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Bone-on-bone Thinned cartilage Bone erosion Inflamed synovial membrane

Chronic, progressive disease of joints, Chronic, progressive autoimmune

usually weight-bearing joints i.e. hips, disorder →body overreacting; attacking
knees, vertebra. Goal = help maintain →
peripheral joints inflamed joints →
mobility & ↓ pain. *Usually >65 yo* remissions & exacerbations →life-long tx

Risks: Females, joint injuries, Risks: Family hx, females, young to middle
occupations with repetitive stress on age (affects younger people)
joints (nurse), smoking, obesity

Signs & symptoms: Signs & symptoms:

Pain, stiffness in AM or with exercise; Morning stiffness & pain; improves
relieved after 30 min with rest with movement
Swelling, tenderness, ↓ mobility Bilat joint inflammation & ↓ROM
Bone spurs, bone-on-bone Warmth, redness, edema
Grating sensation when joints bend Numbness, tingling of hands & feet
Crepitus (air bubbles) Late stages: Joint deformity
Herberden nodes (distal) & Bouchard
nodes (proximal; closer to you) *Stress or recent illness causes
Asymmetrical; can affect any joint exacerbation/flare-up*

Treatment: Treatment:
-Acetaminophen -NSAIDs: Ibuprofen, naproxen
(Antidote: Acetylcysteine) -Prednisone
-Hyaluronic Acid; injection -Methotrexate
-PT & OT
-Scooters, walkers, canes, splints, jar -PT & OT
openers, orthotic shoes
-If interventions don't work; total Nursing:
joint arthroplasty (replacement) -Enc. ice or heat for comfort
-Enc. physical activity to
Nursing: maintain joint mobility
-Home teaching: Use handrails, remove -Monitor for complications r/t
throw rugs, keep common items in pharmacologic therapy
-LOW-IMPACT exercise i.e. swimming,
walking, biking to gain strength & ROM
-Avoid repetitive use of joints
-Balance active + rest periods
-Balanced nutrition & avoid obesity

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