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A new approach to dating and predicting

Australian business cycle phase changes

Allan P. Layton

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Australian business cycle phase changes, Applied Economics, 29:7, 861-868, DOI:

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Applied Economics, 1997, 29, 861Ð 868

A new approach to dating and predicting

Australian business cycle phase changes
AL L A N P . L A Y T O N
School of Economics and Finance, QU T , GPO Box 2434 , Brisbane, Australia

Due to well-known lags, counter-cyclical macroeconomic policies often exacerbate,

rather than ameliorate, business cycles. Early recognition of upcoming phase shifts,
particularly contractions, may assist in ® ne-tuning such policies. This objective is
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pursued in the paper by applying Hamilton’s (1989, 1990, 1991) quasi-Bayesian,

Markovian, regime-switching model to monthly growth rates of leading, long -leading
and coincident indexes of Australian economic activity. A simple rule applied to
regime probabilities for each data point of the coincident index produces a phase
chronology that is very similar to that produced by the Bry and Boschan (1971)
turning point algorithm. The regime switching model is also applied to the leading
and long-leading indexes. The application of a simple rule to the resultant regime
probabilities is found to result in a potentially very reliable advance signalling system
for Australian business cycle phase changes.

I. INTRODUCTION business cycle developments in a number of countries in-

cluding Australia. It does this by maintaining systems of
In an in¯ uential article, Hamilton (1989) developed a simple leading, long-leading and coincident indexes of monthly
Markov-based, regime switching model suitable for applica- economic activity for each country. In fact, the leading and
tion to time series subject to abrupt, non-linear regime coincident indexes maintained by the Institute of Applied
changes. He applied a two-state version of his model to Economic and Social Research (IAESR) at Melbourne Uni-
quarterly US GNP data and found the algorithm’s esti- versity are the result of joint research between IAESR and
mated parameters broadly reproduced the characteristics of CIBCR.
the business cycle. The resulting series of regime probabilit- Components of Australia’s indexes are presented in
ies produced a chronology that was quite similar to the Table 1. Using the coincident index as an overall repres-
o cially recognized business cycle dates. entation of the current phase of the business cycle yields an
Layton (1994) applied the algorithm to Australian GDP Australian business cycle chronology (peak and trough
data and found the Australian business cycle could be dates of aggregate economic activity) as presented in
adequately characterized by long periods of normal average Table 2. These are somewhat di€ erent from Australia’s o -
growth, infrequently interrupted by short periods of abnor- cial chronology which is based purely on using the occur-
mally sluggish average growth. This is a somewhat di€ erent rence of two consecutive negative (positive) quarterly
characterization of the business cycle to the stochastic trend growth rates in GDP to signify the commencement of con-
alternative introduced by Nelson and Plosser (1982) and traction (expansion). Apart from the fact that the index is
Campbell and Mankiw (1987). The current paper extends monthly, and therefore more timely, simply using GDP
this earlier work and investigates the usefulness of Hamil- amounts to solely using an output measure to represent the
ton’s framework in dating and predicting phase changes in business cycle. This is a rather narrow measure of the cycle
Australia’s business cycle within the context of the economic and ignores very important aspects of cyclical swings, name-
indicator approach to business cycle modelling, pioneered ly employment, sales and income.
by Burns and Mitchell (1946) and Moore (1983). These latter aggregates do not necessarily have exactly
In this regard the Centre for International Business the same phase chronology as output but, nonetheless, are
Cycle Research (CIBCR) at Columbia University monitors crucial aspects of the timing of any contraction or recovery.
0003Ð 6846 Ó 1997 Routledge 861
862 A. P. L ayton
Table 1. Index components

Coincident Leading Long-leading

Household income (real) Overtime worked Yields on 10 year treasury bonds

Gross non-farm product (real) Housing approvals (No.) Housing approvals (No.)
Industrial production Non-residential building approved
(constant price $) Gross product per hour (growth rate)
Retail trade (real) Money supply, M3 Money supply, M3
Civilian employment Industrial materials prices Services CPI Index
(growth rate, inverted)
Unemployment rate (inverted) Gross operating surplus of companies Ratio, implicit price de¯ ator to unit
labour cost, non-farm sector
Ratio, implicit price de¯ ator to unit
labour cost, non-farm sector
All ordinaries share price index
New telephone installations
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Table 2. Australia’s business cycle chronology

Chronology using HMRS Extra phase changes

Coincident index chronology algorithm2 detected by HMRS

Peaks Troughs Peaks Troughs Peaks Troughs

4/51 8/52 4/51 9/52 1 /57 12/57

12/55 8/56 12/55 8/56 8/71 1/72
12/60 9/61 12/60 9/61 6/86 11/86
7/74 3/75 6/74 Missed
9/76 11/77 Missed 11/77
9/81 5/83 9/81 5/83
4/90 6/92 4/90 12/92

Median: Expansion = 49 months

Contraction = 14 months
1 By BryÐ Boschan turning point method.
2 HamiltonÐ Markov regime switching algorithm using COP (5) (see text).

For example, unemployment is known to lag output, both for obtaining turning points and is used by the US Com-
going into, as well as coming out of contraction. Thus the merce Department as well as by CIBCR. One problem with
`o cial’ recovery date of the most recent contraction has the BB program is that it can take quite some time to
been set at the September quarter, 1991, because this was recognize a phase change once it has occurred. In fact the
the ® rst of two consecutive quarters of positive growth after BB program was written so that no turn would be identi® ed
the onset of the contraction in March 1990. However, the within six months of the end of the data. Furthermore,
ensuing `recovery’ is well-known to have been very anaemic, CIBCR sta€ advise it can sometimes take as long as 12
producing very little employment growth, and was therefore months for a turn to be identi® ed by the BB program.
associated with rising unemployment rates for several sub- The ® rst major purpose of the paper is therefore to
sequent quarters. The behaviour of the coincident index determine the potential for using a version of Hamilton’s
re¯ ects this and produces a trough date of 6/1992, almost regime-switching algorithm to pick the monthly dates of
a year later. phase changes and to examine the speed with which the
The coincident index chronology presented in Table 2 is algorithm would be able to recognize phase changes as they
that obtained by CIBCR using the BryÐ Boschan (1971) occur in `real time’. As a ® rst step, the degree of correspond-
Turning point (BB) program to establish the dates of phase ence between the BB phase change dates and those gener-
changes. The BB method has been the `industry standard’ ated by the regime-switching algorithm is established using
Dating and predicting Australian business cycle phase changes 863
the entire sample of data (through to the end of 1994) to where i = 1, 2 and 1 denotes contraction; and
establish the chronology.
The results are presented in Table 2 and, as can be seen, P (S t = 1/St ± 1 = 1) = p P (St = 1/St ± 1 = 2) = 1 - q
the correspondence is quite encouraging. Given the very P (S t = 2/St ± = 1) = 1 - p P (St = 2/St ± = 2) = q
1 1
di€ erent approaches used, the degree of correspondence
tends to con® rm strongly the BB-identi® ed phase change To obtain estimates of the parameter vector (u1 , u2 , s 1 , s 2 , p,
dates. Variations between the two chronologies are dis- q), maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is used. As out-
cussed further in Section 3 after an outline of the regime- lined by Hamilton (1990) the estimation algorithm may be
switching algorithm and the BryÐ Boschan method is pre- explained heuristically as follows. Suppose we had, through-
sented in Section 2. out the length of the sample, perfect knowledge of the
Of great practical importance is the potential of the pattern of regimes characterizing the series. MLE estimates
regime-switching algorithm to predict phase changes in of a particular regime mean and variance would simply be
advance of their occurrence. This potential, using Austra- obtained as the sample mean and variance of the series’
lia’s leading and long-leading indexes, is reported upon in values corresponding to those periods when the series was
section 4 of the paper. Section 5 contains the conclusions of in that regime. MLE estimates of the two transition prob-
the paper. abilities (p, q) would simply be obtained from frequency
counts of the pattern of known regime switches.
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This process e€ ectively applies probability weights of one

and zero to each value of the series (depending on the regime
II. THE REGIME SWITCHING MODEL AND in which one is interested). The same procedure could,
however, be used in the absence of perfect knowledge if one,
nonetheless, had estimates of the regime probabilities at-
In a series of important papers, Hamilton (1989, 1990, 1991)
taching to each data point. These estimated probabilities
elaborated upon theoretical aspects of his Markovian, re- could then be used as weights instead of the ones and zeros.
gime switching modelling approach and demonstrated its The estimation algorithm derives initial estimates of these
use in a number of applications. In simple terms a time
regime probabilities and uses them to obtain estimates of
series is conceived of being in one of a number of di€ erent
the model’s parameters. These parameter estimates are then
states or regimes. The likelihood of observing various values
used to update the estimates of the regime probabilities
of the series then depends upon the particular regime in which are, in turn, used to update the estimates of the model
which the series is, along with a speci® ed probability rule parameters. The process continues in an iterative way until
associated with that regime.
the likelihood of the observed sample has been maximized
In the context of the business cycle it is natural to
(subject to some speci® ed stopping rule).
dichotomize between two regimes, namely contractions and
Because of the assumed model structure, a potential es-
expansions in economic activity. For each regime the timation problem exists which may be described as follows.
simplest probability rule to govern the likelihood of various
Suppose, in practice, a small subset of sample observations
observations is the normal density function with a di€ erent
happens to be very tightly clustered together. Unrestricted
mean and variance for contractions and expansions. Hamil-
MLE may result in this cluster being interpreted as con-
ton also suggested the use of a Markov-type probability rule
stituting drawings from one normal distribution with a very
to govern the likelihood of switching from one regime into small variance and the rest of the sample as coming from
the other. The simplest such rule is that the switching
a second normal distribution with a very much larger variance.
probability depends only on the current period regime
This is known as the `singularity’ problem and can sometimes
(rather than several earlier periods), and remains constant
produce results which are interpretationally nonsensical.
regardless of the length of time the series has been in Thus, a restricted version of MLE is desirable in order to
a particular regime. This is the speci® c regime switching assist in avoiding such interpretation problems. An ap-
model employed throughout this paper and can be repre-
proach which was found fruitful, and used in this paper, is
sented as follows.
the so-called `quasi-Bayesian’ MLE approach suggested by
Let Y t and St denote the growth rate and regime state in
Hamilton (1991). Essentially, an adjusted version of the
period t. likelihood function which incorporates a priori information
Then about the unknown means and variances is maximized
instead of the unrestricted function.1 In the rest of the paper,

3 1 2 4
1 - 1 Yt- m 2
the algorithm as just described will be referred to as HMRS
f (Y t /S t = i) =
Ï 2p s i
2 s i for Hamilton Markov Regime Switching).

The priors were computed as follows. Prior means and variances were set equal to the sample means and variances of the negative growth
rate observations (for regime 1) and positive growth rate observations (for regime 2).
864 A. P. L ayton
T he BryÐ Boschan turning point method of the tentative dates obtained from the previous step.
This results in a new set of tentative dates obtained from
Bry and Boschan’s (1971) purpose was to devise a computer
the short-span moving average. Finally, peaks and troughs
algorithm that was capable of closely approximating the
in the original series are identi® ed in neighbourhoods
subjective judgements of National Bureau of Economic
(6 MCD or 6 four months, whichever is longer) of the
Research (NBER) business cycle experts about a series’
tentative dates obtained from the short-span moving
turning points. The algorithm essentially seeks ® rst to ident-
average. If these dates satisfy the duration constraints
ify major cyclical swings. It then establishes neighbour-
they then become the ® nal peak and trough dates for the
hoods of the peaks and troughs, and systematically narrows
the search in these neighbourhoods until the ® nal peak and
trough dates are determined. Three constraints are placed
on this searching process. First, no cycle (measured peak-to-
peak or trough-to-trough ) can be less than 15 months in
duration. Second, no phase (expansion or contraction) can
be less than ® ve months in duration. Third, no turning point
is recognized within six months of the beginning or end of
The HMRS algorithm was applied to monthly growth rates
the series.
in the CIBCR coincident index for Australia (denoted CO)
Major cyclical swings are identi® ed by applying a centred,
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using data spanning the period 1950(2) to 1994(11).2 Com-

unweighted, 12 month moving average to the data. Tenta-
ponents of this index are supplied in Table 1. The parameter
tive peaks (troughs) are identi® ed as the highest (lowest)
estimates of the HMRS model are provided in Table 3. Of
values in the neighbourhood of 11 months (6 ® ve months)
some interest are the absolute and relative magnitudes of
while adhering to the above three constraints.
the estimated transition probabilities. The relative values
A Spencer Curve (a centred, weighted moving average) is
re¯ ect the stylized fact that expansionary swings are much
then obtained from the data and peaks and troughs identi-
longer than contractions (the economy is relatively more
® ed as above. Again, taking the three constraints into ac-
likely to stay in an expansion than it is to stay in a contrac-
count, any peak (trough) in the Spencer Curve within the
tion). The expected length of an expansion (contraction) is
neighbourhood (6 ® ve months) of an identi® ed peak
given as 1/(1 - p)(1/(1 - q)) and computed as 33.3 (14.9)
(trough) in the 12 month moving average curve is taken as
months. These may be compared with the actual median
the new tentative peak (trough) date. This is done because
lengths for expansions and contractions given in Table 2. As
the Spencer Curve entails less smoothing than the un-
can be seen, the correspondence is close for contractions but
weighted 12 month moving average and therefore its turns
somewhat di€ erent for expansions. The latter di€ erence
are likely to be closer to those of the original data.
occurs mainly because of the three extra cycles detected by
Next, a short-span moving average, determined by the
HMRS (see below for a discussion of this).
series MCD,2 is obtained from the data and its peaks and
The estimated contractionary regime probabilities for
troughs identi® ed within neighbourhoods (6 ® ve months)
each data point of CO, presented in Fig. 1, were then used
to determine the timing of phase shifts in the index. A simple
rule was employed to determine dates. Given the series was
Table 3. Parameter estimates for coincident index currently in an expansionary phase, a contractionary phase
shift was identi® ed as having occurred if a run of at least ® ve
Parameter Estimate Standard error of these probabilities in a row exceeded 0.5. An expansion-
ary phase shift was identi® ed as having occurred if a run of
u1 - 0.3362 0.0707 at least ® ve of these probabilities in a row were less than 0.5,
u2 0.7204 0.0324 given the series had been in a contraction.
s 1 0.7246 0.0404 The motivation for this rule-of-thumb is simple. A prob-
s 2 0.5572 0.0209 ability exceeding 0.5 implies the corresponding growth rate
p 0.9331 0.0237 would more likely have come from the contractionary re-
q 0.9699 0.0107 gime than from the expansionary regime. The required run
of ® ve months is analogous to the minimum phase dura-
Note : Standard errors were obtained from an empirically- tion requirement incorporated into the BryÐ Boschan turn-
derived information matrix for the parameter estimates. ing point program and which explicitly acknowledges the

In traditional business cycle analysis an important part of the determination of turning points is the calculation of a series MCD
(standing for `months for cyclical dominance’). Essentially the MCD is the span of moving average required to produce a smoothed series
in which the cyclical component of the series dominates the irregular component. In the case of the series under study here all had an MCD
of 1. In practical terms this means that no prior smoothing of the indexes is required before taking growth rates.
Dating and predicting Australian business cycle phase changes 865
expansions (see Table 3). The result was that the value of the
index at the peak of 9/76 was actually lower (by 2%) than
the earlier peak of 7/74. This was the only instance in the
postwar record where this occurred.
Moving to the three additional contractions (and, there-
fore, associated expansions) which HMRS detected, three
points should be made. First, all three periods (see above)
correspond to growth recessions in Australia.3 The o cial
CIBCR dates of these growth recessions are 8/55 to 1/58,
5/70 to 3/72, and 11/85 to 3/87. Thus, while the BB method
does not register them as contractions they, nonetheless,
were periods of very weak (and, in many months, negative)
Secondly, two of them were only of marginal duration,
lasting only the minimum period of ® ve months. A longer
minimum duration, say the two quarter (six months)
Fig. 1. Regime probabilities (coincident index)
requirement o cially used in Australia, would exclude
Note: Graphed points refer to the probability that the period
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these short contractions. Finally, the ® rst contraction,

comes from the contractionary regime.
while quite long, would imply a duration from peak to peak
(12/55 to 1/57) of 13 months. This violates the
NBER requirement that a cycle must be at least 15 months
long and, for this reason, was excluded by the BB method.
traditional view that no contraction or expansion should be The contraction, however, nonetheless occurred and it
recognized unless it is of su cient duration, namely ® ve could be argued that it is su ciently important that it
months. This phase change recognition rule is referred to as should be regarded as part of Australia’s business cycle
COP(5). The actual date of the peak (trough) is usually record.
selected as the month preceding the ® rst negative (positive) Thus, in the light of the above discussion, the perfor-
growth rate given the con® rmation of the contractionary mance of CO(5) using HMRS may be regarded as accept-
(expansionary) phase being in evidence. able. Perusal of the regime probabilities in Fig. 1 also
As is evident from the table there is a close, though not reveals that, on no occasion were there any runs of three
exact, correspondence in the phase shift dates in the coinci- probabilities greater (less) than 0.5 which did not
dent index given by BryÐ Boschan and those determined continue to be runs of ® ve. This suggests that a more useful
using HMRS and the above dating system. The greatest practical, timely recognition signal (denoted CO(3)) for
deviation occurred at the most recent trough. Furthermore, a contraction (expansion) would be the observation, in real
HMRS misses one expansion (3/75 to 9/76) altogether and time, of a run of three regime probabilities greater (less) than
signals three additional contractions (1/57 to 12/57, 8/71 to 0.5, given the economy was currently in an expansion (con-
1/72, and 6/86 to 11/86). All of these di€ erences warrant traction).
further discussion. Use of CO(3) means that recognition of phase changes
The 6/92 trough date is not at all clear-cut. Four out of in real time will usually occur about four months (allow-
the next six monthly growth rates were actually negative. ing for publication delay) after the event. This is a
However, the fact the ® rst two were fairly large and positive desirable improvement over relying on GDP and the two
results in the level of the series at 6/92 remaining lower than consecutive quarterly growth rate convention. This con-
the level at 12/92, suggesting 6/92 as the appropriate turning vention means that, given publication delays, recognition
point. Nonetheless, it would have to be said that the Austra- veri® cation does not occur for some nine to 10 months after
lian economy was not obviously in recovery mode until the the event. However, what is really required for e€ ective
end of 1992. counter-cyclical macroeconomic policy adjustment is an
The expansion of 3/75 to 8/76 which HMRS missed was advance warning signalling system which could give policy-
similarly an extremely anaemic one. For instance, in six out makers a reliable signal of upcoming contraction (expan-
of the 18 months of expansion, the index failed to register sion) at least four to six months ahead of time, even allowing
positive growth, and in only two months did growth rates for publication delays. A possible such system is discussed
exceed the estimated mean index growth rate for Australian next.

Growth cycles are cyclical ¯ uctuations in a series’ movements around its long term trend. A peak occurs when the series is furthest above
its trend level and a trough is reached when it is furthest below its trend.
866 A. P. L ayton
IV. APPLIC ATION TO CIBC R LEA DING lities being greater (less) than 0.5 this was considered a true
AND LONG-L EADING INDEXES FOR signal. Otherwise the LD signal was regarded as having
AUSTRALIA been false. Finally, the number of months prior to a business
cycle turn at which the LD phase began served to de® ne the
CIBCR maintains a leading index (LD) of economic indi- lead at that business cycle turn. Results are reported in
cators for Australia which has been designed for the purpose Table 4 where, not only are the BB-de® ned phase dates for
of providing advance warning of phase changes in the Aus- the Australian business cycle used, but also the three extra
tralian economy. In addition, CIBCR has recently de- cycles in CO detected by HMRS in its application to that
veloped a long-leading index (LL) of economic indicators index (discussed above).
which has been designed to provide even longer leads than Of particular interest is that none of these business cycle
the leading index in anticipating such phase changes. Com- turns is missed using LDP(3). Also, only one `false’ signal of
ponents of these indexes are supplied in Table 2. In this a peak is in evidence. Thus, over the historical record,
section the results of applying the HMRS algorithm to LD LDP(3) is 100% reliable as far as troughs are concerned and
and LL are discussed in terms of their potential usefulness just over 90% reliable as far as peaks are concerned. It
as an advance signalling system.4 should also be pointed out that the `false’ contraction of
Consider LD ® rst. Perusal of the calculated contraction- 7/64 to 1/66 is nonetheless quite consistent with the CIBCR-
ary regime probabilities (not supplied here) revealed that, on determined growth recession of 4/65 to 8/67. Therefore, the
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only one occasion over the entire period, did a run of three overall performance of LD may be considered to be very
consecutive probabilities greater than 0.5 (indicating the encouraging evidence for its use as part of a signalling
start of a contraction in LD) fail to turn into a run of at least system.
® ve (thereby satisfying the de® nition of a contractionary As to leads at these phase change dates, the median lead
phase change in LD). at peaks is ® ve months and four months at troughs. Unfor-
Therefore, given the economy was currently in an expan- tunately, these leads are really too short for LD alone to
sion (contraction), a signal of a business cycle contraction serve as a very useful advance signal of upcoming phase
(expansion) was considered to have been given by LD when- changes. For this reason the CIBCR long-leading index
ever a run of three probabilities greater (less) than 0.5 was (LL) was investigated in a similar way to LD with the signal
encountered (subsequently referred to as LDP (3)). This denoted as LLP(3). Results are also presented in Table 4.
signalling rule is analogous to the previous discussion of CO. It should be noted that a true LL signal of a phase change
If the business cycle peak (trough) subsequently occurred in the business cycle is de® ned as a situation where a phase
within the ensuing span of the run of LD regime probabi- change in LL spans at least the start of a similar phase in

Table 4. L eading indicator analyses using HMRS

Leading index leads1 Long-leading index leads1

Phase change dates using LDP (3) using LLP (3)

Peaks Troughs Peaks Troughs Peaks Troughs

4/51 8/52 +1 0 2 3
12/55 8/56 3 3 15 3
1/57 12/57* +4 1 +5 1
12/60 9/61 4 5 10 4
8/71 1/72* 17 1 21 11
7/74 3/75 11 5 17 6
9/76 11/77 0 1 3 11
9/81 5/83 6 9 3 9
6/86 11/86* 10 8 10 9
4/90 6/92 11 18 14 29

Median lead: Peaks = 5 months Median lead: Peaks = 10 months

Troughs = 4 months Troughs = 7.5 months
Extra cycles:7/64 (P) - 1/66 (T) Extra cycles:11/64 (P) - 1/66 (T)
Notes. * These denote contractions recognized by HMRS applied to CO but not recognized by
BryÐ Boschan.
A + indicates the index lags the phase change date.

In the interests of brevity the parameter estimates for LD and LL have not been provided. These are available upon request from the
Dating and predicting Australian business cycle phase changes 867
LD which, in turn, spans the date of the business cycle turn. index for Australia provides a close replication of the phase
Thus, since LL is designed to have longer leads than LD it is change chronology, as is provided by the BryÐ Boschan
not required that the actual business cycle turn be spanned algorithm for that index. The advantages of HMRS are its
by the corresponding phase in LL (as is the case of LD), but simplicity and objectivity and, perhaps more importantly,
it must, however, at least span the start of the corresponding its potential to recognize phase changes more quickly than
phase in LD. BryÐ Boschan in real time.
On this basis, using LLP(3) as the signal, it should ® rst be It was also found that a simple, advance warning system
noted that, on each occasion an LLP(3) signal was given, the based upon the HMRS-generated regime probabilities from
actual span of the ensuing LL phase was at least ® ve the long-leading index (LLP(3)) proved very reliable in sig-
months. Furthermore, no business cycle turn was missed by nalling all business cycle peaks (with a median lead of 10
LLP(3). The median lead at peaks was 10 months and 7.5 months) and troughs (with a median lead of 7.5 months). No
months at troughs. These longer median leads imply that turns were missed and only one extra peak was signalled.
incorporating LL is potentially of greater use than using LD However, even this additional signalled contraction corre-
alone in a signalling system. sponded to a growth recession in Australia.Thus, in a sense,
Also, on no occasion did LL enter a contractionary phase LLP(3) performed with 100% accuracy. In real time, after
without a corresponding contraction occurring in LD. Fi- allowing for a one month publication delay and three to
nally, by using LLP(3), it was again the case that only one four months for the signal to be received, the median leads
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`false’ contractionary signal was in evidence. No false signals in practice would be expected to be ® ve to six months at
of recovery were given by LLP(3). In other words, as with peaks and two to three months at troughs.
LD, LLP(3) was 100% reliable in anticipating recoveries It was also found that no business cycle phase change
and over 90% reliable in anticipating contractions over the occurred without the commencement of correspond-
historical record. It is again also important to note that this ing phase changes in both the long-leading and leading
false signal of classical recession nonetheless corresponded indexes. Thus, in practical terms, this suggests that a busi-
to the growth cycle recession of 4/65 to 1/68. In other words, ness cycle peak only becomes imminent once both the
it could be concluded that the LLP(3) contraction signal LLP(3) and LDP(3) signals are received. However, at
was also 100% reliable in the sense it correctly signalled all troughs, LLP(3) is likely to be much more useful due to the
classical recessions and also anticipated the only remaining shorter median lead of LD. These results suggest the use of
additional growth recession in the historical record not HMRS, as described here, could prove very fruitful in the
accounted for by the classical recessionary periods. early anticipation, and timely recognition, of business cycle
Clearly, LLP(3) has a great advantage over COP(3), and phase changes.
also to a lesser extent over LDP(3), in providing timely At least two potentially useful areas of further research in
information about peaks in the business cycle; i.e. in antici- this line are as follows.
pating recessions or growth slowdowns. Using LLP(3) the The transition probability parameters are assumed ® xed
median warning of upcoming recessions over the historical in this application. This may or may not be a realistic
period would have been approximatel y ® ve to six months in assumption. It implies the probability of a phase change
real time (obtained by subtracting from 10 months an allow- (cet. par.) is independent of the length of time the series has
ance of one month for publication delay and three to four been in the current phase. Views are mixed as to whether
months for the signal to be received). this is realistic in the context of business cycles. This issue
If, as may often be the case, the RBA is running a tight could be further investigated.
monetary policy in the run-up to a peak, ® ve to six The current application of HMRS is essentially uni-
months advance warning of the arrival of a contraction variate in nature. Another potentially interesting line
can allow the policy to be eased o€ early; perhaps even of investigation would be to make it explicitly bivariate
early enough to achieve the fabled `soft landing’. Also of by making the state variable (St) a vector (rather than
great practical importance from a monetary policy perspect- a scalar) describing the state, not only of the coincident
ive is that one of the components of LL is the 10 year index, but also that of the long-leading index. The purpose
government bond yield rate. Thus, the e€ ect of current would be to try to model objectively the practical presump-
monetary policy, in a very explicit sense, is incorporated tion that once LL has turned it is relatively more likely that
into the computed likelihood of a future contractionary CO will turn.
phase change.

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