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April 13, 2010 15:13 00232

International Journal of Neural Systems, Vol. 20, No. 2 (2010) 149–158

c World Scientific Publishing Company
DOI: 10.1142/S0129065710002322




and YU TANG‡
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
National Autonomous University of Mexico
Mexico City, 04510, Mexico
Unidad de Investigación de Enfermedades Metabólicas
Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social Mexico City, Mexico

In this work we present a data-driven modeling of the insulin dynamics in different in silico patients
using a recurrent neural network with output feedback. The inputs for the identification is the rate
of insulin (µU/dl/min) applied to the patient, and blood glucose concentration. The output is insulin
concentration (µU/ml) present in the blood stream. Once completed the off-line modeling, this model
could be used for on-line monitoring of the insulin concentration for a better treatment. The learning
law of the recurrent neural network is inspired by adaptive observer theory, and proven to be convergent
in the parameters and stable in the Lyapunov sense, even with only 13 samples available. Simulation
results are shown to validate the presented modeling.

Keywords: Identification; nonlinear systems; biological Systems; recurrent neurofuzzy networks;

Lyapunov stability; diabetes.

1. Introduction glucose can be measured in real-time, it is difficult to

In insulin dynamics, as in other control problems, apply deterministic methods to estimate the insulin
a good model of the system to be controlled is the based on these models because of parameter uncer-
first step in the design of a control scheme. However, tainties: for instance, Sorensen model is a 21st-order
some common problems arise when obtaining such a metabolic model, which involves a several parame-
model: parametric uncertainty and/or non-modeled ters that are not always possible to obtain for every
dynamics in the models of each subsystems involved patient, due to complexity associated with the mea-
in this system. There exists a vast literature that surements and the costs.
covers the modeling of insulin dynamics.1–5 There Neural networks and fuzzy systems have proven
are simple models like Bergman Minimal Model1 or useful for identifying nonlinear systems. In their first
very detailed models as Sorensen model.3 Even when applications, besides being considered as classifiers

Corresponding author.

April 13, 2010 15:13 00232

150 M. A. González-Olvera et al.

or controllers,6 they were used as static function the insulin dynamics is discussed. For this sys-
identifiers,7, 8 provide that the functions to be iden- tem, a black-box structure based on Recurrent Neu-
tified were smooth. The interpretation of a fuzzy ral Networks is presented in Sec. 3, jointly with
system as a neural network, called neurofuzzy net- a training algorithm, where also the boundness
work, has been used to combine the best properties and convergence of the training algorithm are dis-
of both: having the space partition via membership cussed. Examples for the validation of the perfor-
functions, and take advantage of the training algo- mance of the neural identifier are shown in Sec. 4.
rithms designed for neural networks.9 Finally, conclusions and future work are drawn in
When dealing with identification of dynamic Sec. 5.
models, neurofuzzy networks incorporate dynamics
into the structure. This kind of neurofuzzy net-
works are then called recurrent neurofuzzy net- 2. Problem Statement
works (RNFN). One of the very first approaches Glucose is the principal energy substrate of the
given10 considered one-bit memory in each neu- human body, but at least 80% of body cells can not
ron. In this context, several models have been absorb it by their own, so they need insulin to help
proposed, using different structures.9, 11–15, 37, 38 In them to do it. Insulin is a hormone produced in pan-
training of recurrent networks, the usual train- creas by Beta cells (β cells), that also regulates the
ing schemes (as backpropagation or gradient tech- glucose storage by liver, muscles, and adipose tissue,
niques16 ) are not longer useful and schemes that take in order to have glucose available for fasting periods.
into account the dynamics of the network ought to When insulin is higher than its basal level these tis-
be used, such as Backpropagation-Through-Time,17 sues absorb glucose to store it, and the lack of insulin
or Recurrent-Learning-Through-Time.18 However, activates the mechanisms to release it.22
these techniques tend to be sluggish and unstable In Diabetes Type-1 β cells are destroyed by
in the presence of disturbances. autoimmune mechanisms, so the pancreas can not
Regarding models to be used in control or esti- produce insulin anymore. In consequence, the glu-
mation problems, structures in state-space repre- cose concentration is always higher than its basal
sentation are preferred in some applications.19, 20 level. Current medical treatment suggests three or
However, they require the actual measurement of the four daily glucose measurement, with the same num-
physical states of the system, which is not always ber of subcutaneous insulin injections.23 Insulin can
the case. Previously,21 a network with a stable train- also be delivered by an insulin pump, and there are
ing algorithm is proposed, where it generates its own real time glucose monitors with implantable sensors.
states in order to have the same input-ouput dynam- This represents the sensor and actuator for a closed
ics as a real system, alleviating the need of measuring loop control for glucose. There are several research
those of the system. works about this topic.24–27
In this paper we propose a data-driven modeling Insulin therapy can have some complications. In
in state-space representation of the insulin dynam- the first place, the accumulation of insulin injections
ics in diabetic Type-1 patients, by analyzing the can lead to a excessive concentration of insulin in
response of the blood stream insulin concentration blood (also known as hyperinsulinemia) that pro-
when insulin is directly fed into the body and when duces hypoglycemia, a life-threatening condition.
the glucose concentration is measured in real-time. If hyperinsulinemia persists, but within euglycemia
The training of the network is done using lab tests range, it can produce insulin resistance, and then
that can measure both glucose and insulin concen- impairing the effect of the therapy. Otherwise, pro-
trations in the bloodstream. Once the training is longed lack of insulin, can lead to excessive lipol-
completed, the objective is to have the network ysis and unrestrain fatty acid oxidation producing
to reproduce the insulin dynamics when only glu- metabolic acidosis and dehydration.28 So, it is desir-
cose measurements and the injected insulin rate are able to design a system that can estimate the con-
available. centration of insulin level in the bloodstream to help
This work is structured in the following man- that those limit conditions are not neither surpassed
ner: In Sec. 2 the basic modeling problem of nor fall below a certain level.
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A Discrete-Time Recurrent Neurofuzzy Network for Black-Box Modeling of Insulin Dynamics 151

and necessary conditions30 in order to transform (1)

through a local diffeomorphism zk = Φ(xk ) into the
system (2).
Now, the objective is to find a discrete-time
recurrent neural network that, using only input and
output measurements uk and yk , can generate a
dynamic mapping by a recurrent network uk → ŷk
such that makes yk , supt≥0 |ŷk − yk | is as small as
We propose the recurrent neurofuzzy network
(RNFN) to approximate f¯ in (2) via ϕ(y, u)θη by:

ηk+1 = Aηk + ϕ(ŷk , uk )θη ,

Fig. 1. Identification objective. ŷk = Cηk ,
From the theory given by Refs. 31–33, this is a
This can be considered as a system with two
dual identification problem. Under persistent excita-
inputs and one output, given that the inputs are
tion condition for the regressor ϕ(y, u) embedded in
the glucose concentration in the bloodstream and the
the neurofuzzy network, an adaptive observer can be
insulin injected, and the output is the insulin concen-
designed such that jointly estimates η̂ and θη via a
tration in the bloodstream. So, the modeling problem
decoupled algorithm.
is that, given input-output measurements, to obtain
a discrete-time dynamic model based on RNFN that
can learn this dynamics and generate an estimate of 3. Proposed Recurrent Neurofuzzy
the output, as depicted in Fig. 1. Network and Training Algorithm
This is now an identification problem, repre- The neurofuzzy system (3) is described by the fol-
sented by an unknown MISO system lowing r fuzzy rules:

xk+1 = f (xk , uk ),  R1 : If (uk , yk ) is F1 then
(1) 

yk = h(xk ), 
 ηk+1 = Aηk + θu1,1 u1,k

 + θu2,1 u2,k + θy,1 ρ(yk ),
where uk = [u1,k u2,k ]T ∈ 2 and yk ∈  are the 

input and the output, respectively, and x ∈ n is the 


 .
state of the system, f : n × 2 → n , h : n → , 

 Ri : If (uk , yk ) is Fi then
are unknown smooth functions, dependent on the
ηk+1 = Aηk + θu1,i u1,k
dynamics of the absorption of the glucose and the 

 + θu2,i u2,k + θy,i ρ(yk ),
insulin present in the bloodstream. For this applica- 

tion, It is assumed that (1) is observable in the region 


 .
of interest.29 The number of states n varies depend- 

 Rr : If (uk , yk ) is Fr then

ing on the precision required from the model, from 3 

 ηk+1 = Aηk + θu1,r u1,k
states1 to 21.3 

Following well-known results,30 we also hypothe- + θu2,r u2,k + θy,r ρ(yk ),
size (and then assume) that this system pertains to where the fuzzy sets Fi are characterized by the
the class of nonlinear systems transformable to an radial basis functions and u1 (t) and u2 (t) are
output feedback form the injected insulin rate and glucose concentration
zk+1 = Azk + f¯(yk , uk ), respectively. The consequent parameters are
yk = Czk , θu1,i = [ θu1,i,1 θu1,i,2 . . . θu1,i,n ]T ,

with (A, C) observable, and f¯(y, u) smooth. In the θu2,i = [ θu2,i,1 θu2,i,2 . . . θu2,i,n ]T ,
same way, it is assumed that (1) fulfills the sufficient θy,i = [ θy,i,1 θy,i,2 . . . θy,i,n ]T .
April 13, 2010 15:13 00232

152 M. A. González-Olvera et al.

Remark 1. The main function that the fuzzy be obtained as a function of the input and output sig-
structure has in the neurofuzzy network is to pro- nals from (1). The consequent part in the fuzzy rules
vide with a space partition i, and then each section is designed in such a way to meet with the persistence
be modeled by a nonlinear system in the form of the of excitation condition (see below). However, other
fuzzy rule Ri . type of fuzzy rules may be considered, as long as they
satisfy the persistence of excitation condition.
If the defuzzification is defined as a weighted aver-
r r
age ηk+1 = i=1 Fi ηk+1i
/ i Fi , then the regressor Remark 4. Similarly to some previous work,34 the
ϕ can be defined by regressor in this proposed scheme can be proven to
comply with the persistence of excitation condition.
ϕ(yk , uk ) = [ϕu1 (yk , uk )ϕu2 (yk , uk )ϕy (yk , uk )]
∈ n×3nr , (4) Remark 5. By construction, it follows from (5)
that the regressor ϕ is always bounded if u is
and ϕu1 , ϕu2 , ϕy ∈ 4 can be expressed as bounded.
[ F1 In×n . . . Fr In×n ]u1,k
ϕu1 (yk , uk ) = r , 3.1. Observation-training algorithm
i Fi

[ F1 In×n . . . Fr In×n ]u2,k In order to initialize the membership functions, a

ϕu2 (yk , uk ) = r , (5) simple clustering algorithm is to be used. In this
i Fi
case, we consider to use the Fuzzy C-Means35, 36 for
[ F1 In×n . . . Fr In×n ]ρ(yk ) this purpose, but other clustering methods may be
ϕy (y, u) = r ,
i Fi employed. We take the number of clusters is to be
equal to the number of rules in the fuzzy part of the
with ρ :  → , ρ = ρ(yk ) a sigmoid function,
monotonically increasing and
We now let the network defined by (3) to work
lim ρ(y) = ±1, ρ(0) = 0. as a parallel model for (2), which in turn is equal
to the order of the system (3). Following the same
So, treatment as in Refs. 21 and 32, the system can
ηk+1 = Aηk + [ϕu1 (yk , uk )ϕu2 (yk , uk ) be trained by jointly estimating η and θη , with the
observable pair (A, C). Designing a vector K such
× ϕy (yk , uk )]θ, (6) that the eigenvalues of A − KC be in any desired
= Aηk + ϕ(yk , uk )θ. (7) position, the training equations are

Consequently, the parameter vector θ is Υ[k + 1] = (Ā − KC)Υ[k] + ϕ[k] (9)

θ̂[k + 1] = θ̂[k] + µ[k]Υ[k]T C T (y[k] − C η̂k) (10)
θ = [ θu1 T
θu2 θyT ]T ∈ 3nr , (8)
η̂[k + 1] = (Ā − KC)η̂[k] + ϕ[k]θ̂[k] + Ky[k]
+ Υ[k + 1](∆θ̂[k]) (11)
θu1 = [ θu1,1 T
. . . θu1,r ]T ∈ nr ,
where η̂ is the estimation of η, A − KC is a fil-
θu2 = [ θu2,1 T
. . . θu2,r ]T ∈ nr , ter matrix for ϕ with eigenvalues inside the uni-
θy = [ θy,1 T ]T ∈ nr .
. . . θy,r tary circle, Γ is a positive definite gain matrix. The
parameter and estimation error are exponentially
Remark 2. The objective of including a the sig- convergent provided that the regressor ϕ[k] is per-
moid function ρ is twofold: to provide with more non- sistently exciting, as stated in the next theorem:
linear identification capabilities to the network, and
to guarantee for this structure that ϕy (0, 0)θy = 0. Theorem 1. Consider the system (1) and the net-
work (3). Assume that the approximation error is
Remark 3. The structure of the network is such sufficiently small, then the training algorithm results
that the research in adaptive observers made by in an exponential convergence of the parameters
Refs. 30, 32 and 34 can be used, so the regressor can as well as the states to their true values (that is,
April 13, 2010 15:13 00232

A Discrete-Time Recurrent Neurofuzzy Network for Black-Box Modeling of Insulin Dynamics 153

η̃ = η̂ − η → 0 and θ̃ = θ̂ − θ → 0), provided that epoch number increases. In general, we considered

the persistence of excitation condition this to be a linear relation in the form
Γf inal − Γinitial
(k − 1)
k+L−1 Γk = (18)
ΥTi [i]C T CΥ[i] ≥ αI (12) Epochs − 1
L where k is the current epoch, Γf inal is the desired
value of Γ in the last epoch, Γinitial the gain at k = 1
is fulfilled.
(the first epoch), and Epochs the total number of
Proof. Design Ao = Ā − KC to be Hurwitz. In the
same sense as Ref. 33, define the error signals 4. Modeling and Identification of
Insulin Dynamics in Different
η̃[k] = η̂[k] − η[k], θ̃[k] = θ̂[k] − θ[k].
If the approximation error ε is sufficiently small, For validation purposes, the network is tested with
then the error dynamics can be found as simulated data in the identification of the responses
of three different in silico patients, where the input
η̃[k + 1] = Ao η̃[k] + ϕ[k]θ̃[k]
u(t) is the insulin rate in µU/ml/min that is injected
+ Υ[k + 1](θ̃[k + 1] − θ̃[k]). (13) into the patient, calculated by the Quasi-Continuous
algorithm described in Ref. 24, and glucose con-
Defining the error ζ[k] = η̃[k] − Υ[k]θ̃[k], its centration, G (mg/dl) the output is the measured
dynamics is insulin concentration in blood I (µU/ml). It is true
ζ[k + 1] = A0 ζ[k] + (Ao Υ[k] + ϕ[k] that in a healthy human being, the glucose dynamics
has a strong correlation with the amount of insulin
− Υ[k + 1])θ̃[k]. (14) present in the blood stream: however, as in diabetic
patients this relation suffers from a decoupling and
So using (11), one obtains the exponentially stable
relatively cheap and fast sensors exists, the glucose
is here used as another input to the system.
ζ[k + 1] = A0 ζ[k]. (15) The data of in silico patients are obtained
using the well known Bergman Minimal Model with
Now, taking the parametric error θ̃[k], its dynam- parameters considered in Ref. 25. This is done in
ics is two phases: First, an RNFN is trained assuming that
both glucose and insuline data can be sampled 5
θ̃[k + 1] = θ̃[k] − ΓΥT [k]C T C η̃[k]
times per second, in order to show the approximation
= (I − ΓΥT [k]C T CΥ[k])θ̃[k] (16) capabilities of the network. However, in real exper-
iments this can not be expected possible, as exper-
−ΓΥ [k]C Cζ[k]
imental data would require of actual blood samples
It can be proven that the origin of the homogeneous and only a limited number of them can be done in a
part of the previous equation is exponentially stable, certain period of time, so results using 13 data sam-
provided that (12) is fullfilled. pled each 8 minutes are shown (also, as each mea-
surement requires blood, a limit of blood extracted
Remark 6. The persistent excitation condition for from a patient must be taken into account). Once
the particular case of the identification of the insulin the network has been trained, it is tested comparing
dynamics implies that sufficient measurements must to the actual amount of insulin present in the blood-
be obtained in the laboratory from the patient under stream, assuming it can not be measured and only
several conditions, like before and after meals, and estimated by the RNFN.
under different levels of injected insulin. In all cases, the time unit is considered to be
one minute, with three rules (r = 3) and three
Remark 7. This algorithm can be used to train a states (n = 3, the same as the Bergman model).
network by epochs, and then the matrix gain Γ can These number of rules was chosen as the nonlin-
be changed in order to make the training finer as the ear dynamics is reasonably well represented with
April 13, 2010 15:13 00232

154 M. A. González-Olvera et al.

these zones, and also to avoid a parameter explo-

sion. The following design matrices and parameters
are used: λ{Ā} = [ −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 ], C = [ 1 0 0 ],
λ{Ā − KC} = [ −1.5 −1 −0.75 ], Epoch = 30,
Γinitial = 1, Γf inal = 0.1. So, a total of 27 parame-
ters are trained.

4.1. Simulation results under

unrestricted sampling conditions
As mentioned before, in this case ideal conditions are
considered, i.e. when an undetermined quantity of

Fig. 4. Training: Ideal case, Patient #2.

Fig. 2. Membership functions: Ideal case, Patient #1,

#2, #3. Fig. 5. Training: Ideal case, Patient #3.

Fig. 6. Identification results: Ideal case, Patient #1. I

is the insulin concentration in the bloodstream, Iˆ is the
Fig. 3. Training: Ideal case, Patient #1. estimation given by the network.
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A Discrete-Time Recurrent Neurofuzzy Network for Black-Box Modeling of Insulin Dynamics 155

Fig. 7. Identification results: Ideal case, Patient #2. I

is the insulin concentration in the bloodstream, Iˆ is the
estimation given by the network.

Fig. 8. Identification results: Ideal case, Patient #3. I

is the insulin concentration in the bloodstream, Iˆ is the
estimation given by the network.

blood can be obtained from the patient in any desired Fig. 9. Training and identification: Real case — Patient
time length. For this case, a total of 400 min and a #1. yd is the response of the in silico patient, y is the
sampling time Ts = 0.2[min] are taken. Three dif- output identified by the network.
ferent patient models are identified, using the input
signals (insulin and glucose) depicted in Figs. 4–6 for
each patient. As indicated before, the Fuzzy C-Means shown in Figs. 3–5 for each patient. It can be seen
algorithm is run in order to obtain the initial mem- that the parameters remain stable and convergent.
bership functions, which are depicted in Fig. 2. The After training, the network is compared in parallel
convergence of the training algorithms, as well as the with the output obtained from the in silico patient.
progression of the RMS error in normalized data are These results are depicted in Figs. 6–8.
April 13, 2010 15:13 00232

156 M. A. González-Olvera et al.

Fig. 11. Training and identification: Real case —

Patient #3. yd is the response of the in silico patient,
y is the output identified by the network.

As in reality only a small amount of blood can be

taken from a certain patient, the tests are limited
in resources and time, and the patient can only be
Fig. 10. Training and identification: Real case — confined for few hours (typically 2), in this case
Patient #2. yd is the response of the in silico patient, the sampling time is increased to T s = 8[min],
y is the output identified by the network.
and only 13 samples (less than two hours). In this
case, the same number of rules and states are used,
and the design matrices are modified to be λ{Ā} =
4.2. Simulation results under restricted [ −0.4 −0.3 −0.2 ], C = [ 1 0 0 ], λ{Ā − KC} =
[ −0.9 0.9 −0.8 ]. As there are few data, more epochs
Once the RNFN has been tested in unrestricted are used, so Epoch = 60, and Γinitial = 0.1, Γf inal =
conditions of sampling time and testing time, more 0.02. Once again, for this limited resource of data,
restrictive (and real) conditions must be considered. the membership functions are obtained using a Fuzzy
April 13, 2010 15:13 00232

A Discrete-Time Recurrent Neurofuzzy Network for Black-Box Modeling of Insulin Dynamics 157

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