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A WT controls, Layout managers

1. What is internet? Discuss the various internet services in brief.

2. What do you ntcan by web projects? Describe the various protocol governing web projects.
3. Explain the Client-Server architecture with diagram
4. Whatis the difference between IDK, JRE, m and JVM?
S. What is an exception? How the exception is handled in java? Differentiate between throw and
6. What is an applet? How do applets differ from application programs? Discuss the life cycle of
7. What is thread? How to create a thread injava?
8. What do you mean by A WT? Explain the ,vorking of A WT.
9. What is the difference between Java and Java Script? \Vrite a Java script function for e-mail address
validation, that is, to check if the content has the general syntax of an e-1nail or not.
10. Mention the usage of private access specifier.
11 . What are Exceptions and how they are handled in java? Explain the ke}'\vords try, catch, throw,
throws and finally with example?
7. What is thread? How to create a thread in java?
8. What do you mean by AWT? Explain the working of A\VT. ®
9. What is the difference between Java and Java Script? \Vrite a Java script function for e-mail address
validation, that is, to check if the content bas the general syntax of an e-1nail or not.
10. Mention the usage of private access specifier.
11 . What arc Exceptions and how they are handled in java? Explain the keywords try, catch, throw,
throws and finally with example?
12. What are Packages in java? How a user defined package is created in java, explain \Vith example?
13. Explain Applet ·with, jt tife cycle. Write a program to demonstrate simple java applet to display any
"image. Compare Applets over ITTML.
14. Explain AWT and its controls: to\v the layout manager manage the A WT controls? Write a" » demonstrate graphics (i.e. line. circle. rectangle etc.) using Frame, Panel, ·and layout
15. Define thread. How to crcaee-a thread in java? Write a program that "executes l\vo threads. One
thread will print the even numbers and cate ' thread wiJI print odd numbers from I to 5
I IDOM ands~ Dynamic HTML - - . . - . --• ,-. -- . ...···.:, -··· - -·- ···o. - · -· - - ···o . - - -· . . . . ..
1. Explain the HTML tags: Table Frame and Forms with the help of suitable examples
ur.lwcnlt',I _ . . , ,
2. Wbatis CSS? What are different ways of creating style sheets?
3. What is XML? Discuss the significance of XML. How is XML different from HTML? Ex·plain the
process of XML parsing. How are they useful?
4. What is DID? What are the differences between external and internal DID? Use suitable example.
5. What is selector? Mention its types.
6. Design a HTML fonn tor a railway reservation system,
7. Explain the anchor and table tag in HTML?
8. What are forms and how the}t_'are created in HTML?
9. Explain the difference between id and class selector in css?
10. Explain well formed and \'alid xmJ?
11 . What is CSS? What are different ways to create them? Explain with exan1ple.
12. Explain the role of DID in xml and also describe its types with an example?
13. Explain CSS. What are the CSS frameworks? Explain in brief. What are the different ways of using
6. Design a HTML form for a railway reservation system.
Explain the anchor and table tag in HTML?
8. What are fonns and how they are created in HTML?
9. Explain the difference behveen id and class selector in css?
l 0. Explain well formed and valid xml?
11 . What is CSS? What are different ways to create them? Ex.p lain with example.
12. Explain the role of DID im xml and also describe its types with an example?
13. Explain CSS. What are the CSS frame,vorks? Explain in brief. What are the different ways of using
the stylesheet? Write a CSS rule that makes all the text 2. 5 times larger than the base font of the
14. Discuss DID. How the DID is different from XSD? Demonstrate to create a XML document of 10
students o f third year. Add their roll nun1bers. marks obtained in 5 subjects, total marks and
percentage and validate using DID.
- -- - . .,
I. Explain the HTML tags: Table Frame and Forms with the help of suitable examples
2. Whatis CSS? What are different ways of creating style sheets? ..
~ CIC I ~ I J
3. What is XML? Discuss the significance of XML. How is XML different from HTML? Explain the
process of XML parsing. How are they useful?
4. What is DID? What are the differences between external and internal DID? Use suitable example.
5. What is selector? Mention its types.
6. Design a HTML fonn for a railway reservation system.
7. Explain the anchor and table tag in HTML?
8. What are fonns and how they are created in HTML?
9. Explain the difference between id and class selector in css?
I 0. Explain well formed and valid xntl?
11 . What is CSS? What are different ways to create them? Explain ,vith example.
12. Explain the role of DTD in xmJ and also describe its types with an exan1ple?
13. Explain CSS. What are the CSS frame,vorks? Explain in brief. What are the different ways of using
the stylesheet? Write a CSS rule that makes all the text 2.5 times larger than the base font of the
5. What is selector? Mention its types.
6. Design a HTML fonn for a railway reservation system. ®
7. Explain the anchor and table tag in HTML?
8. What are forms and how they are created in HTML?
9. Explain the difference behveen id and class selector in css?
I 0. Explain well formed and valid xml?
11 . What is CSS? What are di.fTerent ,vays to create them? Explain ,,rith example.
12. Explain the role of DID in xml and also describe its types with an example?
13. Explain CSS. What are the CSS frameworks? Explain in brief. What are the diOerent ways of using
the stylesheet? Write a CSS rule that makes all the text 2.5 times larger than the base font of the
14. Discuss DID. How the DID is different from XSD? Demonstrate to create a XML document of 10
students of third year. Add their roll numbers. marks obtained in 5 subjects. total marks and
percentage and validate using DTD.
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AJAX, Neh\'orking : Internet Addressing, lnetAddress, Factory Methods, Instance Methods, TC~
C lient Sockets. URL, URL Connection, TCP/IP Server Sockets, Datagram ~
1. What is AJAX? Explain the application of AJAX with the help of suitable examples.
2. Write short notes on:
b) EJB Architecture
c) AWf
3. What are scriptingjanguages and \vhy java script is used? Write a JavaScript function for
validating form data like Mandatory Fields and Email field? Define HTML DOM.
4. Compare Java and JavaScript. Explain and demonstrate 5 different types of objects in
JavaScript with example.
5. Discuss AJAX. Explain the application of AJAX with the help of suitable examples.
6. Discuss Socket and ServerSocket in java with its package. ' Write a program in java to demonstrate,
how the communication is. establish benveen client and server?

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