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Savious Madzudzo



Natural resources are vital for the economic development of any country, providing the raw
materials for industries and the broader society. However, the exploitation and looting of these
resources can have negative consequences such as environmental degradation, social instability,
and economic inequality. Zimbabwe, like many other countries in the world, has faced
significant challenges in managing its natural resources. Since gaining independence, the
Zimbabwean government has put in place various measures to address the issue of rampant
exploitation and looting of natural resources. These measures aim to ensure that natural resources
are managed sustainable and responsibly. This essay will examine the measures and policies that
the Zimbabwean government has implemented to reduce the looting and exploitation of natural
resources in the country.


1. To highlight economic measures that have been implemented by the government to reduce
looting and rampant exploitation of natural resources in your community.

2. To explore government political measures that have been implemented to reduce looting and
rampant exploitation of natural resources in your community.

3.To analyse government social measures that have been implemented to reduce looting and
rampant exploitation of natural resources in your community.

4. To recommend other measures that can be implemented to reduce looting and rampant
exploitation of natural resources in your community.


In the process of researching the researcher use data collection methods to Explain the sources
of information used to gather data about the measures implemented by the Zimbabwean
government to reduce the looting and exploitation of natural resources. These could include
academic articles, reports from government agencies, and other secondary sources. The data
should cover both the legal and policy frameworks, as well as implementation measures that
have been put in place.Through data analysis, the researcher discuss how the collected data was

Savious Madzudzo


analyzed to draw meaningful conclusions related to the measures implemented by the

government. This could involve identifying themes or trends in the data, comparing and
contrasting policies, and identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the measures implemented.

On case studies, the researcher describe the case studies that were investigated to better
understand the impact of the measures that have been implemented. These may include examples
of successful implementation of policies and their impact at the community level. Additionally,
any limitations or obstacles encountered in the implementation of these policies can also be
explored. The researcher discuss some ethical considerations involved in research on the
measures implemented by the Zimbabwean government, such as the importance of protecting the
privacy and confidentiality of participants or ensuring accuracy and fairness in the presentation
of the data.



The economic measures implemented by the Zimbabwean government to reduce looting and
exploitation of natural resources: are transparency and accountability in the mining sector: The
government amended the Mines and Minerals Act in 2015 with the aim of increasing
transparency and accountability in the mining sector. The amended law requires mining
companies to regularly report on their operations and production volumes, as well as to pay
royalties and taxes. The government also created a detailed database of mining rights to improve
transparency and accountability in awarding mining concessions. Creation of the Zimbabwe
Consolidated Diamond Company.

The government created the Zimbabwe Consolidated Diamond Company (ZCDC) in 2015 to
oversee diamond mining in the country. This move was aimed at reducing illegal trade and
increasing revenues from diamond mining. The ZCDC has implemented strict measures to
prevent illegal mining and smuggling and has been successful in increasing diamond production

Savious Madzudzo


and revenues. Increased penalties for illegal gold panning: The government has increased the
penalties for illegal gold panning, which has been a major driver of environmental degradation
and exploitation of natural resources.

The government has also launched programs to promote alternative livelihoods for artisan miners
and support small-scale mining operations that operate within the law. Promotion of sustainable
agriculture and forestry: The government has also introduced programs to promote sustainable
agriculture and forestry, which are important sectors for Zimbabwe's economy. These programs
aim to reduce deforestation and environmental degradation, while also improving economic
opportunities for rural communities.

The government has also put in place measures to reduce the impact of climate change on
agriculture and forestry, such as promoting drought-resistant crops and sustainable land
management practices. These measures demonstrate the Zimbabwean government's commitment
to promoting sustainable economic development and protecting natural resources for future
generations. While there is still progress to be made, these initiatives are helping to reduce
looting and exploitation of natural resources in the country, and promote a more sustainable and
equitable economy.


The political measures implemented by the Zimbabwean government to reduce looting and
exploitation of natural resources are Policy and legal frameworks: The government has
implemented various policy and legal frameworks to regulate natural resource exploitation and
promote sustainable resource use. One notable initiative is the National Environmental Policy,
which provides guidelines for natural resource exploitation and management. Additionally, the
government implemented the Environmental Management Act to regulate environmental
degradation and protect natural resources. Other policies such as the Mining and Minerals Act

Savious Madzudzo


and Water Resource Act provide regulations and guidelines for the management of mining and
water resources. Anti-corruption measures:

The Zimbabwean government has taken steps to combat corruption in the natural resource sector.
The government has implemented measures such as asset declarations and a code of ethics for
public officials, which aim to strengthen accountability and transparency in decision-making
related to natural resource management. The government also established a specialized anti-
corruption agency (Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission) to investigate, apprehend, and
punish those involved in corruption involving natural resources. International cooperation.

The government has collaborated with international organizations to improve natural resource
management and reduce looting and exploitation. For example, the government has engaged with
the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme, which aims to promote responsible diamond
mining practices and prevent the trade in illicit diamonds. Additionally, the government has
received support from international-donor agencies such as the United Nations Development
Program and the Global Environment Facility to support sustainable natural resource
management. Institutional capacity building.

The government has sought to build institutional capacity for natural resource management. For
example, the government created the Environmental Management Agency (EMA) to regulate
and monitor environmental degradation and improve natural resource conservation.

Additionally, the government has invested in capacity building for local communities, such as
providing training in sustainable land management practices and supporting community-based
natural resource management initiatives. These political measures show the Zimbabwean
government's commitment to promoting responsible natural resource management and reducing
looting and exploitation. While there is still progress to be made, these measures are a step
towards a more sustainable and equitable use of natural resources in the country.

Savious Madzudzo



The social measures implemented by the Zimbabwean government to reduce looting and
exploitation of natural resources are as follows Community engagement and participation: The
government has recognized the importance of community engagement and participation in
reducing looting and exploitation of natural resources. The government has

worked to improve community participation in decision-making processes related to natural

resource management, and has encouraged the formation of community-based organizations to
monitor and regulate the use of natural resources.

This approach empowers communities to take ownership of their natural resources and promotes
more sustainable management practices. Education and awareness campaigns: The government
has also implemented education and awareness campaigns to promote responsible resource use
and reduce illegal activities. These campaigns target key stakeholders, including rural
communities, farmers, and miners, and focus on key issues such as environmental protection,
alternative livelihoods, and legal compliance.

These campaigns seek to improve knowledge and understanding of natural resource

management and promote more responsible and sustainable use of resources. Law enforcement
and regulation: The government has increased law enforcement and regulation related to natural
resources. For example, the government has introduced tougher penalties for illegal activities
such as poaching, illegal logging, and mining without permits.

Additionally, the government has improved surveillance and monitoring of key natural resource
areas such as national parks, private wildlife conservancies, and forests. These efforts aim to
reduce illegal activities, improve compliance with regulations, and promote more sustainable

Savious Madzudzo


natural resource management practices. Encouraging alternative livelihoods: The government

has also implemented programs to promote alternative livelihoods that reduce dependency on
natural resources. For example, the government has promoted the development of small and
medium-sized enterprises in sectors such as tourism, manufacturing, and services.

These efforts provide alternative income sources for communities and reduce reliance on natural
resource extraction as a primary income generator. These social measures show the government's
efforts towards promoting responsible resource use and reducing looting and exploitation of
natural resources. While these measures have made some progress, more efforts are required
towards sustainable natural resource management to ensure future generations benefit from the


In conclusion, the Zimbabwean government has taken various measures to address the issue of
looting and rampant exploitation of natural resources in the country. It has put legal and
regulatory frameworks in place to promote sustainable resource use, increased transparency and
accountability, engaged with communities to promote responsible natural resource management,
enforced laws and regulations more strictly, and invested in capacity building and institutional
development in natural resource management. These measures are critical to reduce the negative
impacts of extraction and promote sustainable development. While progress has been made,
more needs to be done to ensure that the country's natural resources are managed sustainably and
equitably. If these policies continue to be implemented, Zimbabwe will be on its way to
sustainable use of natural resources that benefit both the environment and communities.


1. Continue to strengthen legal and regulatory frameworks: The government should continue to
strengthen its legal and regulatory frameworks related to natural resource management. This

Savious Madzudzo


would ensure better enforcement of regulations and stricter and more severe penalties for

2. Enhance transparency and accountability: Greater transparency should be increased in natural

resource extraction, production, and revenue management. This would ensure greater
accountability and encourage more responsible and sustainable management of natural resources.
Tracking systems on concessions, contracts, permits, and licenses can also be employed to
promote transparency.

3. Foster community engagement and education: Continue to engage and educate local
communities on responsible natural resource management. This could include promoting
community-based organizations and encouraging stakeholders to provide feedback on the
country's natural resource management policies.

4. Increase investment in technology: There is a need for increased investment in technology to

monitor the extraction of natural resources. Mining technologies that limit the loss of minerals,
monitoring and tracking systems to check deforestation, satellite and drone monitoring to assess
land use changes, and better communications infrastructures to support these technologies can all
be employed.

5. Promotion of sustainable alternative livelihoods: The government should promote sustainable

alternative livelihoods to reduce dependency on natural resources as the main source of income.
Small and medium enterprises can be supported and financed to invest in non-extractive

By implementing these recommendations, the Zimbabwean government can reduce the looting
and exploitation of natural resources in the country and ensure responsible and sustainable
natural resource management.

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