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Faxpipe/Aircom Outbound Fax Submission API Details

This document describes the process of submitting an outbound fax for processing and delivery.

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This document refers to version 2.01 of the outbound api.

Key Issuance:

Each account can be issued an api-key associated with the accountid. Both will be used for use in
verifying account-status and sending outbound faxes. This key is not issued by default in for accounts in
the retail channel. Customers can make a request to for an account key.

These calls use HMAC authorization. An authorization token is generated as SHA256HMAC(api-key,

Once the value is calculated, then you POST the json payload, your accountid , and the calculated
authorization token

SHA256-HMAC Calculation / Authorization Header creation:

Key Expiry:
Individual accounts each have their own non-expiring api-key. The key will continue to work, but show
‘account inactive’ on a closed or suspended account. Individual keys can be reissued as needed by
Sending a fax:

INPUTS formatted in json

accountid – the customer’s accountid
fromadd – the sending email address we will send status responses to
subject – arbitrary text for the user to identify the email
list(faxnum(s)) – the faxnumber(s) to deliver to – 10 digits each
list(files) the base64-encoded files with filename

json-payload ={
"accountid": "00000",
"fromadd": "",
"subject": "Sample Fax Subject",
"files": {"f1.txt": "b25lIAp0d28KdGhyZWUKZm91cgpBQUFBQQo=",
"f2.pdf": "JV……”}
"faxnums": ["5551234567",”……”]}

Auth-token = SHA256HMAC(api-key, json-payload)

account = copy of customer account id – for retail accounts identical
to above account id
Then you post to with 3 form

json-payload -> apidata

auth-token -> authorization
accountid -> accountid

Json-payload = { “response”:”<faxid>”}

Json-payload = { “error”: “an-error-message”}

All calls with valid inputs to sendfax-auth will attempt to send a

fax. Those that pass authorization check will automatically pass
outbound fax validation. Those that do not automatically pass will go
through fall-back authorization checks (e.g. valid fromadd). You can
submit a blank authorization and (outer) accountid if you wish to send
using fall-back authorization.

It is recommended that you allow the user to configure the api-key,

the from-add and the account id. For FC-referred customers, they will
authenticate and will pass authorization automatically, for non-fc-
refered customers, they will get normal ‘fromadd’ authentication based
on the account id and the from address given.
Finding Account Status
INPUTS formmated in json
accountid: customer account id(e.g. 00000)

json-payload ={
"accountid": "00000",

Auth-token = SHA256HMAC(api-key, json-payload)

accountid = the accountid

Then you post to with 3

form elements:

json-payload -> apidata

auth-token -> authorization
account -> account (for retail accounts, identical to the payload-

Json-payload =
"accountid":<type – see below>,

{“response”: json-payload}

type: (0=unknown, 1=closed, 2=trial, 3=paid )

datecreated: unix timestamp of creation time

This call will respond with 1/2/3 for all accounts made with your reseller ID. For accounts that fail to
authenticate, or for any unexpected error conditions, we will return 0 as a generic error condition.

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