How To Deal With School Stress

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As you can see, the more modern life is, the busier people are. They
have work hard to not fall behind. However, this leads to stress and it is
more and more common in modern life. Stress affects on (why need
preposition "on" here?) work, relationship, especially study. Most
students experience significant amounts of stress and this can have a
significant effect on (this is grammatically correct) their health and
performance. So (Therefore,) my today’s topic is how to deal with
school stress. My presentation will last for 10 minutes. I have divided it
into 2 parts: the first one is causes of stress and then I’m going to share
with you some tips to cope with school stress (try to find a synonym of
"stress" to avoid repeating 3 times) If you have any question, I’ll try to
answer them after my presentation.
Let’s start with causes. According to BNI Treatment Center, the main
cause for stress out students is heavy coursework they are taking on.
They are expected to achieve a high GPA or get into a good university.
Students who want to get a jump on college may sign up for extra
classes, only adding to the burden. They take on subjects that exceed
their academic ability, causing added stress. And nowadays, with
development of technology, every student has a smartphone. They are
glued to their smartphones. They may stay up late browsing social
media. This can result in sleep deprivation. When the students doesn’t
(you mean "don't "?) get enough sleep, they can’t focus on study, keep
up with class and do well on tests. Their academic performance decline
(should be plural noun - "performances"). And the last cause is poor
organization habits. Student have many activities into the school week, it
requires them to have good time management skills. If they don’t
arrange well, they will be stressed because of the test or miss important
dates or deadlines. You just knew sources of stress. So it’s important to
learn how to deal with stress. (But identifying the sources of stress is not
enough, it's also necessary for us to learn how to deal with this problem
and then take action.) So I would like to share wwith (with) you some
The first tip is to talk to someone and get help. Sometimes you need to
find someone you trust to talk to who can help you understand the
situation and give you useful advice. On Lavendaire youtube channel,
she shared that talking to a trusted friend or therapist can help you
relieve your stress and anxiety and put you at ease and feel at peace a
little more. And amazing resource to get connected with licenses
therapist online is BetterHelp. It is a platform for affordable, private
online counseling. Their website and app offers access to licensed,
trained and accredited counselors and therapists, straight from your
home, so that anyone who’s struggling can help anytime, anywhere.
The next tip is to care for yourself. According to,
sleep is very importance (important?) to sustain a fast-paced educational
lifestyle and the stress. You need to develop a sleeping routine and try to
get at least 8 hours of quality sleep every night to sharpen your brain
functioning, enhance learning, boost your mood, and relieve your stress.
Besides, Regular physical activity positively contributes to mental
fitness, cognitive functioning, improved mood, and better sleep. Just 30
minutes daily of exercise can boost your mood, relieve stress levels, help
you cope with academic rigors, so on.
I have just presented about taking care of yourself. And you should
decide what to do first, what to do later. This lead me to the next tip:
how to prioritize. According to the 7 Habits of Effective Highly People,
the two factors that define an activity are urgent and important. There
are four quadrants in the Time Management Matrix
The first quadrant is things that are urgent and important.
The second quadrant is things that are not urgent but important.
The third quadrant is things that are urgent but not important.
The last one is things that are not urgent and not important.
Most of us spend a lot of time on quadrant 1. These things like pressing
problem, crises that we must have to do immediately. For example, you
have to stay up all night to complete a deadline or cram for an exam. But
in fact, you are just dealing with life. This can leave you stressed and
exhausted. Instead of being reactive, you should spend more time on
quadrant 2. These things like planning, preparation, building
relationships, investing yourself. You plan, prepare or do things that you
are putting off to save yourself from crises or having to do so much on
quadrant 1. Next, let’s talk about quadrant 3. There are lots of things that
seem urgent but they are really not important such as emails, phone
calls, someone’s request or meetings. The reality is that the urgency of
these matters is often based on priorities and expectations of others. You
have to recognize: what is important for your goals? or what is your
priority? You have to use the time when you are active for important
things first, then you can spend another time on checking or replying
emails. And the quadrant 4 is trivial things like watching TV, browsing
social media, listening to music. Now you can put your activities in the
outline and get a clear sense of what you should focus on.
Finally, let me summarize my presentation once again. It has 2 main
points: causes of school stress and how to deal with (use synonyms like:
handle/ solve/ address) it. Now, I would like to leave you the following
ideas. Stress is something we all experience, so we have to learn how to
overcome it in order to ("to" what/whom?- Or you mean "in order FOR
our lives to become more positive) our lives become more positive. With
my presentation, I hope it’s helpful for you and you can do things that
you want, you love and make an ideal life. Here are some websites I
preferred. (you mean "tham khảo"? - referred to?)

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