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Personality Iridology

A Grand Medicine Book

IRIS-2, Personality Iridology Copyright 2010 by Grand Medicine

A Grand Medicine Book
By Leonard Mehlmauer, ND
Based on the
Wisdom Teachings of Adi Da Samraj
And the original Rayid© work of Denny Johnson • 619-240-3711 •
Manuscript completed 27 April 2005 by Grand Medicine©, Las Vegas
Second edition 21 November 2011 • San Diego USA • ISBN #1-893462-16-1

IRIS-2, Personality Iridology Copyright 2010 by Grand Medicine
This world is always Blessed, in every time and era, with at least one Great Teacher, a saint or sage,
a high yogi, a Spiritual Master of some degree of Divine Realization. How wonderful—even more than won-
derful—that we have had the fully Divinely-Realized Seventh Stage Adept, the World-Friend Adi Da, to Guide,
Bless, and Awaken us Beyond and transcending these “Dark Times”.

His Divine Presence, the World-Friend Adi Da, is the Source of all of the highest understanding and
wisdom in our studies into Personality Iridology—as well as into all other areas of life. So Great and many are
His Divine Gifts, there is only to bow down at His Loving Feet in deepest joy and gratitude, and to constantly turn
our four principal faculties—of sense-body, emotion, attention, and breath—to Him in love.

IRIS-2, Personality Iridology Copyright 2010 by Grand Medicine
This Book’s Principal Source of Insight and Wisdom
By far the most (and most important) data on personality presented here, its origins and development—
as well as its transcendence—comes from the World Friend and Great Sage, Adi Da. Many passages in this book
were extracted directly, paraphrased from, or at least mightily informed by His Teachings. Clearly, Adi Da’s
Wisdom relative to personality goes far beyond that derived from any other source. His Teachings on the Stages
of Life, the Personality Strategies, His Wisdom regarding the Oedipal, the Deeper Personality, and the Social
Personality as the emotional basis of personality—all of these and more are fundamental to our understanding of

As such, this present work is not meant to in any way plagiarize or revise His work. It is offered here
rather to provide a context and format conducive to the understanding of Eyology practitioners so that those in
professional practice may come into contact with His Wisdom and thereby help themselves and others. Such
understanding is crucial to higher human growth and development in all of us.

Of course, in several places in this book we acknowledge the original work on the subject of Personality
Iridology—as represented in eye markings—by Denny Johnson. We wouldn’t have written this book without
Denny’s discovery of this art and science.

Our initial contact with this Iris-2 or Personality Iridology was with Denny Johnson in the form of an
afternoon lecture in Rayid©. Denny’s work was thus our original inspiration in this field and in the preparation of
this book. Subsequently, we took a longer course from one of Denny’s original acolytes, Michael Phillips of Los
Angeles. This was a much more detailed and informative presentation of the science. Michael turned out to be
a sensitive and conscientious student of Personality Iridology—and a good instructor, as well. We later met and
studied the work of the highly intelligent Rayid© Master Teacher, Bill Scott, of Texas. Other material on personal-
ity was contributed to us by Vivien Bowman of Australia. We at Grand Medicine, and everyone in this field, will
always be grateful to Denny Johnson for his presentation of this very interesting information on how the body
shows personality in the eyes.

This book is written to provide educational information on personality to (essentially) health practitio-
ners in a classroom setting and in and for private study and professional practice. If the reader is moved to more
than the understanding and clinical use we are projecting here, so be it. The author is encouraging the reader to
nothing more than self- (and patient-) investigation and understanding. This material is not meant as a means of
healing or cure of any disease, real or imagined, nor to persuade anyone to any religious or political belief. If you
feel you suffer from any disease, we recommend you seek the services of a qualified health practitioner.


The Two Iris-2 Books and their Source Material
Grand Medicine is presenting two books in this Personality Iridology context: the Student Handbook,
designed to lie flat on a desk for classroom use, and “the manual” (IRIS-2, Personality Iridology), offered as a
“perfect-bound” book to interested public. There are six Parts to the main body of both the Handbook and the
Manual. For the most part, these two books are quite similar, but there are some differences. End-of-Chapter
questions and key points made in the text are available in the Handbook only.

IRIS-2, Personality Iridology Copyright 2010 by Grand Medicine
Much of the material from both—and the most essential material on personality in behavior—was drawn
from the book, The Treasure Consideration, and also (to a lesser degree) from the books, Conscious Childrear-
ing in Early Life, The Complete Yoga of Emotional-Sexual Life, The Dawn Horse Testament of the Ruchira
Avatar, The Eating Gorilla Comes in Peace, and Not-Two IS Peace, all by Adi Da Samraj. Material was also
gleaned from researches and studies by Grand medicine, including the study of Denny Johnson’s book, What the
Eye Reveals. Other material was drawn from a wide variety of sources since 1979. An explanation for special
terms is found in our Glossary.

Politics, Religion, and Spirituality

We discuss various aspects of religion and Spirituality in this text as natural part of human life. The
setting apart of the sacred occurs thru-out human history, and for the best of reasons. It is the natural demand of
every heart to grow beyond the lower Stages of Life into Higher Life (see “Stages of Life” box in Part 1). For
this, we need the Blessings, Grace and Guidance of Those Who Have Attained. The need to resort to the Great
Spiritual Masters and Realizers of whatever level (Rama, Krishna, Gautama, Jesus, and Adi Da) has never been
in question to those serious about the Spiritual, the set-apart sacred, or That Which Is Higher in life.

Religious bigotry and prejudice lurk egoically in all of us, whether we are aware of it, wish to admit to
it, or not. It’s all in the culture in which we were raised: to embrace one group and avoid, resist or hate another.
Precisely how this happens and what to do about it in the current world is discussed and described with immense
clarity in Adi Da’s book, Not-Two IS Peace.

As noted in the “Disclaimer” above, our intention here is not to persuade anyone toward any particular
religion. This course is necessarily generic in nature in that regard. We are pleased when our work encourages the
investigation of ones cultural heritage and its basis in Reality, whether it measures up to what one feels in one’s
heart and sees actually working in the world. Our world has suffered enough from divisiveness—racial, religious,
political and otherwise. There is only one Condition and Event. What tradition can claim to own it? In these days
of planetary decision, it’s time to set aside differences and choose unity among all of Humanity.

Design, Layout, and Reasons for this Book

Grand Medicine (also “GranMed” and “GM”) is the business name of the company in which the writers
and publishers of this book are employed. This “manual” version is designed as a paperback book companion to
the class workbook IRIS-2, Personality Iridology Student Handbook (referred to as “the handbook”, available
only to those taking the Course). Both books generally follow the outline of the Grand Medicine 6-Day Course
in Personality Iridology. Note that a good deal more material, especially involving personality in behavior, is
offered in class in audio & video form.

The basic layout of this book and the course—including the visual PowerPoint Course Presentation—
follows the 2-part theme of (1) identifying personality in behavior, and (2) identifying personality via the eyes.
The theme is reviewed and concluded in the last chapter with a consideration of our understanding of the subject
and how personality is finally transcended. There are basically five reasons we wrote this book:

(1) To provide a fundamental understanding of personality and its function in our lives
(2) To show how personality is visible in behavior
(3) To describe how personality can be seen in the eyes
(4) To give pointers on how personality can be transcended
(5) To suggest ways of applying this information clinically

The 4th reason is far more profound than the others. It’s one thing to be able to see basic personality
structures in one’s eyes and how personality can change over time. It’s quite another to have some real under-
standing of how personality develops, sense at depth it implications in our lives and in those around us, and
(finally) take the steps necessary to transcend it, to move beyond its limits and implications.

IRIS-2, Personality Iridology Copyright 2010 by Grand Medicine
Right Use of This Book
Put another way, the material in this book can best be used for self-and-other understanding toward free-
dom from the common limits imposed by personality. In terms of goals and results, we’re looking at the real pos-
sibility of a relatively balanced personality, living in harmony with natural laws, and a more holistic, humble and
otherwise right self-presentation in the world. The reader can thus live a more balanced life, feeling in the right
place at the right time, more at-home with life and living. The more painful life circumstances and situations can
be avoided. Learning and self expression can be more effective. There can be a greater understanding, compas-
sion, and acceptance of others. And certainly new skills and abilities can be available to help others understand
themselves and make positive changes.

Notes on the Grand Medicine Personality Iridology Course

The Course Involves…
• Inspecting the Emotional/Sexual (E/S) dimension of our life
• Discovering the E/S patterns that underlie our personality
• Tools to help us be responsible for our E/S adaptation to life
• How to see personality characteristics in the eyes
• The means of transcending personality

The general outline of our overall course presentation—including the PowerPoint portion—follows (1)
the 5-part (“5-week”) structure and contents of Avatar Adi Da’s book, The Treasure Consideration applied to the
behavioral aspect of our presentation, and (2) what we have learned about how personality appears in the eyes,
applied to the eye aspect or content, essentially following Denny Johnson’s 5 basic Iris-2 categories of Structure,
Polarity, Dominance, Rings and Areas. Thus, the two basic divisions of the course and the books are:

• Topical Outline
• Readings and comments
• Summary Points (at end of Student Handbook)


• Structure
• Emotional Polarity
• Brain Dominance
• Rings
• Areas

Each day of the Course, we focus on how personality is seen in behavior and it implications, all done
under the headings Personality in Behavior, and Personality in the Eyes. The Topical Outline is part of the Pow-
erPoint presentation. Readings (essentially from The Treasure Consideration) may be offered verbally in class
by the presenter, and via audio recording. The Summary Points are included as PowerPoint visuals for emphasis
and clarification, with graphics added as appropriate. The Questions to Answer material is offered at the end of
the Student Handbook. Toward the end of the course, we take Eyology images and do individual Iris-2 evalua-
tions of students—and possibly Iris-1 (Physical Iridology) and Sclerology evaluations as well—as class time is

It is estimated that at least 75% of all disease (not just the physical kind) is emotion-based. Why is this
so—unless certain emotions can have a correspondingly negative effect within the physical body? As such, sim-
ply giving the patient a drug, herb, nutritional supplement or other such physical therapy isn’t going to cure them.
Those remedies could, in such case, allay symptoms, but not much else. How does one approach the emotional
cause and deal with it effectively? How does one identify personality disorders in behavior and from ones eyes?
Can we prevent such disorders, and if so, how? In this book, we explore these questions and offer solutions.

IRIS-2, Personality Iridology Copyright 2010 by Grand Medicine
Personality and Behavior Defined
Personality is one’s personal egoic life-strategy, how one tends to act, learn and gesture. It is our individ-
uality, our identity expressed as being a particular person, including our habit patterns and qualities of behavior.
(A summary description of personality, with a deeper and more profound definition, including complete details of
its origin, development, understanding and transcendence, is found in both the GranMed Iris-2 Student Hand-
book and in this manual, IRIS-2, Personality Iridology. See text below.) Behavior is our conduct, our manners,
the way we carry ourselves morally and properly in society, our deportment in appearance and action, including
our response or reaction to stimuli.

Egoity and the Oedipal Script

The problem with life is death. All our loved ones and our own body will necessarily die, or suffer psy-
chophysical death. But death wouldn’t be a problem if it weren’t for the ego “I”, egoity. Egoity is an activity that
we are all doing—and suffering. It is not a thing, it is not necessary, and it is certainly not something we purposely
or consciously do—although it can (and must) be brought into consciousness, understood, and transcended. It is
the one quality that all the sages, saints and Spiritual Masters have worked to eliminate in us. Called the devil,
sin, or the ego, it is our one truly negative quality.

Egoity is Narcissus, the feeling of separateness, the activity of separation, identification exclusively with
the body-mind, the very opposite of Truth and Unity, God and Happiness. It is not a solid “thing” but an activity.
And we are always doing it. It begins (or “resumes”) at birth or shortly thereafter. In the midst of it, in our early
years, we develop a pattern of behavior that tends to stay with us for life. As much as we don’t like the idea, this
personality behavior pattern is characterized by unlove, rejection and betrayal, a pattern whose script is hidden.

We can overcome egoity—and subsequently its negative effects. This process is called preparation for
and practice of real Spiritual life. For our purposes here, we will look at egoity as the foundation of personality,
and how to identify the mechanics of personality in ourselves and others. We want to understand this aspect of
egoity clearly so we can undo its results, which are always and only suffering for us and all of our relationships.
We want to know clearly how to move from the reactive infantile, childish and adolescent characteristics of per-
sonality that virtually all of humanity demonstrates, and into real human adulthood.

Iris-2 Defined
Personality Iridology (or “Iris-2”) is a method of iris interpretation; it is a means of seeing, determining
and evaluating one’s personality thru observation of iris markings and thru observing behavior patterns toward
balance, self-understanding and self-transcendence.

The Basic Sources of Personality

Sources of personality include the deeper personality (DP), the fetal personality (FP), the Oedipal (O)
personality, and the social personality (SP). The DP is the part of us that has been referred to as the “soul” or
the “spirit” that travels thru the various incarnations. The O is what develops generally between the ages of 1
and 3 and involves our necessarily misinterpreted view (from that early age perspective) of the adult world. The
SP is our social face, the one we put on to conduct ourselves adequately in polite society. A “Transcendental
Personality”—not a source of personality but a sign of its transcendence—is described in most detail in Adi Da’s
book, The Dawn Horse Testament. The others, as sources, are described in some detail below.

IRIS-2, Personality Iridology Copyright 2010 by Grand Medicine
GranMed Course Content
Those having taken Grand Medicine Courses on Eyology science have noticed that our presentations
are not at all exclusively about the sciences. They may start out with the science as a focus, and even continue
as such. But they always wind up being inclusive. This is to say, they include how the science is used in actual
practice. This means that material, anecdotes, stories and events from our clinical practice since 1972 plus all our
personal experience is offered for the benefit of the practitioner in attendance. The course on Personality Iridol-
ogy is no exception.

However, there is more involved in the course than the presentation of experience. This particular course
includes much data from the Teachings of Adi Da Samraj. As such, it necessarily points to the foundation quali-
ties of human life. It refers to the most profound qualities of human life, the great questions: Why are we here?
What is the function of personality? What are the deepest longings of the heart? Since we are currently living
in a time when these questions are rarely asked—and never in the popular media—there is no way we will avoid
their consideration in the course.

“Everyone is making love—or else expecting rain.” —Bob Dylan

The Larger View

This Earth world and the cosmos—with its universes of stars and various gross, subtle and causal
planes—are conditional in nature. They depend on and are influenced by conditions. They are about broken
light—as opposed to the Perfect Light of the Whole, the One, the Divine, or the Context in Which the conditional
realms appear and upon Which they (we all) absolutely depend. Therefore, any investigation taking place within
and involving the conditional realms—including this Earth world and the cosmos—is necessarily an investigation
of “broken light” (where “Unbroken Light” is the Divine). Our consideration of personality and how it appears
in behavior and in the eyes is therefore such an investigation.

This fact should not diminish any enjoyment we may get from such an adventure. Any delight we find
here can be understood in the Context of the Whole: there is nothing inherently invalid about bodily life or its
study. There is nothing inherently opposed or opposing in science and Spirit. Real science and Real Spirituality
are not mutually exclusive, but completely compatible. The conflict between so-called science and conventional
religion is as mind-based and ego-conceived as are those two institutions.

This Personality Iridology study is not meant as a thorough-going, hard-core scientific paper. It is some-
thing less than a fullest in-depth samyama or most profound and exhaustive consideration of the subject. Still,
it involves many years of real clinical and personal observation on our part and that of others. It also includes
material from the Divine Realization of Avatar Adi Da.

Neither is this book designed to be an exhaustive consideration of the technical aspects of personality or
behavior per se. The orientation of our consideration here is more in the context of the basics of personality and
the relationship of personality to eye markings: (1) observing the basic origins of personality, (2) how personality
is seen in the eyes, (3) coming to a more profound understanding of personality, (4) learning skills that can help
others with egoity and personality problems, and (5) at least knowing about the process of transcending personal-
ity (after all, there is nothing more important in life than self-transcendence).

A true human adult loves, brings love, and is love in the world. A subhuman (infantile, childish, adoles-
cent) person seeks for love—and therefore confesses unlove.

“To see ourselves as others see us is a great gift.” —Robert Burns

IRIS-2, Personality Iridology Copyright 2010 by Grand Medicine
When young, I thought: there’s nothing worse than being old.
When old, I thought: there’s nothing worse than being old and sick.
Hearing my Teacher’s Wisdom, I realized: there’s nothing worse than being old, sick, and unhappy!

What if, with a glance into a person’s eyes, you could instantly see their personality? How they receive
information and process it, how they interact with others, and how they express themselves? What if you could
see how far out of balance they are in these areas, if they tend to be Introverted or Extroverted, and to what extent?
What if you could see how they use their right and left-brain energies, and to what degree? And what if you could
see the lessons they need to get, the areas of life in which they need to grow?

Then, seeing all this, what if you knew the means by which they (and you!) could gain profound self-
understanding toward real balance, toward the fullest expression of the compassionate and all-serving True Self?
What if you could know clearly how to actually be love in the world? Would this be valuable for you as a parent
(for your child), healing for you personally, and rewarding for you as a health practitioner?

Surprising as it may seem to most people, it is possible to see the personality in the irises, the colored
parts of the eyes. Not only is this so, a whole science is growing around this fact. Originally named “Rayid©”, the
process as an art and science was discovered in 1978 by Denny Ray Johnson of Colorado. Denny first revealed
Rayid’s basic qualities—and many of its details—in book form with, What the Eye Reveals.

In the book you are holding, we refer to this science and art generically as “Personality Iridology”, or
“Iris-2” (Iris-1 being Physical Iridology). You can use Iris-2 effectively either by looking in the mirror, or, as is
more usually the case for a greater understanding, by having an expert examine your eyes, both “live” and via
fotographic imaging.

In Personality Iridology, we explore some of the possibilities of this science. Here, we are not attempt-
ing to in any way interfere with or alter Denny Johnson’s original work. As scientists, we are naturally moved to
delve into new possible interpretations of iris markings and ways of approaching the eyes as regards Personality.
We consider how certain patterns in the irises of the eye demonstrate a wide variety of personality characteris-

We look at how certain changes take place in early life and from the influence of past lives (via the
Deeper Personality), how these changes impact a persons life as seen in the eyes, and how to approach these
changes and characteristics in creative and positive ways toward real understanding and genuine human growth.
We consider how the original science was presented over against earlier information on personality—and the im-
plications of this earlier information and more recent data. Our study of Iris-2 is ongoing. In this book, we will
discuss various theories that have attended our studies, and questions that have arisen that we haven’t yet been
able to answer.

In notes to His devotees, Adi Da has said, “Unique personal characteristics are a function of the gross and
subtle sheaths. Consciousness has no such characteristics.” In His various talks, Adi Da discusses basically three
“levels” of personality: the Deeper, the Oedipal, and the Social, qualities at the gross and/or lower subtle (etheric
and lower mind) levels of our nature. He has also discussed transcending personality altogether as a fundamental
necessity to higher human growth.

The Purpose of this Study

The primary purpose of Iris-2 study is to provide us with sufficient insight and understanding (of this
type of adaptation to life) to help free us from the ego-associated limits of personality. The ultimate goal of our
study is to in some real sense provide means to harmonize with natural laws, thus allowing us to see beyond the
Personality to the True Self. This is where Divine Communion and the services of a True Adept Spiritual Master
IRIS-2, Personality Iridology Copyright 2010 by Grand Medicine
of some Real Spiritual stature come in.

In this process, we learn to engage all parts of the personality in a synergistic balance, sometimes via
the will, otherwise naturally and without thinking, always as necessary and appropriate, beyond both genetic and
developed patterns, and always in Sacred Communion with the Divine.

The eyes have been called “The windows of the soul”. Today, we see iris ID in banks and other facilities
where security and positive individual identification is considered important. You can change your fingerprints a
lot more easily than you can change your irises! The irises, per Iris-2, show long-term genetic patterns, a blueprint
of inheritance. Several different aspects of personality are visible in behavior and in the irises. Here, we consider
the behavioral personality from five perspectives. As per the original study by Denny Johnson, we consider vari-
ous aspects or facets of personality as divided into five categories or expressions of energy:

The BEHAVIORAL PERSONALITY How one’s personality is seen in behavior

—Personality and The Stages of Life (personality’s levels of development)
—The Basic Sources of Personality: Deeper, Fetal, Oedipal, & Social (where personality origi-
—The Basic Levels of Personality: Childish, Adolescent, & Adult (how it develops)
—The Basic Types of Personality: Solid, Peculiar and Vital & their permutations (it as an egoic
—Understanding and Transcending Personality (moving beyond it)

The IRIS PERSONALITY How one’s personality is seen in the irises

—Structure: basic iris markings showing tendency to fix attn in physical, etheric, & lower mental
—Polarity: the inward/outward direction of our physical and emotional/sexual energy
—Dominance: the influence of right-brain/left-brain qualities on our nature
—Rings: signs of specific inherited & developed adaptive behavioral tendencies and attitude
—Areas: iris map positions of personality modifiers: special talents, traits, fears, desires,

The five general Iris-2 sign categories, then, were described by Denny Johnson to show the various
markings that demonstrate the qualities of personality. Regarding the first, there are three basic genetic or primary
Personality Structures, and then various permutations, modifications, or combinations of these three. Each of
these Structures refers to a basic personality type or ego-strategy. These will all be described in detail below.

At Grand Medicine, our work with Personality Iridology (or Iris-2) is understood to involve human
qualities of fundamentally egoic life, life involved with the lower charkas, the lower three stages of life. The vari-
ous stages of life have been Described by Adi Da (see chart of the Seven Stages of Life in Part One). Although
the Structures can be applied to persons practicing in the higher Stages of Life (the 4th Stage of Life and beyond),
such application would only involve significantly weakened tendencies, tendencies either rarely engaged or not
engaged at all, to one or another degree transcended, and would be observed more as an amusement.

In fact, instead of being egoically—as something we should be concerned about—this whole work
should be considered essentially as an amusement, even while we approach it seriously as a science. It is designed
to develop a good functional model of Personality Iridology, one that is aligned and purified by our submission to
the Very Divine. We at Grand Medicine intend to accomplish this by doing a full samyama on this art and science

IRIS-2, Personality Iridology Copyright 2010 by Grand Medicine
in successive editions of this book and via our personal Spiritual practice—in other words, while offering it all to
The Divine for Its Blessing.

This process involves:

(1) Studying material drawn from such sources as the original work by Denny Johnson, the Teachings on life
strategies (personality types) by Avatar Adi Da Samraj, the Myers-Briggs Typology Instrument (MBTI), the an-
cient Chinese references to personality and emotions, and any other sources on personality that we feel can sub-
stantially add to an effective and accurate science.
(2) Competent testimony in consultation with other authorities on Rayid© and personality
(3) A consideration on the other Iridologies vis-à-vis personality
(4) Drawing on our experience with Eyology (since 1972) and other modalities
(5) Reasoning from facts drawn from medical files within the Grand Medicine Archive
(6) Researching the competent testimony of other such resources
(7) Continuously turning our attention to the Divine for It’s Infinite Grace and Blessing

The source material we draw from to establish the fundamental basis for this work in terms of Denny
Johnson’s original offering includes his published book, What the Eye Reveals, and various assorted papers,
audiotapes, videotapes, and the remembrances and reminiscences of the author and certain of Denny’s more quali-
fied acolytes (including especially Bill Scott and Michael Phillips). Bill Scott’s writings on Personality Iridology
have also helped us, particularly vis-à-vis his religious and psychological points of view.

After the first few years of use of Denny’s Rayid© work in our clinic, we began to wonder about the miss-
ing map areas in his Rayid© Chart. We were seeing various items being suggested in the eyes of patients in those
“missing” areas from time to time, and wondered about this. The missing map areas and certain statements and
comments about the role of egoity and the function of personality were clues to us that the art and science needed
to be more complete, aligned, and purified.

The Crucially Important Role of Emotions (and therefore Personality) in Health

Psychologists have for years insisted that negative reactive emotions are generally the biggest part of the
disease process. Our clinical work at Grand Medicine has verified this assertion. The Teachings of Adi Da seem
also to confirm this. So strong is the evidence to us that we feel ready to state it plainly thus: The greatest law
(and “secret”) of health is…LOVE, or feeling surrender or sacrifice in the Great Reality.

The reaction to and rejection of others “mutilates and destroys the psychophysical integrity of the heart-
ed body-mind” (Adi Da). That’s a powerful statement. This, we consider, is why feeling and touch are primary
in health, and therefore why the mental-emotional component is the bigger part (perhaps some 75% or more) of
the disease process. And, of course, this emotional feeling dimension is the basis of personality. We will explore
and consider this principle further in this book and in our course.

IRIS-2, Personality Iridology Copyright 2010 by Grand Medicine
As noted in our Personality Iridology Course Outline, the fundamental purpose of the study of Per-
sonality Iridology (“Iris-2”) is not the accumulation of self-knowledge or fascination with oneself. Studying this
book, the student will see how useless, egoic and essentially painful such a practice is. And the same can be said
for personality itself—entertaining as it can be. The personality is essentially a painful egoic adaptation. Rather,
our purpose here is rightly real counter-egoic understanding and practice: positive change of behavior, real self-
understanding, and one or another degree of self-transcendence.

In the course of our study of Personality Iridology, we will:

1. Establish our personal egoic character strategy (developed as a reaction to vital shock of birth and
identification with the body-mind) via observing our current behavior, thoughts, attitudes, and tendencies of at-
2. Learn how to determine personality characteristics and traits from markings in the irises of the eyes
3. Investigate our emotional-sexual (E/S) drama (of which the Oedipal—or early relationships with
parents—is an inherent part)
4. Ascertain our Social Personality cover from our current behavior patterns
5. Learn ways of understanding, facing and dealing with our personality patterns (and those of others)
toward their real transcendence

We cannot progress into real or truly Spiritual life without first understanding and transcending the
lower aspects of our life, the first three Stages of Life. Personality begins in and is part of these first Stages. It
takes courage to do this investigation, but it must happen if we are to grow into and beyond the truly human adult
(4th) Stage of Life. Our tendency is to think of ourselves (in terms of egoic personalities) as really nice people,
basically lovable, and so on. The way others see us is usually quite different. They see all the little faults and
blemishes that we don’t want to see.

The Reality of it, though, is that we are truly and in Reality Consciousness Itself, and, as such, never
disturbed or in any sense implicated by any of the qualities of this conditional Earth realm. But merely knowing
or believing this is not enough to Realize It. We must do the Sadhana, the real practice Given by the Realizer.
You don’t play the piano by simply hearing it played by a master or understanding the language. You have to do
it, practice it, to finally realize it.

The professional practice of Iris-2 will be misunderstood by some. Just like with Physical Iridology, it
will—as usual—be readily accepted by the common people. It will take time to be generally accepted by “of-
ficials” within the medical establishment. Mohandas Gandhi said, “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you,
then they fight you, then…you win.” Similarly: “There are 3 stages in “official” recognition, whether in conven-
tional religion, conventional science, or other areas of our common culture: first we suffer ridicule, then violent
opposition, and then final acceptance.”

A Great Natural Law

While some basic, useful and practical understanding of personality can be gained via the study of the
course material and the concepts and ideas within this book, actual transcendence of the personality (and hence
the ego, the world and the entire cosmic domain) is only possible via Reality-Communion.

Finally, among the greatest of all laws is this: We are what we give our attention to. Whatever we
direct our attention to with consistency and over time, we “become”, taking on its qualities. If we’re constantly
into banking and number crunching, always thinking and talking about it, we presently or eventually take on
those qualities. If sports are the really big thing for us, we begin to look and act likewise. Of all the “things”
we can grant attention to, what happens when we consistently think of, feel, serve with our actions, and breathe
in Consciousness Itself, the Divine, or the spiritual Master—in other words, Absolute Reality, or That Which Is

IRIS-2, Personality Iridology Copyright 2010 by Grand Medicine
A Brief History of our Work with Denny Johnson, Rayid©, and the Teachings of Adi Da

At Grand Medicine, our involvement with Personality Iridology goes back to 1978 when it was first an-
nounced by followers of its discoverer, Denny Ray Johnson. It wasn’t extensive personal contact with Denny, as
was the case with Denny’s original followers in the early years of his teaching work. However, our contact with
the art and science has been fairly steady over the years. It has included the competent testimony via interviews
of Denny’s early acolytes, careful observation and reasoning from facts during clinical investigation since 1979,
and (more recently) actual statistical research. As such, our account of this sciences history will necessarily be
brief, concise, and based mostly on direct experience. We will depend on the efforts of others, especially those
involved with Denny in the earlier years, for a more extensive account of how what has been called “Rayid©”
actually developed.

Another Map in the Eyes

Imagine the surprise of those of us practicing Physical Iridology (Iris-1) when word came of a totally
different map of the body-mind existing in the same irises. How could this be, two different maps in the same
irises? This new one, of course, showed Personality traits, various tendencies to skills and abilities, whether one
was emphasizing the right or left brain, whether ones expression is Introverted or Extroverted, and so on. Some
of us in the field of Eyology embraced the new art outright. Some hesitated, waiting to see if this seeming miracle
were indeed true or if it would fall flat. Others simply rejected it out of hand, not even wishing to test out the new
theory to learn if it worked or not. This was all in the late 1970s when this “Rayid©” first burst onto the scene.

Naming the Study

Colorado resident Denny Ray Johnson called his new discovery “Rayid©”. Much later, Denny told us
that, for certain reasons, he regretted giving it that name. The name, Denny said, was a combination of his own
middle name (Ray) and the idea of the sense of self—the “id”—as described by psychiatrist Sigmund Freud.
Therefore, “Ray-id”, or “rays of the id.” Rayid© is a copyright of Denny Johnson.

We at Grand Medicine were practicing Iris-1 in San Diego at the time of Rayid©’s appearance. We were
among those who waited a bit before plunging into its study. When we heard that Denny was to give a slide pre-
sentation in nearby Escondido, California, we signed on. Denny’s presentation, a few hours in length, was very
right-brained, skipping freely from one concept to another, mixing and matching, and generally painting a bizarre,
seemingly fanciful and somewhat disjointed picture on a wide canvas. He was—and continues to be, as we have
come to know him—a “Peculiar” Personality type (see definition and description below). Denny, himself, is
quite a charismatic figure, both physically attractive and emotionally engaging—and also, as he has been known
to admit, “unfinished and growing”.

How was Rayid© Discovered?

Denny has his own type of meditation. He has claimed that many of his visionary encounters with
Rayid© have emerged from quietly sitting and focusing on whatever realm from which the information emanates.
Some have suggested that the knowledge of Iris-2 goes far back into Humanity’s distant past. However that may
be, the currently revealed data as a whole seems extraordinary—especially as something drawn out of the ethers
in meditation. (For a description of true Siddha Meditation, see Appendix.)

Denny’s first written form presentation of Rayid©’s basic qualities—in most of its details—was in a book
called, What the Eye Reveals. This was followed by a second edition, somewhat expanded and with enlarged
format. In the early days of Rayid©’s appearance, a group of followers attached themselves to Denny as he trav-
eled around the country, spreading the word of this amazing new craft. Denny was seen as a philosopher of sorts,
a kind of troubadour of a new brand of psychology, one that—it was hoped—would someday supplant or at least
IRIS-2, Personality Iridology Copyright 2010 by Grand Medicine
guide the current mode of Personality psychology.

Armed with this new talent, Denny set about doing cold readings of individuals in various walks of life.
He worked both one-on-one and, like psychics at a Las Vegas show, via observing the eyes of individuals in front
of groups of varying sizes. Eventually, he came upon some dignitaries. With his flashy style, good command of
the English language, engaging personality, and uncanny ability in this science, he wowed his audiences. With the
endorsement of a few scholars within academe, Denny was able to move into certain colleges in various countries
(the USA, Australia, Sweden and Brazil, e.g.) where he established a niche for himself and this science.

In an apparent mood of release of the science, Denny once stated, “I now turn over Rayid© to the world
to do whatever they will with it.” However, whenever anyone actually attempted to make changes, alterations,
upgrades, suggestions, or simply provide their own interpretations of the science, Denny would “clamp down
hard” on them, angrily dismissing their work as irrelevant and “bastardizations” of his original work. Lawsuits

Of course, propriety and science demand that something as valuable as Personality Iridology not be
sequestered, cannot be owned by anyone, nor be neglected for study. It must be advanced by real research and
presented to scientific bodies for peer review—and turned over to the professions and the public for appropriate

Rayid© Research
At one point, perhaps during the 1980s, after teaching Rayid© classes in Sweden, Denny inspired a uni-
versity student to do a Rayid© research study of some depth. We watched a slide presentation of this study at an
Iridology Symposium in 2000. In our understanding, the study managed to demonstrate a significant degree of
validity to Rayid©, at least as far as the study design accurately portrayed Rayid©.

Since that time, we at Grand Medicine have been carefully considering some of the possibilities of how
this science can be useful to humanity, and how the human personality may be seen in the eyes, more profoundly
understood, and even transcended. Our studies have been (1) boosted by information from the ancient Chinese
on Personality and emotions, (2) increased by other sources of data on personality as found on the Internet, and
especially (3) profoundly informed and greatly enhanced by the Wisdom on personality, the Oedipal and egoity
as described in the writings of the late Avataric Great Sage and World-Friend, Adi Da.

Adventures with Denny

Once, we were invited to set up a course for Denny in Ventura County, in Southern California. The
attending students were treated to a magical mystery tour of his highly imaginative mind, with discussions of
personal energy influences of varying scope and size, everything from microscopic worlds to gigantic galaxies, all
interacting, overlapping, and penetrating each other in gross and subtle textures, densities and hues! As I’m sure
was true of the other attendees, I left that meeting with a perhaps slightly increased understanding and apprecia-
tion of Rayid© and a hugely expanded amazement at the imaginative qualities of Denny Johnson’s mind!

On another occasion, in the early 1990s, we felt we had some interesting material on the Areas of the
Rayid© map that were apparently vacant. We had studied these areas in some depth, with a view toward filling in
data we’d observed in patients and had otherwise intuited over several years. There were various other clues that
the map needed further development, including certain remarks made by several of Denny’s acolytes. We knew
that any science worth studying is worth researching toward advancing. We met with Denny and confronted him
on this subject at a Rayid© symposium in Las Vegas. On presenting this material to him for verification, for his
comments and / or criticisms and general peer review, we were referred to an assistant and told that he was no
longer interested in the subject.

A Fuller History
Meanwhile, we at Grand Medicine have continued to engage some of Denny Johnson’s original follow-
IRIS-2, Personality Iridology Copyright 2010 by Grand Medicine
ers. We took a worthwhile course in Rayid© of several weeks’ length with the very bright Michael Phillips of
Los Angeles. This course allowed us a more solid foundation and background from which to do our research.
Denny’s book, of course, has proved a treasure of basic data. We had many discussions of their experiences (with
the science and with its discoverer) with other long-time acolytes. Perhaps at some point a more expanded Rayid©
history will be written, by one or another of these early followers, of their early experiences and the origins of
Rayid©’s development. The stories we have heard are certainly colorful enough to merit a fuller treatment of the

We may note here that certain inclusions have been made to the original work by Denny Johnson. Where
Denny gave the same name to both the personality and eye Structure, we have retained Denny’s names for Struc-
ture but provided Adi Da’s names for the Personality types: Solid (corresponding to the Jewel Structure), Peculiar
(corresponding to the Flower Structure) and Vital (corresponding to the Stream Structure). We have also—via
Adi Da’s Literature—gone beyond the gross-level recommendations for achieving personality balance. We have
incorporated elements of the Design of Adi Da in actually transcending personality.

Denny’s early (and current) Rayid© map contained some 46 Areas. We have seen this extended to 60
thru GranMed clinical experience and research (see Map, Part 1, and also “Areas”, Part 5). Many other aspects
of this science have been otherwise enhanced, updated and elaborated thru our study of Personality Iridology—
again, mainly thru study and consideration of the behavioral aspects of personality found within the Teachings of
Adi Da Samraj.

Finally, whatever we can say about personalities, past events, and experiences, we who truly enjoy this
amazing art and science will always be grateful to Denny Johnson for bringing the original work to our notice and
for popularizing it to the extent that he has. We are building on his foundation.

—The author

IRIS-2, Personality Iridology Copyright 2010 by Grand Medicine
IRIS-2, Personality Iridology Copyright 2010 by Grand Medicine
Table of Contents

DEDICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
DISCLAIMER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
SPECIAL NOTES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
FOREWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
HISTORY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii

PART 1 - PERSONALITY AND IRIS-2 STRUCTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

THE DEFINITION OF PERSONALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
What is Personality?
The Problem and the Solution
The Three Great Myths of Human Ego-Culture
The 7 Stages of Life
THE DIVISIONS OF THE PERSONALITY IRIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Identifying Personality via Eye Markings
The Iris-2 Map
Iris-2 Topography: Sexes, Divisions, Axes, Regions, and Areas
The Universal Iridology Grid
THE SOURCES, LEVELS, AND TYPES OF PERSONALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Personality in the Cycle of Life
The Basis and Origin of Personality
The Basic Sources of Personality: Deeper, Fetal, Oedipal, and Social
The Basic Levels of Personality: Infant, Child, Adolescent, and Adult
The Basic Types of Personality: Solid, Peculiar and Vital
Intro to Iris-2 Language, Markings and Nomenclature
The Basic Iris-2 Structures: Jewels, Flowers, and Streams
How Structure Changes
Qualities Modifying the Basic Structures
Observing Your Behavior Pattern and Determining Your Dominant Strategy


BASIC ENERGY POLARITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Cosmic Yin and Yang: The Primal Qualities of Universal and Bodily Life
POLARITY AT THE PARENTAL LEVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Mother Force and Father Force
Personality and the Emotional-Sexual
IRIS-2 ENERGY POLARITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
The Extrovert and the Introvert
The Basic Principles of Health and Disease

IRIS-2, Personality Iridology Copyright 2010 by Grand Medicine
FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE PERSONALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
The Strong Influences on Personality: The BIG 7
The Oedipal—a Further Consideration
Our Personal Oedipal Consideration
IRIS-2 BRAIN SIDE DOMINANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Left Brain and Right Brain Signs and Meanings
The Turning Lady (Brain Dominance Test)
Hemispheric Dominance Switching
Personality as Treasure

PART 4 - PERSONALITY AND THE IRIS-2 RINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

OVERCOMING ROADBLOCKS TO ADULT LIFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Our Capacity for Intimacy
Personality and the Need Connection
How Personality Changes
The Addiction Affliction
THE IRIS-2 RINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Perfection, Expression, Freedom, Harmony, Determination, Purpose
The Ring Combinations
SEXUALITY IN OUR PERSONALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Overcoming Our Lower Body Neurosis
Who Are We In Bed With?
The Psychiatric Problem

PART 5 - PERSONALITY AND THE IRIS-2 AREAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

Moving Past the Chronic Negative Reactive Emotions
Overcoming Victim Consciousness
Emotional Conversion to True Humanity
Sources of Behavior
The Mind as Cause of Physical Illness
Egoity and Relationships: Breaking the Spell of Egoity
THE IRIS-2 AREAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Characteristics of Iris-2 Markers
The Specific Iris-2 Areas
Eyology Imaging and Clinical Procedures
THE LAW IS LOVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
The Heart is the Great Principle
What is Love?

PART 6 - PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE CONCEPTS IN IRIS-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163

CREATING A HEALING ENVIRONMENT . . . . . . ......................... 163
What We Can Expect to Achieve with Iris-2
Moving Beyond Prejudice
IRIS-2, Personality Iridology Copyright 2010 by Grand Medicine
The Scope and Limits of Personality Iridology
The Human Growth Consideration Group
The Consultation: Performing the Iris-2 Exam
The Big Picture

BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
GLOSSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
POSTSCRIPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
THE AUTHORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189

IRIS-2, Personality Iridology Copyright 2010 by Grand Medicine

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