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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Let me introduce myself.

My name is Cam
Tien. I’m 20 years old. I’m a student at Ho Chi Minh University of Foreign
Language and Information Technology. As you can see, some people say that:
(You might often hear people say that): “I don’t have enough time”. We also might
feel like we never have enough time. But actually, all of us have the same 24 hours
in a day and some people get more done than others. And Benjamin Franklin said
that: “You may delay, but time will not”. So today I’m going to talk about how to
build time management skills. This topic will help you know how to manage your
time to study and work more effectively. My presentation will last for 10 minutes.
I have divided it into 2 parts:

The first one is going to be about definition and then I’m going to share with you
some time management tips.

If you have any questions, I’ll try to answer them after my presentation

Now, let’s start with definition. What is time management?

Time management is the coordination of tasks and activities to maximize the

effectiveness of an individual's efforts. Essentially, the purpose of time
management is to enable people to get more and better work done in less time.

Elements of time management include organization, planning and scheduling to

best take advantage of the time available. Time management techniques also take
into account an individual's particular situation and their relevant capabilities and

If you have good time management skills, your time will be use (used) more
effective (effectively?) and your life will be more positive. We also get lots of
benefits from time management such as: less stress, better-work life balance (better
work-life balance) , more time freedom, so on. Therefore, it is important for us to
improve time management skills. This leads me to my next point: some time
management tips.

My (The) first tip I want to talk about is to cut down distraction (or Lavendaire/you
mean “distraction time?). Nowadays, with development of the Internet, there are
lots of interesting things that attract us. We get easily distracted on social media or
just random things. We turn our attention to less important things. So we have to
be aware of what is really important and we need to it (need what? need for it?) On
Lavendaire youtube channel, she shared that “The best thing is to learn how to
focus and make the most of your time with what you are doing, right now”. You
can use some techniques to help you focus better such as: Pomodoro – a method
for staying and mentally fresh (staying what? you mean staying mentally fresh, no
“and”, right? :D). It includes 5 steps:

Step 1: Pick a task

Step 2: Set a 25-minute timer (it’s called a pomodoro?)

Step 3: Work on your task until the time is up

Step 4: Take a minute break

Step 5: Every 4 pomodoro (every 25 minutes? explain this above on step 1 so

people understand a pomodoro lasts 25 minutes ), take a longer 15-30 minutes (you
mean take a longer 15-30min break?).

We knew how to cut down distraction. Now, we have to decide what to do first and
what to do later. And let’s move to my second tip: how to prioritize.

According to The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, the two factors that define
an activity are urgent and important. Urgent means it requires immediate attention.
Importance, on the other hand, has to do with results. If something is important, it
contributes to your mission, your values, your high priority goals. There are four
Quadrants in the Time Management Matrix

The first quadrant is things that are urgent and important

The second quadrant is things that are not urgent and important

The third quadrant is things that are urgent and not important

The last one is things are not urgent and not important

Most of us spend a lot of time on quadrant 1. These things like pressing problems,
crises that we must have to do them immediately. For example, you have to stay
up all night to complete a deadline or you cram for an exam. But in fact, you are
just dealing with life. This can leave you stressed and exhausted. Instead of being
reactive, you should spend more time on quadrant 2. These things like planning,
preparation, building relationships, investing yourself. You plan, prepare or do
things that you are putting off in order to save yourself from crises, having to do so
much in quadrant 1. You can achieve better results in work or study. Next, let’s
talk about quadrant 3. There are a lot of things that seem urgent but they are really
not important such as emails, phone calls, someone’s request, or meetings. “The
reality is that the urgency of these matters is often based on the priorities and
expectations of others.” You have to recognize: what is important for your goals?
or what is your priority? You have to use the time when you are active for
important things first and then you can spend another time to check or reply
emails. And the quadrant 4 is trivial things like watching TV, browsing social
media, listening to music so on. Now you can put your activities in the outline and
you get a clear sense of what you should focus on.

The next tip I want to share with you is to plan your day. Planning can help you
manage your deadlines and accomplish your tasks. You can create a guideline for
your schedule. On Lavendaire youtube channel, she shared some steps to plan out
your ideal day or ideal week.

First step is to decide on your non-negotiables. These are the things that you have
to do or the things that you absolutely that you want to, you need to do.

Next, list on things you want to (want to do?) in your ideal life, in your ideal week
and then estimate the time per items.

Finally, let me summarize my presentation once again. It has 2 main points:

First, definition

Second, some time management tips

I would like to leave you with the following ideas. Everyone’s time is limited and
we have many things to do. So we learn to use our time wisely to create useful
things in our lives. With my presentation, I hope you can improve your time
management skills. You can do the things you want, you love to make an ideal life.
Here are some websites I preferred to (refered?) for my presentation.

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