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It is a type of variation that describes a situation where a variable depends on two (or more) other

variables and varies directly with some of them and varies inversely with others.


It is a type of variation as one quantity increases, the other quantity decreases.


Two quantities as said to follow a __________ variation if both increase or decrease by the same factor.


It is a type of variation that describes a situation where one variable depends on two (or more) other
variables, and varies directly as each of them when the others are held constant.


The number of fruit in kg and the price of fruit.


The battery power and the time for which it used.


The income and working hours.


The cost of electrical bill and the number of fans running in the house.


The speed of a car and the distance traveled in a certain amount of time.4

b varies directly with the square of t.

b = kt2
y is inversely proportional to the cube root of r

y = k/√3 r

r varies jointly as t and u

r = ktu

m varies directly as the square of n and inversely to p.

m = kn2 / p
A quadratic function is in the form

y = ax2 + bx + c. Which could not be equal to 0?

A. a C. b

B. c D. x

The graph of a quadratic function is called a/an Parabola

Find the vertex of the equation

y = 2(x – 1)2 + 3


What is the axis of symmetry of the equation

y = 2(x – 1)2 + 3


What is the opening pf the parabola of the equation

y = 2(x – 1)2 + 3


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