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FROM A CUSTOMER POINT OF VIEW : Brand is what customers feel and think about an organization,
a product or service. That’s their perception.

It is intangible, it is about customers feeling, emotion and their perception

FROM THE COMPANY POINT OF VIEW : Brand is what the company is as a business.
That includes :

 its Mission : What kind of impact does company want to have on its customers, its industry,
the world ?
 its Values :
 Its point of difference :
 Its products and/or services :

Brand drive the rest of branding process

The perception of a brand is shaped by branding. Branding is the management of a brand. It is the
actions that companies take to make sure the way their audience perceives they is in alignment with
the way they want to be perceived. It is communicating to the audience what the business is about,
why it exists, and why it’s better than the competition.

That includes for Example : Sending out an email campagn, posting on your business’s social media
channels, creating new website content.

Branding involves both managing tangible and intangible attributes of a products or services.

Brand Identity is all the elements a company creates to communicate its brand to its audience.
It’s what customers can see, touch, hear, watch moving.
That includes the logo, name, colors, type, layout, imagery, packaging of a product, website, social
Brand identity is tangible element of the brand.

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