Durkheim found humanistic studies uninteresting, 1 from psychology and philosophy

to ethics and eventually, sociology. He graduated with a degree in philosophy in 1882.
Durkheim's views could not get him a major academic appointment in Paris, so from 1882 to
1887 he taught philosophy at several provincial schools

In 1885 he 2 Germany, where he studied sociology for two years. Durkheim's period
in Germany 3 the publication of numerous articles on German social science and
philosophy, which 4 in France, earning him a teaching appointment at the University
of Bordeaux in 1887.

resulted in leave for left for gained recognition receiving his attention hit reputation
leading of turning his attention
1 turning his attention 2 left for 3 resulted in 4 gained recognition

144. Octopus / Octopus #6367 frozen

If consciousness comes in degrees, then how far along on the spectrum is the octopus?
Octopuses almost certainly feel pain. They nurse and protect 1 body parts, and slow
a preference not to be touched near wounds. In addition to feeling pain, octopuses also have
2 sensory capacities: excellent eyesight, and acute sensitivity to taste and smell.
This, together with their large nervous systems and 3 behaviour makes it all but
certain. The question of what subjective experience might be like for an octopus is 4
by the odd relationship between its brain and body.

exquisite made complicated complex injured simple sophisticated hurting
1 injured 2 sophisticated 3 complex 4 complicated

145. Reading process / Reading process #6366 hot

Reading is an active process, not a 1 one. We always read within a 2 context,

and this affects what we notice and what seems to matter. We always have a purpose in
reading a text, and this will shape how we 3 it. Our purpose and background
knowledge will also 4 the strategies we use to read the text. 47 / 134
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volume determine approach specific ingrained predominate digital passive
1 passive 2 specific 3 approach 4 determine

146. Indian monsoon / Indian monsoon #6362 frozen

回忆要点:阅读fib考到一道将印度季风的 第一句是the Indian monsoon is among the

most example of serious weather cycle. (As) wind from winter to summer. 我在网上都不

147. Pullman historic district / Pullman historic district #6353 frozen

Built in 1880 on 4,000 acres of 1 outside of the Chicago city limits, Pullman, Illinois,
was the first industrial planned 2 in the United States. George Pullman, of the
Pullman railroad Car Company, built the south residential portion of the company town first,
which contained 531 3 , some of which stand today more or less as they did originally.

community soil factories workers houses land
1 land 2 community 3 houses

148. An assessment / An assessment #6350 frozen


149. Sports / Sports #6349 frozen

回忆要点:讲的是Sport最先是Survival skills, (这之间有个空,我选的好像是tightly)但现

在的sports多用于(recreational)xx and enjoyment,其中提到了一些sports例如hunting,
fashing, 等。然后说hunting was (originally) for xxx(记得是打猎食物等等意思),但现在
update吧。总结一下我选的三个词是(tightly) (recreational) (originally), recreational确定,
150. The Roman people / The Roman people #6347 frozen

The Roman people had at first been inclined to regard the French Revolution with either
indifference or 1 . But as the months went by and the 2 who remained in the 48 / 134
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city were less and less 3 of an early return home, the mood of the Romans became
increasingly antagonistic towards the' assassins of Paris'. The nationalisation of Church
property in France, the confiscation of papal territories, the dwindling of contributions and
the paucity of tourists and pilgrims all contributed to an exacerbation of this antagonism.
When the French Convention, determined to gain international recognition for the Republic,
dispatched envoys to Rome, the people turned upon them in fury.

derision dispatch hopeful emigres inhabitants cheerful
1 derision 2 emigres 3 hopeful

151. Gauss / Gauss #6346 frozen

Gauss was a child prodigy. There are many 1 concerning his precocity as a child, and
he made his first ground-breaking mathematical 2 while still a teenager

At just three years old, he 3 an error in his father payroll calculations, and he was
looking after his father's accounts on a regular 4 by the age of 5. At the age of 7, he
is reported to have amazed his teachers by summing the integers from 1 to 100 almost
instantly, having quickly spotted that the sum was actually 50 pairs of numbers, with each
pair summing to 101, total 5,050 . By the age of 12, he was already attending gymnasium
and criticising Euclid's geometry.

anecdotes reviewed basis corrected reputation meeting discoveries researchers
1 anecdotes 2 discoveries 3 corrected 4 basis

152. Biological systems / Biological systems #6334 hot

Since biological systems with signs of 1 engineering are unlikely to have arisen from
accidents or coincidences, their 2 must come from natural selection, and hence
should have 3 useful for survival and reproduction in the environments in which
humans evolved.

organisation functions ideas behaved complete complex
1 complex 2 organisation 3 functions

153. Environment of studying / Environment of studying #6321 frozen 49 / 134
Duoink | 多墨PTE 清香 30-Jul-2023 11:36

Some students say that they need complete quiet to read and study. Others study best in a
crowded, noisy room because the noise actually 1 them concentrate. Some students
like quiet music playing; 2 do not. The point is, you should know the level of noise
that is optimal for your own studying. However, one general rule for all students is that the
television seems to be more of a distraction than music or other background noise, so
3 the TV off when you are reading or studying. 4 , don't let yourself become
distracted by computer games, email, or Internet surfing.

counterparts put Also remain However helps leave others
1 helps 2 others 3 leave 4 Also

154. Psychoanalytic and behaviorist / Psychoanalytic and behaviorist

#6317 frozen

Elements of both the psychoanalytic and behaviourist theories 1 in modern

approaches to personality. Advances in neuroscience have begun to 2 the gap
between biochemistry and behaviour, but there is still a great deal that needs to be
explained. Without a consistent understanding of personality, how can we begin to 3
risk takers? If we cannot, we will be unable to 4 their genes with those of others.

confront arrange categorise bridge sort compare media set
1 arrange 2 bridge 3 categorise 4 compare

155. Coral reef / Coral reef #6302 hot

Coral reefs support more marine life than any other ocean ecosystem and are, not 1 ,
a favourite pursuit for many divers. But as well as being physically and biologically
spectacular, coral reefs also 2 the livelihoods of over half a billion people. What is
more, this number is expected to 3 in coming decades while the area of high-quality
reef is expected to halve. In combination with the very real threat of climate change, which
could lead to increased seawater temperatures and ocean acidification, we start to 4
at some quite frightening scenarios.

oppose surprisingly double decreasing leave support arrive occasionally
1 surprisingly 2 support 3 double 4 arrive 50 / 134
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156. Well-being / Well-being #6291 frozen

Life in the UK 2012 provides a unique overview of well-being in the UK today. The report is
the first snapshot of 1 in the UK to be delivered by the Measuring National Well-being
programme and will be 2 and published annually. Well-being is discussed in terms of
the economy, people and the environment. Information such as the unemployment rate or
3 of crimes against the person are presented alongside 4 on people's
thoughts and feelings, for example, satisfaction with our jobs or 5 time and fear of
crime. Together, a richer picture on' how society is doing' is provided.

busy updated leisure set hordes number life goal range data
1 life 2 updated 3 number 4 data 5 leisure

157. Landlord / Landlord #6238 frozen

回忆要点: 回忆一道新的拖拽fib。罗马时期还是过去的哪个时期,landlord showed great

(defense)supplying food to the town ,and 在那时耕地(limited),and in remote area and
no(access) 干扰项有一个developments

158. Educational psychologists / Educational psychologists #6120


回忆要点:Some years ago, educational psychologists conducted that main (1) That...忘
记了 (2) These include social variable,motivation,intelligence,还有一个 我在背的时候
白云小哥来收本子了 因为时间结束了 all four in school has equal (3) 选项有
effect/components/reason/ achievement考过大神求复盘

159. A Hong Kong group / A Hong Kong group #6117 frozen

回忆要点:一个香港组织HKUST 好像是这个 说香港有很多人听力不好 所以创建了一个

app 第一个空选的however 干扰项 therefore consequently although。还有个空选的(as
well)to public 还有俩空忘了

160. The essence of reasoning / The essence of reasoning #6115 cold

One of the most eminent of psychologists, Clark Hull, 1 that the essence of reasoning
lies in the putting together of two' behaviour segments' in some 2 way, never actually
performed before, so as to reach a goal 51 / 134
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Two followers of Clark Hull, Howard and Tracey Kendler, 3 a test for children that was
explicitly based on Clark Hull's principles. The children were given the task of learning to
4 a machine so as to get a toy. In order to succeed they had to go through a two-
stage sequence.

operate demonstrated novel conceived devised new claimed manipulate
1 claimed 2 novel 3 devised 4 operate

161. American executive / American executive #6045 hot

The American executive, unlike the British, has no connexion with the legislature, and this
lack of 1 between executive and legislature is one of the 2 features of
American federal government. The Constitution guarded against executive control by
3 federal officials, whether civil or military, from membership in Congress.

disqualifying distinctive dissatisfying subordination coordination notorious
1 coordination 2 distinctive 3 disqualifying

162. Electric motor car experiment / Electric motor car experiment

#6029 frozen

回忆要点: 有个新题electrical improvements to project signal outline since Experiment

Project in the early 1920s seem to show signal the End of product electric car(大意说有
个电动车的实验,但量产是不可能的) improvements, project, signal和show不确定选了

163. Recruitment approaches / Recruitment approaches #5964 hot

The six programmes represented here report that word of mouth is by far their most 1
recruitment tool, particularly because it typically yields candidates who are similar to
previously successful candidates. Moreover, satisfied candidates and school systems are
likely to 2 the word without any special 3 on the part of their programme.
Other, less personal advertising approaches, such as radio and television spots and local
newspaper advertisements, have also proven fruitful, 4 for newer programmes. New
York uses a print advertising campaign to inspire dissatisfied professionals to become
teachers. Subway posters send provocative 5 to burned-out or disillusioned
professionals. " Tired of diminishing returns? Invest in NYC kids " was just one of many
Madison Avenue-inspired invitations. News coverage has also proven to be a 6 to 52 / 134
Duoink | 多墨PTE 清香 30-Jul-2023 11:36

alternative programmes. When the New York Times, for example, ran a story about the
district's alternative route programme, 2,100 applications flooded in over the next six weeks.

methods across vividly messages boom various effective strength boon
especially effort spread
1 effective 2 spread 3 effort 4 especially 5 messages 6 boon

164. Research about attitude / Research about attitude #5960 frozen

Finally, this study was 1 with students who were enrolled in lower-level classes.
Future research may 2 the findings of this study with other college students in upper-
level classes. This would help 3 if students' expectations, experiences, and
perceptions 4 constant or change.

performed re-explore ballad remain determine reproach conducted become
1 conducted 2 re-explore 3 determine 4 remain

165. Bilingual / Bilingual #5939 frozen

Roberto's story is just one of 1 success stories. Research has shown that bilingual
education is the most 2 way both to teach children English and ensure that they
succeed academically. In Arizona and Texas, bilingual students 3 outperform their
peers in monolingual programmes. Calexico, California implemented bilingual education, and
now has dropout rates that are less than half the state average and college 4 rates of
more than 90 percent. In El Paso, bilingual education programmes have helped raise student
scores from the lowest in Texas to among the highest in the nation.

acceptance decent effective consistently countless prominent redundancy
1 countless 2 effective 3 consistently 4 acceptance

166. Women's Day / Women's Day #5938 frozen

之类的,有人考到了吗 53 / 134
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167. Pre-Raphaelite / Pre-Raphaelite #5902 hot

Pre-Raphaelitism was Britain's most significant and influential 19th-century art movement.
Founded in 1848, it 1 on a group of three young artists: William Holman Hunt, Dante
Gabriel Rossetti and John Everett Millais. These artists sought to revive English art by
radically turning away from the old studio 2 and bringing painting into direct 3
with nature. With an eye for absolute 4 , every detail was now to have intense realist
as well as 5 meaning.

contact tradition accuracy symbolic centred relation delicacy counted persuasive
1 centred 2 tradition 3 contact 4 accuracy 5 symbolic

168. Network / Network #5889 hot

Researchers suggest the following tips as you begin to network, seek common ground,
1 with your network regularity, and consistently 2 yourself to making your
network work or it will wither. It is a skill that you need to 3 , not a talent.

direct apply enquire concentrate engage practise
1 engage 2 apply 3 practise

169. Movie and still pictures / Movie and still pictures #5888 frozen

回忆要点:A movie is a sequence of still pictures. A ___(separate/continuous) movement

... is an ___ (illusion/idea). When you see the first picture, you remember.. it's a ...什么现
象.. When you see the second picture, your brain will... ___(blend) into the first one...
170. Career / Career #5852 frozen

Finding challenging or 1 employment may mean retraining and moving from a stale or
boring job in order to find your 2 and pursue it. The idea is to think long range and
anticipate an active lifestyle into later years, perhaps into one's 80s or 90s. Being personally
productive may now mean anticipating retiring in stages. This might indicate going to an
alternate 3 should a current career end by choice or economic chance.

候选词 54 / 134
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passion plan rewarding emotion direction expensive

1 rewarding 2 passion 3 plan

171. Fingerprints / Fingerprints #5828 hot

Fingerprints can 1 that a suspect was actually at the scene of a crime. As long as a
human entered a crime scene, there will be traces of DNA. DNA can help the police to
2 an individual to crack a case. An institute in London can help 3 DNA and
be used to match with the 4 taken from the crime scenes.

demonstrate retain prove evidence identify samples reserve determine
1 prove 2 identify 3 reserve 4 samples

172. Dendrochronology / Dendrochronology #5825 frozen

A bonus of dendrochronology is that the width and substructure of each ring 1 the
amount of rain and the 2 at which the rain fell during that particular year. Thus, tree
ring studies also allow one to reconstruct 3 climate; e. g., a 4 of wide rings
means a wet period, and a series of narrow rings means a 5 .

past time drought previous show series aridity humid reflect season
1 reflect 2 season 3 past 4 series 5 drought

173. Communicate confidently / Communicate confidently #5816 frozen

回忆要点:讲的是how to confidently communicate in a group. 是几个key points的形式. ·

第一点: confident to “make 还是 offer ” presentations · 第二点: try to “control” the
group ·第三点:dont afriad to ask “basic” question 阅读还没出分,请大家斟酌!

174. Chaucer's Tales / Chaucer's Tales #5806 warm

Chaucer's Tales quickly 1 through England in the early fifteenth century. Scholars feel
The Canterbury Tales 2 their instant and continued success because of their accurate
and oftentimes 3 portrayal of human nature, unchanged through 600 years since
Chaucer's time George Macy, founder of The Limited Editions Club wrote on The Canterbury
Tales. 55 / 134
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picturesque vivid spread reached purged got
1 spread 2 reached 3 vivid

175. Smart organisms / Smart organisms #5797 cold

Some of the most basic organisms are smarter than we thought. Rather than moving about
randomly, amoebas and plankton employ sophisticated 1 to look for food and might
travel in a way that 2 their foraging

Immediately after an amoeba turned right, it was twice as likely to turn left as right again, and
vice versa, they told a meeting of the American Physical Society meeting in Denver,
Colorado, last week. This suggests that the cells have a rudimentary 3 , being able to
remember the last direction they had just turned in.

strategies thoughts memory optimises experience polishes
1 strategies 2 optimises 3 memory

176. Particle and neutron / Particle and neutron #5772 frozen

The electrons that 1 closest to the nucleus are strongly 2 . They are called
bound electrons. The electrons that are farther away from the pull of nucleus can be
3 out of their orbits. These are called free electrons. Free electrons can move from
one atom to another. This movement is known as electron flow. Electricity is the movement
or flow of electrons from one atom to another.

attracts charged forced orbit attracted attract
1 orbit 2 attracted 3 forced

177. Business etiquette / Business etiquette #5771 hot

回忆1.大概讲澳洲和欧洲的生意还是什么一种模式吧 我猜的 好多单词不会 然后和Asia相比
较 选词有 contributed/unsubxxx/differ/还有好几个生词😂😂 一共挖了三个空
回忆2.考过 关键词是Business etiquette in Australia relatively America and European of
openness blunt and transparent Asian 很多词缺了时间太久hhhh transparent是个空 56 / 134
Duoink | 多墨PTE 清香 30-Jul-2023 11:36

回忆3.Australian business etiquette .. America and Europe,but it (differs)... taken in

Asia,.....less blunt and (hierarchical).....Egalitarian ... than it was,......
(transparent) 选项有 contributes ,unusable
178. Linguistic effects / Linguistic effects #5755 hot

An important corollary of this focus on language as the window to legal epistemology is the
central role of 1 to law and other sociocultural processes. In particular, 2
people hold about how language works " linguistic ideologies " combine with linguistic
structuring to create powerful, often unconscious effects. In recent years, linguistic
anthropologists have made much progress in developing more precisely analytic 3 for
tracking those effects.

tools implements disclosure discourse the facts that the ideas that
1 discourse 2 the ideas that 3 tools

179. No parents / No parents #5745 frozen

For many first-year students, the University may be their first 1 living away from home
for an extended period of time. It is a 2 break from home. The individual's usual
3 of support are no longer present to 4 adjustment to the unfamiliar
environment. Here are tips for students which may provide realistic expectations concerning
living arrangements and social life on campus. In addition, students may benefit from
information concerning resources available to them at the Counselling Centre.

assist adventure natural consequences experience facilitate sources definite
1 experience 2 definite 3 sources 4 facilitate

180. Lake Turkana / Lake Turkana #5735 hot

Lake Turkana is a large lake in Kenya, East Africa. This 1 of Africa was home to some
of the first humans. Here, archaeologists have found piles of 2 " both human and
animal " and collections of stones that humans used as 3 . By carefully uncovering
and 4 these remains, scientists have started to put together the story of our earliest
ancestors. In 2001, a 4-million-year-old skeleton was uncovered in the area. Although a link
between it and modern-day humans has not been established, the skeleton shows the
species was walking upright. 57 / 134
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indicating tools bones weapons city resins examining part
1 part 2 bones 3 tools 4 examining

181. Desert / Desert #5685 frozen

Wind-blown 1 of sand from dunes may carry far inland, covering fields and diverting
streams. More seriously, drifting sands can bury whole buildings and transform 2 land
into desert. However, dunes can be made more stable by the artificial 3 of marram
grass, a plant so robust that it can find 4 even in sand. The grass spreads over the
5 of the dune, protecting it against wind, while its roots bind the sand together.

grains surface nourishment interior brown gibe planting fertile features colorful
1 grains 2 fertile 3 planting 4 nourishment 5 surface

182. Free trade agreements / Free trade agreements #5661 frozen

Over the years, to increase trade, many countries have created free trade agreements with
other countries. Under the framework of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and World
Trade Organization, countries opened up their borders and agreed to 1 trade barriers,
which saw the emergence of International Trade and expanded economic globalisation. For
example, in 1994, the United States, Mexico, and Canada signed the North American Free
Trade Agreement " NAFTA ", which ultimately 2 all tariffs on trade goods between the
three nations. This 3 globalisation of goods and services, as well as people and
ideas, between these three countries.

forced removed used allowed remove evacuate
1 remove 2 removed 3 allowed

183. Introduction of a subject / Introduction of a subject #5660 frozen

回忆要点:有一个关于介绍一个什么学科 是涉及到各个方面 空应该是 each (aspect)备

选 选项中有复数形式,前面是each 所以选了单数,举例子说了tree 从(smallest)后面是
到 tallest,所以选smallest 还有俩空 记不住了,但是也比较好选 感觉不难 希望没错
184. Under-nutrition / Under-nutrition #5631 frozen 58 / 134
Duoink | 多墨PTE 清香 30-Jul-2023 11:36

Under-nutrition and related diseases kill between 15 and 18 million people a year, the
1 are children. At least 500 million are chronically hungry. The tragic paradox of
massive suffering 2 global plenty traces in 3 to widespread poverty, which
denies access to food 4 where it piles high in village market.

extent majority relation even minimal part none amid
1 majority 2 amid 3 part 4 even

185. Chimpanzees' gesture / Chimpanzees' gesture #5628 frozen

Chimpanzee posture, gestures, and facial expressions communicate many messages and
1 between various individuals. When 2 a dominant individual following an
absence or in response to an aggressive gesture, nervous 3 may approach with
submissive signals, crouching, presenting the hindquarters, holding a hand out,
accompanied by pant, grunts or squeaks. In response, the dominant individual may make
gestures of 4 , such as touching, kissing, or embracing.

behaviors reassurance attitudes subordinates emotions greeting meeting
1 emotions 2 greeting 3 subordinates 4 reassurance

186. Trade-off / Trade-off #5623 hot

" It appears that in the process of 1 specialised face-recognition abilities to quickly

and accurately 2 important information, there has been a trade-off where face-like
images in 3 orientations become especially difficult to process, " he says. " The
4 for this trade-off is unclear, but it probably 5 to the fact that you rarely see
inverted faces ", says Sheehan.

relates unexpected expect unprecedented evolving indicates reason intriguing
extract cause
1 evolving 2 extract 3 unexpected 4 reason 5 relates

187. London's National Portrait Gallery / London's National Portrait

Gallery #5602 hot 59 / 134
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London's National Portrait Gallery is currently celebrating the fifty-year 1 of

photographer Sandra Lousada. The twenty one portraits on display depict key figures in
literature, film and fashion from the early 1960s, 2 to the acquisition of forty portraits
by Lousada, the 3 at the National Portrait Gallery highlights shots taken between
1960 and 1964, many of which 4 in Lousada's book Public Faces Private Places
2008. Formal commissioned portraits are shown alongside behind the scenes photographs
taken on films 5 and unguarded portraits of sitters captured at home.

subsequent config demonstrate feature birthday career plays previous display
1 career 2 subsequent 3 display 4 feature 5 sets

188. E-learning / E-learning #5574 frozen

E-learning is the new way forward. We believe 1 in e-learning. Our innovative

approach opens up new 2 for busy professionals that simply did not previously exist,
the 3 to combine a prestigious Masters programme with a demanding professional
and personal 4 . Our small virtual classrooms facilitate intensive 5 and
collaboration among professionals from all over the world.

chance passionately communication positively demand interaction challenges life
opportunities experience
1 passionately 2 opportunities 3 chance 4 life 5 interaction

189. Musicals / Musicals #5573 frozen

One of the most popular forms of theatre is the musical. Combining drama, dance and
music, the musical has been around for over a century, and in that time has kept pace with
changing 1 and social 2 , as well as 3 in theatre technology. Many
modern musicals are known for their spectacular 4 , lighting and other effects.

demands sets instruments advances background tastes conditions improvements
1 tastes 2 conditions 3 advances 4 sets

190. Intellectual challenge / Intellectual challenge #5571 frozen 60 / 134
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So some of the time an intellectual challenge is to assimilate how similar we can be to others
species. In other cases the challenge is to appreciate how, though human physiology
1 that of other species, we use the physiology in novel ways. We activate the
classical physiology of vigilance while watching a scary movie. We activate a 2
response when thinking about mortality. We secrete hormones related to nurturing and social
bonding, but in 3 to an adorable baby panda. And this 4 5 to
aggression, we use the same muscles as does a male chimp attacking a sexual competitor,
but we use them to harm someone because of their ideology.

favour resembles applies level response pressure certainly refers surely stress
1 resembles 2 stress 3 response 4 certainly 5 applies

191. Hippocrates / Hippocrates #5570 frozen

Hippocrates allowed observation, rationality and his own genuine respect for his patients to
1 his practise " Garrison 94 ". Using the scientific method, he carefully 2 his
patient's symptoms and 3 to treatments, and used the data 4 to evaluate and
prescribe the most successful regimens. His prestige as a great medical 5 , educator,
and author helped spread these ideals of 6 medicine throughout the ancient world.

physician practitioner recorded show remembered respond traditional rational
guide gathered responses diagnosed
1 guide 2 recorded 3 responses 4 gathered 5 practitioner 6 rational

192. Ice Age / Ice Age #5569 cold

At the end of the last ice age, the melting ice disrupted the ocean currents in the North
Atlantic and 1 a drop in temperature of almost 5 degrees. Even 2 the rest of
the planet was warming 3 , the North Atlantic region remained in a cold period for
1300 years. The same thing happened 4 8000 years ago, when the cooling lasted
about a hundred years, and it 5 happen again today. Even a short period of cooling in
the North Atlantic could have a dramatic effect on the wildlife, and the human populations,
living there.

deem thus though resulted around up caused towards of could
1 caused 2 though 3 up 4 around 5 could 61 / 134
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193. Nutrition / Nutrition #5568 hot

Since nutrition scientists are constantly making new discoveries, we need to revise our
1 for healthy eating from time to time. However, nutrition is an art as well as a
2 . It's an art because it requires creativity to develop a healthy eating plan for people
who differ in their food preferences, beliefs and culture, let alone in their nutritional needs
according to their genes and life stage. As we discover more about how our genes and our
environment 3 , it's becoming increasingly difficult to provide a single set of dietary
recommendations that will be 4 for everyone.

invade foundations interact recommendations suitable subject helpful science
1 recommendations 2 science 3 interact 4 suitable

194. Antarctic / Antarctic #5567 hot

At the height of summer the Antarctic, tourist ships move gently around the coast. Even 30
years ago such sights would have been unthinkable, but today people are willing to pay large
sums of money to see the last real wilderness in the world. In the Arctic, careless human
exploitation in the 1 has damaged the fragile ecosystem. Today concerned
governments are trying to find ways to develop the region 2 caring for the very
special natural environment. 3 the Antarctic is less accessible AC than the Arctic, it is
still largely undamaged by humans, although holes in the ozoneAClayer above the Antarctic
have already been discovered. Many people believe that one way to preserve the area is to
make the whole region into a world park, with every form of exploitation internationally
4 .

for banned whereas present past Because while forbidden
1 past 2 while 3 Because 4 banned

195. Critical thinking / Critical thinking #5564 hot

Critical thinking involves looking at something you may have seen many times and examining
it from many different 1 and perspectives. It involves going beyond the 2 or
beyond " easy " to seek new understanding and rare 3 . It involves looking at common
issues with uncommon eyes, known problems with new scepticism, everyday conflicts with
probing 4 , and daily challenges with greater attention to detail. 62 / 134
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new angles solutions curiosity functions views ideas obvious
1 angles 2 obvious 3 solutions 4 curiosity

196. Accounting and finance / Accounting and finance #5560 warm

While accounting focuses on the day-to-day management of financial 1 and records

across the business world, finance uses this same information to project future growth and to
2 expenditure in order to strategize company finances. By studying this major you
get to have a better insight on the market, with the right 3 and skills acquired you
should be able than when you graduate to advise others in making strong investments. This
major will help you gain responsibility of predicting and 4 the potential for profit and
growth, assessing monetary resources, utilising accounting statistics and reports, and also
looking externally for future funding options.

reports analyse transfer using analysing knowledge leaf ground
1 reports 2 analyse 3 knowledge 4 analysing

197. Selfies / Selfies #5558 hot

To better understand selfies and how people form their identities online, the researchers
combed through 2.5 million selfie posts 1 Instagram to determine what kinds of
identity statements people make by taking and sharing the photos

Nearly 52 percent of all selfies, 2 the appearance category: pictures of people

showing off their make-up, clothes, lips, etc. Pics about looks were two times more popular
than the other 14 categories combined
3 appearances, social selfies with friends, loved ones, and pets were the most
common, 14 percent. Then came ethnicity pics, 13 percent, travel, 7 percent, and health and
fitness, 5 percent
The researchers 4 that the prevalence of ethnicity selfies, selfies about a person's
ethnicity, nationality or country of origin, is an indication that people are proud of their
backgrounds. They also found that most selfies are solo pictures, rather than taken with a
The data was gathered in the summer of 2015. The research team believes the study is the
first large-scale empirical research on selfies. 5 , an overwhelming 57 percent of
selfies on Instagram were posted by the 18 to 35 year-old crowd, something the researchers
say isn't too surprising 6 the demographics of the social media platform. The under-
18 age group posted about 30 percent of selfies 63 / 134
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The older crowd, 35 plus, shared them far less frequently, 13 percent . Appearance was most
popular among all age groups
Lead author Julia Deeb Swihart says selfies are an identity performance, meaning that users
carefully craft the way they appear online and that selfies are an extension of that. This
evokes William Shakespeare's famous line: " All the world's a stage, and all the men and
women merely players. "

fell into fall on when considering in Overall complete After concerning on noted
1 on 2 fell into 3 After 4 noted 5 Overall 6 considering

198. New ideas / New ideas #5556 hot

First, new ideas are the 1 of progress. Without them, stagnation 2 . Whether
you're a designer dreaming of another world, an 3 working on a new kind of
structure, an 4 charged with developing a fresh business concept, an advertiser
seeking a breakthrough way to sell your product, a fifth-grade teacher trying to plan a
memorable school 5 programme, or a volunteer looking for a new way to sell the
same old raffle tickets, your ability to 6 good ideas is critical to your success.

training executive make reigns assembly accountant idea engineer facets
generate marks wheels
1 wheels 2 reigns 3 engineer 4 executive 5 assembly 6 generate

199. Wind V2 / Wind V2 #5474 hot

Wind is air moving around. Some winds can move as fast 1 a racing car, over 100
miles an 2 . Winds can travel around the world. Wind can make you feel cold because
you lose heat from your body 3 when it is windy. Weather forecasters 4
5 know the speed and direction of the wind. The strength of wind is measured using
the Beaufort scale from wind force 0 when there is no wind, to wind force 12 which can
damage houses and buildings and is called hurricane force.

along hour need second faster bound steady to as of
1 as 2 hour 3 faster 4 need 5 to 64 / 134
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200. Population growth / Population growth #5468 hot

For two decades, leading up to the millennium, global demand for food 1 steadily,
along with growth in the world's population, record harvests, 2 in incomes, and the
diversification of diets. As a result, food 3 continued to 4 through 2000. But
beginning in 2004, prices for most grains began to rise. Although there was an increase in
production, the increase in demand was 5 .

prices inflation amount decline flucttuate increased larger decreased
improvements greater
1 increased 2 improvements 3 prices 4 decline 5 greater

201. The nature of human / The nature of human #5467 hot

Modern developments in areas such as neuroscience, artificial intelligence and evolutionary

psychology have resulted in new 1 of thinking about human nature. Can we explain
the mind and consciousness in 2 of brain function? Can we understand modern
human behaviour in terms of our evolutionary heritage? Is science even the right 3 to
start if we want to understand human nature? Come along the Great Debate, hear the
arguments and have your 4 .

words terms say danger place thoughts space ways
1 ways 2 terms 3 place 4 say

202. Education and well-being / Education and well-being #5466 frozen

Education and well-being have often been 1 . The idea that education can promote
individual well-being indirectly, by 2 earnings and promoting 3 mobility, is an
old one; so are notions of education helping to promote the good society by 4 to
economic growth and equality of opportunity.

engraving associated urban accustomed improving social living contributing
1 associated 2 improving 3 social 4 contributing 65 / 134
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203. Absence from work / Absence from work #5464 frozen

Absence from work is a costly and 1 problem for any organisation. The cost of
absenteeism in Australia has been put at 1.8 million hours per day or 1400 million annually.
The study reported here was 2 in the Prince William Hospital in Brisbane, Australia,
where, prior to this time, few active steps 3 been taken to measure, understand or
manage the 4 of absenteeism.

conducted disruptive occurrence conveyed had has discursive emergency
1 disruptive 2 conducted 3 had 4 occurrence

204. Breton language / Breton language #5463 hot

It is difficult to tell precisely when the Breton language was born. As early as the VIth century
the new country was 1 and known as " Lesser Britain ", but for many centuries its
language 2 close to the one of Great Britain, very close even to the dialect spoken in
the South West. The VIIIth century is the milestone where Breton, Cornish and Welsh are
3 as different languages.

considered remained established devised called contained
1 established 2 remained 3 considered

205. The University of Maryland / The University of Maryland #5462


The University of Maryland boasts 78 academic programmes 1 in the top 25

nationally and 29 academic programmes in the top 10 according to U.S. News and World
report. By drawing top-notch faculty, attracting the brightest students and 2 in the
quality of our academic programmes, we are a force to reckon with on a national 3 .

ranked devising basis investing stayed level
1 ranked 2 investing 3 basis

206. Frost's poetry / Frost's poetry #5457 frozen 66 / 134
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There's duplicity in Frost's poetry, and there's a certain doubleness in the figure that he
1 as a poet. I like to think of his obsession with 2 meanings, which he has, as
a way of responding to a division in culture, between popular and elite readers, a division
that he saw as 3 of a division in American culture between money and esteem,
business and art.

coalesce implementing master double expressive projects
1 projects 2 double 3 expressive

207. Women and military / Women and military #5455 frozen

回忆1.前一句讲一些 equality 的 平权法律后 women are “provided” jobs in
military,“nonetheless” they xxx (不能上前线还是怎样)
回忆2.With the advances of military, the demand of armed force is decreasing... // ...
(opened )more position to women, (including )... in military, (provided )they
work behind the front line of war.

208. Copyright / Copyright #5450 hot

Digital media and the internet have made the sharing of texts, music and images easier than
ever, and the 1 of copyright restriction harder. This situation has encouraged the
growth of IP law, and 2 increased industrial concentration on extending and' policing'
IP protection, while also leading to the growth of an' open access', or' creative commons'
movement which 3 such control of knowledge and 4 .

creativity enforcement prompted proves created law pressure challenges
1 enforcement 2 prompted 3 challenges 4 creativity

209. Theater / Theater #5438 frozen

回忆要点:讲的是很早之前的剧场 有Shakespeare的话剧演出 剧场在白天有演出 人们 人

多的时候三面都是人 我记得的空有where (artificial) light 希望考到的大神补充
210. Cheat / Cheat #5432 cold 67 / 134
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Although not written about extensively, a few individuals have considered the concept and
act of cheating in 1 as well as contemporary culture. J. Barton Bowyer writes that
cheating " is the advantageous distortion of perceived reality. The advantage falls to the
cheater because the cheated person 2 what is assumed to be the real world ". The
cheater is taking advantage of a person, a situation, or 3 . Cheating also involves the "
distortion of perceived reality " or what others call " deception ". Deception can involve
hiding the " true " reality or " showing " reality in a way intended to deceive others.

history none both misperceives perceives life
1 history 2 misperceives 3 both

211. Stock of Australian housing / Stock of Australian housing #5430


The stock of Australia's dwellings is 1 , with current homes having more bedrooms on
average than homes ten years ago. At the same time, households are getting smaller on
average with decreasing 2 of couple families with children and 3 couple only
and lone person households. This 4 examines the changes in household size and
number of bedrooms from 1994 - 95 to 2003 - 04.

sides article evolving proportions increasing particle stagnating leaping
1 evolving 2 proportions 3 increasing 4 article

212. Film / Film #5429 frozen

The universality of story Feature films are narratives, they tell stories. Even films based on
1 events will fictionalise them in order to produce drama, to telescope time, to avoid
being filled up with too many 2 characters, or simply to be more entertaining. Even in
the current welter of special-effect movies, feature films are usually summarised by their
plots, in their first' treatment' or outline of the script idea, in the advance publicity, in the TV
guide, in reviews, and in conversations. Films may differ from other 3 of narrative -
literary fiction or television drama, for instance, in the medium used and the representational
conventions. They do, however, 4 with literary fiction and television drama the basic
structure and functions of narrative. Much work has been done by researchers in the field
known as' narratology' on exactly what constitutes the structures and functions of the
narrative. Their conclusions are of great use to students of the feature film.

候选词 68 / 134
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split share makeup people true minor candid kinds

1 true 2 minor 3 kinds 4 share

213. Liquidity / Liquidity #5428 cold

When people worry about a glut of liquidity, they are thinking of the first of these concepts. If
money is too abundant or too cheap, inflationary 1 may build up or bubbles may
appear in financial markets - until central banks tighten policy or market opinion suddenly
changes. A slackening of 2 activity or a drop in asset prices can leave households,
businesses and financial institutions in trouble if their balance sheets are not liquid enough "
the second concept " or if they cannot find a buyer for 3 .

pressures assets activities economic cash marketing
1 pressures 2 economic 3 assets

214. Language changes / Language changes #5427 hot

English has been changing throughout its lifetime and it's still changing today. For most of
us, these changes are fine as long as they're well and truly in the past. Paradoxically, we can
be 1 about word origins and the stories behind the structures we find in our
language, but we experience a queasy distaste for any 2 that change might be
happening right under our noses. There is a certain 3 of consistency. There are even
language critics who are 4 that English is dying, or if not dying at least being
progressively 5 through long years of mistreatment.

informed curious lack kind convinced evidence disturbed damaged assured lack
1 curious 2 evidence 3 lack 4 convinced 5 damaged

215. Chemistry / Chemistry #5426 hot

Chemistry is an extremely important topic in physiology. Most physiological processes occur

as the 1 of chemical changes that occur within the body. These changes include the
influx of ions across a neurons membrane, causing a 2 to pass from one end to the
other. Other examples include the 3 of oxygen in the blood by a protein as it 4
through the lungs for 5 throughout the body.

候选词 69 / 134
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result usage experiences storage passes cause emergence reaction signal

1 result 2 signal 3 storage 4 passes 5 usage

216. Snails / Snails #5424 frozen

Snails are not traditionally known for quick thinking, but new research shows they can make
complex decisions using just two brain cells in 1 that could help engineers design
more efficient robots. Scientists at the University of Sussex attached electrodes to the
2 of freshwater snails as they searched for lettuce. They found that just one cell was
used by the mollusc to tell if it was 3 or not, while another let it know when food was
present. Food searching is an example of goal-directed behaviour, during which an animal
must integrate information about both its external environment and internal state while using
as little 4 as possible. Lead researcher Professor George Kemenes, said: " This will
eventually help us design the' brain' of robots based on the principle of using the fewest
possible components necessary to 5 complex tasks. " What goes on in our brains
when we make complex behavioural decisions and carry them out is poorly understood. "
Our study reveals for the first time how just two neurons can create a mechanism in an
animals brain which drives and optimises complex decision-making tasks.

energy undertake food findings heads parts perform researchers food hungry
1 findings 2 heads 3 hungry 4 energy 5 perform

217. Mayan civilization / Mayan civilization #5423 frozen

The Classic era of Mayan 1 came to an end around 900 AD. Why this happened is
unclear; the cities were probably over-farming the land, so that a 2 of drought led to
famine. Recent geological 3 supports this, as there appears to have been a 200-year
drought around this time.

population civilization research period time investigation
1 civilization 2 period 3 research

218. Economic depression / Economic depression #5422 hot 70 / 134
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As the economic depression deepened in the early 30s, and as farmers had less and less
money to spend in their town, banks began to fail at 1 rates. During the 20s, there
was an average of 70 banks failing each year nationally. After the crash during the first 10
months of 1930, 744 banks 2 , 10 times as many. In all, 9,000 banks failed during the
3 of the 30s. It's estimated that 4,000 banks failed during the one year of 1933. By
1933, depositors saw 140 billion 4 through bank failures.

lost rose failed disappear alarming average decade time
1 alarming 2 failed 3 decade 4 disappear

219. Ice storm / Ice storm #5418 hot

An ice storm is a type of 1 when cold rainfall comes down into the 2 air and
the water turned into 3 . Once there were 4 than 16, 000 households had a
blackout 5 an ice storm as the ice storm would smash the cables.

rock ice condition more after climate weather during icy cold
1 weather 2 cold 3 ice 4 more 5 during

220. Investment / Investment #5396 hot

To invest, you need to 1 a clear plan, do your own research, 2 a margin of

safety by always thinking about the valuation and, 3 , be patient. By all means include
some speculative picks if you wish, but ensure they are only a small part of your portfolio.
Looking for an oil explorer whose shares 4 , treble and double again is exciting but
such firms are very rare. There are a lot more which have a consistent record of paying out
the 5 which really make the markets work for you, once they are reinvested.

settle on ultimately actually funds make down dividends halve draw up build in
1 draw up 2 build in 3 ultimately 4 double 5 dividends

221. Chimpanzee / Chimpanzee #5350 frozen

回忆要点: 71 / 134
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1.考到 有一个不是鸡精的题目讲 大猩猩的 之前看有同学回忆过 这次我记得全部答案 第一

个 exhibited 讲大猩猩你有什么... 然后throughout 某某大陆 然后说 随意挑选两个大猩猩
就可以得到 much more "information" than any other two Radom human.... 得出了结论
We are a special (uniform) species! 总体不难 干扰选项就是第三空但可以看much来确认
其他托词 有 differences, through之类的 阅读还没出分不过感觉是对的
2.第一个空 exhibit (肯定 别的词性不对)第二个空spread (throughout ). 第三个
genetic( information) 第四个 we are a special (uniform) species.

222. Coastal fish farms / Coastal fish farms #5175 cold

Coastal fish farms seem to do less harm to nearby plants and animals than previously
believed, a new study 1 . And marine ecosystems can 2 from this damage
3 fast. But the analysis of a single trout farm in a Faroe Islands fjord over nearly a
year also shows that these facilities need to be 4 carefully, and that there's a limit to
how many can operate in a particular area before its biodiversity suffers lasting harm. In
coastal farms, fish live in large cages hanging from pontoons on the surface. Fish faeces and
uneaten food sink to the seabed, affecting its ecosystem. Badly-managed farms can also
have serious effects on the surrounding water column.

reported disposed reveals extremely revise surprisingly placed recover
1 reveals 2 recover 3 surprisingly 4 placed

223. Children's obesity / Children's obesity #5152 frozen

The study, of 322 overweight 10 to 14-year olds, found that those whose usual, sedentary
video games were partly replaced with active games 1 less weight over six months.
For years, experts have worried that the growing amount of time children are spending in
front of TVs and computers is helping to 2 an epidemic of childhood obesity.

feed trigger achieved gained
1 gained 2 feed

224. Human's farming / Human's farming #5104 hot

When humans began farming some 12,000 years ago, they altered the future of our 1
forever. Our ancestors were ecological 2 , discovering and cultivating the most
valuable crops, scaling them up to feed entire communities and transforming wild crops so 72 / 134
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fundamentally that they became dependent on humans for their survival. Farming, in the
words of National Geographic's Genographic Project, " sowed the seeds for the modern
3 ."

season pioneers species methods trainees age
1 species 2 pioneers 3 age

225. Gallery of Canada / Gallery of Canada #5090 hot

An exhibit that brings together for the first 1 landscapes painted by French
impressionist Pierre-Auguste Renoir 2 to the National Gallery of Canada this June

The 3 in Ottawa worked with the National Gallery of London and the Philadelphia
Museum of Art to 4 together the collection of 60 Renoir 5 from 45 public and
private collections.

masterpiece time art comes gallery gets paintings choosing period pull
1 time 2 comes 3 gallery 4 pull 5 paintings

226. Conflict / Conflict #5061 frozen

Most of us are 1 of open conflict and avoid it if we can. And there is a 2 to

expressing and working through conflict. If the working involves harsh words and name-
calling people fell deeply hurt and relationships can be 3 Some group members may
be afraid that if they really 4 their anger, they may go out of control and become
violent, or they may do this. These fears can be very 5 and based on experience.

maligned express damaged control exaggerative risk worried adventure real
1 scared 2 risk 3 damaged 4 express 5 real

227. Mass migration / Mass migration #5060 frozen

Mass migration has produced a huge worldwide economy of its own which has 1 so
fast during the past few years that the figures have 2 experts. Last year remittances
sent home by migrants were expected to 3 232 billion according to the World Bank 73 / 134
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which 4 these figures vital through the flow of remittances is to alleviate the plight of
the migrant's family it can't on its own lift entire nation out of poverty. Those who study the
5 of remittances argue that money allows poor countries to put off basic decisions of
economic management like reforming their tax collection systems and building schools.

grew impact rise exceed tracks records astonished experts convinced
1 accelerated 2 astonished 3 exceed 4 tracks 5 impact

228. Waste Treatment / Waste Treatment #5010 cold

It is important to keep the quantities here in perspective. The 1 of radioactive waste is

very small, even smaller if the used 2 is chemically re-processed, but it has to be
3 carefully. Most countries 4 that they are responsible for their own.

acclaim volume material administrated characteristics managed accept capacity
1 volume 2 material 3 managed 4 accept

229. Environmental Policy / Environmental Policy #5009 hot

Thus, the environmental policy does not contribute to profitability in any real sense at all. In
practise, it is companies that are well-organized and 1 , or that are already
comfortably profitable, that have time to 2 and police environmental policies. This is
confusing the cause with effect. It is not that environmental best 3 causes
profitablility, but that being profitable allows for 4 for the environment.

practise efficient demote concern policy proficient establish set
1 efficient 2 establish 3 practise 4 concern

230. Climate / Climate #5001 hot

Climate is the word we 1 for weather over a long period of time. The desert has a
2 climate because there 3 very little rain. The UK 4 a temperate
climate, which means winters are overall mild and summers generally don't get too hot.

候选词 74 / 134
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is humid has had are dry use describe

1 use 2 dry 3 is 4 has

231. Plants Research / Plants Research #4995 cold

Plants serve as the conduit of energy into the biosphere, provide food and materials used by
humans, and they 1 our environment. According to Ehrhardt and Frommer, the three
major challenges facing humanity in our time are food, energy, and environmental 2 .
All three are plant related

All of our food is produced by plants, either directly or indirectly via animals that eat them.
Plants are a 3 of energy production. And they are intimately involved in climate
change and a major factor in a variety of environmental concerns, including agricultural
expansion and its impact on habitat destruction and waterway pollution
What's more, none of these issues is independent of each other. Climate change places
additional stresses on the food supply and on various habitats. So, plant research is
instrumental in addressing all of these problems and moving into the future. For plant
research to move significantly forward, Ehrhardt and Former say technological development
is critical, both to test existing hypotheses and to gain new information and generate fresh
hypotheses. If we are to make headway in understanding how these essential organisms
function and build the foundation for a sustainable future, then we need to apply the most
advanced technologies available to the study of plant life, they say.

regression form source degradation origin shape
1 shape 2 degradation 3 source

232. SISU / SISU #4940 hot

Upholding the motto of " Integrity, Vision and Academic Excellence " Shanghai International
Studies University " SISU " is an internationally recognised, 1 academic institution
distinctive for its multidisciplinary and multicultural nature, committed to preparing innovative
professionals and future global leaders for a wide range of international expertise to address
the critical challenges of our times

Drawing on our strengths in multi-language programmes and multi-disciplinary resources,

while responding to national and regional strategies, we operate more than 70 research
institutes and centre serving as academic think tanks to provide advisory services on
language policies, diplomatic strategies and global public 2 of China 75 / 134
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These academic entities have contributed landmark research and are also dedicated to
promoting the development of social sciences in China. We have now 3 partnerships
with more than 330 universities and institutions from 56 countries and regions, and have
4 close connexion with international organisations, including the United Nations and
the European Union.

built opinion complain protected maintained elegant established prestigious
1 prestigious 2 opinion 3 established 4 maintained

233. Crime prevention / Crime prevention #4933 hot

Crime prevention has a long history in Australia, and in other parts of the world. In all
societies, people have tried to 1 themselves and those close to them from assaults
and other abuses. Every time someone locks the door to their house or their car, they
practise a form of prevention. Most parents want their children to learn to be law abiding and
not spend extended periods of their lives in prison. In this country, at east, most succeed.
Only a small minority of young people become 2 offenders. In a functioning society,
crime prevention is part of everyday life. While prevention can be 3 at the grassroots,
it is oddly neglected in mass media and political discourses. When politicians, talkback radio
hosts and newspaper editorialists pontificate about crime and 4 remedies, it is
comparatively rare for them to 5 prevention. Overwhelmingly, emphasis is on
policing, sentencing and other' law and order' responses.

shelter mention possible eligible all-pervasive protect recidivist demonstrate
chemist invasive
1 protect 2 recidivist 3 all-pervasive 4 possible 5 mention

234. Learning process / Learning process #4932 hot

Learning is a process by which behaviour or knowledge changes as a result of experience.

Learning from experience plays a major role in enabling us to do many things that we clearly
were not born to do, from the simplest tasks, such as flipping a light switch, to the more
1 , such as playing a musical instrument. To many people, the term " learning "
2 the activities that students do reading, listening, and taking tests in order to
acquire new information. This process, which is known as cognitive learning, is just 3
type of learning, however. Another way that we learn is by associative learning, which is the
focus of this module. You probably 4 certain holidays with specific sights, sounds, 76 / 134
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and smells, or foods with specific flavours and textures. We are not the only 5 with
this skill even the simplest animals such as the earthworm can learn by association.

sophisticated kind equip signifies associate complex any species demonstrates
1 complex 2 signifies 3 one 4 associate 5 species

235. Sharks / Sharks #4930 hot

Sharks killed four people and bit 58 others around the world in 2006, a comparatively dull
year for dangerous encounters between the two species, scientists said in their annual shark
attack census on Tuesday. Sharkbite numbers 1 steadily over the last century as
humans reproduced exponentially and 2 more time at the seashore But the numbers
have been 3 over the past five years as overfishing 4 the shark population
near shore and swimmers got smarter about the 5 of 6 into certain areas,
Burgess said.

thinned stabilised hazard opened risks spent turned pushing enlarged wading
spend grew
1 grew 2 spent 3 stabilised 4 thinned 5 risks 6 wading

236. Plants and animals / Plants and animals #4929 hot

From the earliest civilizations, plants and animals have been portrayed as a means of
understanding and recording the potential uses, such as their economic and healing
properties. From the first illustrated 1 of medicinal plants, De Materia Medica by
Dioscorides, in the first century through to the late fourteenth century, the illustration of
plants and animals changed very little

Woodcuts in instructional manuals and herbals were often repeatedly copied over the
centuries, resulting in a loss of definition and accuracy so that they became little more than
stylized decoration. With the growing 2 of copperplate engravings, the traditional use
of woodcuts declined and the representation of plants and animals became more 3 .
Then, with the emergence of artists such as Albrecht Durer and Leonardo Da Vinci,
naturalists such as Otto Brunfels, Leonhard Fuchs in botany and Conrad Gesner and Ulisse
Aldrovandi in zoology, nature began to be 4 in a more realistic style. Individual living
plants or animals were observed directly and their likeness 5 onto paper or vellum. 77 / 134
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depicted rendered accurate status written pictured catalogue dialog popularity
1 catalogue 2 popularity 3 accurate 4 depicted 5 rendered

237. International students / International students #4927 hot

Work-ready international students are providing greater options for local employers who are
having difficulties 1 local staff due to 2 employment rates and ongoing labour

International students in accounting and information technology take part in a year-long

programme 3 of classroom work and practical experience, which provides them with
4 skills, industry contacts and a working 5 of Australian.

knowledge finding founding experience consisting high valuable made low
1 finding 2 high 3 consisting 4 valuable 5 knowledge

238. Sociology / Sociology #4926 hot

Sociology is, in very basic terms, the study of human societies. In this respect, It is usually
1 as one of the social sciences along with 2 like psychology and was
3 as a subject in the late 18th century through the work of people like the French
writer Auguste Comte. However, the subject has only really gained 4 as an academic
subject in the 20th century through the work of writers such as Emile Durkheim, Max Weber
and Talcott Parsons, names that will be visited throughout this course . One name that you
may have heard of, Karl Marx, the founder of modem Communism, has probably done more
to stimulate peoples interest in the subject than anyone else, even though he lived and wrote
" 1818 - 1884 " in a period before sociology became fully established as an academic
discipline. Sociology, therefore, has a reasonably long history of development, " 150 - 200
years " 5 in Britain it has only been in the last 30 - 40 years that sociology as an
examined subject in the education system has achieved a level of importance equivalent to,
or above, most of the other subjects it is possible to study.

although since classed established acceptance designed subjects tolerance
divided classes
答案词 78 / 134
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1 classed 2 subjects 3 established 4 acceptance 5 although

239. The fall of smallpox / The fall of smallpox #4925 frozen

The fall of smallpox began with the realisation that 1 of the disease were immune for
the rest of their lives. This led to the practise of variolation - a process of exposing a healthy
person to infected material from a person with smallpox in the hopes of producing a mild
disease that 2 immunity from further infection the first written account of variolation
describes a Buddhist nun practising around 1022 to 1063 AD. By the 1700s, this method of
variolation was 3 practise in China, India, and Turkey. In the late 1700s European
physicians used this and other methods of variolation, but reported " devastating " results in
some cases. Overall, 2 percent to 3 percent of people who were variolated died of smallpox,
but this practise decreased the total number of smallpox 4 by 10-fold.

casualties survivors mundane fatalities common sheltered provided predators
1 survivors 2 provided 3 common 4 fatalities

240. The gray wolf / The gray wolf #4924 hot

After an absence of more than 50 years, the grey wolf " Canis lupus " once again runs
beneath the night skies of Yellowstone National Park. At 3:45pm on March 21st 1995, the
first of three groups of grey wolves, also known as the timber wolf, were released from
1 acclimation pens at Crystal Creek within Yellowstone National Park. The wolf
release plan, 2 in an environmental impact statement " EIS " in 1992-1994, is to
restore wolves to Yellowstone and central Idaho by establishing experimental populations of
grey wolves in both areas. The goal for Yellowstone is to establish 10 packs wolves
reproducing in the area for three 3 years by the year 2002. 4 wolves to
Yellowstone is in keeping with national park goals to perpetuate all native species and their
natural interactions with their environment. As with other park wildlife programmes,
management emphasises 5 human impact on natural animal population dynamics.
Yellowstone National Park is a wilderness and wildlife refuge in the United States.

minimising fenced forced involved separate cutting consecutive comparing
resulted Restoring
1 fenced 2 involved 3 consecutive 4 Restoring 5 minimising

241. Europa / Europa #4923 frozen 79 / 134
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Scientists preparing for NASA's proposed Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter believe that Jupiter's
moons Europa may be a corrosive mixture of acid and peroxide. Thus, it may not be the
1 place for life to exist as was thought possibly to be the case. 2 , all the
information we have about Europa comes from the spacecraft Galileo, which completed its
mission to study Jupiter and its moons close up before NASA dramatically crashed it into
Jupiter in 2003. 3 the general perception of Europa is of a frozen crust of water ice
harbouring a salty subterranean ocean kilometres below, researchers studying the most
4 measurements say light reflected from the moons icy surface bears the spectral
fingerprints of hydrogen peroxide and strong acids, 5 , they accept that it could just
be a thin surface dusting and might not come from the ocean below.

Although thus whereas Virtually quick actually optimal recent however ideal
1 ideal 2 Virtually 3 Although 4 recent 5 however

242. Electorate / Electorate #4922 hot

It would be reassuring to think that the 1 choose who to vote for based on the
candidates' track records and future policy promises. 2 , many of us are swayed
simply by the way that politicians look. Consider a 2009 study that asked Swiss students to
look at multiple pairs of unfamiliar French political candidates and in each case to select the
one who looked most competent. Most of the time, the candidate selected by students
3 looking the most competent was also the one who'd had real life electoral
success, the 4 being that voters too had been swayed by the candidates'
appearance, there's little evidence that appearance and competence actually 5 .
6 , being attractive also helps win votes, especially in war time, in peace time, looking
trustworthy is more of an advantage. Other research has shown that we're more likely to vote
for male and female candidates with deeper voices.

as electric which implication Unsurprisingly In truth replication correlate
In conclusion unfortunately associate electorate
1 electorate 2 In truth 3 as 4 implication 5 correlate 6 Unsurprisingly

243. Anthropologists / Anthropologists #4921 hot

It is commonly said by anthropologists that the primitive man is 1 individual and more
completely moulded by his society than civilised man. This contains an 2 of truth.
Simpler societies are more 3 , in the sense that they call for, and provide opportunities
for, a far 4 diversity of 5 skills and occupations than the most complex and 80 / 134
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6 societies. Increasing individualization in this sense is a necessary 7 of

modern advanced society and runs through all its activities from top to bottom.

product element objective individual advanced smaller larger factor few thing
less complete advent uniform
1 less 2 element 3 uniform 4 smaller 5 individual 6 advanced 7 product

244. Tokyo's Skytree / Tokyo's Skytree #4919 hot

Team Lab's digital mural at the entrance to Tokyo's Skytree, one of the world's monster
skyscrapers, is 40 metres long and immensely detailed But 1 this form of digital art
becomes, and it's a form subject to rampant inflation, Inoko's theories about seeing are
based on more modest and often pre-digital sources. An early devotee of comic books and
cartoons, 2 , then computer games, he recognised when he started to look at
traditional Japanese art that all those forms had something in common: something about the
way they captured space. In his discipline of physics, Inoko had been taught that
photographic lenses, 3 the conventions of western art were the logical way of
transforming three dimensions into two, conveying the real world on to a flat surface,
4 Japanese traditions employed " a different spatial logic ", as he said in an interview
last year with j-collabo. org that is " uniquely Japanese ".

no surprises there so but however massive therefore numerous along with
not surprising here apart from
1 however massive 2 no surprises there 3 along with 4 but

245. Gun violence / Gun violence #4917 hot

Exposure to gun violence makes adolescents twice as 1 to perpetrate serious

violence in the next two years, according to a University of Michigan 2 . Researchers
found there is a 3 cause and effect 4 between exposure and perpetration of
violence. Jeffrey B. Bingenheimer, a doctoral student in health behaviour and health
education, analysed five years of data from adolescents living in 78 neighbourhoods in
Chicago. Bingenheimer is lead author on a paper in this week's journal Science.

relationship likely relative substantial extra teaching study probable
1 likely 2 study 3 substantial 4 relationship 81 / 134
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246. Scientific method / Scientific method #4916 hot

The logic of the scientific method was set out by John Stuart Mill in 1843 and was named the
method of difference. A simple example of what he meant by this is to take two glasses of
water which are 1 in every respect. Introduce a few drops of ink into one of these
glasses. The water changes colour! According to Mills method of difference it is safe to
assume that the change in the colour of the water is due to the 2 of a new factor, the
3 variable, in this case, the ink.

identical separate emergence eligible independent introduction
1 identical 2 introduction 3 independent

247. Resultant force / Resultant force #4915 hot

The overall result of two or 1 forces acting on an object is called the resultant force.
The resultant of two forces is a single force, which has the same effect as the two forces
combined. If two forces pull an object in 2 directions, the size of the resultant can be
found by 3 one force from the other. If the forces are 4 , they balance each

subtracting adding compatible opposite equal more least similar
1 more 2 opposite 3 subtracting 4 equal

248. Neuroscientists / Neuroscientists #4914 hot

We now know through the work of neuroscientists that the human brain is wired to mimic
other people, and this mimicry involves actual involuntary physiological experience in the
observer. Human beings tend to 1 actions that they see. Physiologically, our brains
include mirror neurons, which 2 to actions that are seen as if we are doing the action
ourselves. It is largely an unconscious and automatic experience. When we hear people
speak, observe their vocal 3 , watch their posture, gestures, and facial expressions,
etc, neural networks in our brains are stimulated by the " shared representations " generating
feelings within us that 4 the experience of those we are observing.

imitate reflect moderate aim react chords nuances display
答案词 82 / 134
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1 imitate 2 react 3 nuances 4 reflect

249. The Petrified Forest / The Petrified Forest #4910 hot

The Petrified Forest is home to some of the most impressive fossils ever found and more are
being discovered each year as continuing erosion is 1 new evidence. Fossils found
here show the Forest was once a tropical region, 2 with towering trees and
extraordinary creatures. More than 150 different species of fossilised plants have been
discovered by paleontologists and evidence 3 ancient native people who inhabited
this region about 10,000 years ago has been 4 by archaeologists.

exposing demonstrating found provided indicating confirmed filled appearing
1 exposing 2 filled 3 indicating 4 confirmed

250. Computational thinking / Computational thinking #4909 hot

Developing computational thinking helps students to better understand the world around
them, many of us happily drive a car without 1 what goes on under the bonnet. So is
it necessary for children to 2 how to programme computers? After all, some experts
say coding is one of the human skills that will become 3 as artificial intelligence
grows. Nevertheless, governments believe coding is an essential skill. Since 2014, the
principles of computer programming have 4 on England's curriculum for children
from the age of five or six, when they start primary school

While not all children will become programmers, Mark Martin, a computing teacher at
Sydenham High School, London, argues that they should learn to understand what 5
computers work and try to solve problems as a computer might.

understanding makes thinking introduced dumped obsolete learn featured watch
1 understanding 2 learn 3 obsolete 4 featured 5 makes

251. Seminars / Seminars #4907 hot

Seminars are not designed to be mini-lectures. Their educational 1 is to provide an

opportunity for you to discuss interesting and difficult aspects of the course. This is founded
on the 2 that it is only by actively trying to use the knowledge that you have acquired
from lectures and texts that you can achieve an adequate understanding of the subject. If 83 / 134
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you do not understand a point it is highly 3 that you will be the only person in the
group in that position, you will invariably be undertaking a 4 for the entire group if you
come to the seminar equipped with questions on matters which you feel you did not fully
understand. The seminar is to introduce and 5 discussion.

stir job part role service genuine assumption unlikely provoke theory
1 role 2 assumption 3 unlikely 4 service 5 provoke

252. Housekeeping genes / Housekeeping genes #4906 frozen

Recently, research into embryonic development has given us an even better insight into how
major structural changes might occur in a given population of organisms. We now
understand that there are two major types of genes: developmental and " housekeeping "
genes. Developmental genes are those that are expressed during embryonic development,
and their proteins 1 the symmetry, skeletal development, organ placement, and
overall form of the developing animal, in contrast. " housekeeping " genes are expressed
during the animal's daily life to generate proteins which keep the cells, tissues, and organs in
the body functioning properly, as you might suspect, mutations in developmental genes can
have radical consequences for body form and function, whereas mutations in "
housekeeping " genes tend to 2 the health and reproductive success of the post-
embryonic animal.

affect effect confine control
1 control 2 affect

253. Ballet-pantomime / Ballet-pantomime #4903 hot

Most important of all is the fact that for each new ballet-pantomime created at the Paris
Opera during the July Monarchy, a new score was produced. The reason for this is simple:
these ballet-pantomimes told stories - elaborate ones - and music was considered an
indispensable tool in getting them across to the audience. 1 , music had to be newly
created to fit each story

Music tailor-made for each new ballet-pantomime, however, was only one weapon in the
Opera's explanatory arsenal. 2 was the ballet-pantomime libretto, a printed booklet
of fifteen to forty pages in length, which was sold in the Operas lobby like the opera libretto.
And which laid out the plot in painstaking detail, scene by scene. Critics also took it upon 84 / 134
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themselves to recount the plots of both ballet-pantomimes and operas in their 3 of

premieres. So did the publishers of souvenir albums, which also featured pictures of famous
4 and of scenes from favourite ballet-pantomimes and operas.

Another revisions Therefore thus performers either reviews participants
1 Therefore 2 Another 3 reviews 4 performers

254. Law firm / Law firm #4902 frozen

UWS graduates Racha Abboud and Anna Ford, whose story first appeared in GradLife in
December 2009, have 1 risen through the ranks to be 2 Associates at leading
western Sydney law firm, Coleman Greig Lawyers. The promotion marks the 3 of
many years of hard work for these legal 4 who are the first to rise to this 5
from the firm's Cadet Lawyer programme with UWS.

successfully culmination manager admitted appointed eagles gradually level
consultation standard
1 successfully 2 appointed 3 culmination 4 eagles 5 level

255. DNA sequence / DNA sequence #4901 cold

The recipe for making any creature is written in its DNA. So last November when geneticists
published the near-complete DNA sequence of the long-extinct woolly mammoth, there was
much speculation about whether we could bring this behemoth back to life

Creating a living, breathing creature from a genome sequence that exists only in a
computer's memory is not possible right now. But someone someday is sure to try it,
1 Stephan Schuster, a 2 biologist at Pennsylvania State University, University
Park, and a 3 force behind the mammoth genome project.

driving resultant predicts provides molecular atomic
1 predicts 2 molecular 3 driving

256. Great engineers / Great engineers #4900 frozen 85 / 134
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Great engineers have a passion to improve life; a burning conviction that they can make life
better for everyone. Engineers need to have a talent for invention and innovation, but what
1 them is the conviction that they can find a better way to do things; a cheaper and
more efficient solution to the problems of human existence on this planet of 2
resources that we call Earth

Many of us 3 a lot of time complaining about the difficulties and problems of life. It is
easy to find fault with things that make daily life arduous. For an engineer, these difficulties
can be opportunities. How can this be made to work better? How can that process be made
more efficient? How can 4 be made more cheaply, more accurately and more fit-for-
purpose? Great engineers are convinced that everything can be 5 . Instead of
complaining, they think of ways to make things better.

replaced drives consists components improved limited spend certain use
1 drives 2 limited 3 spend 4 components 5 improved

257. Evolution / Evolution #4898 hot

In The Origin of Species, Darwin provided abundant evidence that life on Earth has evolved
over time, and he proposed natural selection as the primary mechanism for that change. He
observed that individuals 1 in their inherited traits and that selection acts on such
differences, leading to 2 change. Although Darwin realised that variation in heritable
traits is a prerequisite for 3 , he did not know precisely how organisms pass heritable
traits to their offspring. Just a few years after Darwin published The Origin of Species, Gregor
Mendel wrote a groundbreaking paper on inheritance in pea plants in that paper, Mendel
proposed a model of inheritance in which organisms transmit discrete heritable units, now
called genes, to their offspring. Although Darwin did not know about genes, MendeFs paper
set the stage for understanding the genetic differences on which 4 is based.

reason differ reason evolutionary evolution evolution feature climate
1 differ 2 evolutionary 3 evolution 4 evolution

258. Conservancy / Conservancy #4896 cold

To qualify as a conservancy, a committee must define the conservancy's boundary, elect a

1 conservancy committee, negotiate a legal constitution, prove the committee's
ability to 2 funds, and produce an acceptable plan for 3 distribution of 86 / 134
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wildlife-related benefits. Once approved, registered conservancies acquire the 4 to a

sustainable wildlife 5 , set by the ministry.

succeed ability quotation quota representative rights repetitive equitable manage
1 representative 2 manage 3 equitable 4 rights 5 quota

259. Track down research / Track down research #4894 frozen

Having tracked down research that is 1 to your area of interest the next task is to
actually make sense of that research. This section is intended to show you how to be critical
of the research you 2 3 and how to check that the 4 is credible and
represented appropriately. Unfortunately, this means discussing the ways in which research
findings may be misrepresented.

support were finding evidence reviewing relevant regulative are
1 relevant 2 are 3 reviewing 4 evidence

260. Pidgins / Pidgins #4893 frozen

Pidgins are languages that are born after contact between at least two languages. As many
pidgins developed during the period of empire and international trade, one of the language
parents was frequently a European language such as French or English, and the other
language parent was the language of the people with whom the Europeans were 1 or
whom they were colonising. Usually one of the languages provided the majority of 2
items and the other provided the grammatical structure. When pidgins become learned as a
mother tongue, they become 3 as creoles. I am not going to discuss pidgins and
creoles and contact languages as such in this book in 4 5 .

depth vocabulary trading width prestigious sentence any bartering much known
1 trading 2 vocabulary 3 known 4 any 5 depth

261. MBA / MBA #4891 hot

Deciding to go to business school is perhaps the simplest part of what can be a complicated
process. With nearly 600 accredited MBA programmes on 1 around the world, the 87 / 134
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choice of where to study can be overwhelming. Here we explain how to 2 the right
school and course for you and unravel the application and funding process. " Probably the
3 of people applying to business school are at a point in their careers where they
know they 4 to shake things up, but they don't know exactly what they want to do
with their professional lives, " says Stacy Blackman, an MBA admissions consultant based in
Los Angeles. " If that's the case with you, look at other 5 : culture, teaching method,
location, and then pick a place that's a good fit for you with a strong general management
programme. Super-defined career goals don't have to be a part of this process. "

want minority offer choose hold select expect majority standards criteria
1 offer 2 choose 3 majority 4 want 5 criteria

262. Standard English / Standard English #4890 frozen

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the relationship between standard and
nonstandard language is, evidently, still an uncertain one. We are at a 1 point
between two eras. We seem to be leaving an era when the rules of Standard English, as
elected and defined by prescriptive grammarians, totally conditioned our sense of 2
usage, so that all other usages and varieties were considered to be inferior or corrupt, and
excluded from serious consideration. And we seem to be approaching an era when
nonstandard usages and varieties, previously denigrated or ignored, are achieving a new
presence and respectability within society, reminiscent of that found in Middle English, when
dialect variation in literature was widespread and uncontentious. But we are not there yet.
The rise of Standard English has resulted in a confrontation between the standard and
nonstandard dimensions of the language which has lasted for over 200 years, and this has
had traumatic 3 Which will take some years to eliminate. Once people have been
given an inferiority complex about the way they speak or write, they find it difficult to shake

traditional consequences eligible outcomes transitional acceptable
1 transitional 2 acceptable 3 consequences

263. Cause of unemployment / Cause of unemployment #4889 cold

One cause of unemployment may be downswings in the trade cycle, i.e. periods of
recession. Another explanation of wide-scale unemployment refers to 1 employment,
structural unemployment arises from longer-term changes in the economy, affecting
2 industries, regions and occupations. Structural unemployment often explains 88 / 134
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regional unemployment. Some regions of the UK such as Central Scotland, and the North-
West have higher rates of unemployment because the 3 heavy industries which
4 there have gone into decline as they are 5 by cheaper imports from abroad.
The new high-tech industries based on new technologies tend to be based in the South-East
and along particular growth corridors.

traditional substitute replaced concrete spatial located settled conventional
specific structural
1 structural 2 specific 3 traditional 4 located 5 replaced

264. Rudman / Rudman #4888 hot

Rudman looks at how a poor understanding of Maths has led historians to false conclusions
about the Mathematical sophistication of early societies. Rudman's final observation, that
ancient Greece 1 unrivalled progress in the subject while 2 to teach it at
school - leads to a 3 punchline; Mathematics could be better learned after we
4 school.

leave abandon radical enjoyed considering failing rational dismissing
1 enjoyed 2 failing 3 radical 4 leave

265. Civil society / Civil society #4887 cold

For too long we have held preconceived notions of the market and the state that were
seemingly independent of local societies and cultures. The debate about civil society
ultimately is about how culture, market and state 1 to each other. Concern about civil
society, however, is not only relevant to central and eastern Europe and the developing
world. It is very much of 2 to the European Union as well. The Civil Dialogue Initiated
by the Commission in the 1990s was a first attempt by the EU to give the institutions of
society, and not only governments and businesses, a voice at the policy-making tables in
Brussels. The EU, like other international institutions, has a long way to go in trying to
3 the frequently divergent interests of non-governmental organisations and citizen
groups. There is increasing 4 that international and national governments have to
open up to civil society institutions.

recognition interest accommodate attached separate definition fun relate
答案词 89 / 134
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1 relate 2 interest 3 accommodate 4 recognition

266. The amount of sleep / The amount of sleep #4886 hot

The amount of sleep you need depends on many 1 , especially your age. Newborns
sleep between 16 and 18 hours a day and preschool children should sleep between 10 and
12 hours. Older children and teens need at least nine hours to be well rested. For most
adults, seven to eight hours a night appears to the best amount of sleep

However, for some people " enough sleep " may be as few as five hours or as many as 10
hours of sleep. As you get older, your sleeping 2 change. Older adults tend to sleep
more lightly and awaken more frequently in the night than younger adults. This can have
many causes including medical conditions and medications used to treat them. But there's
no evidence that older adults need less sleep than younger adults
Getting enough sleep is 3 to your health because it boosts your 4 system,
which makes your body better able to fight disease. Sleep is necessary for your nervous
system to work properly. Too little sleep makes you drowsy and unable to concentrate. It also
impairs memory and physical performance
So how many hours of sleep are enough for You? Experts say that if you feel drowsy during
the day-even during boring activities - you are not getting enough sleep. Also, quality of
sleep is just as important as quantity. People whose sleep is frequently interrupted or cut
short are not getting quality sleep
If you experience frequent daytime sleepiness, even after increasing the amount of quality
sleep you get, talk to your doctor. He or she may be able to 5 the cause of sleep
problems and offer advice on how to get a better night's sleep.

patterns identify recognize factors immune reasons respiration processes
important inundated
1 factors 2 patterns 3 important 4 immune 5 identify

267. Library / Library #4885 hot

The Dag Hammarskjold Library at United Nations Headquarters in New York is a library
designated to facilitate the work of the United Nations and 1 mainly on the needs of
the UN Secretariat and diplomatic missions. Anyone with a valid United Nations
Headquarters grounds 2 , including specialised agencies, accredited media and NGO
staff, is able to visit the library. Due to 3 constraints in place at the United Nations
Headquarters complex, the library is not open to the general 4 .

候选词 90 / 134
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average safety focuses public pass surpass focused security

1 focuses 2 pass 3 security 4 public

268. The Milky Way System / The Milky Way System #4884 hot

Stars and the material between them are almost always found in gigantic 1 systems
called galaxies. Our own galaxy, the Milky Way System, happens to be one of the two
2 systems in the Local Group of two dozen or so galaxies. The other is the
Andromeda galaxy; it 3 more than one hundred thousand light-years from one end to
the other, and it is 4 about two million light-years 5 from us.

synthesis stretches stellar cosmos located concerning distant route largest better
1 stellar 2 largest 3 stretches 4 located 5 distant

269. Friedman / Friedman #4883 cold

Friedman showed that, while people do save more when they earn more, it is 1 to
2 later. Those in work save 3 a time of sickness, unemployment or old age -
but because the sick, unemployed and elderly 4 their savings, overall 5 does
not fall as people get richer.

among consumption merely spend pay against pay only spend ingestion
1 only 2 spend 3 against 4 spend 5 consumption

270. Life changes / Life changes #4882 frozen

Research has suggested that major stresses in our lives are life 1 , for example,
moving house, marriage or relationship breakdown. Work-related factors, 2
unemployment and boredom, are also common 3 of stress. Differences in personality
may also 4 a part.

containing including reasons changes count causes experience play
1 changes 2 including 3 causes 4 play 91 / 134
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271. Concept of culture / Concept of culture #4876 hot

Many people today think of culture in the way that it was thought of in Europe during the
18th and early 19th centuries. This 1 of culture reflected inequalities within European
societies and their colonies around the world. This understanding of culture equates culture
with civilization and contrasts both with nature or non-civilization. According to this
understanding of culture, some countries are more civilised than others, and some people
are more cultured than others. Anything that doesn't FIT into this category is labeled as
chaos or anarchy. From this perspective, culture is closely tied to cultivation, which is the
progressive refinement of human 2

In practise, culture referred to elite goods and activities such as haute cuisine, high fashion
or haute couture, museum-caliber art and classical music. The word cultured referred to
people who knew about and took part in these activities. For example, someone who used
culture in this sense might 3 that classical music is more refined than music by
working-class people, such as jazz or the indigenous music traditions of aboriginal peoples.

behaviour concept deem argue deeds definition
1 concept 2 behaviour 3 argue

272. Bhutan / Bhutan #4874 cold

Bhutan is the last standing Buddhist Kingdom in the World and, until recently, has 1
much of their culture since the 17th century by avoiding globalisation and staying isolated
from the world Internet, television, and western dress were banned from the country up until
ten years ago. But over the past ten years, globalisation has begun to change in Bhutan, but
things remain 2 balanced

Bhutan is the only country in the world that has a' GNH'. You may think GNH is just another
3 based term with no real-life application, but it refers to " Gross National Happiness.
" The process of measuring GNH began when Bhutan opened to globalisation. It measures
people s quality of life and makes sure that " material and spiritual development happen
together. " Bhutan has done an amazing Job of finding this balance. Bhutan has continually
been ranked as the happiest country in all of Asia, and the eighth Happiest Country in the
world according to Business Week. In 2007 Bhutan had the second fastest growing GDP in
the world, at the same time as 4 their environment and cultural identity
Bhutan is the only Buddhist Kingdom in the world; Mahayana Buddhism is the official religion
of Bhutan. Over two-thirds of the people are Buddhist, and Buddhism is supported by the 92 / 134
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government both politically and economically. The government gives 5 to Buddhist

monasteries, shrines, monks and other Buddhist programmes.

hopes protected perfectly subsidies computer maintaining preserved statistically
extremely preserving
1 preserved 2 perfectly 3 statistically 4 maintaining 5 subsidies

273. Selling price / Selling price #4873 hot

Once an organisation has its product to sell, it must then 1 the appropriate price to
sell it at. The price is set by balancing many 2 including supply-and-demand, cost,
desired profit competition, perceived value, and market behaviour. Ultimately, the final price
is determined by what the market is willing to 3 for the product. Pricing theory can be
quite complex because so many factors influence what the purchaser 4 is a fair

requires responsible factors determine decides exchange decide ways
1 determine 2 factors 3 exchange 4 decides

274. Radioactivity / Radioactivity #4872 frozen

So why is it a concern? It is 1 radioactivity is invisible and unsensed, and for that

reason is 2 as scary. 3 , we understand quite well the radiation levels to which
people can be 4 without harm, and those levels are orders of 5 above the
typical background levels.

for regarded Nevertheless because magnificence thus proved exposed magnitude
1 because 2 perceived 3 Nevertheless 4 exposed 5 magnitude

275. Preschool education / Preschool education #4870 hot

Disadvantage in early childhood poses multiple risks to children's development. Factors

such as low socioeconomic status, long-term unemployment of parents, and social isolation
may have lasting 1 on a child's chance of reaching their full potential. Whilst not
eliminating disadvantage, preschool education can help to 2 the effects of these risk 93 / 134
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factors and can provide children with a better start to school. However, some of these
factors may also be 3 to preschool attendance for groups that would benefit most
from preschool education

In Australia, the early years of children's education is the responsibility of many government
and non-government agencies and it occurs in a range of settings. Preschool is aimed at
children around four years of age to 4 them for compulsory schooling from the age of
six years. In most states and territories, children can start full-time schooling at five years of
age, when they enrol in a kindergarten or preparatory year. In 2001 just over half of five-year
olds, 57% were at school with about a third, 34% attending preschool. While in some states
and territories children can 5 preschool before they turn four, participation rates for
three-year olds are much lower than four-year olds, 24% compared with 56% for four-year
olds in 2001 . The preschool participation rate of four-year olds in 2001, 56% was similar to
the rate in 1991, 58%.

impacts barriers state provide stain lessen decrease start commence prepare
1 impacts 2 lessen 3 barriers 4 prepare 5 commence

276. Trigger point / Trigger point #4869 frozen

The trigger point causes the rest of the fibre segments to be 1 to capacity. It
becomes a tight band. Normally the regular contracting and releasing of these little segments
circulates blood in the capillaries that supply them " the segments " with their nutrients.
When they hold this 2 , blood flow is stopped to that area, there is not an oxygen
supply, and waste products are not 3 out. The trigger point then sends out pain
signals until the trigger point is put in a position of rest again.

pushed extended circulation contraction pulled stretched
1 stretched 2 contraction 3 pushed

277. Land temperature / Land temperature #4868 cold

During the day, the sun heats up both the ocean surface and the land. Water is a good
absorber of the energy from the sun. The land absorbs much of the sun's energy as well.
However, 1 heats up much more slowly than land and so the air above the land will
be 2 compared to the air over the ocean. The warm air over the land will rise
throughout the day, causing low pressure at the surface. Over the water, high surface
pressure will form because of the colder air. To 3 , the air will sink over the ocean. The 94 / 134
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wind will blow from the higher pressure over the water to lower pressure over the land
causing the sea breeze. The sea breeze strength will vary depending on the temperature
4 between the land and the ocean.

contradict compensate water similarity difference hotter warmer soil
1 water 2 warmer 3 compensate 4 difference

278. Higher education qualifications / Higher education qualifications

#4867 hot

Higher education qualifications provide a substantial 1 in the labour market. Higher

education 2 are less likely to be 3 and 4 to have higher incomes than
those without such qualifications. Having a highly educated 5 can also lead to
increased productivity and innovation and make Australia more 6 in the global

benefits labor force graduates plan sophisticated employed workforce unemployed
advantage competitive adults tend
1 advantage 2 graduates 3 unemployed 4 tend 5 workforce 6 competitive

279. Fiction and life / Fiction and life #4865 frozen

The precise relationship between fiction and life has been debated extensively. Most modern
critics agree that, whatever its apparent factual content or verisimilitude, fiction is finally to be
regarded as a structured imitation of life and should not be confused with a literal 1 of
life itself. While fiction is a work of the imagination rather than 2 , it can also be based
closely on real events, sometimes experienced by the author. In a work of fiction, the author
is not the same as the narrator, the voice that tells the story. Authors maintain a distance
from their characters. Sometimes that distance is obvious for instance, if a male writer tells a
story from the point of view of a female character. Other times it is not so obvious, especially
if we know something of the author's life and there are clear connexions between the story
and the author s life. The writer of fiction is free to choose his or her subject matter and is
free to invent, select, and 3 fictional elements to 4 his or her purpose. The
elements of fiction are the different components that make up a work of fiction. All literature
explores a theme or significant truth expressed in various elements such as character, plot,
setting, point of view, style, and tone that are essential and specific to each work of fiction.
All of these elements bind a literary work into a consistent whole and give it unity.
Understanding these elements can help the reader gain insight about life, human motives, 95 / 134
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and experience. Such insight is one of the principal 5 of an effective work of fiction;
when readers are 6 to perceive it, they develop a sense of literary judgement that is
capable of enriching their lives. The following sections describe elements that should be
considered in the 7 of fiction.

aims action analysis arrange transcription imagination able targets supposed
interpretation achieve prepare realize reality
1 transcription 2 reality 3 arrange 4 achieve 5 aims 6 able 7 analysis

280. Global problem / Global problem #4864 frozen

You may well ask why science did not warn us of global warming sooner; I think that there
are several reasons. We were from the 1970s until the end of the century distracted by the
important global problem of stratospheric 1 depletion, which we knew was
manageable. We threw all our efforts into it and succeeded but had little time to spend on
climate change. Climate science was also neglected because twentieth-century science
failed to 2 the true nature of Earth as a 3 self-regulating entity. Biologists were
so carried away by Darwin's great vision that they failed to see that living things were tightly
coupled to their material environment and that evolution concerns the whole Earth system
with living organisms an 4 part of it. Earth is not the Goldilocks planet of the solar
system sitting at the right place for life. It was in this favourable state some two billion years
ago but now our planet has to work hard, against ever-increasing heat from the Sun, to keep
itself 5 . We have chosen the worst of times to add to its difficulties.

clean effective recognise responsive integral essential air remember habitable
1 ozone 2 recognise 3 responsive 4 integral 5 habitable

281. Bizarre universe / Bizarre universe #4863 hot

We live in a bizarre Universe. One of the greatest mysteries in the whole of science is the
prospect that 75 percent of the Universe is made up from a mysterious 1 known as'
Dark Energy', which causes an acceleration of the cosmic expansion. Since a further 21
percent of the Universe is made up from invisible' Cold Dark Matter' that can only be
2 through its gravitational effects, the ordinary atomic matter making up the rest is
apparently only 4 percent of the total cosmic budget 96 / 134
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These 3 require a shift in our perception as great as that made after Copernicus's
4 that the Earth moves around the Sun. This lecture will start by reviewing the
chequered history of Dark Energy, not only since Einstein's proposal for a similar entity in
1917, but by tracing the concept back to Newton's ideas. This lecture will 5 the
current evidence for Dark Energy and future surveys in which UCL is heavily involved: the "
Dark Energy Survey " the Hubble Space Telescope and the proposed Euclid space mission.

conclude detected discoveries substances summarise theory found matter
revelation substance
1 substance 2 detected 3 discoveries 4 revelation 5 summarise

282. Environmentalists / Environmentalists #4861 hot

Although environmentalists have been 1 about this situation for decades, many other
people are finally beginning to realise that if we don't act soon it will be too late. The good
news is that more and more businesses and governments are beginning to 2 that
without a healthy environment the global economy and everything that depends on it will be
seriously endangered. And they are beginning to take 3 action.

understand warning realized positive proper worry
1 warning 2 understand 3 positive

283. Psychological theories / Psychological theories #4860 frozen

Attempts to apply psychological theories to education can falter on the translation of the
theory into educational practise. Often, this translation is not clear. 1 , when a
programme does not succeed, it is not clear whether the lack of success was due to the
inadequacy of the theory or the inadequacy of the implementation of the theory. A 2
of basic principles for translating a theory into practise can help clarify just what an
educational implementation should, and should not, look like. This article presents 12
principles for translating a triarchic theory of successful intelligence into educational practise.

Therefore set stream however
1 Therefore 2 set 97 / 134
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284. The sun and the moon / The sun and the moon #4859 hot

In these distant times, the sun was seen to make its daily 1 across the sky. At night
the moon appeared. Every new night the moon waxed or waned a little and on a few nights,
it did not appear at all. At night the great dome of the heavens was dotted with tiny specks of
light. They 2 known as the stars. It was thought that every star in the heavens had its
own purpose and that the 3 of the universe could be discovered by making a study of

It was well known that there were wandering stars, they appeared in different nightly
positions against their neighbours and they became known as planets. It took centuries, in
fact, it took millennia, for man to 4 the true nature of these wandering stars and to
evolve a model of the world to accommodate them and to 5 their positions in the sky.

determine became secrets defect journey hinder routine grew delete predict
1 journey 2 became 3 secrets 4 determine 5 predict

285. Wind / Wind #4858 hot

1 or fierce, wind always starts in the same way. Wind is formed by the circulation of
air. The sun heats up some parts of the sea and the land. The air among the 2 spot
warms up and rises. The cold air drops because it is 3 . Some wind circulates within a
small area. Others blow in the 4 globe.

land heavy cold entire water hot Gentle moderate
1 Gentle 2 hot 3 heavy 4 entire

286. The mind / The mind #4857 hot

Let us then suppose the mind to be, as we say, white paper, 1 of all characters,
without any ideas: How comes it to be 2 ? Whence comes it by that vast store which
the busy and 3 fancy of man has painted on it with an almost endless variety?
Whence has it all the materials of reason and knowledge? To this, I answer, in one word, from
experience. In that all our knowledge is 4 ; and from that it ultimately 5 itself.

embed derives countless founded excluded furnished void none found boundless 98 / 134
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1 void 2 furnished 3 boundless 4 founded 5 derives

287. Gender discrimination / Gender discrimination #4856 hot

Discrimination against women has been alleged in hiring practises for many occupations, but
it is extremely difficult to demonstrate sex-biased hiring. A change in the way symphony
orchestras 1 musicians provides an unusual way to test for sex-biased hiring. To
overcome possible biases in hiring, most orchestras 2 their audition policies in the
1970s and 1980s. A major change involved the use of blind' auditions with a screen' to
3 the identity of the candidate from the jury. Female musicians in the top five
symphony orchestras in the United States were less than 5 percent of all players in 1970 but
are 25 percent today. We ask whether women were more likely to be advanced and hired
with the use of blind' auditions. Using data from actual auditions in an individual fixed-effects
framework, we find that the screen 4 by 50 percent the probability a woman will be
advanced out of certain preliminary rounds. The screen also enhances, by severalfold, the
likelihood a female contestant will be the winner in the final round. Using data on orchestra
personnel, the switch to blind' auditions can explain between 30 percent and 55 percent of
the increase in the proportion female among new hires and between 25 percent and 46
percent of the increase in the percentage female in the orchestras since 1970.

recruit employ revised increases decreases converge reviewed conceal
1 recruit 2 revised 3 conceal 4 increases

288. Studying places / Studying places #4854 hot

You can study anywhere. Obviously, some places are 1 than others. Libraries, study
lounges or private rooms are best. Above all, the place you choose to study should not be
2 . Distractions can 3 up. and the first thing you know, you're out of time and
out of luck. Make choosing a good physical environment a 4 of your study 5 .

part establish habits series worse better seducing places distracting build
1 better 2 distracting 3 build 4 part 5 habits

289. Cureness / Cureness #4855 hot

Cuteness in offspring is a 1 protective mechanism that 2 survival for

otherwise completely 3 infants. Previous research has linked cuteness to early 99 / 134
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ethological ideas of a " kindchenschema ", infant schema, where infant facial features serve
as " innate releasing mechanisms " for 4 caregiving behaviour. We propose extending
the concept of cuteness beyond visual features to 5 positive infant sounds and
smells. Evidence from behavioural and neuroimaging studies links this extended concept of
cuteness to simple " instinctual " behaviour and to caregiving protection and complex
emotions. We review how cuteness 6 key parental capacities by igniting fast
privileged neural activity followed by slower processing in large brain networks also involved
in play, empathy, and perhaps even higher - order moral emotions.

ensures subconscious include distinct dependent provides potent enormous
supports instinctual inflict independent
1 potent 2 ensures 3 dependent 4 instinctual 5 include 6 supports

290. Light pollution / Light pollution #4853 frozen

The widespread use of artificial light in modern societies means that light pollution is an
increasingly common feature of the environments humans inhabit. This type of pollution is
1 high in coastal regions of tropic and temperate zones, as these are areas of high
rates of human population growth and settlement. Light pollution is a threat for many species
that inhabit these locations, particularly those whose ecology or behaviour depends, in some
way, on natural cycles of light and dark. Artificial light is known to have detrimental effects on
the ecology of sea turtles, particularly at the hatchling stage when they emerge from nests on
natal beaches and head towards the sea. Under natural conditions, turtles hatch
predominantly at night, although some early morning and late afternoon emergences occur,
and show an innate and well-directed orientation to the water, 2 mostly on light cues
that attract them toward the brighter horizon above the sea surface. Artificial lighting on
beaches is strongly attractive to hatchlings and can cause them to move away from the sea
and 3 with their ability to orient in a constant direction. Ultimately, this disorientation
due to light pollution can lead to death of hatchlings from exhaustion, dehydration and

depending exceptionally relying rarely interfere interact
1 exceptionally 2 relying 3 interfere

291. Crime / Crime #4850 frozen

A crime is generally a deliberate act that results in harm, physical or otherwise, toward one or
more people, in a manner 1 by law. The determination of which acts are to be 100 / 134

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considered criminal has varied 2 , and continues to do so among cultures and

nations. When a crime is committed, a process of 3 , trial by judge or jury, conviction,
and punishment occurs. Just as what is considered criminal varies between 4 , so
does the punishment, but elements of restitution and 5 are common.

rights historically jurisdictions hindrance prohibited finding discovery basically
deterrence banned
1 prohibited 2 historically 3 discovery 4 jurisdictions 5 deterrence

292. Kathryn Mewes / Kathryn Mewes #4848 hot

Kathryn Mewes does not meet bohemian, hippy parents in her line of work. Typically one, or
both, of the parents she sees work in the City of London

" Professionals seek professionals, " she says. Originally a nanny, Mewes is now a parenting
consultant, advising couples privately on changing their child's behaviour, as well as doing
corporate seminars for working parents
Her clients find they are unprepared for the chaos and unpredictability that having a child can
entail. " Parents are getting older, they have been in control their 1 2 and been
successful. Suddenly a baby turns up and life turns on its head.
Nicknamed the " Three-Day Nanny " because of her pledge to fix behavioural problems in
children under the age of 12 within three days, she is filming a new Channel 4 television
series demonstrating her techniques. The 3 of the parenting consultant, distinct from
that of a nanny, has developed, she says, as people are used to buying in expertise, such as
personal trainers or, in her case, parenting advice.

entire role power lives period whole
1 whole 2 lives 3 role

293. Daniel Harris / Daniel Harris #4847 hot

Daniel Harris, a scholar of consumption and style, has observed that until photography finally
1 illustration as the " primary means of advertising clothing " in the 1950s, glamour
inhered 2 in the face of the drawing, which was by necessity schematic and
generalised, than in the sketch's attitude, posture, and gestures, especially in the strangely
dainty positions of the hands. Glamour once resided so emphatically in the stance of the
model that the faces in the 3 cannot really be said to have 4 at all, but angles
or tilts. The chin raised upwards in a haughty look; the eyes lowered in an attitude of 101 / 134

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introspection; the head cocked at an inquisitive or coquettish angle: or the profile presented
in sharp outline, emanating power the severity like an emperor's bust 5 on a Roman

notifications illustrations embossed expressions memories less regarded frequently
encaved supplanted
1 supplanted 2 less 3 illustrations 4 expressions 5 embossed

294. House agency utility / House agency utility #4831 hot

Housing agencies pay the utility 1 , generally because 2 in developments don't

have individual metres, some buildings have individual metres, the family pays its own
3 to the utility 4 , agencies will deduct a 5 from family's rent.

units company debt post amount bills costs allowance utility spends
1 costs 2 units 3 bills 4 company 5 utility

295. Plagiarism / Plagiarism #4746 hot

How is plagiarism detected? It is usually easy for lecturers to identify plagiarism within
students work. The university also actively investigated plagiarism in students assessed work
1 electronic detection software called Turnitin. This software 2 students work
against text on the Internet, in journal articles and within previously 3 work and
highlights any matches it 4 .

submitted defined finds happens compares against through in
1 through 2 compares 3 submitted 4 finds

296. Tropical forests / Tropical forests #4667 hot

Charles Darwin knew intuitively that tropical forests were places of 1 intricacy and
energy. He and his cohort of scientific naturalists were 2 by the beauty of the
Neotropics, where they collected tens of thousands of 3 new to science. But they
couldn't have guessed at the complete contents of the rain forest, and they had no idea of its
4 to humankind. 102 / 134

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value skeleton magnificent material awed tremendous species owned
1 tremendous 2 awed 3 species 4 value

297. Financial institutions / Financial institutions #4602 frozen

At the other end of the spectrum, protesters see globalisation in a very different light than the
treasury secretary of the United States, or the finance or trade ministers of most of the
advanced industrial countries. The difference in 1 is so great that one wonders, are
the protestors and the policymakers talking about the same 2 ? Are they looking at
the same data? Are the visions of those in 3 are so clouded by special and particular
4 ?

views opinion power features interests phenomena situation energy
1 views 2 phenomena 3 power 4 interests

298. Woman / Woman #4566 hot

With the increase in women's 1 in the labour force, many mothers have less time
2 to undertake domestic activities. At the same time, there has been increasing
3 that the father's role and 4 with a child is important.

precipitation partnership participation affordable relationship recognition available
1 participation 2 available 3 recognition 4 relationship

299. Revision / Revision #4540 hot

Timing is important for revision. Have you noticed that during the school day you get times
when you just don't care any longer? I don't mean the lessons you don't like, but the ones
you find usually find OK, but on some occasions you just can't be bothered with it. You
1 have other things on your mind, be tired, restless, or looking forward to what
comes next. Whatever the reason, that particular lesson doesn't get 100 percent 2
from you. The same is true of revision. Your mental and physical 3 are important. If
you try to revise when you are tired or totally occupied with something else, your revision will
be inefficient and just about worthless. If you approach it feeling fresh, alert and happy, it will 103 / 134

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be so much easier and you will learn more, faster. However, if you make no plans and just
slip in a little bit of revision when you feel like it, you probably won't do much revision! You
need a revision timetable so you don't keep 4 .

health strength may effort pushing it on putting it off can attitudes
1 may 2 effort 3 attitudes 4 putting it off

300. Papal reform / Papal reform #4510 hot

Since the last papal reform, several 1 have been 2 to make the Western
calendar more useful or 3 . Very few reforms, such as the rather different decimal
French Republican and Soviet calendars, had gained official 4 , but each was put out
of use shortly after its introduction.

sanction acceptance random proposals compliments regular rejected offered
1 proposals 2 offered 3 regular 4 acceptance

301. Ideas / Ideas #4507 hot

People modify cultural ideas in their minds, and sometimes they pass on the modified
versions. Inevitably, there are unintentional modifications as well, partly because of
straightforward error, and partly because explicit ideas are hard to 1 accurately: there
is no way to download them directly from one brain to another like computer programmes.
2 native speakers of a language will not give 3 definitions of every word. So it
can be only rarely, if 4 , that two people hold precisely the same cultural idea in their
minds. That is why, when the founder of a political or philosophical movement or a religion
dies, or even 5 , schisms typically happen. The movement's most devoted followers
are often shocked to 6 that they disagree about what its doctrines really are.

henceforth before speak talk only although identical convey different discover
Even ever
1 convey 2 Even 3 identical 4 ever 5 before 6 discover

302. Collection / Collection #4473 cold 104 / 134

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The National Portrait Gallery's Conservation Department performs one of the Gallery's
1 functions, the long-term preservation of all collection items, to make them
2 now and in future

The Collection 3 from the 8th century to the present day, and consists of portraits in a
variety of media, so the Gallery employs Conservators with 4 in a range of disciplines,
including Framing, Painting, Paper, Sculpture and Photography.

dates experience core expertise rise accessible major available
1 core 2 accessible 3 dates 4 expertise

303. Microorganism / Microorganism #4472 hot

Although for centuries preparations derived from living 1 were applied to wounds to
destroy 2 , the fact that a microorganism is 3 of destroying one of another
species was not 4 until the latter half of the 19th century. when Pasteur noted the
antagonistic effect of other bacteria on the anthrax organism and pointed out that this action
might be put to 5 use.

matter capable full variable therapeutic receiver material infection established
1 matter 2 infection 3 capable 4 established 5 therapeutic

304. Wrinkle cure / Wrinkle cure #4471 hot

Barrie Finning's a professor at Monash University's college of pharmacy in Melbourne, and

PhD student Anita Schneider, recently tested a new wrinkle cure. Twice daily, 20 male and
female volunteers applied a liquid containing Myoxinol, a patented 1 of okra,
Hibiscus esculentus, seed, to one side of their faces. On the other side they applied a similar
liquid without Myoxinol. Every week for a month their wrinkles were tested by self-
assessment, photography and the size of depressions made in silicon moulds. The results
were impressive. After a month the 2 and number of wrinkles on the Myoxinol-treated
side were reduced by approximately 27 percent

But Finnin's research, commissioned by a cosmetics company, is unlikely to be published in

a scientific 3 . It's hard to even find studies that show the active ingredients in
cosmetics penetrate the skin, let alone more comprehensive research on their effects. Even 105 / 134

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when 4 studies are commissioned, companies usually control whether the work is
published in the traditional scientific literature.

body depth publication area extract rigorous tract solid
1 extract 2 depth 3 publication 4 rigorous

305. Siblings / Siblings #4459 hot

No two siblings are the same, not even identical twins. Parents often 1 about why
their children are so different from one another. They'll say,' I 2 them up all the same.'
They forget that what 3 our behaviour isn't what happens to us but how we 4
what happens to us, and no two people ever see anything in exactly the same way.

puzzle make interfere interpret brought confuse raised determines
1 puzzle 2 brought 3 determines 4 interpret

306. Soil pollution / Soil pollution #4400 hot

Chemicals used to control weeds in crops such as corn and soybeans may sometimes run
off farmland and enter surface water bodies such as lakes and streams. If a surface water
body that is used as a 1 water supply receives excess amounts of these herbicides,
then the municipal water treatment plant must 2 them out in order for the water to be
safe to drink. This added filtration process can be expensive. Farmers can help control
excess herbicides in runoff by choosing chemicals that bind with 3 more readily, are
less toxic, or degrade more quickly. Additionally, selecting the best tillage practise can help
minimise herbicide 4 .

filter rub drinking pollution farming treatment air soil
1 drinking 2 filter 3 soil 4 pollution

307. Music / Music #4391 hot

Music is an important part of our lives. We connect and interact with it daily and use it as a
way of 1 our self-identities to the people around us. The music we enjoy, whether it's
country or classical, rock n'roll or rap, 2 who we are 106 / 134

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But where did music, at its core, first come from? It's a puzzling question that may not have
a definitive answer. One 3 researcher, however, has proposed that the key to
understanding the origin of music is nestled snugly in the loving bond between mother and
In a lecture at the University of Melbourne, Richard Parncutt, an Australian-born professor of
systematic musicology, endorsed the idea that music originally spawned from' motherese' -
the playful voices mothers 4 when speaking to infants and toddlers
As the theory goes, increased human brain sizes caused by evolutionary changes occurring
between one and 2 million years ago resulted in earlier births, more fragile infants and a
5 need for stronger relationships between mothers and their newborn babies
According to Parncutt, who is based at the University of Graz in Austria,' motherese' arose
as a way to strengthen this maternal bond and to help 6 an infant's survival.

adopt reflects prestigious indicates insure leading projecting ensure projected
assure critical adapt
1 projecting 2 reflects 3 leading 4 adopt 5 critical 6 ensure

308. Plate tectonics / Plate tectonics #4378 hot

In geologic terms, a plate is a large, rigid slab of solid rock. The word tectonics comes from
the Greek 1 " to build. " Putting these two words together, we get the term plate
tectonics, which 2 to how the Earth's surface is built of plates. The theory of plate
tectonics 3 that the Earth's outermost layer is 4 into a dozen or more large
and small plates that are moving 5 to one another.

states fragmented root divided rote reverent relative connects tells refers
1 root 2 refers 3 states 4 fragmented 5 relative

309. Culture / Culture #4357 frozen

The article subjects the assumptions and prescriptions of the' Corporate Culture' literature to
critical scrutiny, the body of the article is 1 to teasing out the distinctive basis of its
appeal compared with earlier management 2 . It is seen to build upon earlier efforts, e.
g.' theory Y', to constitute a self-disciplining form of employee subjectivity by asserting that'
practical autonomy' is 3 upon the development of a strong corporate culture. The
paper illuminates the dark side of this project by drawing attention to the subjugating and
totalitarian 4 of its excellence quality prescriptions. To this end, 5 are drawn
with the philosophy of control favoured by the Party in Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. 107 / 134

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Specifically, the paper critiques the' double think' contention that autonomy can be realise in
mono cultural conditions that systematically 6 opportunities to wrestle with
competing values standpoints and their associated life projects.

subscribed conditional devoted parallels practice provisional implications constrain
implements thoughts theory confine
1 devoted 2 theory 3 conditional 4 implications 5 parallels 6 constrain

310. Work of scientists / Work of scientists #4356 warm

Scientists make observations, assumptions and do 1 . After these have been done, he
analyses the results. These 2 are compiled into 3 which gives scientists a
clearer 4 of world around us.

data experiments content picture image exercise reasons results
1 experiments 2 results 3 data 4 picture

311. Settlement / Settlement #4346 hot

Over the last ten thousand years there seem to have been two separate and conflicting
building sentiments throughout the history of towns and cities. 1 is the desire to start
again, for a variety of reasons: an earthquake or a tidal wave may have demolished the
settlement, or fire destroyed it, or the new city 2 a new political beginning. The other
can be likened to the effect of a magnet: established settlements attract people, who
3 to come whether or not there is any planning for their arrival. The clash between
these two sentiments is evident in every established city 4 its development has been
almost completely accidental or is lost in history. Incidentally, many settlements have been
planned from the beginning but, for a variety of reasons, no settlement followed the plan. A
good example is Currowan, on the Clyde River in New South Wales, which was surveyed in
the second half of the 19 th century, in expectation that people would come to establish
agriculture and a small port. But no one came.

highlights marks that One unless if dislike tend
1 One 2 marks 3 tend 4 unless 108 / 134

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312. Smartphone app / Smartphone app #4307 cold

回忆要点:还有一篇托词FIB讲smartphone app 与hotel的 第一空 the hotel___ 我选的

experience 不确定对不对 还有一个纠结的是 your smartphone become your __,key 当时
在bill和wallet里面纠结 最后选了bill 不知道大家考到过没
313. Symbiosis / Symbiosis #4259 hot

Symbiosis is a biological 1 in which two species live in 2 proximity to each

other and interact regularly in such a way as to benefit one or both of the organisms. When
3 partners benefit, this 4 of symbiosis is known as mutualism.

metaphor variety comstant close relationship both neither string
1 relationship 2 close 3 both 4 variety

314. Moths / Moths #4155 hot

Why are moths fatally attracted to the light? 1 is the old glib explanation that the
moths are trying to use the flame to navigate. 2 does not tell us, however, why it is
that in many species only males are thus attracted, and in a few, only females. 3 , if
moths need to navigate, they must be from a migrating species. 4 most of the time
such moths are not migrating. Indeed most species do not migrate at all and thus have no
need of navigation.

Already What's more More or less Each problem Yet This explanation One solution
The reasons
1 One solution 2 This explanation 3 What's more 4 Yet

315. Coffee / Coffee #4139 hot

Coffee is enjoyed by millions of people every day and the' coffee experience' has become a
staple of our modern life and 1 . While the current body of research related to the
effects of coffee 2 on human health has been contradictory, a study in the June issue
of Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, which is published by the
Institute of Food Technologists, IFT, found that the potential 3 of moderate coffee 109 / 134

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drinking outweigh the risks in adult consumers for the majority of major health 4

disadvantages food benefits culture outcomes results consumption wholesale
1 culture 2 consumption 3 benefits 4 outcomes

316. Folklore / Folklore #4128 hot

A modern term for the 1 of traditional customs, superstitions, stories, dances, and
songs that have been adopted and maintained within a given 2 by processes of
repetition is not reliant on the written word. Along with folk songs and folktales, this broad
3 of cultural forms embraces all kinds of legends, riddles, jokes, proverbs, games,
charms, omens, spells, and rituals, especially those of pre-literate societies or social classes.
Those forms of verbal expression that are handed on from one generation or locality to the
next by 4 of the mouth are said to constitute an oral 5 .

word community process category book number percent theme body tradition
1 body 2 community 3 category 4 word 5 tradition

317. An Act / An Act #4099 warm

The Nature Conservation Amendment Act of 1996 enables the Minister of Environment and
Tourism to register a conservancy if it has a 1 committee, a legal constitution, which
provides for the sustainable management and utilisation of game in the conservancy, the
ability to 2 the funds, an approved method for the 3 distribution of benefits to
members of the community and defined boundaries.

manage apprehensive exquisite equitable representative appropriate
1 representative 2 manage 3 equitable

318. Courses in the UW / Courses in the UW #4066 hot

The UW course descriptions are 1 regularly during the academic year. All
announcements in the General Catalog and Course Catalog are 2 to change without
notice and do not constitute an 3 between the University of Washington and the 110 / 134

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student. Students should assume the responsibility of 4 the appropriate academic

unit or adviser for more current or specific information.

agreement delighted updated insulting consulting advice subject published
1 updated 2 subject 3 agreement 4 consulting

319. Music / Music #4064 hot

Music was as important to the ancient Egyptians as it is in our modern society. Although it is
thought that music played a 1 throughout the history of Egypt, those that study the
Egyptian writings have discovered that music 2 to become more important in what is
called the' pharaonic' 3 of their history. This was the time when the Egyptian
dynasties of the pharaohs were 4 , around 3100 BCE, and music was found in many
parts of every day Egyptian life.

showed need history seemed period rank role established
1 role 2 seemed 3 period 4 established

320. Standard Response / Standard Response #4060 hot

The 1 observer does not necessarily recognise the 2 in how a teacher, for
instance, responds to a thoughtful question from a normally quiet student and how that may
be very different from the' standard response' to a commonly inquisitive or 3 student.
Expert teachers are aware of what they are doing; they monitor and adjust their teaching
behaviours to bring out the 4 in their students.

casual reason skill celebrated talkative best careless most
1 casual 2 skill 3 talkative 4 best

321. Shark / Shark #3989 cold

Shark bite numbers 1 steadily over the last century as humans reproduced
exponentially and 2 more time at the seashore. But the numbers have 3
unvaried over the past five years as over fishing 4 the shark population near shore
and swimmers 5 about the risks of 6 into certain areas, Burgess said. 111 / 134

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swimming died spend horrified spent thinned learned grow remained grew
known wading
1 grew 2 spent 3 remained 4 thinned 5 learned 6 wading

322. Sharks Personalities / Sharks Personalities #3809 hot

Down the road, the study authors write, a better understanding of sharks' 1 may help
scientists learn more about what drives their choice of things like prey and 2 . Some
sharks are shy, and some are outgoing some are 3 , and some prefer to stick close to
what they know, information that could prove useful in making sense of larger species-wide
behaviour 4 .

dwelling patterns attitudes modes personalities quiet adventurous habitat
1 personalities 2 habitat 3 adventurous 4 patterns

323. Volcano Eruption / Volcano Eruption #3739 hot

Volcanoes blast more than 100 million tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every
year but the gas is usually 1 . When a volcano erupts, carbon dioxide spreads out into
the atmosphere and isn't 2 in one spot. But sometimes the gas gets trapped
3 under enormous pressure. If it escapes to the surface in a dense 4 , it can
push out oxygen-rich air and become deadly.

useless mixture around harmless concentrated cloud absorbed underground
1 harmless 2 concentrated 3 underground 4 cloud

324. The United Nations / The United Nations #3735 cold

The United Nations is an international organisation founded in 1945. Due to its unique
international character, and the powers vested in its founding Charter, the organisation can
take 1 on a wide range of issues and provide a forum for its 193 Member States to
2 their views, through the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and
Social Council and other bodies and committees. The work of the United Nations reaches
every 3 of the globe. Although best known for peacekeeping, peacebuilding, conflict
4 , and humanitarian assistance, there are many other ways the United Nations and 112 / 134

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its system, specialised agencies, funds, and programmes, affect our lives and make the
world a better place.

aspect notice corner important prevention action express protection
1 action 2 express 3 corner 4 prevention

325. Genius / Genius #3372 hot

Genius, in the popular conception, is inextricably tied up with precocity doing something
truly creative, we're inclined to think, requires the freshness and exuberance and energy of
youth. Orson Welles made his masterpiece, " Citizen Kane, " at twenty-five. Herman Melville
wrote a book a year 1 his late twenties, culminating at age thirty- two, with " Moby-
Dick. " Mozart wrote his breakthrough Piano Concerto No. 9 in E-Flat-Major at the age of
twenty-one. In some creative forms, like lyric poetry, the 2 of precocity has hardened
into an iron law. How old was T. S. Eliot when he wrote " The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock
", " I grow old. I grow old ",? Twenty-three. " Poets peak young, " the creativity researcher
James Kaufman maintains. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the author of " Flow, " agrees: " The
most creative lyric verse is believed to be that written by the young. " According to the
Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner, a leading 3 on creativity, " Lyric poetry is a
domain where 4 is discovered early, burns brightly, and then peters out at an early
5 ."

through talent importance urgency at authority company number age master
1 through 2 importance 3 authority 4 talent 5 age

326. Walt Disney World / Walt Disney World #3330 hot

Walt Disney World has become a pilgrimage site partly because of the luminosity of its cross-
cultural and marketing and partly because its 1 aspects appeal powerfully to real
needs in the capitalist 2 . Disney's marketing is unique because it captured the
symbolic essence of 3 but the company has gained access to all public
communication media. Movies, television shows, comic books, dolls, apparels, and 4
film strips all point to the parks and each other.

childhood conventional field society world utopian adults educational
1 utopian 2 society 3 childhood 4 educational 113 / 134

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327. Stress V2 / Stress V2 #3326 cold

Stress that tense feeling often connected to have too 1 to do, too 2 bills to
pay and not 3 time or money is a common emotion that knows few 4 . About
three-fourths of people in the US, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy say they
experience stress on a daily basis, according to 5 . The anxious feelings are even
more intense during the holidays. Germans feel stress more intensely than those in other
countries polled. People in the US cited financial pressure as the top worry.

polled much enough sufficient polling many lines borders few little
1 much 2 many 3 enough 4 borders 5 polling

328. Job Quality / Job Quality #2485 hot

" Sustainable job growth " is a motto for many governments, especially in the aftermath of a
recession. The problem of' job quality' is less often addressed and may be seen as 1
job growth. The sentiment' any job is better than no job' may resonate with governments as
well as people, especially in the context of high unemployment. However, if the 2
between improving the quality of 3 jobs and creating new jobs becomes greatly
imbalanced towards the latter, this could increase work stress among 4 and future
workers, which in turn has health, economic and social costs. A recent British Academy
Policy Center Report on Stress at Work highlights these 5 , and describes the context,
determinants and consequences of work-related stress in Britain.

hunting contradiction current existing concerns promoting hindering past balance
1 hindering 2 balance 3 existing 4 current 5 concerns

329. Retirement / Retirement #2467 hot

For a start, we need to change our 1 of' retirement', and we need to change mindsets
arising from earlier government policy which, in the face of high unemployment levels,
encouraged mature workers to take early retirement. Today, government encourages them to
2 their retirement

We now need to think of retirement as a phased process, where mature age workers
3 reduce their hours, and where they have considerable flexibility in how they 114 / 134

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combine their work and non work time

We also need to recognise the broader change that is occurring in how people work, learn,
and live. Increasingly we are moving away from a linear relationship between education,
training, work, and retirement, as people move in and out of jobs, careers, caregiving, study,
and leisure. Employers of choice remove the barriers between the different segments of
people's lives, by creating flexible conditions of work and a range of leave entitlements. They
take an individualised approach to workforce planning and development so that the needs of
employers and employees can be met 4 . This approach supports the different
transitions that occur across the life course, for example, school to work, becoming a parent,
becoming responsible for the care of older relatives, and moving from work to retirement.

unconsciously delay remove instantly simultaneously gradually perception concept
1 concept 2 delay 3 gradually 4 simultaneously

330. Wagonways / Wagonways #2465 cold

Roads of rails called Wagonways were being used in Germany as 1 as 1550. These
2 railed roads consisted of wooden rails over which horse-drawn waggon or carts
moved with greater ease than over dirt roads. Wagonways were the beginnings of modern

3 1776, iron had replaced the wood in the rails and wheels on the carts. Wagonways
evolved into Tramways and spread throughout Europe. Horses still provided all the pulling
power. In 1789, an English man, William Jessup designed the first waggon with 4
wheels. The flange was a groove that allowed the wheels to grip the rail better; this was an
important design that carried over to later locomotives.

primitive in early By flapped secondary flanged advanced
1 early 2 primitive 3 By 4 flanged

331. Consumers' Choices / Consumers' Choices #2238 hot

Differential rates of price change can also shape consumption patterns. To 1 their
needs and wants, consumers sometimes choose to 2 spending on a particular
product or service with spending on an alternative product or service in response to a
3 price movement of the items.

候选词 115 / 134

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satisfy lower substitute relative change complete

1 satisfy 2 substitute 3 relative

332. Expansion of Internet / Expansion of Internet #2237 hot

The exponential growth of the Internet was 1 , in the 1990s, as revolutionising the
production and 2 of information. Some people saw the internet as a means of
3 access to knowledge. For people 4 with African development, it seemed to
offer the possibility of 5 over the technology gap that 6 Africa from advanced
industrialised countries.

signifies separates jogging dissertation revolutionizing concerned leapfrogging
connected demonstrated democratising dissemination heralded
1 heralded 2 dissemination 3 democratising 4 concerned 5 leapfrogging 6 separates

333. Impressionist painters / Impressionist painters #2176 hot

Impressionist painters were considered 1 in their time because they broke many of
the rules of the picture-making set by earlier 2 . They found many of their 3 in
life around them rather than in history, which was then the accepted 4 of subject

generations subjects origin objects significant artists radical source
1 radical 2 generations 3 subjects 4 source

334. China and Japan / China and Japan #2087 hot

At times, a broad stream of knowledge flowed from China to Japan. At other times, this
transfer was 1 on one side or the other, and Japan 2 on its own. But whether
in isolation or not, Japan was always itself. Everything that 3 from China was
4 to suit Japanese tastes and needs.

halted arrived created removed adapted lived developed created
1 halted 2 developed 3 arrived 4 adapted 116 / 134

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335. Music’s Impact / Music’s Impact #2085 frozen

另一个过去式呼应的。 radioactive influence human 如果dose 多了,那么会影响外表看起
336. Part-time Job / Part-time Job #2084 frozen

Students are increasingly finding it necessary to obtain employment in order to subsidise

their income during their time in higher education. The 1 income helps to pay for
necessities, to maintain a social life and to buy clothes, and holding a part-time job helps
students to 2 experience and 3 skills for life after university or college. Using
a part-time job to cut down on borrowing is a sound investment, as it reduces the 4
that will be waiting to be paid off after graduation. How many hours students are currently
working each week during term-time is not really certain. Some institutions advise that
students should not work more than ten hours a week, and there are others that set a higher
recommended 5 of fifteen hours a week. There is no doubt that some students
6 even fifteen hours a week.

succeeded gain range additional obtain develop study exceed extra limit bill
1 extra 2 gain 3 develop 4 debt 5 limit 6 exceed

337. Animals' Chemical Reaction / Animals' Chemical Reaction #2083


回忆1.说的是动物自身会产生一些化学反应还是化 学什么的用来保护自己第一个空是说自
身会产生an xxx smell and foul taste来抵御天敌备选答案有ordinary appealing enchanting
还有个什么忘了。第二个空貌似是in the xxx for survival (struggle, game, match,
四个应该是dangerous,最后一个是xxx and error选trial备选有doing testing。说的是有的动
物本来自身带有的防御系统无需反复实验?应该是这么理解的,反正trial and error应该是
回忆2.考试考到animal's chemical reaction 答案是 APPALLING STRUGGLE FOR
DISPUTE 和 GRIM 但是我没有遇到 117 / 134

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338. No parents / No parents #1793 hot

For many first-year students, the University may be their first experience living away from
home for an 1 period. It is a 2 break from home. In my point of view, this is the
best thing that you can do. I know you have to fend for yourself, cook and clean after
yourself, basically look after yourself without your parents but the truth is some time in your
life you are going to have to part with lovely Mummy and Daddy. But they are only just a
phone call away, and it is really good to have some QUALITY TIME without them. The first
few weeks can be a 3 period. There may be concerns about forming the friendship.
When new students look around, it may seem that everyone else is self-confident and
4 successful! The reality is that everyone has the same concerns

Increased personal freedom can feel both wonderful and 5 . Students can come and
go as they choose with no one to hassle them. The strange environment with new kinds of
procedures and new people can create the sense of being on an emotional roller coaster.
This is normal and to be expected. You meet so many more people in the halls than if you
stayed at home. The main points about living away from home are NO PARENTS! You don't
have to tell them where you're going, who you're going with, what time you'll be coming, why
you're going etc
You learn various social skills you have to get along with your roommates Living with them
can present special, sometimes intense, problems. Negotiating respect of personal property,
personal space, sleep, and relaxation needs, can be a complex task. The complexity
increases when roommates are of different 6 with very different values. It is unrealistic
to expect that roommates will be best friends. Meaningful, new relationships should not be
expected to develop overnight. It took a great deal of time to develop intimacy in high school
friendships the same will be true of intimacy in university friendships
You have a phone! So if you ever get homesick or miss you, Mummy, then shes always at the
end of a phone-line for you and so are your friends.

exciting enviroment backgrounds definite timely extra lonely natural socially easily
frightening extended
1 extended 2 definite 3 lonely 4 socially 5 frightening 6 backgrounds

339. Visit health professionals / Visit health professionals #1790 hot

People who visit health professionals tend to be older than the 1 population because
illness increases with age. However, the 2 of the population who visited
complementary health 3 was highest between the ages 25 and 64 years. The lower
rates for people aged 65 years and over 4 with the rate of visits to other health 118 / 134

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professionals which increased steadily with increasing age. The reasons for this difference
might include lower levels of 5 of complementary therapies by older people.
Alternatively, older people may have different treatment priorities than do younger people
because their health on average is worse while their incomes are generally lower.

general acceptance contrasted proportion majority dentists health therapists
independence elder
1 general 2 proportion 3 therapists 4 contrasted 5 acceptance

340. Multi-cultural society / Multi-cultural society #1789 frozen

Australia is a dynamic multi-cultural society, viewed by many as the world's most desirable
place to live. Here Frank Welsh traces Australia's intriguing and varied history to 1
how this society 2 , from its ancient Aborigine tribes and earliest British convict
3 to today's modern nation, one that 4 strong links with its colonial past but
is 5 independent and diverse.

review examine remains increasingly obviously retains wars settlements calculated
1 examine 2 emerged 3 settlements 4 retains 5 increasingly

341. Bach / Bach #1785 hot

Those were his halcyon days when his music was constantly heard in Venice, and his
influence 1 Europe. He spent much of his time on the road, 2 and overseeing
productions of his music. In Germany, Bach studied Vivaldi's scores, copied them for
performance and 3 some for other instruments.

existed blanketed looking arranged performing played
1 blanketed 2 performing 3 arranged

342. The allure of the book / The allure of the book #1784 hot

The allure of the book has always been negative and 1 , for the texts and pictures
between the covers have helped many young readers to 2 and grasp the world
around them in a pleasurable and meaningful way. But the allure has also enabled authors 119 / 134

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and publishers to 3 upon young readers' dispositions and desires and to 4

them a menu that turns out to be junk food.

discover positive prey appropriate pray sell lend find
1 positive 2 discover 3 prey 4 sell

343. Mike's research / Mike's research #1761 hot

In 2001 he received the SIUC Outstanding Scholar Award. In 2003 he received the Carski
Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching from the American Society for
Microbiology. Mikes research is 1 on bacteria that inhabit 2 environments,
and for the past 12 years, he has studied the microbiology of permanently ice-covered lakes
in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. In addition to his research papers, he has edited a
major 3 on phototrophic bacteria and served for over a decade as chief editor of the
4 Archives of Microbiology. He currently serves on the editorial board of
Environmental Microbiology. Mikes nonscientific 5 include forestry, reading, and
caring for his dogs and horses. He lives 6 a peaceful and quiet lake with his wife,
Nancy, five shelter dogs, Gaino, Snuffy, Pepto, Peanut, and Merry,, and four horses, Springer,
Feivel, Gwen, and Festus,.

extreme around focused focusing article undertaking passage treatise beside
interests then journal
1 focused 2 extreme 3 treatise 4 journal 5 interests 6 beside

344. Loosestrife / Loosestrife #1758 cold

The invasion of non-indigenous plants is considered a primary threat to integrity and function
of ecosystems. However, there is little quantitative or 1 evidence for ecosystem
impacts of invasive species. Justifications for control are often based on potential, but not
presently realised, recognised or quantified, negative impacts. Should lack of scientific
certainty about impacts of non-indigenous species result in postponing measures to prevent
degradation? Recently, management of purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria, has been
criticised for lack of evidence demonstrating negative impacts of L.Salicaria, and
management using biocontrol for lack of evidence documenting the failure of conventional
control methods. Although little quantitative evidence on negative impacts on native wetland
biota and wetland function was available at the onset of the control programme in 1985,
recent work has demonstrated that the invasion of purple loosestrife into North American
freshwater wetlands alters 2 rates and nutrient cycling, leads to reductions in wetland 120 / 134

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plant diversity, reduces pollination and seed output of the native Lythrum alatum, and
reduces habitat 3 for specialised wetland bird species such as black terns, least
bitterns, pied-billed grebes, and marsh wrens. Conventional methods, physical, mechanical
or chemical have continuously failed to 4 the spread of purple loosestrife or to
provide satisfactory control. Although a number of generalist insect and bird species utilise
purple loosestrife, wetland habitat specialists are excluded by the 5 of L.salicaria. We
conclude that negative ecosystem impacts of purple loosestrife in North America justify
control of the species and that detrimental effects of purple loosestrife on wetland systems
and biota and the potential benefits of control outweigh potential risks associated with the
introduction of biocontrol agents. Long-term experiments and monitoring programmes that
are in place will evaluate the impact of these insects on purple loosestrife, on wetland plant
succession and other wetland biotas.

suitability experimental accomplishment decomposition theoretical sustainability
composition stop encroachment curb
1 experimental 2 decomposition 3 suitability 4 curb 5 encroachment

345. Ministerial staffing system / Ministerial staffing system #1757 hot

The contemporary ministerial staffing system is large, active and partisan, far larger and
further evolved than any West minster equivalent. Ministers' demands for help to cope with
the pressures of an increasingly competitive and professionalised political environment have
been key drivers of the staffing system's development. But there has not been
commensurate growth in 1 to support and control it. The 2 framework for
ministerial staff is 3 and ad hoc.

manufacturing operations current operating fragmented arrangements
1 arrangements 2 operating 3 fragmented

346. Romans / Romans #1755 cold

The Romans glorified the 1 shown in the arena, but 2 the events and
degraded the participants. Mosaic pictures of executions and combats, 3 violent to
our eyes, were displayed in the public rooms and even dining rooms in the homes of wealthy
Romans. How can the viewer today possibly understand such images? Until fairly recently,
modern authors writing about the arena minimised its significance and 4 the
institutionalised violence as a sideline to Roman history. The 5 was also to view the
events through our own eyes and to see them as pitiful or horrifying, although to most 121 / 134

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Romans empathy with victims of the arena was inconceivable. In the past few decades,
however, scholars have started to analyse the complex motivations for deadly public
entertainments and contradictory views of gladiators as despised, yet beloved hero, slaves.

potentially graphically tendency represented visualized strength suppressed bravery
trend trivialised
1 bravery 2 trivialised 3 graphically 4 represented 5 tendency

347. Eccentric language / Eccentric language #1752 frozen

An eccentric mix of English, German and French has entered Japanese usage with grand
1 . A " kariya " woman is a career woman, and a " manshon " is an apartment. This
increasing use of katakana, or unique Japanese versions of Western words, and the younger
generation's more casual use of the Japanese language have 2 Prime Minister
Junichiro Koizumi to worry that these new words may not be understood by a wider
audience. As a result, a government panel is proposing to publish a manual on how to speak
proper Japanese. Foreign words became katakana Japanese 3 no existing Japanese
words could quite capture a specific meaning or feeling. When the word " cool " travelled
east, all of its English connotations did not make the journey. A kuru person in Japan is
someone who is calm and never gets upset. On the other hand, someone who is kakkoii is
hip, or in translation, " cool. " 4 , a hot to a person is one who is easily excitable,
perhaps passionate, but not necessarily a popular person or personality of the moment.

adopt abandon projected because however apparently prompted Similarly
1 abandon 2 prompted 3 because 4 Similarly

348. TV advertising / TV advertising #1751 hot

From a child's point of view, what is the purpose of TV advertising? Is advertising on TV done
to give actors the opportunity to take a rest or 1 their 2 ? Or is it done to make
people buy things? Furthermore, is the main 3 between programmes and
commercials that commercials are for real, whereas programmes are not, or that
programmes are for kids and commercials for adults? As has been shown several times in
the literature, e.g. Butter et al. 1981 Donohue, Henke, and Donohue 1980 Macklin 1983 and
1987 Robertson and Rossiter 1974 Stephens and Stutts 1982, some children are able to
4 between programmes and commercials and are 5 of the intent of TV
advertising, whereas others are not. 122 / 134

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able distinguish draw conclude ideas lines difference similarity practise aware
1 practise 2 lines 3 difference 4 distinguish 5 aware

349. Plainness / Plainness #1747 hot

Now that doesn't mean that plainness is the only beneficial style, or that you should become
a1 to bare, undecorated writing. Formality and elaborateness have their place, and in
competent hands complexity can take us on a dizzying, breathtaking journey

But most people, most of the time, should endeavour to be reasonably simple, to acquire a
2 style of short words, active verbs, and comparatively simple sentences 3
clear actions or identities. It's quicker, it makes arguments easier to follow, it step - ups the
chances a busy reader will bother to pay attention, and it lets you focus more attention on
your moments of rhetorical flourish, which I don't advise deserting altogether.

slave underline carrying victim developing baseline
1 slave 2 baseline 3 carrying

350. Teenage Daughter / Teenage Daughter #1694 hot

Your teenage daughter gets top marks in school, captains the debate team, and volunteers
at a shelter for homeless people. But while driving the family car, her text, messages her best
friend and rear, ends another vehicle. How can teens be so clever, accomplished, and
responsible and reckless at the same time? Easily, according to two physicians at Children's
Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School, HMS, who have been 1 the unique
structure and chemistry of the adolescent brain. The teenage brain is not just an adult brain
with fewer miles on it, says Frances E. Jensen, a professor of neurology. Its a paradoxical
time of 2 . These are people with very sharp brains, but they're not quite sure what to
do with them. In animals, the movement is coordinated by a cluster of neurons in the spinal
cord called the central 3 generator, CPG. This produces signals that drive muscles to
4 rhythmically in a way that produces running or walking, depending on the pattern
of pulses. A simple signal from the brain instructs the CPG to switch between different
5 , such as going from a standstill to walking.

ways pattern exploring contract usher knowing form movement development
答案词 123 / 134

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1 exploring 2 development 3 pattern 4 contract 5 modes

351. Sportswomen / Sportswomen #1552 hot

Sportswomen's records are important and need to be preserved. And if the paper records
don't 1 , we need to get out and start interviewing people, not to put too fine a
2 on it, while we still have a 3 . After all, if the records aren't kept in some
form or another, then the stories are 4 too.

finished exist focus lost chance point line read
1 exist 2 point 3 chance 4 lost

352. University science / University science #1548 hot

University science is now in real crisis, particularly the non-telegenic, non-ology bits of it
such as chemistry. Since 1996, 28 universities have stopped offering chemistry degrees,
according to the Royal Society of Chemistry

The society predicts that as few as six departments, those at Durham, Cambridge, Imperial,
UCL, Bristol, and Oxford, could remain open by 2014. Most recently, Exeter University closed
down its chemistry department, blaming it on " market forces, " and Bristol took in some of
the refugees
The closures have been blamed on a 1 in student applications, but money is a
2 : chemistry degrees are expensive to provide, compared with English, for example -
and some scientists 3 that the way the government concentrates research 4
on a small number of top departments, such as Bristol, increase the 5 .

reviewed fall argue increase factor funding say profit topic risk
1 fall 2 factor 3 say 4 funding 5 risk

353. Darkness / Darkness #1547 hot

The increasing darkness in the Northern Hemisphere this time of year indicates to the plant
that 1 is coming on. So it starts recouping materials from the 2 before they
drop off. Evergreens protect their needle-like foliage from freezing with 3 coatings
and natural " antifreeze. " But before they do, the plants first try to 4 important
nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. 124 / 134

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waxy fall roots slimy leaves retain salvage winter
1 fall 2 leaves 3 waxy 4 salvage

354. Entrepreneurs / Entrepreneurs #1536 warm

Entrepreneurs seek the best opportunities for production and 1 all the other
resources in order to carry them out. An entrepreneur 2 needs and takes the
necessary actions to initiate the process by which they will be 3 . This often means
4 and taking risks.

innovating classifying accumulates met visualises coordinate collect paid
1 coordinate 2 visualises 3 met 4 classifying

355. Banking / Banking #1359 warm

The first banks were probably the religious temples of the ancient world and were probably
established sometime during the third millennium B.C. Banks probably 1 the
invention of money. Deposits initially consisted of grain and later other goods including
cattle, agricultural implements, and eventually precious 2 such as gold, in the form of
easy-to-carry compressed plates. Temples and palaces were the safest places to store gold
as they were constantly attended and well 3 . As sacred places, temples presented an
extra deterrent to would-be thieves.

awards metals predated invested built structured
1 predated 2 metals 3 built

356. Kashmiri / Kashmiri #1354 hot

Two decades ago, Kashmiri houseboat-owners rubbed their hands every spring at the
prospect of the annual influx of 1 . From May to October, the hyacinth-choked
2 of Dal Lake saw flotillas of vividly painted Shikaras carrying Indian families, boho
westerners, young travellers and wide-eyed Japenese. Carpet-sellers honed their skills, as
did purveyors of anything remotely embroidered while the house boats initiated by the British
Raj provided unusual accommodation. The economy boomed. Then, in 1989, separatist and
Islamist militancy 3 and everything changed. Hindus and countless Kashmiri business 125 / 134

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people 4 , at least 35, 000 people were killed in a decade, the lake stagnated, and the
houseboats rotted. Any foreigners venturing there risked their 5 , proved in 1995 when
five young Europeans were kidnapped and murdered.

waters tourists bolted fled land population ships raced attacked lives
1 tourists 2 waters 3 attacked 4 bolted 5 lives

357. Rampant corruption / Rampant corruption #1353 cold

The inevitable consequences 1 rampant corruption, an absence of globally

competitive companies, 2 waste of resources, rampant environmental 3 , and
soaring inequality. Above all, the monopoly over power of an ideologically bankrupt
communist party is 4 with the pluralism of opinion, security of property and vibrant
competition on which a dynamic economy depends.

chronic satisfied degradation declining contain invalid inconsistent include
1 include 2 chronic 3 degradation 4 inconsistent

358. Modern healthcare / Modern healthcare #1352 hot

In the fast-changing world of modern healthcare, the job of a doctor is more like the job of
chief executive. The people who run hospitals and physicians' practises don't just need to
know 1 . They must also be able to 2 budgets, 3 a large and 4
staff and 5 difficult marketing and legal 6 .

pharmacy calculate evaluate oppose motivate decisions balance make actions
medicine diverse various
1 medicine 2 balance 3 motivate 4 diverse 5 make 6 decisions

359. Funerary Violin / Funerary Violin #669 warm

In the 250 years of its active evolution, Funerary Violin moved from the formal to the
personal. It is clear from the earliest 1 of the form that its role during the sixteenth
and seventeenth centuries was largely heraldic, to 2 the continuity of the social
3 . The few works that have survived from this period are often 4 unemotional
and at times overtly grandiose. 126 / 134

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autonomously accounts exemplify eradicate structure surprisingly records
1 accounts 2 exemplify 3 structure 4 surprisingly

360. Child-Centric Mother / Child-Centric Mother #667 warm

The conducted study serves three objectives. The first objective is to reveal the 1
loaded to the child by the child-centric mother's attitude and the effect of 5-6-year-old
nursery school children on the purchasing decision of families who belong to the high socio-
economic class. The second objectives are to 2 a child centricity scale, and the third
object is to examine the attitude and behaviour differences between low child-centric and
high child-centric mothers

3 the data gathered from 257 mother respondents, the researchers have found that
the lowest influence of the child upon the purchasing decisions of the family are those who
carry high purchasing risk and are used by the whole family, whereas the highest influence of
the child upon the purchasing decision of the family are the products with low risk used by
the whole family. Findings also reveal that there are statistical 4 between the high
child-centric and low child-centric mothers regarding purchasing products that are highly
risky and used by the whole family.

Analysing define differences similarities values providing meaning develop
1 values 2 develop 3 Analysing 4 differences

361. Thea Proctor / Thea Proctor #666 cold

Thea Proctor was just sixteen when her entry at the Bowral Art Competition caught the eye
of the judge, Arther Streeton. It was the first of many associations with art world 1 .
The next year saw her at the Julian Ashton Art School in the illustrious company of Elioth
Gruner, Sydney Long and George Lambert, for whom she often posed and who 2 her
great friend until his death in 1930

Lambert's paintings and sketches of Proctor emphasise the elegance of her dress. A keen
interest in fashion was just one 3 of her fascination with design, and she saw herself
as an early style guru on a quest to rid Australian art of " it's lack of imagination and inventive
design. " Skilled in watercolours and drawings, Proctor did not 4 herself to paper,
canvases or her popular magazine illustrations; she designed theatre sets and a restaurant 127 / 134

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interior and wrote on a range of subjects from flower arranging to the colours of cars. It made
for a busy and 5 life but, as she said, she was not the sort of person " who could sit
at home and knit socks. "

extent different aspect limit remained remembered enrolls recruits varied respect
1 recruits 2 remained 3 aspect 4 limit 5 varied

362. Farming / Farming #663 warm

In the last years of the wheat boom, Bennett had become increasingly frustrated at how the
government seemed to be encouraging an 1 farming binge. He went directly after his
old employer, the Department of Agriculture, for 2 people. Farmers on the Great
Plains were working against nature; he 3 in speeches across the country.

exploitative unwilling misleading thundered mistreating menaced
1 exploitative 2 misleading 3 thundered

363. Genetically Modified Food / Genetically Modified Food #662 cold

Genetically modified foods provide no direct benefit to consumers; the food is not 1
better or cheaper. The greater benefit, 2 argue, is that genetic engineering will play a
crucial role in feeding the world's 3 population. Opponents disagree, 4 that
the world already grows more food per person than ever before, more, even, than we can
5 .

opponents unrealistically consume noticeably burgeoning proponents promising
limitless take asserting
1 noticeably 2 proponents 3 burgeoning 4 asserting 5 consume

364. Advertisement / Advertisement #658 hot

Almost all public spaces nowadays have advertisements in sight, and all forms of media,
from newspapers to the cinema to the internet, are 1 with adverts. This all-pervasive
presence reflects the value of advertising to us. Without it, businesses of all types and sizes
would 2 to inform potential customers about the products or services they provide,
and consumers would be unable to make informed assessments when looking for products 128 / 134

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to buy and services to use. Without advertising, the promotion of products and 3 that
contribute to our physical and psychological well-being medicines to treat minor ailments,
insurance schemes to protect us, clothes and cosmetics to make us look and feel better
would be 4 more problematic than it is. And without advertisements and the 5
represented in them, the world would be the afar 6 place.

struggle known inspections happier full passages strongly practises infinitely
duller filled aspirations
1 filled 2 struggle 3 practises 4 infinitely 5 aspirations 6 duller

365. Symphony / Symphony #657 cold

Away from the rumble of Shanghai's highways and cacophony of the shopping districts,
stroll down side streets filled with rows of tall brick 1 . In the early evening or on a
weekend morning, you'll hear the 2 of classical music 3 from a piano, played
by a 10-year-old or a grandmother in her seventies. 4 down another alley toward drab
5 , and you'll hear Beethoven or Mozart flowing from a violin, or perhaps a cello,
accordion or flute

In China, classical music is 6 as mightily as the 1812 Overture.

drifting roll booming sounding building slipping skyscrapers rhythm musicians
sound Wander houses
1 houses 2 sound 3 drifting 4 Wander 5 skyscrapers 6 booming

366. Blood Flow / Blood Flow #656 warm

All approaches aim into increase 1 flow to areas of tension and to release painful
2 known as " trigger points. " Trigger points are tense areas of muscle that are
almost constantly contracting, " says Kippen. " The contraction causes pain, which in turn
causes contraction, so you have a vicious circle. This is what deep tissue massage aims to
break. " The way to do this, as I found out under Ogedengbe's elbow, is to apply pressure
3 the point, stopping the blood flow, and then to release, which causes the brain to
flood the affected 4 5 blood, encouraging the muscle to relax. At the same
time, says Kippen, you can fool the tensed muscle into relaxing by applying pressure to a
complementary one nearby. " If you cause any muscle to contract, its opposite will expand.
So you try to trick the body 6 relaxing the muscle that is in spasm. " 129 / 134

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muscle to along of blood with area into against place knots of bones
knots of muscle
1 blood 2 knots of muscle 3 to 4 area 5 with 6 into

367. Medical Examination / Medical Examination #654 frozen

The most common 1 for carrying out a detailed medical examination of a dead
person, a post-mortem or autopsy, is when it is necessary to 2 the cause of death. In
some circumstances, a doctor may be allowed to perform a post-mortem in pursuit of
medical 3 . The examination is usually performed by a pathologist and 4
dissection of the body, and tests were done on blood, tissues and internal organs, but
sometimes it is performed by a doctor.

knowledge connects reason involves ensure establish situation prescription
1 reason 2 establish 3 knowledge 4 involves

368. Shrimp Farm / Shrimp Farm #651 hot

However, proper 1 shows that for each hectare government subsidies formed 8,412
of this figure and there were costs, too: 1,000 for pollution and 12,392 for losses to
ecosystem services. These comprised damage to the supply of foods and medicines that
people had taken from the forest, the loss of habitats for fish, and less buffering against
storms. And because a given shrimp farm only stays 2 for three or four years, there
was the additional cost of restoring them afterwards.

productive regenerating summarizing accounting
1 accounting 2 productive

369. Icing and anti-inflammatories / Icing and anti-inflammatories

#650 warm

Icing and anti-inflammatories will help 1 the pain and swelling. Vigorous massage
2 the knot in the muscle will help it to relax and ease the pain. Meanwhile, work
3 strengthening and stretching your hip, hamstring and lower-back muscles. For
stretching, focus on the hamstring stretch, the hip, lower-back stretch, and the hamstring,
backstretch. 4 strengthening, try side leg lifts. 130 / 134

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to of For in onto by on with
1 with 2 of 3 on 4 For

370. Lewis / Lewis #642 cold

C.S. Lewis, or Jack Lewis, as he preferred to be called, was born in Belfast, Ireland, now
Northern Ireland, on November 29, 1898. He was the second son of Albert Lewis, a lawyer,
and Flora Hamilton Lewis. His older brother, Warren Hamilton Lewis, who was known as
Warnie, had been born three years 1 in 1895

Lewis's early childhood was relatively happy and carefree. In those days Northern Ireland
was not yet 2 by bitter civil strife, and the Lewis's were comfortably off. The family
home, called Little Lea. was a large, gabled house with dark, narrow passages and an
overgrown garden, which Warnie and Jack played in and 3 together There was also a
library that was crammed with books - two of Jack's favourites were Treasure Island by
Robert Louis Stevenson and The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
This somewhat idyllic boyhood came to an end for Lewis when his mother became ill and
died of cancer in 1908. Barely a month after her death the two boys were sent away from
home to go to boarding school in England
Lewis hated the school with its strict rules and hard 4 headmaster, and he missed
Belfast terribly. Fortunately for him, the school closed in 1910, and he was able to return to
Ireland. After a year, however, he was sent back to England to study this time, the 5
proved to be mostly positive. As a teenager, Lewis learned to love poetry, especially the
works of Virgil and Homer. He also developed an interest in modern languages, mastering
French, German, and Italian.

troubled expected experience unrealistic unsympathetic earlier evidence explored
early plagued
1 earlier 2 plagued 3 explored 4 unsympathetic 5 experience

371. Stress / Stress #641 hot

Stress is what you feel when you have to handle more than you are used to. When you are
stressed, your body 1 as though you are in danger. It makes 2 that speed up
your heart make you breathe faster, and give you a burst of energy. This is called the fight-or-
flight stress 3 131 / 134

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Some stress is normal and even useful. Stress can help if you need to work hard or react
quickly. For example, it can help you win a race or finish an 4 job on time
But if stress happens too often or lasts too long, it can have bad effects. It can be linked to
headaches, an upset stomach, back pain, and trouble sleeping. It can weaken your immune
system, making it harder to fight off 5 .

function bacteria hormones significant important response responding disease
responds vitamins
1 responds 2 hormones 3 response 4 important 5 disease

372. Just-in-time / Just-in-time #640 hot

' Just-in-time,' is a management philosophy and not a technique. It originally referred to the
production of goods to meet customer 1 exactly, in time, quality and quantity,
2 the' customer' is the final purchaser of the product or another process 3
along the production line. It has now come to mean producing with 4 waste.

further if satisfaction whether minimum effective demand supply
1 demand 2 whether 3 further 4 minimum

373. Enigma / Enigma #638 cold

And if the voice of an animal is not heard as message but as art, interesting things start to
happen: Nature is no longer an alien 1 , but instead something immediately beautiful,
an exuberant 2 with space for us to join in. Bird melodies have always been called
songs for a 3 .

reason enigma mystery opus accuse wander
1 enigma 2 opus 3 reason

374. Gas drilling / Gas drilling #636 hot

Gas drilling on the Indonesian island of Java has 1 a " mud volcano " that has killed
13 people and may render four square miles, ten square kilometres, of countryside
uninhabitable for years. In a report released on January 23, a team of British researchers
says the deadly upwelling began when an exploratory gas well punched through a layer of 132 / 134

Duoink | 多墨PTE 清香 30-Jul-2023 11:36

rock 9,300 feet, 2,800 metres, below the surface, 2 hot, high-pressure water to
3 . The water 4 mud to the surface, where it has 5 across a region 2.5
miles, 4 kilometres, in 6 in the eight months since the eruption began. The mud
volcano is similar to a gusher or blowout, which occur in oil drilling when oil or gas squirt to
the surface, the team says. This upwelling, however, spews out a volume of mud equivalent
to a dozen Olympic swimming pools each day. Although the eruption isn't as violent as a
7 volcano, more than a dozen people died when a natural gas pipeline ruptured. The
research team, who published their findings in the February issue of GSA Today, also
estimates that the volcano, called Lusi, will leave more than 11,000 people permanently

conventional escape triggered carried provide range runoff happened came
professional allowing spread rinsed diameter
1 triggered 2 allowing 3 escape 4 carried 5 spread 6 diameter 7 conventional

375. Reality / Reality #632 cold

Surely, the reality is what we think it is; reality is revealed to us by our experiences. To one
extent or another, this view of reality is one many of us hold, if only 1 . I certainly find
myself 2 this way in day-to-day life; it's easy to be 3 by the face nature
reveals directly to our senses. Yet, in the decades since first 4 Camus' text, I've
learned that modern science 5 a very different story.

explicitly seduced enlightening implicitly encountering encouraging thinking tells
deduced reveals
1 implicitly 2 thinking 3 seduced 4 encountering 5 tells

376. DNA Barcoding / DNA Barcoding #628 warm

DNA barcoding was invented by Paul Hebert of the University of Guelph, in Ontario, Canada,
in 2003. His idea was to 1 a unique identification tag for each species based on a
short stretch of DNA. Separating species would then be a simple task of sequencing this tiny
bit of DNA. Dr. Hebert proposed part of a gene called cytochrome oxidase I, COI, as suitable
to the task. All animals have it. It seems to vary enough, but not too much, to act as a reliable
marker, and it is easily 2 , because it is one of a handful of genes found outside the
cell nucleus, in structures called mitochondria. The idea worked, and it has dramatically
reduced the time, to less than an hour, and expense, to less than 2, of using DNA to identify
species. And thus, in July this year, Dr. Victor's mystery goby became Coryphopterus Kuna. 133 / 134

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It was the first vertebrate to have its DNA barcode, a sequence of about 600 genetic " letters
", included in its official description. Barcoding has taken off rapidly since Dr. Hebert invented
it. When the idea was proposed, it was expected to be a 3 to taxonomists trying to
name the world's millions of species. It has, however, proved to have a far wider range of
uses than the merely academic, most promisingly in the realm of public health. One health-
related project is the Mosquito Barcoding Initiative being run by Yvonne Marie Linton of the
Natural History Museum in London. This aims to barcode 80 percent of the world's
mosquitoes within the next two years, to help control mosquito-borne diseases. Mosquitoes
are 4 for half a billion malarial infections and 1m deaths every year. They also
5 devastating diseases such as yellow fever, West Nile fever, and dengue. However,
efforts to control them are consistently 6 by the difficulty and expense of identifying
mosquitoes, of which there are at least 3,500 species, many of them hard to tell apart.

extracted responsible operate transmit vital undefined boon injected transfer
boost generate undermined
1 generate 2 extracted 3 boon 4 responsible 5 transmit 6 undermined

377. Planes / Planes #618 hot

By 2025, government experts' say, America's skies will swarm with three 1 as many
as planes, and not just the kind of traffic flying today. There will be 2 of tiny jets,
seating six or fewer, at airliner 3 , competing for space with remotely operated drones
that need help avoiding midair 4 , and with commercially operated rockets carrying
5 and tourists into space.

satellites lengths pilots times longitudes miles collisions colliders altitudes
1 times 2 thousands 3 altitudes 4 collisions 5 satellites 134 / 134

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